mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2024-09-19 19:00:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall 54e4a51a7f
users: huge cleanup/dedupe, interface-based third-party services
shared "newUser" method is now "NewUserPostVerification", and is shared
between all routes which create a jellyfin account. The new
"NewUserFromInvite", "NewUserFromAdmin" and "NewUserFromConfirmationKey"
are smaller as a result. Discord, Telegram, and Matrix now implement the
"ContactMethodLinker" and "ContactMethodUser" interfaces, meaning code
is shared a lot between them in the NewUser methods, and the specifics
are now in their own files. Ombi/Jellyseerr similarly implement a
simpler interface "ThirdPartyService", which simply has ImportUser and
AddContactMethod routes. Note these new interface methods are only used
for user creation as of yet, but could likely be used in other places.
2024-08-03 21:27:46 +01:00

224 lines
6.3 KiB

package main
import (
lm "github.com/hrfee/jfa-go/logmessages"
func (app *appContext) getOmbiUser(jfID string) (map[string]interface{}, int, error) {
jfUser, code, err := app.jf.UserByID(jfID, false)
if err != nil || code != 200 {
return nil, code, err
username := jfUser.Name
email := ""
if e, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(jfID); ok {
email = e.Addr
return app.ombi.getUser(username, email)
func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) getUser(username string, email string) (map[string]interface{}, int, error) {
ombiUsers, code, err := ombi.GetUsers()
if err != nil || code != 200 {
return nil, code, err
for _, ombiUser := range ombiUsers {
ombiAddr := ""
if a, ok := ombiUser["emailAddress"]; ok && a != nil {
ombiAddr = a.(string)
if ombiUser["userName"].(string) == username || (ombiAddr == email && email != "") {
return ombiUser, code, err
return nil, 400, errors.New(lm.NotFound)
// Returns a user with the given name who has been imported from Jellyfin/Emby by Ombi
func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) getImportedUser(name string) (map[string]interface{}, int, error) {
// Ombi User Types: 3/4 = Emby, 5 = Jellyfin
ombiUsers, code, err := ombi.GetUsers()
if err != nil || code != 200 {
return nil, code, err
for _, ombiUser := range ombiUsers {
if ombiUser["userName"].(string) == name {
uType, ok := ombiUser["userType"].(int)
if !ok { // Don't know if Ombi somehow allows duplicate usernames
if serverType == mediabrowser.JellyfinServer && uType != 5 { // Jellyfin
} else if uType != 3 && uType != 4 { // Emby
return ombiUser, code, err
return nil, 400, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find user")
// @Summary Get a list of Ombi users.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} ombiUsersDTO
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /ombi/users [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Ombi
func (app *appContext) OmbiUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
users, status, err := app.ombi.GetUsers()
if err != nil || status != 200 {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetUsers, lm.Ombi, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc)
userlist := make([]ombiUser, len(users))
for i, data := range users {
userlist[i] = ombiUser{
Name: data["userName"].(string),
ID: data["id"].(string),
gc.JSON(200, ombiUsersDTO{Users: userlist})
// @Summary Store Ombi user template in an existing profile.
// @Produce json
// @Param ombiUser body ombiUser true "User to source settings from"
// @Param profile path string true "Name of profile to store in"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /profiles/ombi/{profile} [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Ombi
func (app *appContext) SetOmbiProfile(gc *gin.Context) {
var req ombiUser
escapedProfileName := gc.Param("profile")
profileName, _ := url.QueryUnescape(escapedProfileName)
profile, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(profileName)
if !ok {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
template, code, err := app.ombi.TemplateByID(req.ID)
if err != nil || code != 200 || len(template) == 0 {
app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetUsers, lm.Ombi, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get user", gc)
profile.Ombi = template
app.storage.SetProfileKey(profileName, profile)
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Remove ombi user template from a profile.
// @Produce json
// @Param profile path string true "Name of profile to store in"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /profiles/ombi/{profile} [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Ombi
func (app *appContext) DeleteOmbiProfile(gc *gin.Context) {
escapedProfileName := gc.Param("profile")
profileName, _ := url.QueryUnescape(escapedProfileName)
profile, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(profileName)
if !ok {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
profile.Ombi = nil
app.storage.SetProfileKey(profileName, profile)
respondBool(204, true, gc)
type OmbiWrapper struct {
func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) applyProfile(user map[string]interface{}, profile map[string]interface{}) (status int, err error) {
for k, v := range profile {
switch v.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}, []interface{}:
user[k] = v
if v != user[k] {
user[k] = v
status, err = ombi.ModifyUser(user)
func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) ImportUser(jellyfinID string, req newUserDTO, profile Profile) (err error, ok bool) {
errors, code, err := ombi.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password, req.Email, profile.Ombi)
var ombiUser map[string]interface{}
var status int
if err != nil || code != 200 {
// Check if on the off chance, Ombi's user importer has already added the account.
ombiUser, status, err = ombi.getImportedUser(req.Username)
if status == 200 && err == nil {
// app.info.Println(lm.Ombi + " " + lm.UserExists)
profile.Ombi["password"] = req.Password
status, err = ombi.applyProfile(ombiUser, profile.Ombi)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf(lm.FailedApplyProfile, lm.Ombi, req.Username, err)
} else {
if len(errors) != 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("%v, %s", err, strings.Join(errors, ", "))
ok = true
func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) AddContactMethods(jellyfinID string, req newUserDTO, discord *DiscordUser, telegram *TelegramUser) (err error) {
var ombiUser map[string]interface{}
var status int
ombiUser, status, err = ombi.getUser(req.Username, req.Email)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
if discordEnabled || telegramEnabled {
dID := ""
tUser := ""
if discord != nil {
dID = discord.ID
if telegram != nil {
tUser = telegram.Username
var resp string
var status int
resp, status, err = ombi.SetNotificationPrefs(ombiUser, dID, tUser)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
if resp != "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("%v, %s", err, resp)
func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) Name() string { return lm.Ombi }
func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) Enabled(app *appContext, profile *Profile) bool {
return profile != nil && profile.Ombi != nil && len(profile.Ombi) != 0 && app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false)