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a custom waybar component for displaying info from MPRIS2 players. It automatically focuses on currently playing music players, and can easily be customized.


When running, the program will pipe out json in waybar's format. Make a custom component in your configuration and set return-type to json, and exec to the path to the program.

Usage of ./waybar-mpris:
      --order string       Element order. (default "SYMBOL:ARTIST:ALBUM:TITLE")
      --pause string       Pause symbol/text to use. (default "")
      --play string        Play symbol/text to use. (default "▶")
      --separator string   Separator string to use between artist, album, and title. (default " - ")
  • Modify the order of components with --order. SYMBOL is the play/paused icon or text, other options are self explanatory.
  • --play/--pause specify the symbols or text to display when music is paused/playing respectively.
  • --separator specifies a string to separate the artist, album and title text.