mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2025-02-22 09:40:11 +00:00

Move email rendering to browser

the email preview no longer has a delay after each change. This also
avoids a race condition in which the email currently being edited could
be actually sent.
This commit is contained in:
Harvey Tindall 2021-02-22 00:43:36 +00:00
parent d1b1b90de3
commit 52d9cda61a
Signed by: hrfee
GPG Key ID: BBC65952848FB1A2
8 changed files with 150 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ I chose to rewrite the python [jellyfin-accounts](https://github.com/hrfee/jelly
* Email addresses can optionally be used instead of usernames
* 🔑 Password resets: When user's forget their passwords and request a change in Jellyfin, jfa-go reads the PIN from the created file and sends it straight to the user via email.
* Notifications: Get notified when someone creates an account, or an invite expires.
* 📣 Announcements: Bulk email you users with announcements about your server.
* 📣 Announcements: Bulk email your users with announcements about your server.
* Authentication via Jellyfin: Instead of using separate credentials for jfa-go and Jellyfin, jfa-go can use it as the authentication provider.
* Enables the usage of jfa-go by multiple people
* 🌓 Customizable look

View File

@ -1375,87 +1375,9 @@ func (app *appContext) SetEmailState(gc *gin.Context) {
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Render and return an email for testing purposes.
// @Summary Returns the custom email (generating it if not set) and list of used variables in it.
// @Produce json
// @Param customEmail body customEmail true "Content = email (in markdown)."
// @Success 200 {object} Email
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /config/emails/{id}/test [post]
// @tags Configuration
func (app *appContext) GetTestEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
var req customEmail
if req.Content == "" {
app.debug.Println("Test failed: Content was empty")
respondBool(400, false, gc)
id := gc.Param("id")
var msg *Email
var err error
var cache customEmail
var restore func(cache customEmail)
username := app.storage.lang.Email[app.storage.lang.chosenEmailLang].Strings.get("username")
emailAddress := app.storage.lang.Email[app.storage.lang.chosenEmailLang].Strings.get("emailAddress")
if id == "UserCreated" {
cache = app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated
restore = func(cache customEmail) { app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated = cache }
app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated.Content = req.Content
app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated.Enabled = true
msg, err = app.email.constructCreated("xxxxxx", username, emailAddress, Invite{}, app, false)
} else if id == "InviteExpiry" {
cache = app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry
restore = func(cache customEmail) { app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry = cache }
app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry.Content = req.Content
app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry.Enabled = true
msg, err = app.email.constructExpiry("xxxxxx", Invite{}, app, false)
} else if id == "PasswordReset" {
cache = app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset
restore = func(cache customEmail) { app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset = cache }
app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset.Content = req.Content
app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset.Enabled = true
msg, err = app.email.constructReset(PasswordReset{Pin: "12-34-56", Username: username}, app, false)
} else if id == "UserDeleted" {
cache = app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted
restore = func(cache customEmail) { app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted = cache }
app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted.Content = req.Content
app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted.Enabled = true
msg, err = app.email.constructDeleted(app.storage.lang.Email[app.storage.lang.chosenEmailLang].UserDeleted.get("reason"), app, false)
} else if id == "InviteEmail" {
cache = app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail
restore = func(cache customEmail) { app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail = cache }
app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail.Content = req.Content
app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail.Enabled = true
msg, err = app.email.constructInvite("xxxxxx", Invite{}, app, false)
} else if id == "WelcomeEmail" {
cache = app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail
restore = func(cache customEmail) { app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail = cache }
app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail.Content = req.Content
app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail.Enabled = true
msg, err = app.email.constructWelcome(username, app, false)
} else if id == "EmailConfirmation" {
cache = app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation
restore = func(cache customEmail) { app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation = cache }
app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation.Content = req.Content
app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation.Enabled = true
msg, err = app.email.constructConfirmation("xxxxxx", username, "xxxxxx", app, false)
} else {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
if err != nil {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct test email: %s", err)
gc.JSON(200, msg)
// @Summary Returns the boilerplate email and list of used variables in it.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} customEmail
// @Success 200 {object} customEmailDTO
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /config/emails/{id} [get]
@ -1466,8 +1388,11 @@ func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
var err error
var msg *Email
var variables []string
var values map[string]interface{}
var writeVars func(variables []string)
newEmail := false
username := app.storage.lang.Email[app.storage.lang.chosenEmailLang].Strings.get("username")
emailAddress := app.storage.lang.Email[app.storage.lang.chosenEmailLang].Strings.get("emailAddress")
if id == "UserCreated" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated.Content
if content == "" {
@ -1478,6 +1403,7 @@ func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
variables = app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated.Variables
writeVars = func(variables []string) { app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated.Variables = variables }
values = app.email.createdValues("xxxxxx", username, emailAddress, Invite{}, app, false)
// app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated = content
} else if id == "InviteExpiry" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry.Content
@ -1489,6 +1415,7 @@ func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
variables = app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry.Variables
writeVars = func(variables []string) { app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry.Variables = variables }
values = app.email.expiryValues("xxxxxx", Invite{}, app, false)
// app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry = content
} else if id == "PasswordReset" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset.Content
@ -1500,6 +1427,7 @@ func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
variables = app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset.Variables
writeVars = func(variables []string) { app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset.Variables = variables }
values = app.email.resetValues(PasswordReset{Pin: "12-34-56", Username: username}, app, false)
// app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset = content
} else if id == "UserDeleted" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted.Content
@ -1511,6 +1439,7 @@ func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
variables = app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted.Variables
writeVars = func(variables []string) { app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted.Variables = variables }
values = app.email.deletedValues(app.storage.lang.Email[app.storage.lang.chosenEmailLang].UserDeleted.get("reason"), app, false)
// app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted = content
} else if id == "InviteEmail" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail.Content
@ -1522,6 +1451,7 @@ func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
variables = app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail.Variables
writeVars = func(variables []string) { app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail.Variables = variables }
values = app.email.inviteValues("xxxxxx", Invite{}, app, false)
// app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail = content
} else if id == "WelcomeEmail" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail.Content
@ -1534,6 +1464,7 @@ func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
writeVars = func(variables []string) { app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail.Variables = variables }
// app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail = content
values = app.email.welcomeValues(username, app, false)
} else if id == "EmailConfirmation" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation.Content
if content == "" {
@ -1544,6 +1475,7 @@ func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
variables = app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation.Variables
writeVars = func(variables []string) { app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation.Variables = variables }
values = app.email.confirmationValues("xxxxxx", username, "xxxxxx", app, false)
// app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation = content
} else {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
@ -1577,7 +1509,12 @@ func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
gc.JSON(200, customEmail{Content: content, Variables: variables})
email, err := app.email.constructTemplate("", "<div id=\"preview-content\"></div>", app)
if err != nil {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
gc.JSON(200, customEmailDTO{Content: content, Variables: variables, Values: values, HTML: email.HTML})
// @Summary Logout by deleting refresh token from cookies.

View File

@ -212,11 +212,7 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) construct(app *appContext, section, keyFragment string,
func (emailer *Emailer) constructConfirmation(code, username, key string, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("email_confirmation").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.EmailConfirmation.get("title")),
var err error
func (emailer *Emailer) confirmationValues(code, username, key string, app *appContext, noSub bool) map[string]interface{} {
template := map[string]interface{}{
"clickBelow": emailer.lang.EmailConfirmation.get("clickBelow"),
"ifItWasNotYou": emailer.lang.Strings.get("ifItWasNotYou"),
@ -238,6 +234,15 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructConfirmation(code, username, key string, app *a
template["confirmationURL"] = inviteLink
template["message"] = message
return template
func (emailer *Emailer) constructConfirmation(code, username, key string, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("email_confirmation").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.EmailConfirmation.get("title")),
var err error
template := emailer.confirmationValues(code, username, key, app, noSub)
if app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation.Enabled {
content := app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation.Content
for _, v := range app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation.Variables {
@ -274,10 +279,7 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructTemplate(subject, md string, app *appContext) (
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructInvite(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("email_confirmation").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.InviteEmail.get("title")),
func (emailer *Emailer) inviteValues(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) map[string]interface{} {
expiry := invite.ValidTill
d, t, expiresIn := emailer.formatExpiry(expiry, false, app.datePattern, app.timePattern)
message := app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
@ -304,6 +306,14 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructInvite(code string, invite Invite, app *appCont
template["inviteURL"] = inviteLink
template["message"] = message
return template
func (emailer *Emailer) constructInvite(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("email_confirmation").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.InviteEmail.get("title")),
template := emailer.inviteValues(code, invite, app, noSub)
var err error
if app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail.Enabled {
content := app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail.Content
@ -323,10 +333,7 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructInvite(code string, invite Invite, app *appCont
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructExpiry(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.get("title"),
func (emailer *Emailer) expiryValues(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) map[string]interface{} {
expiry := app.formatDatetime(invite.ValidTill)
template := map[string]interface{}{
"inviteExpired": emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.get("inviteExpired"),
@ -339,7 +346,15 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructExpiry(code string, invite Invite, app *appCont
} else {
template["expiredAt"] = emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.template("expiredAt", tmpl{"code": template["code"].(string), "time": template["time"].(string)})
return template
func (emailer *Emailer) constructExpiry(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.get("title"),
var err error
template := emailer.expiryValues(code, invite, app, noSub)
if app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry.Enabled {
content := app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry.Content
for _, v := range app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry.Variables {
@ -358,10 +373,7 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructExpiry(code string, invite Invite, app *appCont
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructCreated(code, username, address string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: emailer.lang.UserCreated.get("title"),
func (emailer *Emailer) createdValues(code, username, address string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) map[string]interface{} {
template := map[string]interface{}{
"nameString": emailer.lang.Strings.get("name"),
"addressString": emailer.lang.Strings.get("emailAddress"),
@ -389,6 +401,14 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructCreated(code, username, address string, invite
template["time"] = created
template["notificationNotice"] = emailer.lang.UserCreated.get("notificationNotice")
return template
func (emailer *Emailer) constructCreated(code, username, address string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: emailer.lang.UserCreated.get("title"),
template := emailer.createdValues(code, username, address, invite, app, noSub)
var err error
if app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated.Enabled {
content := app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated.Content
@ -408,10 +428,7 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructCreated(code, username, address string, invite
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructReset(pwr PasswordReset, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("password_resets").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.PasswordReset.get("title")),
func (emailer *Emailer) resetValues(pwr PasswordReset, app *appContext, noSub bool) map[string]interface{} {
d, t, expiresIn := emailer.formatExpiry(pwr.Expiry, true, app.datePattern, app.timePattern)
message := app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
template := map[string]interface{}{
@ -438,6 +455,14 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructReset(pwr PasswordReset, app *appContext, noSub
template["pin"] = pwr.Pin
template["message"] = message
return template
func (emailer *Emailer) constructReset(pwr PasswordReset, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("password_resets").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.PasswordReset.get("title")),
template := emailer.resetValues(pwr, app, noSub)
var err error
if app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset.Enabled {
content := app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset.Content
@ -457,10 +482,7 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructReset(pwr PasswordReset, app *appContext, noSub
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructDeleted(reason string, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("deletion").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.UserDeleted.get("title")),
func (emailer *Emailer) deletedValues(reason string, app *appContext, noSub bool) map[string]interface{} {
template := map[string]interface{}{
"yourAccountWasDeleted": emailer.lang.UserDeleted.get("yourAccountWasDeleted"),
"reasonString": emailer.lang.UserDeleted.get("reason"),
@ -475,7 +497,15 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructDeleted(reason string, app *appContext, noSub b
template["reason"] = reason
template["message"] = app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
return template
func (emailer *Emailer) constructDeleted(reason string, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("deletion").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.UserDeleted.get("title")),
var err error
template := emailer.deletedValues(reason, app, noSub)
if app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted.Enabled {
content := app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted.Content
for _, v := range app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted.Variables {
@ -494,10 +524,7 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructDeleted(reason string, app *appContext, noSub b
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructWelcome(username string, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.WelcomeEmail.get("title")),
func (emailer *Emailer) welcomeValues(username string, app *appContext, noSub bool) map[string]interface{} {
template := map[string]interface{}{
"welcome": emailer.lang.WelcomeEmail.get("welcome"),
"youCanLoginWith": emailer.lang.WelcomeEmail.get("youCanLoginWith"),
@ -515,7 +542,15 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructWelcome(username string, app *appContext, noSub
template["username"] = username
template["message"] = app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
return template
func (emailer *Emailer) constructWelcome(username string, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
Subject: app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.WelcomeEmail.get("title")),
var err error
template := emailer.welcomeValues(username, app, noSub)
if app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail.Enabled {
content := app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail.Content
for _, v := range app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail.Variables {

View File

@ -189,3 +189,10 @@ type emailSetDTO struct {
type emailTestDTO struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
type customEmailDTO struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
Variables []string `json:"variables"`
Values map[string]interface{} `json:"values"`
HTML string `json:"html"`

package-lock.json generated
View File

@ -12,6 +12,14 @@
"regenerator-runtime": "^0.13.4"
"@ts-stack/markdown": {
"version": "1.3.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/@ts-stack/markdown/download/@ts-stack/markdown-1.3.0.tgz",
"integrity": "sha1-OdkuDifo9w6Ba3L/EzaO6HWWe+o=",
"requires": {
"tslib": "^2.0.0"
"@types/node": {
"version": "14.14.16",
"resolved": "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/@types/node/download/@types/node-14.14.16.tgz?cache=0&sync_timestamp=1608756036972&other_urls=https%3A%2F%2Fregistry.npm.taobao.org%2F%40types%2Fnode%2Fdownload%2F%40types%2Fnode-14.14.16.tgz",
@ -228,9 +236,9 @@
"integrity": "sha1-vfpzUplmTfr9NFKe1PhSKidf6lY="
"esbuild": {
"version": "0.8.49",
"resolved": "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/esbuild/download/esbuild-0.8.49.tgz",
"integrity": "sha1-PTP3GzlmYR+CLPTIOBFfP70W3vI="
"version": "0.8.50",
"resolved": "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/esbuild/download/esbuild-0.8.50.tgz",
"integrity": "sha1-6/JP3gza0aNpeJ3W/XqCCwoB5Gw="
"escalade": {
"version": "3.1.1",
@ -1463,6 +1471,11 @@
"safe-buffer": "~5.1.0"
"tslib": {
"version": "2.1.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/tslib/download/tslib-2.1.0.tgz?cache=0&sync_timestamp=1609887446200&other_urls=https%3A%2F%2Fregistry.npm.taobao.org%2Ftslib%2Fdownload%2Ftslib-2.1.0.tgz",
"integrity": "sha1-2mCGDxwuyqVwOrfTm8Bba/mIuXo="
"typescript": {
"version": "4.1.3",
"resolved": "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/typescript/download/typescript-4.1.3.tgz?cache=0&sync_timestamp=1609830171931&other_urls=https%3A%2F%2Fregistry.npm.taobao.org%2Ftypescript%2Fdownload%2Ftypescript-4.1.3.tgz",

View File

@ -17,8 +17,9 @@
"homepage": "https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go#readme",
"dependencies": {
"@ts-stack/markdown": "^1.3.0",
"a17t": "^0.4.0",
"esbuild": "^0.8.49",
"esbuild": "^0.8.50",
"lodash": "^4.17.19",
"mjml": "^4.8.0",
"remixicon": "^2.5.0",

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { _get, _post, toggleLoader } from "../modules/common.js";
import { Marked } from "@ts-stack/markdown";
interface settingsBoolEvent extends Event {
detail: boolean;
@ -680,6 +681,8 @@ interface Email {
interface templateEmail {
content: string;
variables: string[];
values: { [key: string]: string };
html: string;
interface emailListEl {
@ -691,13 +694,14 @@ class EmailEditor {
private _currentID: string;
private _names: { [id: string]: emailListEl };
private _content: string;
private _templ: templateEmail;
private _form = document.getElementById("form-editor") as HTMLFormElement;
private _header = document.getElementById("header-editor") as HTMLSpanElement;
private _variables = document.getElementById("editor-variables") as HTMLDivElement;
private _textArea = document.getElementById("textarea-editor") as HTMLTextAreaElement;
private _preview = document.getElementById("editor-preview") as HTMLDivElement;
private _timeout: number;
private _finishInterval = 1000;
// private _timeout: number;
// private _finishInterval = 200;
insert = (textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, text: string) => { // https://kubyshkin.name/posts/insert-text-into-textarea-at-cursor-position <3
const isSuccess = document.execCommand("insertText", false, text);
@ -728,23 +732,25 @@ class EmailEditor {
if (this._names[id] !== undefined) {
this._header.textContent = this._names[id].name;
const templ = req.response as templateEmail;
this._textArea.value = templ.content;
this._templ = req.response as templateEmail;
this._textArea.value = this._templ.content;
this._preview.innerHTML = this._templ.html;
this._content = templ.content;
this._content = this._templ.content;
const colors = ["info", "urge", "positive", "neutral"];
let innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < templ.variables.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < this._templ.variables.length; i++) {
let ci = i % colors.length;
innerHTML += '<span class="button ~' + colors[ci] +' !normal mb-1" style="margin-left: 0.25rem; margin-right: 0.25rem;"></span>'
this._variables.innerHTML = innerHTML
const buttons = this._variables.querySelectorAll("span.button") as NodeListOf<HTMLSpanElement>;
for (let i = 0; i < templ.variables.length; i++) {
buttons[i].innerHTML = `<span class="monospace">` + templ.variables[i] + `</span>`;
for (let i = 0; i < this._templ.variables.length; i++) {
buttons[i].innerHTML = `<span class="monospace">` + this._templ.variables[i] + `</span>`;
buttons[i].onclick = () => {
this.insert(this._textArea, templ.variables[i]);
this._timeout = setTimeout(this.loadPreview, this._finishInterval);
this.insert(this._textArea, this._templ.variables[i]);
// this._timeout = setTimeout(this.loadPreview, this._finishInterval);
@ -752,15 +758,23 @@ class EmailEditor {
loadPreview = () => {
_post("/config/emails/" + this._currentID + "/test", { "content": this._textArea.value }, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
if (req.status != 200) {
window.notifications.customError("loadTemplateError", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs"));
this._preview.innerHTML = (req.response as Email).html;
}, true);
let content = this._textArea.value;
for (let variable of this._templ.variables) {
let value = this._templ.values[variable.slice(1, -1)];
if (value === undefined) { value = variable; }
content = content.replace(new RegExp(variable, "g"), value);
content = Marked.parse(content)
document.getElementById("preview-content").innerHTML = content;
// _post("/config/emails/" + this._currentID + "/test", { "content": this._textArea.value }, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
// if (req.readyState == 4) {
// if (req.status != 200) {
// window.notifications.customError("loadTemplateError", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs"));
// return;
// }
// this._preview.innerHTML = (req.response as Email).html;
// }
// }, true);
showList = () => {
@ -809,12 +823,13 @@ class EmailEditor {
constructor() {
this._textArea.onkeyup = () => {
this._timeout = setTimeout(this.loadPreview, this._finishInterval);
this._textArea.onkeydown = () => {
// clearTimeout(this._timeout);
// this._timeout = setTimeout(this.loadPreview, this._finishInterval);
// this._textArea.onkeydown = () => {
// clearTimeout(this._timeout);
// };
this._form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => {
if (this._textArea.value == this._content) {

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
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