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synced 2024-12-22 09:00:10 +00:00
Harvey Tindall
realized half the info from the signup form wasnt being stored in the JWT used to create the account after email confirmation, and instead of adding them, the -whole request- from the browser is stored temporarily by the server, indexed by a smaller JWT that only includes the invite code. Someone complained on reddit about me storing the password in the JWT a while back, and although security-wise that isn't an issue (only the server can decrypt the token), it doesn't happen anymore. Happy?
1163 lines
34 KiB
1163 lines
34 KiB
package main
import (
type discordStore map[string]DiscordUser
type telegramStore map[string]TelegramUser
type matrixStore map[string]MatrixUser
type emailStore map[string]EmailAddress
type Storage struct {
timePattern string
invite_path, emails_path, policy_path, configuration_path, displayprefs_path, ombi_path, profiles_path, customEmails_path, users_path, telegram_path, discord_path, matrix_path, announcements_path, matrix_sql_path, userPage_path string
users map[string]time.Time // Map of Jellyfin User IDs to their expiry times.
invites Invites
profiles map[string]Profile
defaultProfile string
displayprefs, ombi_template map[string]interface{}
emails emailStore
telegram telegramStore // Map of Jellyfin User IDs to telegram users.
discord discordStore // Map of Jellyfin user IDs to discord users.
matrix matrixStore // Map of Jellyfin user IDs to Matrix users.
customEmails customEmails
userPage userPageContent
policy mediabrowser.Policy
configuration mediabrowser.Configuration
lang Lang
announcements map[string]announcementTemplate
invitesLock, usersLock, discordLock, telegramLock, matrixLock, emailsLock sync.Mutex
// GetEmails returns a copy of the store.
func (st *Storage) GetEmails() emailStore {
return st.emails
// GetEmailsKey returns the value stored in the store's key.
func (st *Storage) GetEmailsKey(k string) (EmailAddress, bool) {
v, ok := st.emails[k]
return v, ok
// SetEmailsKey stores value v in key k.
func (st *Storage) SetEmailsKey(k string, v EmailAddress) {
st.emails[k] = v
// DeleteEmailKey deletes value at key k.
func (st *Storage) DeleteEmailsKey(k string) {
delete(st.emails, k)
// GetDiscord returns a copy of the store.
func (st *Storage) GetDiscord() discordStore {
if st.discord == nil {
st.discord = discordStore{}
return st.discord
// GetDiscordKey returns the value stored in the store's key.
func (st *Storage) GetDiscordKey(k string) (DiscordUser, bool) {
v, ok := st.discord[k]
return v, ok
// SetDiscordKey stores value v in key k.
func (st *Storage) SetDiscordKey(k string, v DiscordUser) {
if st.discord == nil {
st.discord = discordStore{}
st.discord[k] = v
// DeleteDiscordKey deletes value at key k.
func (st *Storage) DeleteDiscordKey(k string) {
delete(st.discord, k)
// GetTelegram returns a copy of the store.
func (st *Storage) GetTelegram() telegramStore {
if st.telegram == nil {
st.telegram = telegramStore{}
return st.telegram
// GetTelegramKey returns the value stored in the store's key.
func (st *Storage) GetTelegramKey(k string) (TelegramUser, bool) {
v, ok := st.telegram[k]
return v, ok
// SetTelegramKey stores value v in key k.
func (st *Storage) SetTelegramKey(k string, v TelegramUser) {
if st.telegram == nil {
st.telegram = telegramStore{}
st.telegram[k] = v
// DeleteTelegramKey deletes value at key k.
func (st *Storage) DeleteTelegramKey(k string) {
delete(st.telegram, k)
// GetMatrix returns a copy of the store.
func (st *Storage) GetMatrix() matrixStore {
if st.matrix == nil {
st.matrix = matrixStore{}
return st.matrix
// GetMatrixKey returns the value stored in the store's key.
func (st *Storage) GetMatrixKey(k string) (MatrixUser, bool) {
v, ok := st.matrix[k]
return v, ok
// SetMatrixKey stores value v in key k.
func (st *Storage) SetMatrixKey(k string, v MatrixUser) {
if st.matrix == nil {
st.matrix = matrixStore{}
st.matrix[k] = v
// DeleteMatrixKey deletes value at key k.
func (st *Storage) DeleteMatrixKey(k string) {
delete(st.matrix, k)
// GetInvites returns a copy of the store.
func (st *Storage) GetInvites() Invites {
if st.invites == nil {
st.invites = Invites{}
return st.invites
// GetInvitesKey returns the value stored in the store's key.
func (st *Storage) GetInvitesKey(k string) (Invite, bool) {
v, ok := st.invites[k]
return v, ok
// SetInvitesKey stores value v in key k.
func (st *Storage) SetInvitesKey(k string, v Invite) {
if st.invites == nil {
st.invites = Invites{}
st.invites[k] = v
// DeleteInvitesKey deletes value at key k.
func (st *Storage) DeleteInvitesKey(k string) {
delete(st.invites, k)
type TelegramUser struct {
ChatID int64
Username string
Lang string
Contact bool // Whether to contact through telegram or not
type DiscordUser struct {
ChannelID string
ID string
Username string
Discriminator string
Lang string
Contact bool
JellyfinID string `json:"-"` // Used internally in discord.go
type EmailAddress struct {
Addr string
Label string // User Label.
Contact bool
Admin bool // Whether or not user is jfa-go admin.
type customEmails struct {
UserCreated customContent `json:"userCreated"`
InviteExpiry customContent `json:"inviteExpiry"`
PasswordReset customContent `json:"passwordReset"`
UserDeleted customContent `json:"userDeleted"`
UserDisabled customContent `json:"userDisabled"`
UserEnabled customContent `json:"userEnabled"`
InviteEmail customContent `json:"inviteEmail"`
WelcomeEmail customContent `json:"welcomeEmail"`
EmailConfirmation customContent `json:"emailConfirmation"`
UserExpired customContent `json:"userExpired"`
type customContent struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
Content string `json:"content"`
Variables []string `json:"variables,omitempty"`
Conditionals []string `json:"conditionals,omitempty"`
type userPageContent struct {
Login customContent `json:"login"`
Page customContent `json:"page"`
// timePattern: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f
type Profile struct {
Admin bool `json:"admin,omitempty"`
LibraryAccess string `json:"libraries,omitempty"`
FromUser string `json:"fromUser,omitempty"`
Policy mediabrowser.Policy `json:"policy,omitempty"`
Configuration mediabrowser.Configuration `json:"configuration,omitempty"`
Displayprefs map[string]interface{} `json:"displayprefs,omitempty"`
Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"`
Ombi map[string]interface{} `json:"ombi,omitempty"`
type Invite struct {
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
NoLimit bool `json:"no-limit"`
RemainingUses int `json:"remaining-uses"`
ValidTill time.Time `json:"valid_till"`
UserExpiry bool `json:"user-duration"`
UserMonths int `json:"user-months,omitempty"`
UserDays int `json:"user-days,omitempty"`
UserHours int `json:"user-hours,omitempty"`
UserMinutes int `json:"user-minutes,omitempty"`
SendTo string `json:"email"`
// Used to be stored as formatted time, now as Unix.
UsedBy [][]string `json:"used-by"`
Notify map[string]map[string]bool `json:"notify"`
Profile string `json:"profile"`
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
Captchas map[string]*captcha.Data // Map of Captcha IDs to answers
type Lang struct {
AdminPath string
chosenAdminLang string
Admin adminLangs
AdminJSON map[string]string
UserPath string
chosenUserLang string
User userLangs
PasswordResetPath string
chosenPWRLang string
PasswordReset pwrLangs
EmailPath string
chosenEmailLang string
Email emailLangs
CommonPath string
Common commonLangs
SetupPath string
Setup setupLangs
// Telegram translations are also used for Discord bots (and likely future ones).
chosenTelegramLang string
TelegramPath string
Telegram telegramLangs
func (st *Storage) loadLang(filesystems ...fs.FS) (err error) {
err = st.loadLangCommon(filesystems...)
if err != nil {
err = st.loadLangAdmin(filesystems...)
if err != nil {
err = st.loadLangEmail(filesystems...)
if err != nil {
err = st.loadLangUser(filesystems...)
if err != nil {
err = st.loadLangPWR(filesystems...)
if err != nil {
err = st.loadLangTelegram(filesystems...)
// The following patch* functions fill in a language with missing values
// from a list of other sources in a preferred order.
// languages to patch from should be in decreasing priority,
// E.g: If to = fr-be, from = [fr-fr, en-us].
func (common *commonLangs) patchCommonStrings(to *langSection, from ...string) {
if *to == nil {
*to = langSection{}
for n, ev := range (*common)[from[len(from)-1]].Strings {
if v, ok := (*to)[n]; !ok || v == "" {
i := 0
for i < len(from)-1 {
ev, ok = (*common)[from[i]].Strings[n]
if ok && ev != "" {
(*to)[n] = ev
func (common *commonLangs) patchCommonNotifications(to *langSection, from ...string) {
if *to == nil {
*to = langSection{}
for n, ev := range (*common)[from[len(from)-1]].Notifications {
if v, ok := (*to)[n]; !ok || v == "" {
i := 0
for i < len(from)-1 {
ev, ok = (*common)[from[i]].Notifications[n]
if ok && ev != "" {
(*to)[n] = ev
func (common *commonLangs) patchCommonQuantityStrings(to *map[string]quantityString, from ...string) {
if *to == nil {
*to = map[string]quantityString{}
for n, ev := range (*common)[from[len(from)-1]].QuantityStrings {
if v, ok := (*to)[n]; !ok || (v.Singular == "" && v.Plural == "") {
i := 0
for i < len(from)-1 {
ev, ok = (*common)[from[i]].QuantityStrings[n]
if ok && ev.Singular != "" && ev.Plural != "" {
(*to)[n] = ev
func patchLang(to *langSection, from ...*langSection) {
if *to == nil {
*to = langSection{}
for n, ev := range *from[len(from)-1] {
if v, ok := (*to)[n]; !ok || v == "" {
i := 0
for i < len(from)-1 {
ev, ok = (*from[i])[n]
if ok && ev != "" {
(*to)[n] = ev
func patchQuantityStrings(to *map[string]quantityString, from ...*map[string]quantityString) {
if *to == nil {
*to = map[string]quantityString{}
for n, ev := range *from[len(from)-1] {
qs, ok := (*to)[n]
if !ok || qs.Singular == "" || qs.Plural == "" {
i := 0
subOk := false
for i < len(from)-1 {
ev, subOk = (*from[i])[n]
if subOk && ev.Singular != "" && ev.Plural != "" {
if !ok {
(*to)[n] = ev
} else if qs.Singular == "" {
qs.Singular = ev.Singular
} else if qs.Plural == "" {
qs.Plural = ev.Plural
(*to)[n] = qs
type loadLangFunc func(fsIndex int, name string) error
func (st *Storage) loadLangCommon(filesystems ...fs.FS) error {
st.lang.Common = map[string]commonLang{}
var english commonLang
loadedLangs := make([]map[string]bool, len(filesystems))
var load loadLangFunc
load = func(fsIndex int, fname string) error {
filesystem := filesystems[fsIndex]
index := strings.TrimSuffix(fname, filepath.Ext(fname))
lang := commonLang{}
f, err := fs.ReadFile(filesystem, FSJoin(st.lang.CommonPath, fname))
if err != nil {
return err
if substituteStrings != "" {
f = []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(f), "Jellyfin", substituteStrings))
err = json.Unmarshal(f, &lang)
if err != nil {
return err
if fname != "en-us.json" {
if lang.Meta.Fallback != "" {
fallback, ok := st.lang.Common[lang.Meta.Fallback]
err = nil
if !ok {
err = load(fsIndex, lang.Meta.Fallback+".json")
fallback = st.lang.Common[lang.Meta.Fallback]
if err == nil {
loadedLangs[fsIndex][lang.Meta.Fallback+".json"] = true
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &fallback.Strings, &english.Strings)
patchLang(&lang.Notifications, &fallback.Notifications, &english.Notifications)
patchQuantityStrings(&lang.QuantityStrings, &fallback.QuantityStrings, &english.QuantityStrings)
if (lang.Meta.Fallback != "" && err != nil) || lang.Meta.Fallback == "" {
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &english.Strings)
patchLang(&lang.Notifications, &english.Notifications)
patchQuantityStrings(&lang.QuantityStrings, &english.QuantityStrings)
st.lang.Common[index] = lang
return nil
engFound := false
var err error
for i := range filesystems {
loadedLangs[i] = map[string]bool{}
err = load(i, "en-us.json")
if err == nil {
engFound = true
loadedLangs[i]["en-us.json"] = true
if !engFound {
return err
english = st.lang.Common["en-us"]
commonLoaded := false
for i := range filesystems {
files, err := fs.ReadDir(filesystems[i], st.lang.CommonPath)
if err != nil {
for _, f := range files {
if !loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] {
err = load(i, f.Name())
if err == nil {
commonLoaded = true
loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] = true
if !commonLoaded {
return err
return nil
func (st *Storage) loadLangAdmin(filesystems ...fs.FS) error {
st.lang.Admin = map[string]adminLang{}
var english adminLang
loadedLangs := make([]map[string]bool, len(filesystems))
var load loadLangFunc
load = func(fsIndex int, fname string) error {
filesystem := filesystems[fsIndex]
index := strings.TrimSuffix(fname, filepath.Ext(fname))
lang := adminLang{}
f, err := fs.ReadFile(filesystem, FSJoin(st.lang.AdminPath, fname))
if err != nil {
return err
if substituteStrings != "" {
f = []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(f), "Jellyfin", substituteStrings))
err = json.Unmarshal(f, &lang)
if err != nil {
return err
st.lang.Common.patchCommonStrings(&lang.Strings, index)
st.lang.Common.patchCommonNotifications(&lang.Notifications, index)
if fname != "en-us.json" {
if lang.Meta.Fallback != "" {
fallback, ok := st.lang.Admin[lang.Meta.Fallback]
err = nil
if !ok {
err = load(fsIndex, lang.Meta.Fallback+".json")
fallback = st.lang.Admin[lang.Meta.Fallback]
if err == nil {
loadedLangs[fsIndex][lang.Meta.Fallback+".json"] = true
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &fallback.Strings, &english.Strings)
patchLang(&lang.Notifications, &fallback.Notifications, &english.Notifications)
patchQuantityStrings(&lang.QuantityStrings, &fallback.QuantityStrings, &english.QuantityStrings)
if (lang.Meta.Fallback != "" && err != nil) || lang.Meta.Fallback == "" {
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &english.Strings)
patchLang(&lang.Notifications, &english.Notifications)
patchQuantityStrings(&lang.QuantityStrings, &english.QuantityStrings)
stringAdmin, err := json.Marshal(lang)
if err != nil {
return err
lang.JSON = string(stringAdmin)
st.lang.Admin[index] = lang
return nil
engFound := false
var err error
for i := range filesystems {
loadedLangs[i] = map[string]bool{}
err = load(i, "en-us.json")
if err == nil {
engFound = true
loadedLangs[i]["en-us.json"] = true
if !engFound {
return err
english = st.lang.Admin["en-us"]
adminLoaded := false
for i := range filesystems {
files, err := fs.ReadDir(filesystems[i], st.lang.AdminPath)
if err != nil {
for _, f := range files {
if !loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] {
err = load(i, f.Name())
if err == nil {
adminLoaded = true
loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] = true
if !adminLoaded {
return err
return nil
func (st *Storage) loadLangUser(filesystems ...fs.FS) error {
st.lang.User = map[string]userLang{}
var english userLang
loadedLangs := make([]map[string]bool, len(filesystems))
var load loadLangFunc
load = func(fsIndex int, fname string) error {
filesystem := filesystems[fsIndex]
index := strings.TrimSuffix(fname, filepath.Ext(fname))
lang := userLang{}
f, err := fs.ReadFile(filesystem, FSJoin(st.lang.UserPath, fname))
if err != nil {
return err
if substituteStrings != "" {
f = []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(f), "Jellyfin", substituteStrings))
err = json.Unmarshal(f, &lang)
if err != nil {
return err
st.lang.Common.patchCommonStrings(&lang.Strings, index)
st.lang.Common.patchCommonNotifications(&lang.Notifications, index)
st.lang.Common.patchCommonQuantityStrings(&lang.QuantityStrings, index)
// turns out, a lot of email strings are useful on the user page.
emailLang := []langSection{st.lang.Email[index].WelcomeEmail, st.lang.Email[index].UserDisabled, st.lang.Email[index].UserExpired}
for _, v := range emailLang {
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &v)
if fname != "en-us.json" {
if lang.Meta.Fallback != "" {
fallback, ok := st.lang.User[lang.Meta.Fallback]
err = nil
if !ok {
err = load(fsIndex, lang.Meta.Fallback+".json")
fallback = st.lang.User[lang.Meta.Fallback]
if err == nil {
loadedLangs[fsIndex][lang.Meta.Fallback+".json"] = true
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &fallback.Strings, &english.Strings)
patchLang(&lang.Notifications, &fallback.Notifications, &english.Notifications)
patchQuantityStrings(&lang.ValidationStrings, &fallback.ValidationStrings, &english.ValidationStrings)
if (lang.Meta.Fallback != "" && err != nil) || lang.Meta.Fallback == "" {
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &english.Strings)
patchLang(&lang.Notifications, &english.Notifications)
patchQuantityStrings(&lang.ValidationStrings, &english.ValidationStrings)
notifications, err := json.Marshal(lang.Notifications)
if err != nil {
return err
validationStrings, err := json.Marshal(lang.ValidationStrings)
if err != nil {
return err
userJSON, err := json.Marshal(lang)
if err != nil {
return err
lang.notificationsJSON = string(notifications)
lang.validationStringsJSON = string(validationStrings)
lang.JSON = string(userJSON)
st.lang.User[index] = lang
return nil
engFound := false
var err error
for i := range filesystems {
loadedLangs[i] = map[string]bool{}
err = load(i, "en-us.json")
if err == nil {
engFound = true
loadedLangs[i]["en-us.json"] = true
if !engFound {
return err
english = st.lang.User["en-us"]
userLoaded := false
for i := range filesystems {
files, err := fs.ReadDir(filesystems[i], st.lang.UserPath)
if err != nil {
for _, f := range files {
if !loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] {
err = load(i, f.Name())
if err == nil {
userLoaded = true
loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] = true
if !userLoaded {
return err
return nil
func (st *Storage) loadLangPWR(filesystems ...fs.FS) error {
st.lang.PasswordReset = map[string]pwrLang{}
var english pwrLang
loadedLangs := make([]map[string]bool, len(filesystems))
var load loadLangFunc
load = func(fsIndex int, fname string) error {
filesystem := filesystems[fsIndex]
index := strings.TrimSuffix(fname, filepath.Ext(fname))
lang := pwrLang{}
f, err := fs.ReadFile(filesystem, FSJoin(st.lang.PasswordResetPath, fname))
if err != nil {
return err
if substituteStrings != "" {
f = []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(f), "Jellyfin", substituteStrings))
err = json.Unmarshal(f, &lang)
if err != nil {
return err
st.lang.Common.patchCommonStrings(&lang.Strings, index)
if fname != "en-us.json" {
if lang.Meta.Fallback != "" {
fallback, ok := st.lang.PasswordReset[lang.Meta.Fallback]
err = nil
if !ok {
err = load(fsIndex, lang.Meta.Fallback+".json")
fallback = st.lang.PasswordReset[lang.Meta.Fallback]
if err == nil {
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &fallback.Strings, &english.Strings)
if (lang.Meta.Fallback != "" && err != nil) || lang.Meta.Fallback == "" {
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &english.Strings)
st.lang.PasswordReset[index] = lang
return nil
engFound := false
var err error
for i := range filesystems {
loadedLangs[i] = map[string]bool{}
err = load(i, "en-us.json")
if err == nil {
engFound = true
loadedLangs[i]["en-us.json"] = true
if !engFound {
return err
english = st.lang.PasswordReset["en-us"]
userLoaded := false
for i := range filesystems {
files, err := fs.ReadDir(filesystems[i], st.lang.PasswordResetPath)
if err != nil {
for _, f := range files {
if !loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] {
err = load(i, f.Name())
if err == nil {
userLoaded = true
loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] = true
if !userLoaded {
return err
return nil
func (st *Storage) loadLangEmail(filesystems ...fs.FS) error {
st.lang.Email = map[string]emailLang{}
var english emailLang
loadedLangs := make([]map[string]bool, len(filesystems))
var load loadLangFunc
load = func(fsIndex int, fname string) error {
filesystem := filesystems[fsIndex]
index := strings.TrimSuffix(fname, filepath.Ext(fname))
lang := emailLang{}
f, err := fs.ReadFile(filesystem, FSJoin(st.lang.EmailPath, fname))
if err != nil {
return err
if substituteStrings != "" {
f = []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(f), "Jellyfin", substituteStrings))
err = json.Unmarshal(f, &lang)
if err != nil {
return err
st.lang.Common.patchCommonStrings(&lang.Strings, index)
if fname != "en-us.json" {
if lang.Meta.Fallback != "" {
fallback, ok := st.lang.Email[lang.Meta.Fallback]
err = nil
if !ok {
err = load(fsIndex, lang.Meta.Fallback+".json")
fallback = st.lang.Email[lang.Meta.Fallback]
if err == nil {
loadedLangs[fsIndex][lang.Meta.Fallback+".json"] = true
patchLang(&lang.UserCreated, &fallback.UserCreated, &english.UserCreated)
patchLang(&lang.InviteExpiry, &fallback.InviteExpiry, &english.InviteExpiry)
patchLang(&lang.PasswordReset, &fallback.PasswordReset, &english.PasswordReset)
patchLang(&lang.UserDeleted, &fallback.UserDeleted, &english.UserDeleted)
patchLang(&lang.UserDisabled, &fallback.UserDisabled, &english.UserDisabled)
patchLang(&lang.UserEnabled, &fallback.UserEnabled, &english.UserEnabled)
patchLang(&lang.InviteEmail, &fallback.InviteEmail, &english.InviteEmail)
patchLang(&lang.WelcomeEmail, &fallback.WelcomeEmail, &english.WelcomeEmail)
patchLang(&lang.EmailConfirmation, &fallback.EmailConfirmation, &english.EmailConfirmation)
patchLang(&lang.UserExpired, &fallback.UserExpired, &english.UserExpired)
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &fallback.Strings, &english.Strings)
if (lang.Meta.Fallback != "" && err != nil) || lang.Meta.Fallback == "" {
patchLang(&lang.UserCreated, &english.UserCreated)
patchLang(&lang.InviteExpiry, &english.InviteExpiry)
patchLang(&lang.PasswordReset, &english.PasswordReset)
patchLang(&lang.UserDeleted, &english.UserDeleted)
patchLang(&lang.UserDisabled, &english.UserDisabled)
patchLang(&lang.UserEnabled, &english.UserEnabled)
patchLang(&lang.InviteEmail, &english.InviteEmail)
patchLang(&lang.WelcomeEmail, &english.WelcomeEmail)
patchLang(&lang.EmailConfirmation, &english.EmailConfirmation)
patchLang(&lang.UserExpired, &english.UserExpired)
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &english.Strings)
st.lang.Email[index] = lang
return nil
engFound := false
var err error
for i := range filesystems {
loadedLangs[i] = map[string]bool{}
err = load(i, "en-us.json")
if err == nil {
engFound = true
loadedLangs[i]["en-us.json"] = true
if !engFound {
return err
english = st.lang.Email["en-us"]
emailLoaded := false
for i := range filesystems {
files, err := fs.ReadDir(filesystems[i], st.lang.EmailPath)
if err != nil {
for _, f := range files {
if !loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] {
err = load(i, f.Name())
if err == nil {
emailLoaded = true
loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] = true
if !emailLoaded {
return err
return nil
func (st *Storage) loadLangTelegram(filesystems ...fs.FS) error {
st.lang.Telegram = map[string]telegramLang{}
var english telegramLang
loadedLangs := make([]map[string]bool, len(filesystems))
var load loadLangFunc
load = func(fsIndex int, fname string) error {
filesystem := filesystems[fsIndex]
index := strings.TrimSuffix(fname, filepath.Ext(fname))
lang := telegramLang{}
f, err := fs.ReadFile(filesystem, FSJoin(st.lang.TelegramPath, fname))
if err != nil {
return err
if substituteStrings != "" {
f = []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(f), "Jellyfin", substituteStrings))
err = json.Unmarshal(f, &lang)
if err != nil {
return err
st.lang.Common.patchCommonStrings(&lang.Strings, index)
if fname != "en-us.json" {
if lang.Meta.Fallback != "" {
fallback, ok := st.lang.Telegram[lang.Meta.Fallback]
err = nil
if !ok {
err = load(fsIndex, lang.Meta.Fallback+".json")
fallback = st.lang.Telegram[lang.Meta.Fallback]
if err == nil {
loadedLangs[fsIndex][lang.Meta.Fallback+".json"] = true
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &fallback.Strings, &english.Strings)
if (lang.Meta.Fallback != "" && err != nil) || lang.Meta.Fallback == "" {
patchLang(&lang.Strings, &english.Strings)
st.lang.Telegram[index] = lang
return nil
engFound := false
var err error
for i := range filesystems {
loadedLangs[i] = map[string]bool{}
err = load(i, "en-us.json")
if err == nil {
engFound = true
loadedLangs[i]["en-us.json"] = true
if !engFound {
return err
english = st.lang.Telegram["en-us"]
telegramLoaded := false
for i := range filesystems {
files, err := fs.ReadDir(filesystems[i], st.lang.TelegramPath)
if err != nil {
for _, f := range files {
if !loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] {
err = load(i, f.Name())
if err == nil {
telegramLoaded = true
loadedLangs[i][f.Name()] = true
if !telegramLoaded {
return err
return nil
type Invites map[string]Invite
func (st *Storage) loadInvites() error {
return loadJSON(st.invite_path, &st.invites)
func (st *Storage) storeInvites() error {
return storeJSON(st.invite_path, st.invites)
func (st *Storage) loadUsers() error {
defer st.usersLock.Unlock()
if st.users == nil {
st.users = map[string]time.Time{}
temp := map[string]time.Time{}
err := loadJSON(st.users_path, &temp)
if err != nil {
return err
for id, t1 := range temp {
if _, ok := st.users[id]; !ok {
st.users[id] = t1
return nil
func (st *Storage) storeUsers() error {
return storeJSON(st.users_path, st.users)
func (st *Storage) loadEmails() error {
return loadJSON(st.emails_path, &st.emails)
func (st *Storage) storeEmails() error {
return storeJSON(st.emails_path, st.emails)
func (st *Storage) loadTelegramUsers() error {
return loadJSON(st.telegram_path, &st.telegram)
func (st *Storage) storeTelegramUsers() error {
return storeJSON(st.telegram_path, st.telegram)
func (st *Storage) loadDiscordUsers() error {
return loadJSON(st.discord_path, &st.discord)
func (st *Storage) storeDiscordUsers() error {
return storeJSON(st.discord_path, st.discord)
func (st *Storage) loadMatrixUsers() error {
return loadJSON(st.matrix_path, &st.matrix)
func (st *Storage) storeMatrixUsers() error {
return storeJSON(st.matrix_path, st.matrix)
func (st *Storage) loadCustomEmails() error {
return loadJSON(st.customEmails_path, &st.customEmails)
func (st *Storage) storeCustomEmails() error {
return storeJSON(st.customEmails_path, st.customEmails)
func (st *Storage) loadUserPageContent() error {
return loadJSON(st.userPage_path, &st.userPage)
func (st *Storage) storeUserPageContent() error {
return storeJSON(st.userPage_path, st.userPage)
func (st *Storage) loadPolicy() error {
return loadJSON(st.policy_path, &st.policy)
func (st *Storage) storePolicy() error {
return storeJSON(st.policy_path, st.policy)
func (st *Storage) loadConfiguration() error {
return loadJSON(st.configuration_path, &st.configuration)
func (st *Storage) storeConfiguration() error {
return storeJSON(st.configuration_path, st.configuration)
func (st *Storage) loadDisplayprefs() error {
return loadJSON(st.displayprefs_path, &st.displayprefs)
func (st *Storage) storeDisplayprefs() error {
return storeJSON(st.displayprefs_path, st.displayprefs)
func (st *Storage) loadOmbiTemplate() error {
return loadJSON(st.ombi_path, &st.ombi_template)
func (st *Storage) storeOmbiTemplate() error {
return storeJSON(st.ombi_path, st.ombi_template)
func (st *Storage) loadAnnouncements() error {
return loadJSON(st.announcements_path, &st.announcements)
func (st *Storage) storeAnnouncements() error {
return storeJSON(st.announcements_path, st.announcements)
func (st *Storage) loadProfiles() error {
err := loadJSON(st.profiles_path, &st.profiles)
for name, profile := range st.profiles {
if profile.Default {
st.defaultProfile = name
change := false
if profile.Policy.IsAdministrator != profile.Admin {
change = true
profile.Admin = profile.Policy.IsAdministrator
if profile.Policy.EnabledFolders != nil {
length := len(profile.Policy.EnabledFolders)
if length == 0 {
profile.LibraryAccess = "All"
} else {
profile.LibraryAccess = strconv.Itoa(length)
change = true
if profile.FromUser == "" {
profile.FromUser = "Unknown"
change = true
if change {
st.profiles[name] = profile
if st.defaultProfile == "" {
for n := range st.profiles {
st.defaultProfile = n
return err
func (st *Storage) storeProfiles() error {
return storeJSON(st.profiles_path, st.profiles)
func (st *Storage) migrateToProfile() error {
st.profiles["Default"] = Profile{
Policy: st.policy,
Configuration: st.configuration,
Displayprefs: st.displayprefs,
return st.storeProfiles()
func loadJSON(path string, obj interface{}) error {
var file []byte
var err error
file, err = os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
file = []byte("{}")
err = json.Unmarshal(file, &obj)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR: Failed to read \"%s\": %s", path, err)
return err
func storeJSON(path string, obj interface{}) error {
data, err := json.Marshal(obj)
if err != nil {
return err
err = os.WriteFile(path, data, 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR: Failed to write to \"%s\": %s", path, err)
return err