mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2024-09-30 00:00:10 +00:00
Harvey Tindall 2d83718f81
activity: sort, load more, compromises for client-side search
my initial intent before starting search was for it to be server-sided,
considering this activity log could rack up 100s or 1000s of entries,
and then I forgot and did it client-sided.

this commit adds a feature to load more results when scrolled to the
bottom, and when a search returns few or no results (this is limited, so
it wont loop infinitely). Also finally got rid of the useless left
column, since my ideas didn't match my implementation.

also, sorting is only by date, can't be bothered with anything else.
2023-10-22 00:31:30 +01:00

389 lines
17 KiB

const dateParser = require("any-date-parser");
export interface QueryType {
name: string;
description?: string;
getter: string;
bool: boolean;
string: boolean;
date: boolean;
dependsOnElement?: string; // Format for querySelector
show?: boolean;
export interface SearchConfiguration {
filterArea: HTMLElement;
sortingByButton: HTMLButtonElement;
searchOptionsHeader: HTMLElement;
notFoundPanel: HTMLElement;
filterList: HTMLElement;
clearSearchButtonSelector: string;
search: HTMLInputElement;
queries: { [field: string]: QueryType };
setVisibility: (items: string[], visible: boolean) => void;
onSearchCallback: (visibleCount: number, newItems: boolean) => void;
loadMore?: () => void;
export interface SearchableItem {
matchesSearch: (query: string) => boolean;
export class Search {
private _c: SearchConfiguration;
private _ordering: string[] = [];
private _items: { [id: string]: SearchableItem };
inSearch: boolean;
search = (query: String): string[] => {
this._c.filterArea.textContent = "";
query = query.toLowerCase();
let result: string[] = [...this._ordering];
let words: string[] = [];
let quoteSymbol = ``;
let queryStart = -1;
let lastQuote = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < query.length; i++) {
if (queryStart == -1 && query[i] != " " && query[i] != `"` && query[i] != `'`) {
queryStart = i;
if ((query[i] == `"` || query[i] == `'`) && (quoteSymbol == `` || query[i] == quoteSymbol)) {
if (lastQuote != -1) {
lastQuote = -1;
quoteSymbol = ``;
} else {
lastQuote = i;
quoteSymbol = query[i];
if (query[i] == " " || i == query.length-1) {
if (lastQuote != -1) {
} else {
let end = i+1;
if (query[i] == " ") {
end = i;
while (i+1 < query.length && query[i+1] == " ") {
i += 1;
words.push(query.substring(queryStart, end).replace(/['"]/g, ""));
console.log("pushed", words);
queryStart = -1;
query = "";
for (let word of words) {
if (!word.includes(":")) {
let cachedResult = [...result];
for (let id of cachedResult) {
const u = this._items[id];
if (!u.matchesSearch(word)) {
result.splice(result.indexOf(id), 1);
const split = [word.substring(0, word.indexOf(":")), word.substring(word.indexOf(":")+1)];
if (!(split[0] in this._c.queries)) continue;
const queryFormat = this._c.queries[split[0]];
if (queryFormat.bool) {
let isBool = false;
let boolState = false;
if (split[1] == "true" || split[1] == "yes" || split[1] == "t" || split[1] == "y") {
isBool = true;
boolState = true;
} else if (split[1] == "false" || split[1] == "no" || split[1] == "f" || split[1] == "n") {
isBool = true;
boolState = false;
if (isBool) {
const filterCard = document.createElement("span");
filterCard.ariaLabel = window.lang.strings("clickToRemoveFilter");
filterCard.classList.add("button", "~" + (boolState ? "positive" : "critical"), "@high", "center", "mx-2", "h-full");
filterCard.innerHTML = `
<span class="font-bold mr-2">${queryFormat.name}</span>
<i class="text-2xl ri-${boolState? "checkbox" : "close"}-circle-fill"></i>
filterCard.addEventListener("click", () => {
for (let quote of [`"`, `'`, ``]) {
this._c.search.value = this._c.search.value.replace(split[0] + ":" + quote + split[1] + quote, "");
this._c.search.oninput((null as Event));
// console.log("is bool, state", boolState);
// So removing elements doesn't affect us
let cachedResult = [...result];
for (let id of cachedResult) {
const u = this._items[id];
const value = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(u), queryFormat.getter).get.call(u);
// console.log("got", queryFormat.getter + ":", value);
// Remove from result if not matching query
if (!((value && boolState) || (!value && !boolState))) {
// console.log("not matching, result is", result);
result.splice(result.indexOf(id), 1);
if (queryFormat.string) {
const filterCard = document.createElement("span");
filterCard.ariaLabel = window.lang.strings("clickToRemoveFilter");
filterCard.classList.add("button", "~neutral", "@low", "center", "mx-2", "h-full");
filterCard.innerHTML = `
<span class="font-bold mr-2">${queryFormat.name}:</span> "${split[1]}"
filterCard.addEventListener("click", () => {
for (let quote of [`"`, `'`, ``]) {
let regex = new RegExp(split[0] + ":" + quote + split[1] + quote, "ig");
this._c.search.value = this._c.search.value.replace(regex, "");
this._c.search.oninput((null as Event));
let cachedResult = [...result];
for (let id of cachedResult) {
const u = this._items[id];
const value = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(u), queryFormat.getter).get.call(u).toLowerCase();
if (!(value.includes(split[1]))) {
result.splice(result.indexOf(id), 1);
if (queryFormat.date) {
// -1 = Before, 0 = On, 1 = After, 2 = No symbol, assume 0
let compareType = (split[1][0] == ">") ? 1 : ((split[1][0] == "<") ? -1 : ((split[1][0] == "=") ? 0 : 2));
let unmodifiedValue = split[1];
if (compareType != 2) {
split[1] = split[1].substring(1);
if (compareType == 2) compareType = 0;
let attempt: { year?: number, month?: number, day?: number, hour?: number, minute?: number } = dateParser.attempt(split[1]);
// Month in Date objects is 0-based, so make our parsed date that way too
if ("month" in attempt) attempt.month -= 1;
let date: Date = (Date as any).fromString(split[1]) as Date;
console.log("Read", attempt, "and", date);
if ("invalid" in (date as any)) continue;
const filterCard = document.createElement("span");
filterCard.ariaLabel = window.lang.strings("clickToRemoveFilter");
filterCard.classList.add("button", "~neutral", "@low", "center", "m-2", "h-full");
filterCard.innerHTML = `
<span class="font-bold mr-2">${queryFormat.name}:</span> ${(compareType == 1) ? window.lang.strings("after")+" " : ((compareType == -1) ? window.lang.strings("before")+" " : "")}${split[1]}
filterCard.addEventListener("click", () => {
for (let quote of [`"`, `'`, ``]) {
let regex = new RegExp(split[0] + ":" + quote + unmodifiedValue + quote, "ig");
this._c.search.value = this._c.search.value.replace(regex, "");
this._c.search.oninput((null as Event));
let cachedResult = [...result];
for (let id of cachedResult) {
const u = this._items[id];
const unixValue = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(u), queryFormat.getter).get.call(u);
if (unixValue == 0) {
result.splice(result.indexOf(id), 1);
let value = new Date(unixValue*1000);
const getterPairs: [string, () => number][] = [["year", Date.prototype.getFullYear], ["month", Date.prototype.getMonth], ["day", Date.prototype.getDate], ["hour", Date.prototype.getHours], ["minute", Date.prototype.getMinutes]];
// When doing > or < <time> with no date, we need to ignore the rest of the Date object
if (compareType != 0 && Object.keys(attempt).length == 2 && "hour" in attempt && "minute" in attempt) {
const temp = new Date(date.valueOf());
temp.setHours(value.getHours(), value.getMinutes());
value = temp;
console.log("just hours/minutes workaround, value set to", value);
let match = true;
if (compareType == 0) {
for (let pair of getterPairs) {
if (pair[0] in attempt) {
if (compareType == 0 && attempt[pair[0]] != pair[1].call(value)) {
match = false;
} else if (compareType == -1) {
match = (value < date);
} else if (compareType == 1) {
match = (value > date);
if (!match) {
result.splice(result.indexOf(id), 1);
return result;
showHideSearchOptionsHeader = () => {
const sortingBy = !(this._c.sortingByButton.parentElement.classList.contains("hidden"));
const hasFilters = this._c.filterArea.textContent != "";
console.log("sortingBy", sortingBy, "hasFilters", hasFilters);
if (sortingBy || hasFilters) {
} else {
get items(): { [id: string]: SearchableItem } { return this._items; }
set items(v: { [id: string]: SearchableItem }) {
this._items = v;
get ordering(): string[] { return this._ordering; }
set ordering(v: string[]) { this._ordering = v; }
onSearchBoxChange = (newItems: boolean = false) => {
const query = this._c.search.value;
if (!query) {
this.inSearch = false;
} else {
this.inSearch = true;
const results = this.search(query);
this._c.setVisibility(results, true);
this._c.onSearchCallback(results.length, newItems);
if (results.length == 0) {
} else {
fillInFilter = (name: string, value: string, offset?: number) => {
this._c.search.value = name + ":" + value + " " + this._c.search.value;
let newPos = name.length + 1 + value.length;
if (typeof offset !== 'undefined')
newPos += offset;
this._c.search.setSelectionRange(newPos, newPos);
this._c.search.oninput(null as any);
generateFilterList = () => {
// Generate filter buttons
for (let queryName of Object.keys(this._c.queries)) {
const query = this._c.queries[queryName];
if ("show" in query && !query.show) continue;
if ("dependsOnElement" in query && query.dependsOnElement) {
const el = document.querySelector(query.dependsOnElement);
if (el === null) continue;
const container = document.createElement("span") as HTMLSpanElement;
container.classList.add("button", "button-xl", "~neutral", "@low", "mb-1", "mr-2");
container.innerHTML = `
<div class="flex flex-col mr-2">
<span class="support">${query.description || ""}</span>
if (query.bool) {
const pos = document.createElement("button") as HTMLButtonElement;
pos.type = "button";
pos.ariaLabel = `Filter by "${query.name}": True`;
pos.classList.add("button", "~positive", "ml-2");
pos.innerHTML = `<i class="ri-checkbox-circle-fill"></i>`;
pos.addEventListener("click", () => this.fillInFilter(queryName, "true"));
const neg = document.createElement("button") as HTMLButtonElement;
neg.type = "button";
neg.ariaLabel = `Filter by "${query.name}": False`;
neg.classList.add("button", "~critical", "ml-2");
neg.innerHTML = `<i class="ri-close-circle-fill"></i>`;
neg.addEventListener("click", () => this.fillInFilter(queryName, "false"));
if (query.string) {
const button = document.createElement("button") as HTMLButtonElement;
button.type = "button";
button.classList.add("button", "~urge", "ml-2");
button.innerHTML = `<i class="ri-equal-line mr-2"></i>${window.lang.strings("matchText")}`;
// Position cursor between quotes
button.addEventListener("click", () => this.fillInFilter(queryName, `""`, -1));
if (query.date) {
const onDate = document.createElement("button") as HTMLButtonElement;
onDate.type = "button";
onDate.classList.add("button", "~urge", "ml-2");
onDate.innerHTML = `<i class="ri-calendar-check-line mr-2"></i>On Date`;
onDate.addEventListener("click", () => this.fillInFilter(queryName, `"="`, -1));
const beforeDate = document.createElement("button") as HTMLButtonElement;
beforeDate.type = "button";
beforeDate.classList.add("button", "~urge", "ml-2");
beforeDate.innerHTML = `<i class="ri-calendar-check-line mr-2"></i>Before Date`;
beforeDate.addEventListener("click", () => this.fillInFilter(queryName, `"<"`, -1));
const afterDate = document.createElement("button") as HTMLButtonElement;
afterDate.type = "button";
afterDate.classList.add("button", "~urge", "ml-2");
afterDate.innerHTML = `<i class="ri-calendar-check-line mr-2"></i>After Date`;
afterDate.addEventListener("click", () => this.fillInFilter(queryName, `">"`, -1));
constructor(c: SearchConfiguration) {
this._c = c;
this._c.search.oninput = () => this.onSearchBoxChange();
const clearSearchButtons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this._c.clearSearchButtonSelector)) as Array<HTMLSpanElement>;
for (let b of clearSearchButtons) {
b.addEventListener("click", () => {
this._c.search.value = "";