mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 15:50:11 +00:00
mautrix-go now include a cryptohelper package, which solves all my issues and just works. the setting is now on by default, however packages are not yet built with it.
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package main
import (
lm "github.com/hrfee/jfa-go/logmessages"
// @Summary Get a list of email names and IDs.
// @Produce json
// @Param lang query string false "Language for email titles."
// @Success 200 {object} emailListDTO
// @Router /config/emails [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Configuration
func (app *appContext) GetCustomContent(gc *gin.Context) {
lang := gc.Query("lang")
if _, ok := app.storage.lang.Email[lang]; !ok {
lang = app.storage.lang.chosenEmailLang
adminLang := lang
if _, ok := app.storage.lang.Admin[lang]; !ok {
adminLang = app.storage.lang.chosenAdminLang
list := emailListDTO{
"UserCreated": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].UserCreated["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("UserCreated").Enabled},
"InviteExpiry": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].InviteExpiry["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("InviteExpiry").Enabled},
"PasswordReset": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].PasswordReset["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("PasswordReset").Enabled},
"UserDeleted": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].UserDeleted["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("UserDeleted").Enabled},
"UserDisabled": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].UserDisabled["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("UserDisabled").Enabled},
"UserEnabled": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].UserEnabled["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("UserEnabled").Enabled},
"UserExpiryAdjusted": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].UserExpiryAdjusted["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("UserExpiryAdjusted").Enabled},
"InviteEmail": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].InviteEmail["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("InviteEmail").Enabled},
"WelcomeEmail": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].WelcomeEmail["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("WelcomeEmail").Enabled},
"EmailConfirmation": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].EmailConfirmation["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("EmailConfirmation").Enabled},
"UserExpired": {Name: app.storage.lang.Email[lang].UserExpired["name"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("UserExpired").Enabled},
"UserLogin": {Name: app.storage.lang.Admin[adminLang].Strings["userPageLogin"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("UserLogin").Enabled},
"UserPage": {Name: app.storage.lang.Admin[adminLang].Strings["userPagePage"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("UserPage").Enabled},
"PostSignupCard": {Name: app.storage.lang.Admin[adminLang].Strings["postSignupCard"], Enabled: app.storage.MustGetCustomContentKey("PostSignupCard").Enabled, Description: app.storage.lang.Admin[adminLang].Strings["postSignupCardDescription"]},
filter := gc.Query("filter")
if filter == "user" {
list = emailListDTO{"UserLogin": list["UserLogin"], "UserPage": list["UserPage"]}
} else {
delete(list, "UserLogin")
delete(list, "UserPage")
gc.JSON(200, list)
// @Summary Sets the corresponding custom content.
// @Produce json
// @Param CustomContent body CustomContent true "Content = email (in markdown)."
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param id path string true "ID of content"
// @Router /config/emails/{id} [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Configuration
func (app *appContext) SetCustomMessage(gc *gin.Context) {
var req CustomContent
id := gc.Param("id")
if req.Content == "" {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
message, ok := app.storage.GetCustomContentKey(id)
if !ok {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
message.Content = req.Content
message.Enabled = true
app.storage.SetCustomContentKey(id, message)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Enable/Disable custom content.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param enable/disable path string true "enable/disable"
// @Param id path string true "ID of email"
// @Router /config/emails/{id}/state/{enable/disable} [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Configuration
func (app *appContext) SetCustomMessageState(gc *gin.Context) {
id := gc.Param("id")
s := gc.Param("state")
enabled := false
if s == "enable" {
enabled = true
} else if s != "disable" {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
message, ok := app.storage.GetCustomContentKey(id)
if !ok {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
message.Enabled = enabled
app.storage.SetCustomContentKey(id, message)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Returns the custom content/message (generating it if not set) and list of used variables in it.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} customEmailDTO
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param id path string true "ID of email"
// @Router /config/emails/{id} [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Configuration
func (app *appContext) GetCustomMessageTemplate(gc *gin.Context) {
lang := app.storage.lang.chosenEmailLang
id := gc.Param("id")
var content string
var err error
var msg *Message
var variables []string
var conditionals []string
var values map[string]interface{}
username := app.storage.lang.Email[lang].Strings.get("username")
emailAddress := app.storage.lang.Email[lang].Strings.get("emailAddress")
customMessage, ok := app.storage.GetCustomContentKey(id)
if !ok && id != "Announcement" {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetCustomMessage, id)
respondBool(400, false, gc)
if id == "WelcomeEmail" {
conditionals = []string{"{yourAccountWillExpire}"}
customMessage.Conditionals = conditionals
} else if id == "UserPage" {
variables = []string{"{username}"}
customMessage.Variables = variables
} else if id == "UserLogin" {
variables = []string{}
customMessage.Variables = variables
} else if id == "PostSignupCard" {
variables = []string{"{username}", "{myAccountURL}"}
customMessage.Variables = variables
content = customMessage.Content
noContent := content == ""
if !noContent {
variables = customMessage.Variables
switch id {
case "Announcement":
// Just send the email html
content = ""
case "UserCreated":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructCreated("", "", "", Invite{}, app, true)
values = app.email.createdValues("xxxxxx", username, emailAddress, Invite{}, app, false)
case "InviteExpiry":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructExpiry("", Invite{}, app, true)
values = app.email.expiryValues("xxxxxx", Invite{}, app, false)
case "PasswordReset":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructReset(PasswordReset{}, app, true)
values = app.email.resetValues(PasswordReset{Pin: "12-34-56", Username: username}, app, false)
case "UserDeleted":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructDeleted("", app, true)
values = app.email.deletedValues(app.storage.lang.Email[lang].Strings.get("reason"), app, false)
case "UserDisabled":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructDisabled("", app, true)
values = app.email.deletedValues(app.storage.lang.Email[lang].Strings.get("reason"), app, false)
case "UserEnabled":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructEnabled("", app, true)
values = app.email.deletedValues(app.storage.lang.Email[lang].Strings.get("reason"), app, false)
case "UserExpiryAdjusted":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructExpiryAdjusted("", time.Time{}, "", app, true)
values = app.email.expiryAdjustedValues(username, time.Now(), app.storage.lang.Email[lang].Strings.get("reason"), app, false, true)
case "InviteEmail":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructInvite("", Invite{}, app, true)
values = app.email.inviteValues("xxxxxx", Invite{}, app, false)
case "WelcomeEmail":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructWelcome("", time.Time{}, app, true)
values = app.email.welcomeValues(username, time.Now(), app, false, true)
case "EmailConfirmation":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructConfirmation("", "", "", app, true)
values = app.email.confirmationValues("xxxxxx", username, "xxxxxx", app, false)
case "UserExpired":
if noContent {
msg, err = app.email.constructUserExpired(app, true)
values = app.email.userExpiredValues(app, false)
case "UserLogin", "UserPage", "PostSignupCard":
values = map[string]interface{}{}
if err != nil {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
if noContent && id != "Announcement" && id != "UserPage" && id != "UserLogin" && id != "PostSignupCard" {
content = msg.Text
variables = make([]string, strings.Count(content, "{"))
i := 0
found := false
buf := ""
for _, c := range content {
if !found && c != '{' && c != '}' {
found = true
buf += string(c)
if c == '}' {
found = false
variables[i] = buf
buf = ""
customMessage.Variables = variables
if variables == nil {
variables = []string{}
app.storage.SetCustomContentKey(id, customMessage)
var mail *Message
if id != "UserLogin" && id != "UserPage" && id != "PostSignupCard" {
mail, err = app.email.constructTemplate("", "<div class=\"preview-content\"></div>", app)
if err != nil {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
} else if id == "PostSignupCard" {
// Jankiness follows.
// Source content from "Success Message" setting.
if noContent {
content = "# " + app.storage.lang.User[app.storage.lang.chosenUserLang].Strings.get("successHeader") + "\n" + app.config.Section("ui").Key("success_message").String()
if app.config.Section("user_page").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
content += "\n\n<br>\n" + app.storage.lang.User[app.storage.lang.chosenUserLang].Strings.template("userPageSuccessMessage", tmpl{
"myAccount": "[" + app.storage.lang.User[app.storage.lang.chosenUserLang].Strings.get("myAccount") + "]({myAccountURL})",
mail = &Message{
HTML: "<div class=\"card ~neutral dark:~d_neutral @low\"><div class=\"preview-content\"></div><br><button class=\"button ~urge dark:~d_urge @low full-width center supra submit\">" + app.storage.lang.User[app.storage.lang.chosenUserLang].Strings.get("continue") + "</a></div>",
mail.Markdown = mail.HTML
} else {
mail = &Message{
HTML: "<div class=\"card ~neutral dark:~d_neutral @low preview-content\"></div>",
mail.Markdown = mail.HTML
gc.JSON(200, customEmailDTO{Content: content, Variables: variables, Conditionals: conditionals, Values: values, HTML: mail.HTML, Plaintext: mail.Text})
// @Summary Returns a new Telegram verification PIN, and the bot username.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} telegramPinDTO
// @Router /telegram/pin [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) TelegramGetPin(gc *gin.Context) {
gc.JSON(200, telegramPinDTO{
Token: app.telegram.NewAuthToken(),
Username: app.telegram.username,
// @Summary Link a Jellyfin & Telegram user together via a verification PIN.
// @Produce json
// @Param telegramSetDTO body telegramSetDTO true "Token and user's Jellyfin ID."
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/telegram [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) TelegramAddUser(gc *gin.Context) {
var req telegramSetDTO
if req.Token == "" || req.ID == "" {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
tgToken, ok := app.telegram.TokenVerified(req.Token)
if !ok {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
tgUser := TelegramUser{
ChatID: tgToken.ChatID,
Username: tgToken.Username,
Contact: true,
if lang, ok := app.telegram.languages[tgToken.ChatID]; ok {
tgUser.Lang = lang
app.storage.SetTelegramKey(req.ID, tgUser)
if err := app.js.ModifyNotifications(gc.GetString("jfId"), map[jellyseerr.NotificationsField]any{
jellyseerr.FieldTelegram: tgUser.ChatID,
jellyseerr.FieldTelegramEnabled: tgUser.Contact,
}); err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedSyncContactMethods, lm.Jellyseerr, err)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Sets whether to notify a user through telegram/discord/matrix/email or not.
// @Produce json
// @Param SetContactMethodsDTO body SetContactMethodsDTO true "User's Jellyfin ID and whether or not to notify then through Telegram."
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Success 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Success 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/contact [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) SetContactMethods(gc *gin.Context) {
var req SetContactMethodsDTO
if req.ID == "" {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
app.setContactMethods(req, gc)
func (app *appContext) setContactMethods(req SetContactMethodsDTO, gc *gin.Context) {
jsPrefs := map[jellyseerr.NotificationsField]any{}
if tgUser, ok := app.storage.GetTelegramKey(req.ID); ok {
change := tgUser.Contact != req.Telegram
tgUser.Contact = req.Telegram
app.storage.SetTelegramKey(req.ID, tgUser)
if change {
app.debug.Printf(lm.SetContactPrefForService, lm.Telegram, tgUser.Username, req.Telegram)
jsPrefs[jellyseerr.FieldTelegramEnabled] = req.Telegram
if dcUser, ok := app.storage.GetDiscordKey(req.ID); ok {
change := dcUser.Contact != req.Discord
dcUser.Contact = req.Discord
app.storage.SetDiscordKey(req.ID, dcUser)
if change {
app.debug.Printf(lm.SetContactPrefForService, lm.Discord, dcUser.Username, req.Discord)
jsPrefs[jellyseerr.FieldDiscordEnabled] = req.Discord
if mxUser, ok := app.storage.GetMatrixKey(req.ID); ok {
change := mxUser.Contact != req.Matrix
mxUser.Contact = req.Matrix
app.storage.SetMatrixKey(req.ID, mxUser)
if change {
app.debug.Printf(lm.SetContactPrefForService, lm.Matrix, mxUser.UserID, req.Matrix)
if email, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(req.ID); ok {
change := email.Contact != req.Email
email.Contact = req.Email
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(req.ID, email)
if change {
app.debug.Printf(lm.SetContactPrefForService, lm.Email, email.Addr, req.Email)
jsPrefs[jellyseerr.FieldEmailEnabled] = req.Email
if app.config.Section("jellyseerr").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
err := app.js.ModifyNotifications(req.ID, jsPrefs)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedSyncContactMethods, lm.Jellyseerr, err)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Returns true/false on whether or not a telegram PIN was verified. Requires bearer auth.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Param pin path string true "PIN code to check"
// @Router /telegram/verified/{pin} [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) TelegramVerified(gc *gin.Context) {
pin := gc.Param("pin")
_, ok := app.telegram.TokenVerified(pin)
respondBool(200, ok, gc)
// @Summary Returns true/false on whether or not a telegram PIN was verified. Requires invite code.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Success 401 {object} boolResponse
// @Param pin path string true "PIN code to check"
// @Param invCode path string true "invite Code"
// @Router /invite/{invCode}/telegram/verified/{pin} [get]
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) TelegramVerifiedInvite(gc *gin.Context) {
code := gc.Param("invCode")
if _, ok := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(code); !ok {
respondBool(401, false, gc)
pin := gc.Param("pin")
token, ok := app.telegram.TokenVerified(pin)
if ok && app.config.Section("telegram").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) && app.telegram.UserExists(token.Username) {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
respondBool(200, ok, gc)
// @Summary Returns true/false on whether or not a discord PIN was verified. Requires invite code.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 401 {object} boolResponse
// @Param pin path string true "PIN code to check"
// @Param invCode path string true "invite Code"
// @Router /invite/{invCode}/discord/verified/{pin} [get]
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) DiscordVerifiedInvite(gc *gin.Context) {
code := gc.Param("invCode")
if _, ok := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(code); !ok {
respondBool(401, false, gc)
pin := gc.Param("pin")
user, ok := app.discord.UserVerified(pin)
if ok && app.config.Section("discord").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) && app.discord.UserExists(user.MethodID().(string)) {
delete(app.discord.verifiedTokens, pin)
respondBool(400, false, gc)
respondBool(200, ok, gc)
// @Summary Returns a 10-minute, one-use Discord server invite
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} DiscordInviteDTO
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 401 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param invCode path string true "invite Code"
// @Router /invite/{invCode}/discord/invite [get]
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) DiscordServerInvite(gc *gin.Context) {
if app.discord.InviteChannel.Name == "" {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
code := gc.Param("invCode")
if _, ok := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(code); !ok {
respondBool(401, false, gc)
invURL, iconURL := app.discord.NewTempInvite(10*60, 1)
if invURL == "" {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
gc.JSON(200, DiscordInviteDTO{invURL, iconURL})
// @Summary Generate and send a new PIN to a specified Matrix user.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} stringResponse
// @Failure 401 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param invCode path string true "invite Code"
// @Param MatrixSendPINDTO body MatrixSendPINDTO true "User's Matrix ID."
// @Router /invite/{invCode}/matrix/user [post]
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) MatrixSendPIN(gc *gin.Context) {
code := gc.Param("invCode")
if _, ok := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(code); !ok {
respondBool(401, false, gc)
var req MatrixSendPINDTO
if req.UserID == "" {
respond(400, "errorNoUserID", gc)
if app.config.Section("matrix").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) {
for _, u := range app.storage.GetMatrix() {
if req.UserID == u.UserID {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
ok := app.matrix.SendStart(req.UserID)
if !ok {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Check whether a matrix PIN is valid, and mark the token as verified if so. Requires invite code.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 401 {object} boolResponse
// @Param pin path string true "PIN code to check"
// @Param invCode path string true "invite Code"
// @Param userID path string true "Matrix User ID"
// @Router /invite/{invCode}/matrix/verified/{userID}/{pin} [get]
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) MatrixCheckPIN(gc *gin.Context) {
code := gc.Param("invCode")
if _, ok := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(code); !ok {
app.debug.Printf(lm.InvalidInviteCode, code)
respondBool(401, false, gc)
userID := gc.Param("userID")
pin := gc.Param("pin")
user, ok := app.matrix.tokens[pin]
if !ok {
app.debug.Printf(lm.InvalidPIN, pin)
respondBool(200, false, gc)
if user.User.UserID != userID {
app.debug.Printf(lm.UnauthorizedPIN, pin)
respondBool(200, false, gc)
user.Verified = true
app.matrix.tokens[pin] = user
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Generates a Matrix access token from a username and password.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} stringResponse
// @Failure 401 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param MatrixLoginDTO body MatrixLoginDTO true "Username & password."
// @Router /matrix/login [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) MatrixLogin(gc *gin.Context) {
var req MatrixLoginDTO
if req.Username == "" || req.Password == "" {
respond(400, "errorLoginBlank", gc)
token, err := app.matrix.generateAccessToken(req.Homeserver, req.Username, req.Password)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGenerateToken, err)
respond(401, "Unauthorized", gc)
tempConfig, _ := ini.Load(app.configPath)
matrix := tempConfig.Section("matrix")
if err := tempConfig.SaveTo(app.configPath); err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedWriting, app.configPath, err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Links a Matrix user to a Jellyfin account via user IDs. Notifications are turned on by default.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param MatrixConnectUserDTO body MatrixConnectUserDTO true "User's Jellyfin ID & Matrix user ID."
// @Router /users/matrix [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) MatrixConnect(gc *gin.Context) {
var req MatrixConnectUserDTO
if app.storage.GetMatrix() == nil {
app.storage.deprecatedMatrix = matrixStore{}
roomID, err := app.matrix.CreateRoom(req.UserID)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedCreateRoom, err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.storage.SetMatrixKey(req.JellyfinID, MatrixUser{
UserID: req.UserID,
RoomID: string(roomID),
Lang: "en-us",
Contact: true,
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Returns a list of matching users from a Discord guild, given a username (discriminator optional).
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} DiscordUsersDTO
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param username path string true "username to search."
// @Router /users/discord/{username} [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) DiscordGetUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
name := gc.Param("username")
if name == "" {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
users := app.discord.GetUsers(name)
resp := DiscordUsersDTO{Users: make([]DiscordUserDTO, len(users))}
for i, u := range users {
resp.Users[i] = DiscordUserDTO{
Name: RenderDiscordUsername(u.User),
ID: u.User.ID,
AvatarURL: u.User.AvatarURL("32"),
gc.JSON(200, resp)
// @Summary Links a Discord account to a Jellyfin account via user IDs. Notifications are turned on by default.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param DiscordConnectUserDTO body DiscordConnectUserDTO true "User's Jellyfin ID & Discord ID."
// @Router /users/discord [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) DiscordConnect(gc *gin.Context) {
var req DiscordConnectUserDTO
if req.JellyfinID == "" || req.DiscordID == "" {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
user, ok := app.discord.NewUser(req.DiscordID)
if !ok {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.storage.SetDiscordKey(req.JellyfinID, user)
if err := app.js.ModifyNotifications(req.JellyfinID, map[jellyseerr.NotificationsField]any{
jellyseerr.FieldDiscord: req.DiscordID,
jellyseerr.FieldDiscordEnabled: true,
}); err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedSyncContactMethods, lm.Jellyseerr, err)
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: ActivityContactLinked,
UserID: req.JellyfinID,
SourceType: ActivityAdmin,
Source: gc.GetString("jfId"),
Value: "discord",
Time: time.Now(),
}, gc, false)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary unlink a Discord account from a Jellyfin user. Always succeeds.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Param forUserDTO body forUserDTO true "User's Jellyfin ID."
// @Router /users/discord [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @Tags Users
func (app *appContext) UnlinkDiscord(gc *gin.Context) {
var req forUserDTO
/* user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(req.ID, false)
if req.ID == "" || status != 200 || err != nil {
respond(400, "User not found", gc)
} */
// May not actually remove Discord ID, but should disable interaction.
if err := app.js.ModifyNotifications(gc.GetString("jfId"), map[jellyseerr.NotificationsField]any{
jellyseerr.FieldDiscord: jellyseerr.BogusIdentifier,
jellyseerr.FieldDiscordEnabled: false,
}); err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedSyncContactMethods, lm.Jellyseerr, err)
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: ActivityContactUnlinked,
UserID: req.ID,
SourceType: ActivityAdmin,
Source: gc.GetString("jfId"),
Value: "discord",
Time: time.Now(),
}, gc, false)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary unlink a Telegram account from a Jellyfin user. Always succeeds.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Param forUserDTO body forUserDTO true "User's Jellyfin ID."
// @Router /users/telegram [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @Tags Users
func (app *appContext) UnlinkTelegram(gc *gin.Context) {
var req forUserDTO
/* user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(req.ID, false)
if req.ID == "" || status != 200 || err != nil {
respond(400, "User not found", gc)
} */
if err := app.js.ModifyNotifications(gc.GetString("jfId"), map[jellyseerr.NotificationsField]any{
jellyseerr.FieldTelegram: jellyseerr.BogusIdentifier,
jellyseerr.FieldTelegramEnabled: false,
}); err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedSyncContactMethods, lm.Jellyseerr, err)
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: ActivityContactUnlinked,
UserID: req.ID,
SourceType: ActivityAdmin,
Source: gc.GetString("jfId"),
Value: "telegram",
Time: time.Now(),
}, gc, false)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary unlink a Matrix account from a Jellyfin user. Always succeeds.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Param forUserDTO body forUserDTO true "User's Jellyfin ID."
// @Router /users/matrix [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @Tags Users
func (app *appContext) UnlinkMatrix(gc *gin.Context) {
var req forUserDTO
/* user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(req.ID, false)
if req.ID == "" || status != 200 || err != nil {
respond(400, "User not found", gc)
} */
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: ActivityContactUnlinked,
UserID: req.ID,
SourceType: ActivityAdmin,
Source: gc.GetString("jfId"),
Value: "matrix",
Time: time.Now(),
}, gc, false)
respondBool(200, true, gc)