mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2025-02-23 02:00:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall 3f8414c70a
use unix timestamp for inv created & usedBy
usedBy is still stored as a string in invites.json to cope with existing
invites with times stored formatted. knz/strtime requires cgo for
strptime, so it has been replaced with the native itchyny/timefmt-go.
2021-04-06 21:25:44 +01:00

130 lines
3.0 KiB

declare interface Modal {
modal: HTMLElement;
closeButton: HTMLSpanElement
show: () => void;
close: (event?: Event) => void;
toggle: () => void;
interface ArrayConstructor {
from(arrayLike: any, mapFn?, thisArg?): Array<any>;
declare interface Window {
URLBase: string;
modals: Modals;
cssFile: string;
availableProfiles: string[];
jfUsers: Array<Object>;
notificationsEnabled: boolean;
emailEnabled: boolean;
ombiEnabled: boolean;
usernameEnabled: boolean;
token: string;
buttonWidth: number;
transitionEvent: string;
animationEvent: string;
tabs: Tabs;
invites: inviteList;
notifications: NotificationBox;
language: string;
lang: Lang;
langFile: {};
updater: updater;
declare interface Update {
version: string;
commit: string;
date: number;
description: string;
changelog: string;
link: string;
download_link?: string;
can_update: boolean;
declare interface updater extends Update {
checkForUpdates: (run?: (req: XMLHttpRequest) => void) => void;
updateAvailable: boolean;
update: Update;
declare interface Lang {
get: (sect: string, key: string) => string;
strings: (key: string) => string;
notif: (key: string) => string;
var: (sect: string, key: string, ...subs: string[]) => string;
quantity: (key: string, number: number) => string;
declare interface NotificationBox {
connectionError: () => void;
customError: (type: string, message: string) => void;
customPositive: (type: string, bold: string, message: string) => void;
customSuccess: (type: string, message: string) => void;
declare interface Tabs {
current: string;
tabs: Array<Tab>;
addTab: (tabID: string, preFunc?: () => void, postFunc?: () => void) => void;
switch: (tabID: string, noRun?: boolean) => void;
declare interface Tab {
tabID: string;
tabEl: HTMLDivElement;
buttonEl: HTMLSpanElement;
preFunc?: () => void;
postFunc?: () => void;
declare interface Modals {
about: Modal;
login: Modal;
addUser: Modal;
modifyUser: Modal;
deleteUser: Modal;
settingsRestart: Modal;
settingsRefresh: Modal;
ombiDefaults?: Modal;
profiles: Modal;
addProfile: Modal;
announce: Modal;
editor: Modal;
customizeEmails: Modal;
extendExpiry: Modal;
updateInfo: Modal;
interface Invite {
code?: string;
expiresIn?: string;
remainingUses?: string;
email?: string;
usedBy?: { [name: string]: number };
created?: number;
notifyExpiry?: boolean;
notifyCreation?: boolean;
profile?: string;
label?: string;
userExpiry?: boolean;
userExpiryTime?: string;
interface inviteList {
empty: boolean;
invites: { [code: string]: Invite }
add: (invite: Invite) => void;
reload: () => void;
declare interface SubmitEvent extends Event {
submitter: HTMLInputElement;
declare var config: Object;
declare var modifiedConfig: Object;