mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2025-02-18 15:50:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall 54e4a51a7f
users: huge cleanup/dedupe, interface-based third-party services
shared "newUser" method is now "NewUserPostVerification", and is shared
between all routes which create a jellyfin account. The new
"NewUserFromInvite", "NewUserFromAdmin" and "NewUserFromConfirmationKey"
are smaller as a result. Discord, Telegram, and Matrix now implement the
"ContactMethodLinker" and "ContactMethodUser" interfaces, meaning code
is shared a lot between them in the NewUser methods, and the specifics
are now in their own files. Ombi/Jellyseerr similarly implement a
simpler interface "ThirdPartyService", which simply has ImportUser and
AddContactMethod routes. Note these new interface methods are only used
for user creation as of yet, but could likely be used in other places.
2024-08-03 21:27:46 +01:00

806 lines
26 KiB

package main
import (
dg "github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo"
lm "github.com/hrfee/jfa-go/logmessages"
type DiscordDaemon struct {
Stopped bool
ShutdownChannel chan string
bot *dg.Session
username string
tokens map[string]VerifToken // Map of pins to tokens.
verifiedTokens map[string]DiscordUser // Map of token pins to discord users.
Channel, InviteChannel struct{ ID, Name string }
guildID string
serverChannelName, serverName string
users map[string]DiscordUser // Map of user IDs to users. Added to on first interaction, and loaded from app.storage.discord on start.
roleID string
app *appContext
commandHandlers map[string]func(s *dg.Session, i *dg.InteractionCreate, lang string)
commandIDs []string
commandDescriptions []*dg.ApplicationCommand
func newDiscordDaemon(app *appContext) (*DiscordDaemon, error) {
token := app.config.Section("discord").Key("token").String()
if token == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token was blank")
bot, err := dg.New("Bot " + token)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dd := &DiscordDaemon{
Stopped: false,
ShutdownChannel: make(chan string),
bot: bot,
tokens: map[string]VerifToken{},
verifiedTokens: map[string]DiscordUser{},
users: map[string]DiscordUser{},
app: app,
roleID: app.config.Section("discord").Key("apply_role").String(),
commandHandlers: map[string]func(s *dg.Session, i *dg.InteractionCreate, lang string){},
commandIDs: []string{},
dd.commandHandlers[app.config.Section("discord").Key("start_command").MustString("start")] = dd.cmdStart
dd.commandHandlers["lang"] = dd.cmdLang
dd.commandHandlers["pin"] = dd.cmdPIN
dd.commandHandlers["inv"] = dd.cmdInvite
for _, user := range app.storage.GetDiscord() {
dd.users[user.ID] = user
return dd, nil
// NewAuthToken generates an 8-character pin in the form "A1-2B-CD".
func (d *DiscordDaemon) NewAuthToken() string {
pin := genAuthToken()
d.tokens[pin] = VerifToken{Expiry: time.Now().Add(VERIF_TOKEN_EXPIRY_SEC * time.Second), JellyfinID: ""}
return pin
// NewAssignedAuthToken generates an 8-character pin in the form "A1-2B-CD",
// and assigns it for access only with the given Jellyfin ID.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) NewAssignedAuthToken(id string) string {
pin := genAuthToken()
d.tokens[pin] = VerifToken{Expiry: time.Now().Add(VERIF_TOKEN_EXPIRY_SEC * time.Second), JellyfinID: id}
return pin
func (d *DiscordDaemon) NewUnknownUser(channelID, userID, discrim, username string) DiscordUser {
user := DiscordUser{
ChannelID: channelID,
ID: userID,
Username: username,
Discriminator: discrim,
return user
func (d *DiscordDaemon) MustGetUser(channelID, userID, discrim, username string) DiscordUser {
if user, ok := d.users[userID]; ok {
return user
return d.NewUnknownUser(channelID, userID, discrim, username)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) run() {
d.bot.Identify.Intents = dg.IntentsGuildMessages | dg.IntentsDirectMessages | dg.IntentsGuildMembers | dg.IntentsGuildInvites
if err := d.bot.Open(); err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedStartDaemon, lm.Discord, err)
// Wait for everything to populate, it's slow sometimes.
for d.bot.State == nil {
for d.bot.State.User == nil {
d.username = d.bot.State.User.Username
for d.bot.State.Guilds == nil {
// Choose the last guild (server), for now we don't really support multiple anyway
d.guildID = d.bot.State.Guilds[len(d.bot.State.Guilds)-1].ID
guild, err := d.bot.Guild(d.guildID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordGuild, err)
d.serverChannelName = guild.Name
d.serverName = guild.Name
if channel := d.app.config.Section("discord").Key("channel").String(); channel != "" {
d.Channel.Name = channel
d.serverChannelName += "/" + channel
if d.app.config.Section("discord").Key("provide_invite").MustBool(false) {
if invChannel := d.app.config.Section("discord").Key("invite_channel").String(); invChannel != "" {
d.InviteChannel.Name = invChannel
err = d.bot.UpdateGameStatus(0, "/"+d.app.config.Section("discord").Key("start_command").MustString("start"))
defer d.deregisterCommands()
defer d.bot.Close()
go d.registerCommands()
d.ShutdownChannel <- "Down"
// ListRoles returns a list of available (excluding bot and @everyone) roles in a guild as a list of containing an array of the guild ID and its name.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) ListRoles() (roles [][2]string, err error) {
var r []*dg.Role
r, err = d.bot.GuildRoles(d.guildID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordRoles, err)
for _, role := range r {
if role.Name != d.username && role.Name != "@everyone" {
roles = append(roles, [2]string{role.ID, role.Name})
// roles = make([][2]string, len(r))
// for i, role := range r {
// roles[i] = [2]string{role.ID, role.Name}
// }
// ApplyRole applies the member role to the given user if set.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) ApplyRole(userID string) error {
if d.roleID == "" {
return nil
return d.bot.GuildMemberRoleAdd(d.guildID, userID, d.roleID)
// NewTempInvite creates an invite link, and returns the invite URL, as well as the URL for the server icon.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) NewTempInvite(ageSeconds, maxUses int) (inviteURL, iconURL string) {
var inv *dg.Invite
var err error
if d.InviteChannel.Name == "" {
d.app.err.Println(lm.FailedCreateDiscordInviteChannel, lm.InviteChannelEmpty)
if d.InviteChannel.ID == "" {
channels, err := d.bot.GuildChannels(d.guildID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordChannels, err)
found := false
for _, channel := range channels {
// channel, err := d.bot.Channel(ch.ID)
// if err != nil {
// d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordChannel, ch.ID, err)
// return
// }
if channel.Name == d.InviteChannel.Name {
d.InviteChannel.ID = channel.ID
found = true
if !found {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordChannel, d.InviteChannel.Name, lm.NotFound)
// channel, err := d.bot.Channel(d.inviteChannelID)
// if err != nil {
// d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordChannel, d.inviteChannelID, err)
// return
// }
inv, err = d.bot.ChannelInviteCreate(d.InviteChannel.ID, dg.Invite{
// Guild: d.bot.State.Guilds[len(d.bot.State.Guilds)-1],
// Channel: channel,
// Inviter: d.bot.State.User,
MaxAge: ageSeconds,
MaxUses: maxUses,
Temporary: false,
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGenerateDiscordInvite, err)
inviteURL = "https://discord.gg/" + inv.Code
guild, err := d.bot.Guild(d.guildID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordGuild, err)
iconURL = guild.IconURL("256")
// RenderDiscordUsername returns String of discord username, with support for new discriminator-less versions.
func RenderDiscordUsername[DcUser *dg.User | DiscordUser](user DcUser) string {
u, ok := interface{}(user).(*dg.User)
var discriminator, username string
if ok {
discriminator = u.Discriminator
username = u.Username
} else {
u2 := interface{}(user).(DiscordUser)
discriminator = u2.Discriminator
username = u2.Username
if discriminator == "0" {
return "@" + username
return username + "#" + discriminator
// Returns the user(s) roughly corresponding to the username (if they are in the guild).
// if no discriminator (#xxxx) is given in the username and there are multiple corresponding users, a list of all matching users is returned.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) GetUsers(username string) []*dg.Member {
members, err := d.bot.GuildMembers(
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordGuildMembers, err)
return nil
hasDiscriminator := strings.Contains(username, "#")
hasAt := strings.HasPrefix(username, "@")
if hasAt {
username = username[1:]
var users []*dg.Member
for _, member := range members {
if hasDiscriminator {
if member.User.Username+"#"+member.User.Discriminator == username {
return []*dg.Member{member}
if hasAt {
if member.User.Username == username && member.User.Discriminator == "0" {
return []*dg.Member{member}
if strings.Contains(member.User.Username, username) {
users = append(users, member)
return users
func (d *DiscordDaemon) NewUser(ID string) (user DiscordUser, ok bool) {
u, err := d.bot.User(ID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetUser, ID, lm.Discord, err)
user.ID = ID
user.Username = u.Username
user.Contact = true
user.Discriminator = u.Discriminator
channel, err := d.bot.UserChannelCreate(ID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedCreateDiscordDMChannel, ID, err)
user.ChannelID = channel.ID
ok = true
func (d *DiscordDaemon) Shutdown() {
d.Stopped = true
d.ShutdownChannel <- "Down"
func (d *DiscordDaemon) registerCommands() {
d.commandDescriptions = []*dg.ApplicationCommand{
Name: d.app.config.Section("discord").Key("start_command").MustString("start"),
Description: "Start the Discord linking process. The bot will send further instructions.",
Name: "lang",
Description: "Set the language for the bot.",
Options: []*dg.ApplicationCommandOption{
Type: dg.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
Name: "language",
Description: "Language Name",
Required: true,
Choices: []*dg.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{},
Name: "pin",
Description: "Send PIN for Discord verification.",
Options: []*dg.ApplicationCommandOption{
Type: dg.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
Name: "pin",
Description: "Verification PIN (e.g AB-CD-EF)",
Required: true,
Name: "inv",
Description: "Send an invite to a discord user (admin only).",
Options: []*dg.ApplicationCommandOption{
Type: dg.ApplicationCommandOptionUser,
Name: "user",
Description: "User to Invite.",
Required: true,
Type: dg.ApplicationCommandOptionInteger,
Name: "expiry",
Description: "Time in minutes before expiration.",
Required: false,
/* Label should be automatically set to something like "Discord invite for @username"
Type: dg.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
Name: "label",
Description: "Label given to this invite (shown on the Admin page)",
Required: false,
}, */
Type: dg.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
Name: "user_label",
Description: "Label given to users created with this invite.",
Required: false,
Type: dg.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
Name: "profile",
Description: "Profile to apply to the created user.",
Required: false,
d.commandDescriptions[1].Options[0].Choices = make([]*dg.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice, len(d.app.storage.lang.Telegram))
i := 0
for code := range d.app.storage.lang.Telegram {
d.app.debug.Printf(lm.RegisterDiscordChoice, lm.Lang, d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[code].Meta.Name+":"+code)
d.commandDescriptions[1].Options[0].Choices[i] = &dg.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{
Name: d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[code].Meta.Name,
Value: code,
profiles := d.app.storage.GetProfiles()
d.commandDescriptions[3].Options[3].Choices = make([]*dg.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice, len(profiles))
for i, profile := range profiles {
d.app.debug.Printf(lm.RegisterDiscordChoice, lm.Profile, profile.Name)
d.commandDescriptions[3].Options[3].Choices[i] = &dg.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{
Name: profile.Name,
Value: profile.Name,
// d.deregisterCommands()
d.commandIDs = make([]string, len(d.commandDescriptions))
// cCommands, err := d.bot.ApplicationCommandBulkOverwrite(d.bot.State.User.ID, d.guildID, commands)
// if err != nil {
// d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Cannot create commands: %v", err)
// }
for i, cmd := range d.commandDescriptions {
command, err := d.bot.ApplicationCommandCreate(d.bot.State.User.ID, d.guildID, cmd)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedRegisterDiscordCommand, cmd.Name, err)
} else {
d.app.debug.Printf(lm.RegisterDiscordCommand, cmd.Name)
d.commandIDs[i] = command.ID
func (d *DiscordDaemon) deregisterCommands() {
existingCommands, err := d.bot.ApplicationCommands(d.bot.State.User.ID, d.guildID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordCommands, err)
for _, cmd := range existingCommands {
if err := d.bot.ApplicationCommandDelete(d.bot.State.User.ID, d.guildID, cmd.ID); err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedDeregDiscordCommand, cmd.Name, err)
// UpdateCommands updates commands which have defined lists of options, to be used when changes occur.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) UpdateCommands() {
// Reload Profile List
profiles := d.app.storage.GetProfiles()
d.commandDescriptions[3].Options[3].Choices = make([]*dg.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice, len(profiles))
for i, profile := range profiles {
d.app.debug.Printf(lm.RegisterDiscordChoice, lm.Profile, profile.Name)
d.commandDescriptions[3].Options[3].Choices[i] = &dg.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{
Name: profile.Name,
Value: profile.Name,
cmd, err := d.bot.ApplicationCommandEdit(d.bot.State.User.ID, d.guildID, d.commandIDs[3], d.commandDescriptions[3])
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedRegisterDiscordChoices, lm.Profile, err)
} else {
d.commandIDs[3] = cmd.ID
func (d *DiscordDaemon) commandHandler(s *dg.Session, i *dg.InteractionCreate) {
if h, ok := d.commandHandlers[i.ApplicationCommandData().Name]; ok {
if i.GuildID != "" && d.Channel.Name != "" {
if d.Channel.ID == "" {
channel, err := s.Channel(i.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetDiscordChannel, i.ChannelID, err)
d.Channel.Name = ""
if channel.Name == d.Channel.Name {
d.Channel.ID = channel.ID
if d.Channel.ID != i.ChannelID {
d.app.debug.Printf(lm.IgnoreOutOfChannelMessage, lm.Discord)
if i.Interaction.Member.User.ID == s.State.User.ID {
lang := d.app.storage.lang.chosenTelegramLang
if user, ok := d.users[i.Interaction.Member.User.ID]; ok {
if _, ok := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[user.Lang]; ok {
lang = user.Lang
h(s, i, lang)
// cmd* methods handle slash-commands, msg* methods handle ! commands.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) cmdStart(s *dg.Session, i *dg.InteractionCreate, lang string) {
channel, err := s.UserChannelCreate(i.Interaction.Member.User.ID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedCreateDiscordDMChannel, i.Interaction.Member.User.ID, err)
user := d.MustGetUser(channel.ID, i.Interaction.Member.User.ID, i.Interaction.Member.User.Discriminator, i.Interaction.Member.User.Username)
d.users[i.Interaction.Member.User.ID] = user
content := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("discordStartMessage") + "\n"
content += d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.template("languageMessageDiscord", tmpl{"command": "/lang"})
err = s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, &dg.InteractionResponse{
// Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Data: &dg.InteractionResponseData{
Content: content,
Flags: 64, // Ephemeral
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedReply, lm.Discord, i.Interaction.Member.User.ID, err)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) cmdPIN(s *dg.Session, i *dg.InteractionCreate, lang string) {
pin := i.ApplicationCommandData().Options[0].StringValue()
user, ok := d.tokens[pin]
if !ok || time.Now().After(user.Expiry) {
err := s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, &dg.InteractionResponse{
// Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Data: &dg.InteractionResponseData{
Content: d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("invalidPIN"),
Flags: 64, // Ephemeral
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedReply, lm.Discord, i.Interaction.Member.User.ID, err)
delete(d.tokens, pin)
err := s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, &dg.InteractionResponse{
// Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Data: &dg.InteractionResponseData{
Content: d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("pinSuccess"),
Flags: 64, // Ephemeral
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedReply, lm.Discord, i.Interaction.Member.User.ID, err)
dcUser := d.users[i.Interaction.Member.User.ID]
dcUser.JellyfinID = user.JellyfinID
d.verifiedTokens[pin] = dcUser
delete(d.tokens, pin)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) cmdLang(s *dg.Session, i *dg.InteractionCreate, lang string) {
code := i.ApplicationCommandData().Options[0].StringValue()
if _, ok := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[code]; ok {
var user DiscordUser
for _, u := range d.app.storage.GetDiscord() {
if u.ID == i.Interaction.Member.User.ID {
u.Lang = code
lang = code
d.app.storage.SetDiscordKey(u.JellyfinID, u)
user = u
d.users[i.Interaction.Member.User.ID] = user
err := s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, &dg.InteractionResponse{
// Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Data: &dg.InteractionResponseData{
Content: d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.template("languageSet", tmpl{"language": d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Meta.Name}),
Flags: 64, // Ephemeral
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedReply, lm.Discord, i.Interaction.Member.User.ID, err)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) cmdInvite(s *dg.Session, i *dg.InteractionCreate, lang string) {
channel, err := s.UserChannelCreate(i.Interaction.Member.User.ID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedCreateDiscordDMChannel, i.Interaction.Member.User.ID, err)
requester := d.MustGetUser(channel.ID, i.Interaction.Member.User.ID, i.Interaction.Member.User.Discriminator, i.Interaction.Member.User.Username)
d.users[i.Interaction.Member.User.ID] = requester
recipient := i.ApplicationCommandData().Options[0].UserValue(s)
// d.app.debug.Println(invuser)
//label := i.ApplicationCommandData().Options[2].StringValue()
//profile := i.ApplicationCommandData().Options[3].StringValue()
//mins, err := strconv.Atoi(i.ApplicationCommandData().Options[1].StringValue())
//if mins > 0 {
// expmin = mins
// Check whether requestor is linked to the admin account
requesterEmail, ok := d.app.storage.GetEmailsKey(requester.JellyfinID)
if !(ok && requesterEmail.Admin) {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGenerateInvite, fmt.Sprintf(lm.NonAdminUser, requester.JellyfinID))
// FIXME: add response message
var expiryMinutes int64 = 30
userLabel := ""
profileName := ""
for i, opt := range i.ApplicationCommandData().Options {
if i == 0 {
switch opt.Name {
case "expiry":
expiryMinutes = opt.IntValue()
case "user_label":
userLabel = opt.StringValue()
case "profile":
profileName = opt.StringValue()
currentTime := time.Now()
validTill := currentTime.Add(time.Minute * time.Duration(expiryMinutes))
invite := Invite{
Code: GenerateInviteCode(),
Created: currentTime,
RemainingUses: 1,
UserExpiry: false,
ValidTill: validTill,
UserLabel: userLabel,
Profile: "Default",
Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", lm.Discord, RenderDiscordUsername(recipient)),
if profileName != "" {
if _, ok := d.app.storage.GetProfileKey(profileName); ok {
invite.Profile = profileName
if recipient != nil && d.app.config.Section("invite_emails").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
invname, err := d.bot.GuildMember(d.guildID, recipient.ID)
invite.SendTo = invname.User.Username
msg, err := d.app.email.constructInvite(invite.Code, invite, d.app, false)
if err != nil {
invite.SendTo = fmt.Sprintf(lm.FailedConstructInviteMessage, invite.Code, err)
err := s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, &dg.InteractionResponse{
Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Data: &dg.InteractionResponseData{
Content: d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("sentInviteFailure"),
Flags: 64, // Ephemeral
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedReply, lm.Discord, requester.ID, err)
} else {
var err error
err = d.app.discord.SendDM(msg, recipient.ID)
if err != nil {
invite.SendTo = fmt.Sprintf(lm.FailedSendInviteMessage, invite.Code, RenderDiscordUsername(recipient), err)
err := s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, &dg.InteractionResponse{
Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Data: &dg.InteractionResponseData{
Content: d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("sentInviteFailure"),
Flags: 64, // Ephemeral
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedReply, lm.Discord, requester.ID, err)
} else {
d.app.info.Printf(lm.SentInviteMessage, invite.Code, RenderDiscordUsername(recipient))
err := s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, &dg.InteractionResponse{
Type: dg.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Data: &dg.InteractionResponseData{
Content: d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("sentInvite"),
Flags: 64, // Ephemeral
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedReply, lm.Discord, requester.ID, err)
//if profile != "" {
d.app.storage.SetInvitesKey(invite.Code, invite)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) SendDM(message *Message, userID ...string) error {
channels := make([]string, len(userID))
for i, id := range userID {
channel, err := d.bot.UserChannelCreate(id)
if err != nil {
return err
channels[i] = channel.ID
return d.Send(message, channels...)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) Send(message *Message, channelID ...string) error {
msg := ""
var embeds []*dg.MessageEmbed
if message.Markdown != "" {
msg, embeds = StripAltText(message.Markdown, true)
} else {
msg = message.Text
for _, id := range channelID {
var err error
if len(embeds) != 0 {
_, err = d.bot.ChannelMessageSendComplex(
Content: msg,
Embed: embeds[0],
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 1; i < len(embeds); i++ {
_, err := d.bot.ChannelMessageSendEmbed(id, embeds[i])
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
_, err := d.bot.ChannelMessageSend(
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UserVerified returns whether or not a token with the given PIN has been verified, and the user itself.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) UserVerified(pin string) (ContactMethodUser, bool) {
u, ok := d.verifiedTokens[pin]
// delete(d.verifiedTokens, pin)
return &u, ok
// AssignedUserVerified returns whether or not a user with the given PIN has been verified, and the token itself.
// Returns false if the given Jellyfin ID does not match the one in the user.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) AssignedUserVerified(pin string, jfID string) (user DiscordUser, ok bool) {
user, ok = d.verifiedTokens[pin]
if ok && user.JellyfinID != jfID {
ok = false
// delete(d.verifiedUsers, pin)
// UserExists returns whether or not a user with the given ID exists.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) UserExists(id string) bool {
c, err := d.app.storage.db.Count(&DiscordUser{}, badgerhold.Where("ID").Eq(id))
return err != nil || c > 0
// Exists returns whether or not the given user exists.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) Exists(user ContactMethodUser) bool {
return d.UserExists(user.MethodID().(string))
// DeleteVerifiedToken removes the token with the given PIN.
func (d *DiscordDaemon) DeleteVerifiedToken(PIN string) {
delete(d.verifiedTokens, PIN)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) PIN(req newUserDTO) string { return req.DiscordPIN }
func (d *DiscordDaemon) Name() string { return lm.Discord }
func (d *DiscordDaemon) Required() bool {
return d.app.config.Section("discord").Key("required").MustBool(false)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) UniqueRequired() bool {
return d.app.config.Section("discord").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) PostVerificationTasks(PIN string, u ContactMethodUser) error {
err := d.ApplyRole(u.MethodID().(string))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(lm.FailedSetDiscordMemberRole, err)
return err
func (d *DiscordUser) Name() string { return RenderDiscordUsername(*d) }
func (d *DiscordUser) SetMethodID(id any) { d.ID = id.(string) }
func (d *DiscordUser) MethodID() any { return d.ID }
func (d *DiscordUser) SetJellyfin(id string) { d.JellyfinID = id }
func (d *DiscordUser) Jellyfin() string { return d.JellyfinID }
func (d *DiscordUser) SetAllowContactFromDTO(req newUserDTO) { d.Contact = req.DiscordContact }
func (d *DiscordUser) SetAllowContact(contact bool) { d.Contact = contact }
func (d *DiscordUser) AllowContact() bool { return d.Contact }
func (d *DiscordUser) Store(st *Storage) {
st.SetDiscordKey(d.Jellyfin(), *d)