mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2025-01-08 17:30:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall 213b1e7f9e
accounts: allow setting exact expiry date
set with a text input field which uses the same date parsing library as
the search function. Parsed expiry date will appear once you've typed
something in, so you can make sure it's right.
2023-12-20 17:20:59 +00:00

291 lines
14 KiB

"meta": {
"name": "English (US)"
"strings": {
"invites": "Invites",
"invite": "Invite",
"accounts": "Accounts",
"activity": "Activity",
"settings": "Settings",
"inviteMonths": "Months",
"inviteDays": "Days",
"inviteHours": "Hours",
"inviteMinutes": "Minutes",
"inviteNumberOfUses": "Number of uses",
"inviteDuration": "Invite Duration",
"warning": "Warning",
"inviteInfiniteUsesWarning": "invites with infinite uses can be used abusively",
"inviteSendToEmail": "Send to",
"create": "Create",
"apply": "Apply",
"select": "Select",
"name": "Name",
"date": "Date",
"updates": "Updates",
"update": "Update",
"download": "Download",
"search": "Search",
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
"lastActiveTime": "Last Active",
"from": "From",
"after": "After",
"before": "Before",
"user": "User",
"userExpiry": "User Expiry",
"userExpiryDescription": "A specified amount of time after each signup, jfa-go will delete/disable the account. You can change this behaviour in settings.",
"aboutProgram": "About",
"version": "Version",
"commitNoun": "Commit",
"newUser": "New User",
"profile": "Profile",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"label": "Label",
"userLabel": "User Label",
"userLabelDescription": "Label to apply to users created with this invite.",
"logs": "Logs",
"announce": "Announce",
"templates": "Templates",
"subject": "Subject",
"message": "Message",
"variables": "Variables",
"conditionals": "Conditionals",
"preview": "Preview",
"reset": "Reset",
"donate": "Donate",
"unlink": "Unlink Account",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"sendPWR": "Send Password Reset",
"noResultsFound": "No Results Found",
"keepSearching": "Keep Searching",
"keepSearchingDescription": "Only the current loaded activities were searched. Click below if you wish to search all activities.",
"contactThrough": "Contact through:",
"extendExpiry": "Extend expiry",
"setExpiry": "Set expiry",
"removeExpiry": "Remove expiry",
"enterExpiry": "Enter an expiry",
"sendPWRManual": "User {n} has no method of contact, press copy to get a link to send to them.",
"sendPWRSuccess": "Password reset link sent.",
"sendPWRSuccessManual": "If the user hasn't received it, press copy to get a link to manually send to them.",
"sendPWRValidFor": "The link is valid for 30m.",
"customizeMessages": "Customize Messages",
"customizeMessagesDescription": "If you don't want to use jfa-go's message templates, you can create your own using Markdown.",
"markdownSupported": "Markdown is supported.",
"modifySettings": "Modify Settings",
"modifySettingsDescription": "Apply settings from an existing profile, or source them directly from a user.",
"enableReferrals": "Enable Referrals",
"disableReferrals": "Disable Referrals",
"enableReferralsDescription": "Give users a personal referral link similiar to an invite, to send to friends/family. Can be sourced from a referral template in a profile, or from an existing invite.",
"enableReferralsProfileDescription": "Give users created with this profile a personal referral link similiar to an invite, to send to friends/family. Create an invite with the desired settings, then select it here. Each referral will then be based on this invite. You can delete the invite once complete.",
"useInviteExpiry": "Set expiry from profile/invite",
"useInviteExpiryNote": "By default, invites expire after 90 days but can be renewed by the user. Enable for the referral to be disabled after the time set.",
"applyHomescreenLayout": "Apply homescreen layout",
"sendDeleteNotificationEmail": "Send notification message",
"sendDeleteNotifiationExample": "Your account has been deleted.",
"settingsRestart": "Restart",
"settingsRestarting": "Restarting…",
"settingsRestartRequired": "Restart needed",
"settingsRestartRequiredDescription": "A restart is necessary to apply some settings you changed. Restart now or later?",
"settingsApplyRestartLater": "Apply, restart later",
"settingsApplyRestartNow": "Apply & restart",
"settingsApplied": "Settings applied.",
"settingsRefreshPage": "Refresh the page in a few seconds.",
"settingsRequiredOrRestartMessage": "Note: {n} indicates a required field, {n} indicates changes require a restart.",
"settingsSave": "Save",
"settingsHiddenDependency": "Matching settings are hidden because they depend on the value of another setting:",
"settingsDependsOn": "{setting}: Depends on {dependency}",
"settingsAdvancedMode": "{setting}: Advanced Settings must be enabled",
"settingsMaybeUnderAdvanced": "Tip: You might find what you're looking for by enabling Advanced Settings.",
"ombiProfile": "Ombi user profile",
"ombiUserDefaultsDescription": "Create an Ombi user and configure it, then select it below. It's settings/permissions will be stored and applied to new Ombi users created by jfa-go when this profile is selected.",
"userProfiles": "User Profiles",
"userProfilesDescription": "Profiles are applied to users when they create an account. A profile includes library access rights and homescreen layout.",
"userProfilesIsDefault": "Default",
"userProfilesLibraries": "Libraries",
"addProfile": "Add Profile",
"addProfileDescription": "Create a Jellyfin user and configure it, then select it below. When this profile is applied to an invite, new users will be created with the settings.",
"addProfileNameOf": "Profile Name",
"addProfileStoreHomescreenLayout": "Store homescreen layout",
"inviteNoUsersCreated": "None yet!",
"inviteUsersCreated": "Created users",
"inviteNoProfile": "No Profile",
"inviteDateCreated": "Created",
"inviteNoInvites": "None",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Expires in {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Notify on:",
"notifyInviteExpiry": "On expiry",
"notifyUserCreation": "On user creation",
"sendPIN": "Ask the user to send the PIN below to the bot.",
"searchDiscordUser": "Start typing the Discord username to find the user.",
"findDiscordUser": "Find Discord user",
"linkMatrixDescription": "Enter the username and password of the user to use as a bot. Once submitted, the app will restart.",
"matrixHomeServer": "Home server address",
"saveAsTemplate": "Save as template",
"deleteTemplate": "Delete template",
"templateEnterName": "Enter a name to save this template.",
"accessJFA": "Access jfa-go",
"accessJFASettings": "Cannot be changed as either \"Admin Only\" or \"Allow All\" has been set in Settings > General.",
"sortingBy": "Sorting By",
"sortDirection": "Sort Direction",
"filters": "Filters",
"clickToRemoveFilter": "Click to remove this filter.",
"clearSearch": "Clear search",
"actions": "Actions",
"searchOptions": "Search Options",
"matchText": "Match Text",
"jellyfinID": "Jellyfin ID",
"userPageLogin": "User Page: Login",
"userPagePage": "User Page: Page",
"buildTime": "Build Time",
"builtBy": "Built By",
"loginNotAdmin": "Not an Admin?",
"referrer": "Referrer",
"accountLinked": "{contactMethod} linked: {user}",
"accountUnlinked": "{contactMethod} removed: {user}",
"accountResetPassword": "{user} reset their password",
"accountChangedPassword": "{user} changed their password",
"accountCreated": "Account created: {user}",
"accountDeleted": "Account deleted: {user}",
"accountDisabled": "Account disabled: {user}",
"accountReEnabled": "Account re-enabled: {user}",
"accountExpired": "Account expired: {user}",
"accountWillExpire": "Account will expire on {date}",
"userDeleted": "User was deleted.",
"userDisabled": "User was disabled",
"inviteCreated": "Invite created: {invite}",
"inviteDeleted": "Invite deleted: {invite}",
"inviteExpired": "Invite expired: {invite}",
"fromInvite": "From Invite",
"byAdmin": "By Admin",
"byUser": "By User",
"byJfaGo": "By jfa-go",
"activityID": "Activity ID",
"title": "Title",
"usersMentioned": "User mentioned",
"actor": "Actor",
"actorDescription": "The thing that caused this action. \"user\"/\"admin\"/\"daemon\" or a username.",
"accountCreationFilter": "Account Creation",
"accountDeletionFilter": "Account Deletion",
"accountDisabledFilter": "Account Disabled",
"accountEnabledFilter": "Account Enabled",
"contactLinkedFilter": "Contact Linked",
"contactUnlinkedFilter": "Contact Unlinked",
"passwordChangeFilter": "Password Changed",
"passwordResetFilter": "Password Reset",
"inviteCreatedFilter": "Invite Created",
"inviteDeletedFilter": "Invite Deleted/Expired",
"loadMore": "Load More",
"loadAll": "Load All",
"noMoreResults": "No more results.",
"totalRecords": "{n} Total Records",
"loadedRecords": "{n} Loaded",
"shownRecords": "{n} Shown"
"notifications": {
"changedEmailAddress": "Changed email address of {n}.",
"userCreated": "User {n} created.",
"createProfile": "Created profile {n}.",
"saveSettings": "Settings were saved",
"saveEmail": "Email saved.",
"sentAnnouncement": "Announcement sent.",
"savedAnnouncement": "Announcement saved.",
"setOmbiProfile": "Stored ombi profile.",
"updateApplied": "Update applied, please restart.",
"updateAppliedRefresh": "Update applied, please refresh.",
"telegramVerified": "Telegram account verified.",
"accountConnected": "Account connected.",
"referralsEnabled": "Referrals enabled.",
"activityDeleted": "Activity Deleted.",
"errorInviteNoLongerExists": "Invite no longer exists.",
"errorInviteNotFound": "Invite not found.",
"errorSettingsAppliedNoHomescreenLayout": "Settings were applied, but applying homescreen layout may have failed.",
"errorHomescreenAppliedNoSettings": "Homescreen layout was applied, but applying settings may have failed.",
"errorSettingsFailed": "Application failed.",
"errorSaveEmail": "Failed to save email.",
"errorBlankFields": "Fields were left blank",
"errorDeleteProfile": "Failed to delete profile {n}",
"errorLoadProfiles": "Failed to load profiles.",
"errorCreateProfile": "Failed to create profile {n}",
"errorSetDefaultProfile": "Failed to set default profile.",
"errorLoadUsers": "Failed to load users.",
"errorLoadSettings": "Failed to load settings.",
"errorSetOmbiProfile": "Failed to store ombi profile.",
"errorLoadOmbiUsers": "Failed to load ombi users.",
"errorChangedEmailAddress": "Couldn't change email address of {n}.",
"errorFailureCheckLogs": "Failed (check console/logs)",
"errorPartialFailureCheckLogs": "Partial failure (check console/logs)",
"errorUserCreated": "Failed to create user {n}.",
"errorSendWelcomeEmail": "Failed to send welcome message (check console/logs)",
"errorApplyUpdate": "Failed to apply update, try manually.",
"errorCheckUpdate": "Failed to check for update.",
"errorNoReferralTemplate": "Profile doesn't contain referral template, add one in settings.",
"errorLoadActivities": "Failed to load activities.",
"errorInvalidDate": "Date is invalid.",
"updateAvailable": "A new update is available, check settings.",
"noUpdatesAvailable": "No new updates available."
"quantityStrings": {
"modifySettingsFor": {
"singular": "Modify Settings for {n} user",
"plural": "Modify Settings for {n} users"
"enableReferralsFor": {
"singular": "Enable Referrals for {n} user",
"plural": "Enable Referrals for {n} users"
"deleteNUsers": {
"singular": "Delete {n} user",
"plural": "Delete {n} users"
"disableUsers": {
"singular": "Disable {n} user",
"plural": "Disable {n} users"
"reEnableUsers": {
"singular": "Re-enable {n} user",
"plural": "Re-enable {n} users"
"addUser": {
"singular": "Add user",
"plural": "Add users"
"deleteUser": {
"singular": "Delete User",
"plural": "Delete Users"
"deletedUser": {
"singular": "Deleted {n} user.",
"plural": "Deleted {n} users."
"disabledUser": {
"singular": "Disabled {n} user.",
"plural": "Disabled {n} users."
"enabledUser": {
"singular": "Enabled {n} user.",
"plural": "Enabled {n} users."
"announceTo": {
"singular": "Announce to {n} user",
"plural": "Announce to {n} users"
"appliedSettings": {
"singular": "Applied settings to {n} user.",
"plural": "Applied settings to {n} users."
"extendExpiry": {
"singular": "Extend expiry for {n} user",
"plural": "Extend expiry for {n} users"
"setExpiry": {
"singular": "Set expiry for {n} user",
"plural": "Set expiry for {n} users"
"extendedExpiry": {
"singular": "Extended expiry for {n} user.",
"plural": "Extended expiry for {n} users."