mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2025-02-18 15:50:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall 9c2f27bcdb
referrals: 1/2 generation routes, display route, partial frontend
route for generation/enabling of referral for user(s) done? the frontend
is mostly done, but functionality is not there yet. Route for finding
and displaying referral to user is done. Also the config option for
referral is there, in user page settings.
2023-06-28 16:05:24 +01:00

416 lines
13 KiB

package main
import (
func (app *appContext) checkInvites() {
currentTime := time.Now()
for _, data := range app.storage.GetInvites() {
if data.IsReferral {
expiry := data.ValidTill
if !currentTime.After(expiry) {
app.debug.Printf("Housekeeping: Deleting old invite %s", data.Code)
notify := data.Notify
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("notifications").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && len(notify) != 0 {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Expiry notification", data.Code)
var wait sync.WaitGroup
for address, settings := range notify {
if !settings["notify-expiry"] {
go func(addr string) {
defer wait.Done()
msg, err := app.email.constructExpiry(data.Code, data, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct expiry notification: %v", data.Code, err)
} else {
// Check whether notify "address" is an email address of Jellyfin ID
if strings.Contains(addr, "@") {
err = app.email.send(msg, addr)
} else {
err = app.sendByID(msg, addr)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send expiry notification: %v", data.Code, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("Sent expiry notification to %s", addr)
func (app *appContext) checkInvite(code string, used bool, username string) bool {
currentTime := time.Now()
inv, match := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(code)
if !match {
return false
expiry := inv.ValidTill
if currentTime.After(expiry) {
app.debug.Printf("Housekeeping: Deleting old invite %s", code)
notify := inv.Notify
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("notifications").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && len(notify) != 0 {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Expiry notification", code)
var wait sync.WaitGroup
for address, settings := range notify {
if !settings["notify-expiry"] {
go func(addr string) {
defer wait.Done()
msg, err := app.email.constructExpiry(code, inv, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct expiry notification: %v", code, err)
} else {
// Check whether notify "address" is an email address of Jellyfin ID
if strings.Contains(addr, "@") {
err = app.email.send(msg, addr)
} else {
err = app.sendByID(msg, addr)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send expiry notification: %v", code, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("Sent expiry notification to %s", addr)
match = false
} else if used {
del := false
newInv := inv
if newInv.RemainingUses == 1 {
del = true
} else if newInv.RemainingUses != 0 {
// 0 means infinite i guess?
newInv.UsedBy = append(newInv.UsedBy, []string{username, strconv.FormatInt(currentTime.Unix(), 10)})
if !del {
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(code, newInv)
return match
// @Summary Create a new invite.
// @Produce json
// @Param generateInviteDTO body generateInviteDTO true "New invite request object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /invites [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Invites
func (app *appContext) GenerateInvite(gc *gin.Context) {
var req generateInviteDTO
app.debug.Println("Generating new invite")
currentTime := time.Now()
validTill := currentTime.AddDate(0, req.Months, req.Days)
validTill = validTill.Add(time.Hour*time.Duration(req.Hours) + time.Minute*time.Duration(req.Minutes))
// make sure code doesn't begin with number
inviteCode := shortuuid.New()
_, err := strconv.Atoi(string(inviteCode[0]))
for err == nil {
inviteCode = shortuuid.New()
_, err = strconv.Atoi(string(inviteCode[0]))
var invite Invite
if req.Label != "" {
invite.Label = req.Label
invite.Created = currentTime
if req.MultipleUses {
if req.NoLimit {
invite.NoLimit = true
} else {
invite.RemainingUses = req.RemainingUses
} else {
invite.RemainingUses = 1
invite.UserExpiry = req.UserExpiry
if invite.UserExpiry {
invite.UserMonths = req.UserMonths
invite.UserDays = req.UserDays
invite.UserHours = req.UserHours
invite.UserMinutes = req.UserMinutes
invite.ValidTill = validTill
if req.SendTo != "" && app.config.Section("invite_emails").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
addressValid := false
discord := ""
app.debug.Printf("%s: Sending invite message", inviteCode)
if discordEnabled && !strings.Contains(req.SendTo, "@") {
users := app.discord.GetUsers(req.SendTo)
if len(users) == 0 {
invite.SendTo = fmt.Sprintf("Failed: User not found: \"%s\"", req.SendTo)
} else if len(users) > 1 {
invite.SendTo = fmt.Sprintf("Failed: Multiple users found: \"%s\"", req.SendTo)
} else {
invite.SendTo = req.SendTo
addressValid = true
discord = users[0].User.ID
} else if emailEnabled {
addressValid = true
invite.SendTo = req.SendTo
if addressValid {
msg, err := app.email.constructInvite(inviteCode, invite, app, false)
if err != nil {
invite.SendTo = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to send to %s", req.SendTo)
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct invite message: %v", inviteCode, err)
} else {
var err error
if discord != "" {
err = app.discord.SendDM(msg, discord)
} else {
err = app.email.send(msg, req.SendTo)
if err != nil {
invite.SendTo = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to send to %s", req.SendTo)
app.err.Printf("%s: %s: %v", inviteCode, invite.SendTo, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("%s: Sent invite email to \"%s\"", inviteCode, req.SendTo)
if req.Profile != "" {
if _, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(req.Profile); ok {
invite.Profile = req.Profile
} else {
invite.Profile = "Default"
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(inviteCode, invite)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Get invites.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} getInvitesDTO
// @Router /invites [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Invites
func (app *appContext) GetInvites(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Println("Invites requested")
currentTime := time.Now()
var invites []inviteDTO
for _, inv := range app.storage.GetInvites() {
if inv.IsReferral {
_, months, days, hours, minutes, _ := timeDiff(inv.ValidTill, currentTime)
invite := inviteDTO{
Code: inv.Code,
Months: months,
Days: days,
Hours: hours,
Minutes: minutes,
UserExpiry: inv.UserExpiry,
UserMonths: inv.UserMonths,
UserDays: inv.UserDays,
UserHours: inv.UserHours,
UserMinutes: inv.UserMinutes,
Created: inv.Created.Unix(),
Profile: inv.Profile,
NoLimit: inv.NoLimit,
Label: inv.Label,
if len(inv.UsedBy) != 0 {
invite.UsedBy = map[string]int64{}
for _, pair := range inv.UsedBy {
// These used to be stored formatted instead of as a unix timestamp.
unix, err := strconv.ParseInt(pair[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
date, err := timefmt.Parse(pair[1], app.datePattern+" "+app.timePattern)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to parse usedBy time: %v", err)
unix = date.Unix()
invite.UsedBy[pair[0]] = unix
invite.RemainingUses = 1
if inv.RemainingUses != 0 {
invite.RemainingUses = inv.RemainingUses
if inv.SendTo != "" {
invite.SendTo = inv.SendTo
if len(inv.Notify) != 0 {
// app.err.Printf("%s has notify section: %+v, you are %s\n", inv.Code, inv.Notify, gc.GetString("jfId"))
var addressOrID string
if app.config.Section("ui").Key("jellyfin_login").MustBool(false) {
addressOrID = gc.GetString("jfId")
} else {
addressOrID = app.config.Section("ui").Key("email").String()
if _, ok := inv.Notify[addressOrID]; ok {
if _, ok = inv.Notify[addressOrID]["notify-expiry"]; ok {
invite.NotifyExpiry = inv.Notify[addressOrID]["notify-expiry"]
if _, ok = inv.Notify[addressOrID]["notify-creation"]; ok {
invite.NotifyCreation = inv.Notify[addressOrID]["notify-creation"]
invites = append(invites, invite)
fullProfileList := app.storage.GetProfiles()
profiles := make([]string, len(fullProfileList))
if len(profiles) != 0 {
defaultProfile := app.storage.GetDefaultProfile()
profiles[0] = defaultProfile.Name
i := 1
if len(fullProfileList) > 1 {
app.storage.db.ForEach(badgerhold.Where("Name").Ne(profiles[0]), func(p *Profile) error {
profiles[i] = p.Name
return nil
resp := getInvitesDTO{
Profiles: profiles,
Invites: invites,
gc.JSON(200, resp)
// @Summary Set profile for an invite
// @Produce json
// @Param inviteProfileDTO body inviteProfileDTO true "Invite profile object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /invites/profile [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Profiles & Settings
func (app *appContext) SetProfile(gc *gin.Context) {
var req inviteProfileDTO
app.debug.Printf("%s: Setting profile to \"%s\"", req.Invite, req.Profile)
// "" means "Don't apply profile"
if _, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(req.Profile); !ok && req.Profile != "" {
app.err.Printf("%s: Profile \"%s\" not found", req.Invite, req.Profile)
respond(500, "Profile not found", gc)
inv, _ := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(req.Invite)
inv.Profile = req.Profile
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(req.Invite, inv)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Set notification preferences for an invite.
// @Produce json
// @Param setNotifyDTO body setNotifyDTO true "Map of invite codes to notification settings objects"
// @Success 200
// @Failure 400 {object} stringResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /invites/notify [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) SetNotify(gc *gin.Context) {
var req map[string]map[string]bool
changed := false
for code, settings := range req {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Notification settings change requested", code)
invite, ok := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(code)
if !ok {
app.err.Printf("%s Notification setting change failed: Invalid code", code)
respond(400, "Invalid invite code", gc)
var address string
jellyfinLogin := app.config.Section("ui").Key("jellyfin_login").MustBool(false)
if jellyfinLogin {
var addressAvailable bool = app.getAddressOrName(gc.GetString("jfId")) != ""
if !addressAvailable {
app.err.Printf("%s: Couldn't find contact method for admin. Make sure one is set.", code)
app.debug.Printf("%s: User ID \"%s\"", code, gc.GetString("jfId"))
respond(500, "Missing user contact method", gc)
address = gc.GetString("jfId")
} else {
address = app.config.Section("ui").Key("email").String()
if invite.Notify == nil {
invite.Notify = map[string]map[string]bool{}
if _, ok := invite.Notify[address]; !ok {
invite.Notify[address] = map[string]bool{}
} /*else {
if _, ok := invite.Notify[address]["notify-expiry"]; !ok {
if _, ok := settings["notify-expiry"]; ok && invite.Notify[address]["notify-expiry"] != settings["notify-expiry"] {
invite.Notify[address]["notify-expiry"] = settings["notify-expiry"]
app.debug.Printf("%s: Set \"notify-expiry\" to %t for %s", code, settings["notify-expiry"], address)
changed = true
if _, ok := settings["notify-creation"]; ok && invite.Notify[address]["notify-creation"] != settings["notify-creation"] {
invite.Notify[address]["notify-creation"] = settings["notify-creation"]
app.debug.Printf("%s: Set \"notify-creation\" to %t for %s", code, settings["notify-creation"], address)
changed = true
if changed {
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(code, invite)
// @Summary Delete an invite.
// @Produce json
// @Param deleteInviteDTO body deleteInviteDTO true "Delete invite object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /invites [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Invites
func (app *appContext) DeleteInvite(gc *gin.Context) {
var req deleteInviteDTO
app.debug.Printf("%s: Deletion requested", req.Code)
var ok bool
_, ok = app.storage.GetInvitesKey(req.Code)
if ok {
app.info.Printf("%s: Invite deleted", req.Code)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
app.err.Printf("%s: Deletion failed: Invalid code", req.Code)
respond(400, "Code doesn't exist", gc)