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(Rough) Timeline of events related to the NHS Covid-19 App

  • 22 April: App starts being tested on an RAF base in North Yorkshire (link)
  • 4 (5th?) May: Contact tracing app starts being tested on the Isle of Wight of both proprietary NHSX technology and Apple/Google API (link)
    • NHSX tech only registered 75% of Android & 4% of Apple devices, Apple/Google got 99% of each (link)
    • Apple/Google APIs are generally seen as more privacy-sensitive
  • Sometime in May: NHSX tech abandoned for Apple/Google APIs
  • 13 Aug: Trial of new app in Isle of Wight + Volunteers elsewhere (and in Newham, apparently) (link)
    • Seems to be first time QR check-in was added
  • 24 Sept: Contact tracing app launches in England & Wales (link)