mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2025-02-18 15:50:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall e97b90d4d7
Matrix: Setup bot, add PIN verification
PIN is verified but not used currently. Works a little different than
the others, you input your matrix user ID and then the PIN is sent to
you. The bot doesn't support E2EE, so the bot being the first one to
message ensures the chat is unencrypted.
2021-05-29 17:43:11 +01:00

241 lines
6.5 KiB

package main
import (
tg "github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api"
type TelegramVerifiedToken struct {
Token string
ChatID int64
Username string
type TelegramDaemon struct {
Stopped bool
ShutdownChannel chan string
bot *tg.BotAPI
username string
tokens []string
verifiedTokens []TelegramVerifiedToken
languages map[int64]string // Store of languages for chatIDs. Added to on first interaction, and loaded from app.storage.telegram on start.
link string
app *appContext
func newTelegramDaemon(app *appContext) (*TelegramDaemon, error) {
token := app.config.Section("telegram").Key("token").String()
if token == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token was blank")
bot, err := tg.NewBotAPI(token)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
td := &TelegramDaemon{
ShutdownChannel: make(chan string),
bot: bot,
username: bot.Self.UserName,
tokens: []string{},
verifiedTokens: []TelegramVerifiedToken{},
languages: map[int64]string{},
link: "https://t.me/" + bot.Self.UserName,
app: app,
for _, user := range app.storage.telegram {
if user.Lang != "" {
td.languages[user.ChatID] = user.Lang
return td, nil
func genAuthToken() string {
pin := make([]rune, 8)
for i := range pin {
if (i+1)%3 == 0 {
pin[i] = '-'
} else {
pin[i] = runes[rand.Intn(len(runes))]
return string(pin)
var runes = []rune("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789")
// NewAuthToken generates an 8-character pin in the form "A1-2B-CD".
func (t *TelegramDaemon) NewAuthToken() string {
pin := genAuthToken()
t.tokens = append(t.tokens, pin)
return pin
func (t *TelegramDaemon) run() {
t.app.info.Println("Starting Telegram bot daemon")
u := tg.NewUpdate(0)
u.Timeout = 60
updates, err := t.bot.GetUpdatesChan(u)
if err != nil {
t.app.err.Printf("Failed to start Telegram daemon: %v", err)
telegramEnabled = false
for {
var upd tg.Update
select {
case upd = <-updates:
if upd.Message == nil {
sects := strings.Split(upd.Message.Text, " ")
if len(sects) == 0 {
lang := t.app.storage.lang.chosenTelegramLang
storedLang, ok := t.languages[upd.Message.Chat.ID]
if !ok {
found := false
for code := range t.app.storage.lang.Telegram {
if code[:2] == upd.Message.From.LanguageCode {
lang = code
found = true
if found {
t.languages[upd.Message.Chat.ID] = lang
} else {
lang = storedLang
switch msg := sects[0]; msg {
case "/start":
t.commandStart(&upd, sects, lang)
case "/lang":
t.commandLang(&upd, sects, lang)
t.commandPIN(&upd, sects, lang)
case <-t.ShutdownChannel:
t.ShutdownChannel <- "Down"
func (t *TelegramDaemon) Reply(upd *tg.Update, content string) error {
msg := tg.NewMessage((*upd).Message.Chat.ID, content)
_, err := t.bot.Send(msg)
return err
func (t *TelegramDaemon) QuoteReply(upd *tg.Update, content string) error {
msg := tg.NewMessage((*upd).Message.Chat.ID, content)
msg.ReplyToMessageID = (*upd).Message.MessageID
_, err := t.bot.Send(msg)
return err
var escapedChars = []string{"_", "\\_", "*", "\\*", "[", "\\[", "]", "\\]", "(", "\\(", ")", "\\)", "~", "\\~", "`", "\\`", ">", "\\>", "#", "\\#", "+", "\\+", "-", "\\-", "=", "\\=", "|", "\\|", "{", "\\{", "}", "\\}", ".", "\\.", "!", "\\!"}
var escaper = strings.NewReplacer(escapedChars...)
// Send will send a telegram message to a list of chat IDs. message.text is used if no markdown is given.
func (t *TelegramDaemon) Send(message *Message, ID ...int64) error {
for _, id := range ID {
var msg tg.MessageConfig
if message.Markdown == "" {
msg = tg.NewMessage(id, message.Text)
} else {
text := escaper.Replace(message.Markdown)
msg = tg.NewMessage(id, text)
msg.ParseMode = "MarkdownV2"
_, err := t.bot.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *TelegramDaemon) Shutdown() {
t.Stopped = true
t.ShutdownChannel <- "Down"
func (t *TelegramDaemon) commandStart(upd *tg.Update, sects []string, lang string) {
content := t.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("startMessage") + "\n"
content += t.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.template("languageMessage", tmpl{"command": "/lang"})
err := t.Reply(upd, content)
if err != nil {
t.app.err.Printf("Telegram: Failed to send message to \"%s\": %v", upd.Message.From.UserName, err)
func (t *TelegramDaemon) commandLang(upd *tg.Update, sects []string, lang string) {
if len(sects) == 1 {
list := "/lang `<lang>`\n"
for code := range t.app.storage.lang.Telegram {
list += fmt.Sprintf("`%s`: %s\n", code, t.app.storage.lang.Telegram[code].Meta.Name)
err := t.Reply(upd, list)
if err != nil {
t.app.err.Printf("Telegram: Failed to send message to \"%s\": %v", upd.Message.From.UserName, err)
if _, ok := t.app.storage.lang.Telegram[sects[1]]; ok {
t.languages[upd.Message.Chat.ID] = sects[1]
for jfID, user := range t.app.storage.telegram {
if user.ChatID == upd.Message.Chat.ID {
user.Lang = sects[1]
t.app.storage.telegram[jfID] = user
if err := t.app.storage.storeTelegramUsers(); err != nil {
t.app.err.Printf("Failed to store Telegram users: %v", err)
func (t *TelegramDaemon) commandPIN(upd *tg.Update, sects []string, lang string) {
tokenIndex := -1
for i, token := range t.tokens {
if upd.Message.Text == token {
tokenIndex = i
if tokenIndex == -1 {
err := t.QuoteReply(upd, t.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("invalidPIN"))
if err != nil {
t.app.err.Printf("Telegram: Failed to send message to \"%s\": %v", upd.Message.From.UserName, err)
err := t.QuoteReply(upd, t.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("pinSuccess"))
if err != nil {
t.app.err.Printf("Telegram: Failed to send message to \"%s\": %v", upd.Message.From.UserName, err)
t.verifiedTokens = append(t.verifiedTokens, TelegramVerifiedToken{
Token: upd.Message.Text,
ChatID: upd.Message.Chat.ID,
Username: upd.Message.Chat.UserName,
t.tokens[len(t.tokens)-1], t.tokens[tokenIndex] = t.tokens[tokenIndex], t.tokens[len(t.tokens)-1]
t.tokens = t.tokens[:len(t.tokens)-1]