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synced 2025-02-18 15:50:11 +00:00
shared "newUser" method is now "NewUserPostVerification", and is shared between all routes which create a jellyfin account. The new "NewUserFromInvite", "NewUserFromAdmin" and "NewUserFromConfirmationKey" are smaller as a result. Discord, Telegram, and Matrix now implement the "ContactMethodLinker" and "ContactMethodUser" interfaces, meaning code is shared a lot between them in the NewUser methods, and the specifics are now in their own files. Ombi/Jellyseerr similarly implement a simpler interface "ThirdPartyService", which simply has ImportUser and AddContactMethod routes. Note these new interface methods are only used for user creation as of yet, but could likely be used in other places.
181 lines
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181 lines
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package main
import (
lm "github.com/hrfee/jfa-go/logmessages"
// ReponseFunc responds to the user, generally by HTTP response
// The cases when more than this occurs are given below.
type ResponseFunc func(gc *gin.Context)
// LogFunc prints a log line once called.
type LogFunc func()
type ContactMethodConf struct {
Email, Discord, Telegram, Matrix bool
type ContactMethodUsers struct {
Email emailStore
Discord DiscordUser
Telegram TelegramVerifiedToken
Matrix MatrixUser
type ContactMethodValidation struct {
Verified ContactMethodConf
Users ContactMethodUsers
type NewUserParams struct {
Req newUserDTO
SourceType ActivitySource
Source string
ContextForIPLogging *gin.Context
Profile *Profile
type NewUserData struct {
Created bool
Success bool
User mediabrowser.User
Message string
Status int
Log func()
// FIXME: First load of steps are going in NewUserFromInvite, because they're only used there.
// Make an interface{} for Require/Verify/ExistingUser which all contact daemons respect, then loop through!
-- STEPS --
- Validate Invite
- Validate CAPTCHA
- Validate Password
- a) Discord (Require, Verify, ExistingUser, ApplyRole)
b) Telegram (Require, Verify, ExistingUser)
c) Matrix (Require, Verify, ExistingUser)
d) Email (Require, Verify, ExistingUser)
* Check for existing user
* Generate JF user
- Delete Invite
* Store Activity
* Store Email
- Store Discord/Telegram/Matrix/Label
- Notify Admin (Doesn't really matter when this happens)
* Apply Profile
* Generate JS, Ombi Users, apply profiles
* Send Welcome Email
func (app *appContext) NewUserPostVerification(p NewUserParams) (out NewUserData) {
// Some helper functions which will behave as our app.info/error/debug
deferLogInfo := func(s string, args ...any) {
out.Log = func() {
app.info.Printf(s, args)
/* deferLogDebug := func(s string, args ...any) {
out.Log = func() {
app.debug.Printf(s, args)
} */
deferLogError := func(s string, args ...any) {
out.Log = func() {
app.err.Printf(s, args)
existingUser, _, _ := app.jf.UserByName(p.Req.Username, false)
if existingUser.Name != "" {
out.Message = lm.UserExists
deferLogInfo(lm.FailedCreateUser, lm.Jellyfin, p.Req.Username, out.Message)
out.Status = 401
var status int
var err error
out.User, status, err = app.jf.NewUser(p.Req.Username, p.Req.Password)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
out.Message = err.Error()
deferLogError(lm.FailedCreateUser, lm.Jellyfin, p.Req.Username, out.Message)
out.Status = 401
out.Created = true
// Invalidate Cache to be safe
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: ActivityCreation,
UserID: out.User.ID,
SourceType: p.SourceType,
Source: p.Source,
InviteCode: p.Req.Code, // Left blank when an admin does this
Value: out.User.Name,
Time: time.Now(),
}, p.ContextForIPLogging, (p.SourceType != ActivityAdmin))
if p.Profile != nil {
status, err = app.jf.SetPolicy(out.User.ID, p.Profile.Policy)
if !((status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil) {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedApplyTemplate, "policy", lm.Jellyfin, out.User.ID, err)
status, err = app.jf.SetConfiguration(out.User.ID, p.Profile.Configuration)
if (status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil {
status, err = app.jf.SetDisplayPreferences(out.User.ID, p.Profile.Displayprefs)
if !((status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil) {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedApplyTemplate, "configuration", lm.Jellyfin, out.User.ID, err)
for _, tps := range app.thirdPartyServices {
if !tps.Enabled(app, p.Profile) {
// When ok and err != nil, its a non-fatal failure that we lot without the "FailedImportUser".
err, ok := tps.ImportUser(out.User.ID, p.Req, *p.Profile)
if !ok {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedImportUser, tps.Name(), p.Req.Username, err)
} else if err != nil {
// Welcome email is sent by each user of this method separately..
out.Status = 200
out.Success = true
func (app *appContext) WelcomeNewUser(user mediabrowser.User, expiry time.Time) (failed bool) {
if !app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
// we didn't "fail", we "politely declined"
// failed = true
failed = true
name := app.getAddressOrName(user.ID)
if name == "" {
msg, err := app.email.constructWelcome(user.Name, expiry, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedConstructWelcomeMessage, user.ID, err)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, user.ID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedSendWelcomeMessage, user.ID, name, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf(lm.SentWelcomeMessage, user.ID, name)
failed = false