mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 15:50:11 +00:00
shared "newUser" method is now "NewUserPostVerification", and is shared between all routes which create a jellyfin account. The new "NewUserFromInvite", "NewUserFromAdmin" and "NewUserFromConfirmationKey" are smaller as a result. Discord, Telegram, and Matrix now implement the "ContactMethodLinker" and "ContactMethodUser" interfaces, meaning code is shared a lot between them in the NewUser methods, and the specifics are now in their own files. Ombi/Jellyseerr similarly implement a simpler interface "ThirdPartyService", which simply has ImportUser and AddContactMethod routes. Note these new interface methods are only used for user creation as of yet, but could likely be used in other places.
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package main
import (
lm "github.com/hrfee/jfa-go/logmessages"
type MatrixDaemon struct {
Stopped bool
ShutdownChannel chan string
bot *mautrix.Client
userID id.UserID
tokens map[string]UnverifiedUser // Map of tokens to users
languages map[id.RoomID]string // Map of roomIDs to language codes
Encryption bool
isEncrypted map[id.RoomID]bool
crypto Crypto
app *appContext
start int64
type UnverifiedUser struct {
Verified bool
User *MatrixUser
var matrixFilter = mautrix.Filter{
Room: mautrix.RoomFilter{
Timeline: mautrix.FilterPart{
Types: []event.Type{
EventFields: []string{
// "content.body",
// "content.membership",
func newMatrixDaemon(app *appContext) (d *MatrixDaemon, err error) {
matrix := app.config.Section("matrix")
homeserver := matrix.Key("homeserver").String()
token := matrix.Key("token").String()
d = &MatrixDaemon{
ShutdownChannel: make(chan string),
userID: id.UserID(matrix.Key("user_id").String()),
tokens: map[string]UnverifiedUser{},
languages: map[id.RoomID]string{},
isEncrypted: map[id.RoomID]bool{},
app: app,
start: time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6,
d.bot, err = mautrix.NewClient(homeserver, d.userID, token)
if err != nil {
// resp, err := d.bot.CreateFilter(&matrixFilter)
// if err != nil {
// return
// }
// d.bot.Store.SaveFilterID(d.userID, resp.FilterID)
for _, user := range app.storage.GetMatrix() {
if user.Lang != "" {
d.languages[id.RoomID(user.RoomID)] = user.Lang
d.isEncrypted[id.RoomID(user.RoomID)] = user.Encrypted
err = InitMatrixCrypto(d)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) generateAccessToken(homeserver, username, password string) (string, error) {
req := &mautrix.ReqLogin{
Type: mautrix.AuthTypePassword,
Identifier: mautrix.UserIdentifier{
Type: mautrix.IdentifierTypeUser,
User: username,
Password: password,
DeviceID: id.DeviceID("jfa-go-" + commit),
bot, err := mautrix.NewClient(homeserver, id.UserID(username), "")
if err != nil {
return "", err
resp, err := bot.Login(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return resp.AccessToken, nil
func (d *MatrixDaemon) run() {
startTime := d.start
d.app.info.Println(lm.StartDaemon, lm.Matrix)
syncer := d.bot.Syncer.(*mautrix.DefaultSyncer)
HandleSyncerCrypto(startTime, d, syncer)
syncer.OnEventType(event.EventMessage, d.handleMessage)
if err := d.bot.Sync(); err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedSyncMatrix, err)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Shutdown() {
d.Stopped = true
func (d *MatrixDaemon) handleMessage(source mautrix.EventSource, evt *event.Event) {
if evt.Timestamp < d.start {
if evt.Sender == d.userID {
lang := "en-us"
if l, ok := d.languages[evt.RoomID]; ok {
if _, ok := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[l]; ok {
lang = l
sects := strings.Split(evt.Content.Raw["body"].(string), " ")
switch sects[0] {
case "!lang":
if len(sects) == 2 {
d.commandLang(evt, sects[1], lang)
} else {
d.commandLang(evt, "", lang)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) commandLang(evt *event.Event, code, lang string) {
if code == "" {
list := "!lang <lang>\n"
for c := range d.app.storage.lang.Telegram {
list += fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", c, d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[c].Meta.Name)
_, err := d.bot.SendText(
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedReply, lm.Matrix, evt.Sender, err)
if _, ok := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[code]; !ok {
d.languages[evt.RoomID] = code
if u, ok := d.app.storage.GetMatrixKey(string(evt.RoomID)); ok {
u.Lang = code
d.app.storage.SetMatrixKey(string(evt.RoomID), u)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) CreateRoom(userID string) (roomID id.RoomID, encrypted bool, err error) {
var room *mautrix.RespCreateRoom
room, err = d.bot.CreateRoom(&mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{
Visibility: "private",
Invite: []id.UserID{id.UserID(userID)},
Topic: d.app.config.Section("matrix").Key("topic").String(),
IsDirect: true,
if err != nil {
encrypted = EncryptRoom(d, room, id.UserID(userID))
roomID = room.RoomID
func (d *MatrixDaemon) SendStart(userID string) (ok bool) {
roomID, encrypted, err := d.CreateRoom(userID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedCreateMatrixRoom, userID, err)
lang := "en-us"
pin := genAuthToken()
d.tokens[pin] = UnverifiedUser{
RoomID: string(roomID),
UserID: userID,
Lang: lang,
Encrypted: encrypted,
err = d.sendToRoom(
MsgType: event.MsgText,
Body: d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("matrixStartMessage") + "\n\n" + pin + "\n\n" +
d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.template("languageMessage", tmpl{"command": "!lang"}),
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedMessage, lm.Matrix, userID, err)
ok = true
func (d *MatrixDaemon) sendToRoom(content *event.MessageEventContent, roomID id.RoomID) (err error) {
if encrypted, ok := d.isEncrypted[roomID]; ok && encrypted {
err = SendEncrypted(d, content, roomID)
} else {
_, err = d.bot.SendMessageEvent(roomID, event.EventMessage, content, mautrix.ReqSendEvent{})
func (d *MatrixDaemon) send(content *event.MessageEventContent, roomID id.RoomID) (err error) {
_, err = d.bot.SendMessageEvent(roomID, event.EventMessage, content, mautrix.ReqSendEvent{})
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Send(message *Message, users ...MatrixUser) (err error) {
md := ""
if message.Markdown != "" {
// Convert images to links
md = string(markdown.ToHTML([]byte(strings.ReplaceAll(message.Markdown, "![", "[")), nil, markdownRenderer))
content := &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: "m.text",
Body: message.Text,
if md != "" {
content.FormattedBody = md
content.Format = "org.matrix.custom.html"
for _, user := range users {
err = d.sendToRoom(content, id.RoomID(user.RoomID))
if err != nil {
// UserExists returns whether or not a user with the given User ID exists.
func (d *MatrixDaemon) UserExists(userID string) bool {
c, err := d.app.storage.db.Count(&MatrixUser{}, badgerhold.Where("UserID").Eq(userID))
return err != nil || c > 0
// Exists returns whether or not the given user exists.
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Exists(user ContactMethodUser) bool {
return d.UserExists(user.Name())
// User enters ID on sign-up, a PIN is sent to them. They enter it on sign-up.
// Message the user first, to avoid E2EE by default
func (d *MatrixDaemon) PIN(req newUserDTO) string { return req.MatrixPIN }
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Name() string { return lm.Matrix }
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Required() bool {
return d.app.config.Section("telegram").Key("required").MustBool(false)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) UniqueRequired() bool {
return d.app.config.Section("telegram").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false)
// TokenVerified returns whether or not a token with the given PIN has been verified, and the token itself.
func (d *MatrixDaemon) TokenVerified(pin string) (token UnverifiedUser, ok bool) {
token, ok = d.tokens[pin]
// delete(t.verifiedTokens, pin)
// DeleteVerifiedToken removes the token with the given PIN.
func (d *MatrixDaemon) DeleteVerifiedToken(PIN string) {
delete(d.tokens, PIN)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) UserVerified(PIN string) (ContactMethodUser, bool) {
token, ok := d.TokenVerified(PIN)
if !ok {
return &MatrixUser{}, false
return token.User, ok
func (d *MatrixDaemon) PostVerificationTasks(string, ContactMethodUser) error { return nil }
func (m *MatrixUser) Name() string { return m.UserID }
func (m *MatrixUser) SetMethodID(id any) { m.UserID = id.(string) }
func (m *MatrixUser) MethodID() any { return m.UserID }
func (m *MatrixUser) SetJellyfin(id string) { m.JellyfinID = id }
func (m *MatrixUser) Jellyfin() string { return m.JellyfinID }
func (m *MatrixUser) SetAllowContactFromDTO(req newUserDTO) { m.Contact = req.MatrixContact }
func (m *MatrixUser) SetAllowContact(contact bool) { m.Contact = contact }
func (m *MatrixUser) AllowContact() bool { return m.Contact }
func (m *MatrixUser) Store(st *Storage) {
st.SetMatrixKey(m.Jellyfin(), *m)