hyphen/dehyphen conflicted with new migration for email contact
preference, and it's been a while since this has been an issue so i've
just commented it out for now.
Discord, Email & Telegram can be enabled, although email is always
enabled right now (will fix). Also apparently markdown hyperlinks don't
work in Discord, eventually will implement something to convert them to
usedBy is still stored as a string in invites.json to cope with existing
invites with times stored formatted. knz/strtime requires cgo for
strptime, so it has been replaced with the native itchyny/timefmt-go.
If enabled, jfa-go pings buildrone (hosted at builds.hrfee.pw) every 30
min for new updates. If there is one, it gets information (and if
applicable, a binary) from the appropriate source (buildrone, github, or
dockerhub) and displays it on the admin page. You can switch update
channels between stable and unstable. For binary releases, updates are
downloaded automatically and installed when the user presses update.
Since this obviously introduces some "phone-home" functionality into
jfa-go, I just want to say IPs are not and will not be logged by
buildrone, although I may later introduce functionality to give a rough
idea of the number of users (again, no IPs stored). The whole thing can
also be turned off in settings.
this will add an optional validity period to users, where their account
will be disabled (or deleted) a specified amount of time after they
created it.
the email preview no longer has a delay after each change. This also
avoids a race condition in which the email currently being edited could
be actually sent.
After selecting users in the accounts tab, you can press 'Announce',
then write a subject and message (with markdown), and an email will be
sent to each selected user.
Merge new setup wizard
This is much more up-to-date than the previous setup page, with a new
design and previously missing/new settings. Currently only available in
english (hopefully that changes soon).
also fixes conflict in _post.
Also make store each setting as classes in a settings object, to make it
easier to serialize on submitting. Also, added
"substitute_jellyfin_strings", "no_username" and welcome_email.