mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2025-02-18 15:50:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall 14c18bd668
form: rework email confirmation
realized half the info from the signup form wasnt being stored in the JWT
used to create the account after email confirmation, and instead of
adding them, the -whole request- from the browser is stored temporarily
by the server, indexed by a smaller JWT that only includes the invite
code. Someone complained on reddit about me storing the password in the
JWT a while back, and although security-wise that isn't an issue (only
the server can decrypt the token), it doesn't happen anymore. Happy?
2023-06-21 21:14:41 +01:00

1186 lines
39 KiB

package main
import (
// @Summary Creates a new Jellyfin user without an invite.
// @Produce json
// @Param newUserDTO body newUserDTO true "New user request object"
// @Success 200
// @Router /users [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) NewUserAdmin(gc *gin.Context) {
respondUser := func(code int, user, email bool, msg string, gc *gin.Context) {
resp := newUserResponse{
User: user,
Email: email,
Error: msg,
gc.JSON(code, resp)
var req newUserDTO
existingUser, _, _ := app.jf.UserByName(req.Username, false)
if existingUser.Name != "" {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("User already exists named %s", req.Username)
app.info.Printf("%s New user failed: %s", req.Username, msg)
respondUser(401, false, false, msg, gc)
user, status, err := app.jf.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s New user failed (%d): %v", req.Username, status, err)
respondUser(401, false, false, err.Error(), gc)
id := user.ID
if app.storage.policy.BlockedTags != nil {
status, err = app.jf.SetPolicy(id, app.storage.policy)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204 || err == nil) {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to set user policy (%d): %v", req.Username, status, err)
if app.storage.configuration.GroupedFolders != nil && len(app.storage.displayprefs) != 0 {
status, err = app.jf.SetConfiguration(id, app.storage.configuration)
if (status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil {
status, err = app.jf.SetDisplayPreferences(id, app.storage.displayprefs)
if !((status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil) {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to set configuration template (%d): %v", req.Username, status, err)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
if emailEnabled {
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, EmailAddress{Addr: req.Email, Contact: true})
if app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
if len(app.storage.ombi_template) != 0 {
errors, code, err := app.ombi.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password, req.Email, app.storage.ombi_template)
if err != nil || code != 200 {
app.err.Printf("Failed to create Ombi user (%d): %v", code, err)
app.debug.Printf("Errors reported by Ombi: %s", strings.Join(errors, ", "))
} else {
app.info.Println("Created Ombi user")
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && req.Email != "" {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Sending welcome email to %s", req.Username, req.Email)
msg, err := app.email.constructWelcome(req.Username, time.Time{}, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct welcome email: %v", req.Username, err)
respondUser(500, true, false, err.Error(), gc)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, req.Email); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send welcome email: %v", req.Username, err)
respondUser(500, true, false, err.Error(), gc)
} else {
app.info.Printf("%s: Sent welcome email to %s", req.Username, req.Email)
respondUser(200, true, true, "", gc)
type errorFunc func(gc *gin.Context)
// Used on the form & when a users email has been confirmed.
func (app *appContext) newUser(req newUserDTO, confirmed bool) (f errorFunc, success bool) {
existingUser, _, _ := app.jf.UserByName(req.Username, false)
if existingUser.Name != "" {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("User %s already exists", req.Username)
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: %s", req.Code, msg)
respond(401, "errorUserExists", gc)
success = false
var discordUser DiscordUser
discordVerified := false
if discordEnabled {
if req.DiscordPIN == "" {
if app.config.Section("discord").Key("required").MustBool(false) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Discord verification not completed", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorDiscordVerification", gc)
success = false
} else {
discordUser, discordVerified = app.discord.UserVerified(req.DiscordPIN)
if !discordVerified {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Discord PIN was invalid", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorInvalidPIN", gc)
success = false
if app.config.Section("discord").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) {
for _, u := range app.storage.GetDiscord() {
if discordUser.ID == u.ID {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Discord user already linked", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorAccountLinked", gc)
success = false
err := app.discord.ApplyRole(discordUser.ID)
if err != nil {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.err.Printf("%s: New user failed: Failed to set member role: %v", req.Code, err)
respond(401, "error", gc)
success = false
var matrixUser MatrixUser
matrixVerified := false
if matrixEnabled {
if req.MatrixPIN == "" {
if app.config.Section("matrix").Key("required").MustBool(false) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Matrix verification not completed", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorMatrixVerification", gc)
success = false
} else {
user, ok := app.matrix.tokens[req.MatrixPIN]
if !ok || !user.Verified {
matrixVerified = false
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Matrix PIN was invalid", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorInvalidPIN", gc)
success = false
if app.config.Section("matrix").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) {
for _, u := range app.storage.GetMatrix() {
if user.User.UserID == u.UserID {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Matrix user already linked", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorAccountLinked", gc)
success = false
matrixVerified = user.Verified
matrixUser = *user.User
var tgToken TelegramVerifiedToken
telegramVerified := false
if telegramEnabled {
if req.TelegramPIN == "" {
if app.config.Section("telegram").Key("required").MustBool(false) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Telegram verification not completed", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorTelegramVerification", gc)
success = false
} else {
tgToken, telegramVerified = app.telegram.TokenVerified(req.TelegramPIN)
if !telegramVerified {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Telegram PIN was invalid", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorInvalidPIN", gc)
success = false
if app.config.Section("telegram").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) && app.telegram.UserExists(tgToken.Username) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Telegram user already linked", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorAccountLinked", gc)
success = false
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("email_confirmation").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && !confirmed {
claims := jwt.MapClaims{
"valid": true,
"invite": req.Code,
"exp": time.Now().Add(30 * time.Minute).Unix(),
"type": "confirmation",
tk := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, claims)
key, err := tk.SignedString([]byte(os.Getenv("JFA_SECRET")))
if err != nil {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.info.Printf("Failed to generate confirmation token: %v", err)
respond(500, "errorUnknown", gc)
success = false
if app.ConfirmationKeys == nil {
app.ConfirmationKeys = map[string]map[string]newUserDTO{}
cKeys, ok := app.ConfirmationKeys[req.Code]
if !ok {
cKeys = map[string]newUserDTO{}
cKeys[key] = req
app.ConfirmationKeys[req.Code] = cKeys
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Email confirmation required", req.Code)
respond(401, "confirmEmail", gc)
msg, err := app.email.constructConfirmation(req.Code, req.Username, key, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct confirmation email: %v", req.Code, err)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, req.Email); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send user confirmation email: %v", req.Code, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("%s: Sent user confirmation email to \"%s\"", req.Code, req.Email)
success = false
user, status, err := app.jf.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.err.Printf("%s New user failed (%d): %v", req.Code, status, err)
respond(401, app.storage.lang.Admin[app.storage.lang.chosenAdminLang].Notifications.get("errorUnknown"), gc)
success = false
invite, _ := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(req.Code)
app.checkInvite(req.Code, true, req.Username)
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("notifications").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
for address, settings := range invite.Notify {
if settings["notify-creation"] {
go func() {
msg, err := app.email.constructCreated(req.Code, req.Username, req.Email, invite, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct user creation notification: %v", req.Code, err)
} else {
// Check whether notify "address" is an email address of Jellyfin ID
if strings.Contains(address, "@") {
err = app.email.send(msg, address)
} else {
err = app.sendByID(msg, address)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send user creation notification: %v", req.Code, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("Sent user creation notification to %s", address)
id := user.ID
var profile Profile
if invite.Profile != "" {
app.debug.Printf("Applying settings from profile \"%s\"", invite.Profile)
var ok bool
profile, ok = app.storage.profiles[invite.Profile]
if !ok {
profile = app.storage.profiles["Default"]
if profile.Policy.BlockedTags != nil {
app.debug.Printf("Applying policy from profile \"%s\"", invite.Profile)
status, err = app.jf.SetPolicy(id, profile.Policy)
if !((status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil) {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to set user policy (%d): %v", req.Code, status, err)
if profile.Configuration.GroupedFolders != nil && len(profile.Displayprefs) != 0 {
app.debug.Printf("Applying homescreen from profile \"%s\"", invite.Profile)
status, err = app.jf.SetConfiguration(id, profile.Configuration)
if (status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil {
status, err = app.jf.SetDisplayPreferences(id, profile.Displayprefs)
if !((status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil) {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to set configuration template (%d): %v", req.Code, status, err)
// if app.config.Section("password_resets").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
if req.Email != "" {
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, EmailAddress{Addr: req.Email, Contact: true})
expiry := time.Time{}
if invite.UserExpiry {
defer app.storage.usersLock.Unlock()
expiry = time.Now().AddDate(0, invite.UserMonths, invite.UserDays).Add(time.Duration((60*invite.UserHours)+invite.UserMinutes) * time.Minute)
app.storage.users[id] = expiry
if err := app.storage.storeUsers(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to store user duration: %v", err)
if discordVerified {
discordUser.Contact = req.DiscordContact
if app.storage.discord == nil {
app.storage.discord = discordStore{}
app.storage.SetDiscordKey(user.ID, discordUser)
if err := app.storage.storeDiscordUsers(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to store Discord users: %v", err)
} else {
delete(app.discord.verifiedTokens, req.DiscordPIN)
if telegramVerified {
tgUser := TelegramUser{
ChatID: tgToken.ChatID,
Username: tgToken.Username,
Contact: req.TelegramContact,
if lang, ok := app.telegram.languages[tgToken.ChatID]; ok {
tgUser.Lang = lang
if app.storage.telegram == nil {
app.storage.telegram = telegramStore{}
app.storage.SetTelegramKey(user.ID, tgUser)
if invite.Profile != "" && app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
if profile.Ombi != nil && len(profile.Ombi) != 0 {
template := profile.Ombi
errors, code, err := app.ombi.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password, req.Email, template)
if err != nil || code != 200 {
app.info.Printf("Failed to create Ombi user (%d): %s", code, err)
app.debug.Printf("Errors reported by Ombi: %s", strings.Join(errors, ", "))
} else {
app.info.Println("Created Ombi user")
if discordVerified || telegramVerified {
ombiUser, status, err := app.getOmbiUser(id)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get Ombi user (%d): %v", status, err)
} else {
dID := ""
tUser := ""
if discordVerified {
dID = discordUser.ID
if telegramVerified {
u, _ := app.storage.GetTelegramKey(user.ID)
tUser = u.Username
resp, status, err := app.ombi.SetNotificationPrefs(ombiUser, dID, tUser)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to link Telegram/Discord to Ombi (%d): %v", status, err)
app.debug.Printf("Response: %v", resp)
} else {
app.debug.Printf("Skipping Ombi: Profile \"%s\" was empty", invite.Profile)
if matrixVerified {
matrixUser.Contact = req.MatrixContact
delete(app.matrix.tokens, req.MatrixPIN)
if app.storage.matrix == nil {
app.storage.matrix = matrixStore{}
app.storage.SetMatrixKey(user.ID, matrixUser)
if err := app.storage.storeMatrixUsers(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to store Matrix users: %v", err)
if (emailEnabled && app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && req.Email != "") || telegramVerified || discordVerified || matrixVerified {
name := app.getAddressOrName(user.ID)
app.debug.Printf("%s: Sending welcome message to %s", req.Username, name)
msg, err := app.email.constructWelcome(req.Username, expiry, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct welcome message: %v", req.Username, err)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, user.ID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send welcome message: %v", req.Username, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("%s: Sent welcome message to \"%s\"", req.Username, name)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
success = true
// @Summary Creates a new Jellyfin user via invite code
// @Produce json
// @Param newUserDTO body newUserDTO true "New user request object"
// @Success 200 {object} PasswordValidation
// @Failure 400 {object} PasswordValidation
// @Router /newUser [post]
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) NewUser(gc *gin.Context) {
var req newUserDTO
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user attempt", req.Code)
if app.config.Section("captcha").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && !app.verifyCaptcha(req.Code, req.CaptchaID, req.CaptchaText) {
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: Captcha Incorrect", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorCaptcha", gc)
if !app.checkInvite(req.Code, false, "") {
app.info.Printf("%s New user failed: invalid code", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorInvalidCode", gc)
validation := app.validator.validate(req.Password)
valid := true
for _, val := range validation {
if !val {
valid = false
if !valid {
// 200 bcs idk what i did in js
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: Invalid password", req.Code)
gc.JSON(200, validation)
if emailEnabled {
if app.config.Section("email").Key("required").MustBool(false) && !strings.Contains(req.Email, "@") {
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: Email Required", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorNoEmail", gc)
if app.config.Section("email").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) && req.Email != "" {
for _, email := range app.storage.GetEmails() {
if req.Email == email.Addr {
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: Email already in use", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorEmailLinked", gc)
f, success := app.newUser(req, false)
if !success {
code := 200
for _, val := range validation {
if !val {
code = 400
gc.JSON(code, validation)
// @Summary Enable/Disable a list of users, optionally notifying them why.
// @Produce json
// @Param enableDisableUserDTO body enableDisableUserDTO true "User enable/disable request object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} stringResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} errorListDTO "List of errors"
// @Router /users/enable [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) EnableDisableUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
var req enableDisableUserDTO
errors := errorListDTO{
"GetUser": map[string]string{},
"SetPolicy": map[string]string{},
sendMail := messagesEnabled
var msg *Message
var err error
if sendMail {
if req.Enabled {
msg, err = app.email.constructEnabled(req.Reason, app, false)
} else {
msg, err = app.email.constructDisabled(req.Reason, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct account enabled/disabled emails: %v", err)
sendMail = false
for _, userID := range req.Users {
user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(userID, false)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
errors["GetUser"][userID] = fmt.Sprintf("%d %v", status, err)
app.err.Printf("Failed to get user \"%s\" (%d): %v", userID, status, err)
user.Policy.IsDisabled = !req.Enabled
status, err = app.jf.SetPolicy(userID, user.Policy)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
errors["SetPolicy"][userID] = fmt.Sprintf("%d %v", status, err)
app.err.Printf("Failed to set policy for user \"%s\" (%d): %v", userID, status, err)
if sendMail && req.Notify {
if err := app.sendByID(msg, userID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send account enabled/disabled email: %v", err)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
if len(errors["GetUser"]) != 0 || len(errors["SetPolicy"]) != 0 {
gc.JSON(500, errors)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Delete a list of users, optionally notifying them why.
// @Produce json
// @Param deleteUserDTO body deleteUserDTO true "User deletion request object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} stringResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} errorListDTO "List of errors"
// @Router /users [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) DeleteUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
var req deleteUserDTO
errors := map[string]string{}
ombiEnabled := app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
sendMail := messagesEnabled
var msg *Message
var err error
if sendMail {
msg, err = app.email.constructDeleted(req.Reason, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct account deletion emails: %v", err)
sendMail = false
for _, userID := range req.Users {
if ombiEnabled {
ombiUser, code, err := app.getOmbiUser(userID)
if code == 200 && err == nil {
if id, ok := ombiUser["id"]; ok {
status, err := app.ombi.DeleteUser(id.(string))
if err != nil || status != 200 {
app.err.Printf("Failed to delete ombi user (%d): %v", status, err)
errors[userID] = fmt.Sprintf("Ombi: %d %v, ", status, err)
status, err := app.jf.DeleteUser(userID)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%d: %v", status, err)
if _, ok := errors[userID]; !ok {
errors[userID] = msg
} else {
errors[userID] += msg
if sendMail && req.Notify {
if err := app.sendByID(msg, userID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send account deletion email: %v", err)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
if len(errors) == len(req.Users) {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.err.Printf("Account deletion failed: %s", errors[req.Users[0]])
} else if len(errors) != 0 {
gc.JSON(500, errors)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Extend time before the user(s) expiry, or create and expiry if it doesn't exist.
// @Produce json
// @Param extendExpiryDTO body extendExpiryDTO true "Extend expiry object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/extend [post]
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) ExtendExpiry(gc *gin.Context) {
var req extendExpiryDTO
app.info.Printf("Expiry extension requested for %d user(s)", len(req.Users))
if req.Months <= 0 && req.Days <= 0 && req.Hours <= 0 && req.Minutes <= 0 {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
defer app.storage.usersLock.Unlock()
for _, id := range req.Users {
if expiry, ok := app.storage.users[id]; ok {
app.storage.users[id] = expiry.AddDate(0, req.Months, req.Days).Add(time.Duration(((60 * req.Hours) + req.Minutes)) * time.Minute)
app.debug.Printf("Expiry extended for \"%s\"", id)
} else {
app.storage.users[id] = time.Now().AddDate(0, req.Months, req.Days).Add(time.Duration(((60 * req.Hours) + req.Minutes)) * time.Minute)
app.debug.Printf("Created expiry for \"%s\"", id)
if err := app.storage.storeUsers(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to store user duration: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Send an announcement via email to a given list of users.
// @Produce json
// @Param announcementDTO body announcementDTO true "Announcement request object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/announce [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) Announce(gc *gin.Context) {
var req announcementDTO
if !messagesEnabled {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
// Generally, we only need to construct once. If {username} is included, however, this needs to be done for each user.
unique := strings.Contains(req.Message, "{username}")
if unique {
for _, userID := range req.Users {
user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(userID, false)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get user with ID \"%s\" (%d): %v", userID, status, err)
msg, err := app.email.constructTemplate(req.Subject, req.Message, app, user.Name)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct announcement message: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, userID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send announcement message: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
} else {
msg, err := app.email.constructTemplate(req.Subject, req.Message, app)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct announcement messages: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, req.Users...); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send announcement messages: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.info.Println("Sent announcement messages")
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Save an announcement as a template for use or editing later.
// @Produce json
// @Param announcementTemplate body announcementTemplate true "Announcement request object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/announce/template [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) SaveAnnounceTemplate(gc *gin.Context) {
var req announcementTemplate
if !messagesEnabled {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
app.storage.announcements[req.Name] = req
if err := app.storage.storeAnnouncements(); err != nil {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.err.Printf("Failed to store announcement templates: %v", err)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Save an announcement as a template for use or editing later.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} getAnnouncementsDTO
// @Router /users/announce/template [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) GetAnnounceTemplates(gc *gin.Context) {
resp := &getAnnouncementsDTO{make([]string, len(app.storage.announcements))}
i := 0
for name := range app.storage.announcements {
resp.Announcements[i] = name
gc.JSON(200, resp)
// @Summary Get an announcement template.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} announcementTemplate
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Param name path string true "name of template"
// @Router /users/announce/template/{name} [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) GetAnnounceTemplate(gc *gin.Context) {
name := gc.Param("name")
if announcement, ok := app.storage.announcements[name]; ok {
gc.JSON(200, announcement)
respondBool(400, false, gc)
// @Summary Delete an announcement template.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param name path string true "name of template"
// @Router /users/announce/template/{name} [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) DeleteAnnounceTemplate(gc *gin.Context) {
name := gc.Param("name")
delete(app.storage.announcements, name)
if err := app.storage.storeAnnouncements(); err != nil {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.err.Printf("Failed to store announcement templates: %v", err)
respondBool(200, false, gc)
// @Summary Generate password reset links for a list of users, sending the links to them if possible.
// @Produce json
// @Param AdminPasswordResetDTO body AdminPasswordResetDTO true "List of user IDs"
// @Success 204 {object} boolResponse
// @Success 200 {object} AdminPasswordResetRespDTO
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/password-reset [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) AdminPasswordReset(gc *gin.Context) {
var req AdminPasswordResetDTO
if req.Users == nil || len(req.Users) == 0 {
app.debug.Println("Ignoring empty request for PWR")
respondBool(400, false, gc)
linkCount := 0
var pwr InternalPWR
var err error
resp := AdminPasswordResetRespDTO{}
for _, id := range req.Users {
pwr, err = app.GenInternalReset(id)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get user from Jellyfin: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
if app.internalPWRs == nil {
app.internalPWRs = map[string]InternalPWR{}
app.internalPWRs[pwr.PIN] = pwr
sendAddress := app.getAddressOrName(id)
if sendAddress == "" || len(req.Users) == 1 {
resp.Link, err = app.GenResetLink(pwr.PIN)
if sendAddress == "" {
resp.Manual = true
if sendAddress != "" {
msg, err := app.email.constructReset(
Pin: pwr.PIN,
Username: pwr.Username,
Expiry: pwr.Expiry,
Internal: true,
}, app, false,
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct password reset message for \"%s\": %v", pwr.Username, err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, id); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send password reset message to \"%s\": %v", sendAddress, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("Sent password reset message to \"%s\"", sendAddress)
if resp.Link != "" && linkCount == 1 {
gc.JSON(200, resp)
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Get a list of Jellyfin users.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} getUsersDTO
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /users [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) GetUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Println("Users requested")
var resp getUsersDTO
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
resp.UserList = make([]respUser, len(users))
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc)
adminOnly := app.config.Section("ui").Key("admin_only").MustBool(true)
allowAll := app.config.Section("ui").Key("allow_all").MustBool(false)
i := 0
defer app.storage.usersLock.Unlock()
for _, jfUser := range users {
user := respUser{
ID: jfUser.ID,
Name: jfUser.Name,
Admin: jfUser.Policy.IsAdministrator,
Disabled: jfUser.Policy.IsDisabled,
if !jfUser.LastActivityDate.IsZero() {
user.LastActive = jfUser.LastActivityDate.Unix()
if email, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(jfUser.ID); ok {
user.Email = email.Addr
user.NotifyThroughEmail = email.Contact
user.Label = email.Label
user.AccountsAdmin = (app.jellyfinLogin) && (email.Admin || (adminOnly && jfUser.Policy.IsAdministrator) || allowAll)
expiry, ok := app.storage.users[jfUser.ID]
if ok {
user.Expiry = expiry.Unix()
if tgUser, ok := app.storage.GetTelegramKey(jfUser.ID); ok {
user.Telegram = tgUser.Username
user.NotifyThroughTelegram = tgUser.Contact
if mxUser, ok := app.storage.GetMatrixKey(jfUser.ID); ok {
user.Matrix = mxUser.UserID
user.NotifyThroughMatrix = mxUser.Contact
if dcUser, ok := app.storage.GetDiscordKey(jfUser.ID); ok {
user.Discord = RenderDiscordUsername(dcUser)
// user.Discord = dcUser.Username + "#" + dcUser.Discriminator
user.DiscordID = dcUser.ID
user.NotifyThroughDiscord = dcUser.Contact
resp.UserList[i] = user
gc.JSON(200, resp)
// @Summary Set whether or not a user can access jfa-go. Redundant if the user is a Jellyfin admin.
// @Produce json
// @Param setAccountsAdminDTO body setAccountsAdminDTO true "Map of userIDs to whether or not they have access."
// @Success 204 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/accounts-admin [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) SetAccountsAdmin(gc *gin.Context) {
var req setAccountsAdminDTO
app.debug.Println("Admin modification requested")
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc)
for _, jfUser := range users {
id := jfUser.ID
if admin, ok := req[id]; ok {
var emailStore = EmailAddress{}
if oldEmail, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(id); ok {
emailStore = oldEmail
emailStore.Admin = admin
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
if err := app.storage.storeEmails(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to store email list: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.info.Println("Email list modified")
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Modify user's labels, which show next to their name in the accounts tab.
// @Produce json
// @Param modifyEmailsDTO body modifyEmailsDTO true "Map of userIDs to labels"
// @Success 204 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/labels [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) ModifyLabels(gc *gin.Context) {
var req modifyEmailsDTO
app.debug.Println("Label modification requested")
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc)
for _, jfUser := range users {
id := jfUser.ID
if label, ok := req[id]; ok {
var emailStore = EmailAddress{}
if oldEmail, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(id); ok {
emailStore = oldEmail
emailStore.Label = label
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
if err := app.storage.storeEmails(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to store email list: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.info.Println("Email list modified")
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Modify user's email addresses.
// @Produce json
// @Param modifyEmailsDTO body modifyEmailsDTO true "Map of userIDs to email addresses"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /users/emails [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) ModifyEmails(gc *gin.Context) {
var req modifyEmailsDTO
app.debug.Println("Email modification requested")
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc)
ombiEnabled := app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
for _, jfUser := range users {
id := jfUser.ID
if address, ok := req[id]; ok {
var emailStore = EmailAddress{}
oldEmail, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(id)
if ok {
emailStore = oldEmail
// Auto enable contact by email for newly added addresses
if !ok || oldEmail.Addr == "" {
emailStore.Contact = true
emailStore.Addr = address
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
if ombiEnabled {
ombiUser, code, err := app.getOmbiUser(id)
if code == 200 && err == nil {
ombiUser["emailAddress"] = address
code, err = app.ombi.ModifyUser(ombiUser)
if code != 200 || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to change ombi email address (%d): %v", ombiUser["userName"].(string), code, err)
app.info.Println("Email list modified")
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Apply settings to a list of users, either from a profile or from another user.
// @Produce json
// @Param userSettingsDTO body userSettingsDTO true "Parameters for applying settings"
// @Success 200 {object} errorListDTO
// @Failure 500 {object} errorListDTO "Lists of errors that occurred while applying settings"
// @Router /users/settings [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Profiles & Settings
func (app *appContext) ApplySettings(gc *gin.Context) {
app.info.Println("User settings change requested")
var req userSettingsDTO
applyingFrom := "profile"
var policy mediabrowser.Policy
var configuration mediabrowser.Configuration
var displayprefs map[string]interface{}
var ombi map[string]interface{}
if req.From == "profile" {
// Check profile exists & isn't empty
if _, ok := app.storage.profiles[req.Profile]; !ok || app.storage.profiles[req.Profile].Policy.BlockedTags == nil {
app.err.Printf("Couldn't find profile \"%s\" or profile was empty", req.Profile)
respond(500, "Couldn't find profile", gc)
if req.Homescreen {
if app.storage.profiles[req.Profile].Configuration.GroupedFolders == nil || len(app.storage.profiles[req.Profile].Displayprefs) == 0 {
app.err.Printf("No homescreen saved in profile \"%s\"", req.Profile)
respond(500, "No homescreen template available", gc)
configuration = app.storage.profiles[req.Profile].Configuration
displayprefs = app.storage.profiles[req.Profile].Displayprefs
policy = app.storage.profiles[req.Profile].Policy
if app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
profile := app.storage.profiles[req.Profile]
if profile.Ombi != nil && len(profile.Ombi) != 0 {
ombi = profile.Ombi
} else if req.From == "user" {
applyingFrom = "user"
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(req.ID, false)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get user from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get user", gc)
applyingFrom = "\"" + user.Name + "\""
policy = user.Policy
if req.Homescreen {
displayprefs, status, err = app.jf.GetDisplayPreferences(req.ID)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get DisplayPrefs (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get displayprefs", gc)
configuration = user.Configuration
app.info.Printf("Applying settings to %d user(s) from %s", len(req.ApplyTo), applyingFrom)
errors := errorListDTO{
"policy": map[string]string{},
"homescreen": map[string]string{},
"ombi": map[string]string{},
/* Jellyfin doesn't seem to like too many of these requests sent in succession
and can crash and mess up its database. Issue #160 says this occurs when more
than 100 users are modified. A delay totalling 500ms between requests is used
if so. */
var shouldDelay bool = len(req.ApplyTo) >= 100
if shouldDelay {
app.debug.Println("Adding delay between requests for large batch")
for _, id := range req.ApplyTo {
status, err := app.jf.SetPolicy(id, policy)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
errors["policy"][id] = fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", status, err)
if shouldDelay {
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
if req.Homescreen {
status, err = app.jf.SetConfiguration(id, configuration)
errorString := ""
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
errorString += fmt.Sprintf("Configuration %d: %v ", status, err)
} else {
status, err = app.jf.SetDisplayPreferences(id, displayprefs)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
errorString += fmt.Sprintf("Displayprefs %d: %v ", status, err)
if errorString != "" {
errors["homescreen"][id] = errorString
if ombi != nil {
errorString := ""
user, status, err := app.getOmbiUser(id)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
errorString += fmt.Sprintf("Ombi GetUser %d: %v ", status, err)
} else {
// newUser := ombi
// newUser["id"] = user["id"]
// newUser["userName"] = user["userName"]
// newUser["alias"] = user["alias"]
// newUser["emailAddress"] = user["emailAddress"]
for k, v := range ombi {
switch v.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}, []interface{}:
user[k] = v
if v != user[k] {
user[k] = v
status, err = app.ombi.ModifyUser(user)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
errorString += fmt.Sprintf("Apply %d: %v ", status, err)
if errorString != "" {
errors["ombi"][id] = errorString
if shouldDelay {
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
code := 200
if len(errors["policy"]) == len(req.ApplyTo) || len(errors["homescreen"]) == len(req.ApplyTo) {
code = 500
gc.JSON(code, errors)