mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2025-02-18 15:50:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall e97b90d4d7
Matrix: Setup bot, add PIN verification
PIN is verified but not used currently. Works a little different than
the others, you input your matrix user ID and then the PIN is sent to
you. The bot doesn't support E2EE, so the bot being the first one to
message ensures the chat is unencrypted.
2021-05-29 17:43:11 +01:00

842 lines
25 KiB

package main
import (
_ "github.com/hrfee/jfa-go/docs"
var (
PLATFORM string = runtime.GOOS
SOCK string = "jfa-go.sock"
SRV *http.Server
RESTART chan bool
PORT *int
DEBUG *bool
PPROF *bool
TEST bool
QUIT = false
RUNNING = false
warning = color.New(color.FgYellow).SprintfFunc()
info = color.New(color.FgMagenta).SprintfFunc()
hiwhite = color.New(color.FgHiWhite).SprintfFunc()
white = color.New(color.FgWhite).SprintfFunc()
version string
commit string
var temp = func() string {
temp := "/tmp"
if PLATFORM == "windows" {
temp = os.Getenv("TEMP")
return temp
var logPath string = filepath.Join(temp, "jfa-go.log")
var serverTypes = map[string]string{
"jellyfin": "Jellyfin",
"emby": "Emby (experimental)",
var serverType = mediabrowser.JellyfinServer
var substituteStrings = ""
// User is used for auth purposes.
type User struct {
UserID string `json:"id"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
// contains (almost) everything the application needs, essentially. This was a dumb design decision imo.
type appContext struct {
// defaults *Config
config *ini.File
configPath string
configBasePath string
configBase settings
dataPath string
webFS httpFS
cssClass string // Default theme, "light-theme"|"dark-theme".
jellyfinLogin bool
users []User
invalidTokens []string
// Keeping jf name because I can't think of a better one
jf *mediabrowser.MediaBrowser
authJf *mediabrowser.MediaBrowser
ombi *ombi.Ombi
datePattern string
timePattern string
storage Storage
validator Validator
email *Emailer
telegram *TelegramDaemon
discord *DiscordDaemon
matrix *MatrixDaemon
info, debug, err logger.Logger
host string
port int
version string
quit chan os.Signal
URLBase string
updater *Updater
newUpdate bool // Whether whatever's in update is new.
tag Tag
update Update
func generateSecret(length int) (string, error) {
bytes := make([]byte, length)
_, err := rand.Read(bytes)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(bytes), err
func test(app *appContext) {
settings := map[string]interface{}{
"server": app.jf.Server,
"server version": app.jf.ServerInfo.Version,
"server name": app.jf.ServerInfo.Name,
"authenticated?": app.jf.Authenticated,
"access token": app.jf.AccessToken,
"username": app.jf.Username,
for n, v := range settings {
fmt.Println(n, ":", v)
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
fmt.Printf("GetUsers: code %d err %s maplength %d\n", status, err, len(users))
fmt.Printf("View output? [y/n]: ")
var choice string
if strings.Contains(choice, "y") {
out, err := json.MarshalIndent(users, "", " ")
fmt.Print(string(out), err)
fmt.Printf("Enter a user to grab: ")
var username string
user, status, err := app.jf.UserByName(username, false)
fmt.Printf("UserByName (%s): code %d err %s", username, status, err)
out, _ := json.MarshalIndent(user, "", " ")
func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
RUNNING = true
defer func() { RUNNING = false }()
// app encompasses essentially all useful functions.
app := new(appContext)
set default config and data paths
data: Contains invites.json, emails.json, user_profile.json, etc.
config: config.ini. Usually in data, but can be changed via -config.
localFS: jfa-go's internal data. On internal builds, this is contained within the binary.
On external builds, the directory is named "data" and placed next to the executable.
userConfigDir, _ := os.UserConfigDir()
app.dataPath = filepath.Join(userConfigDir, "jfa-go")
app.configPath = filepath.Join(app.dataPath, "config.ini")
// gin-static doesn't just take a plain http.FileSystem, so we implement it's ServeFileSystem. See static.go.
app.webFS = httpFS{
hfs: http.FS(localFS),
fs: localFS,
app.info = logger.NewLogger(os.Stdout, "[INFO] ", log.Ltime, color.FgHiWhite)
app.err = logger.NewLogger(os.Stdout, "[ERROR] ", log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile, color.FgRed)
var firstRun bool
if _, err := os.Stat(app.dataPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
os.Mkdir(app.dataPath, 0700)
if _, err := os.Stat(app.configPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
firstRun = true
dConfig, err := fs.ReadFile(localFS, "config-default.ini")
if err != nil {
app.err.Fatalf("Couldn't find default config file")
nConfig, err := os.Create(app.configPath)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Couldn't open config file for writing: \"%s\"", app.configPath)
app.err.Fatalf("Error: %s", err)
defer nConfig.Close()
_, err = nConfig.Write(dConfig)
if err != nil {
app.err.Fatalf("Couldn't copy default config.")
app.info.Printf("Copied default configuration to \"%s\"", app.configPath)
var debugMode bool
var address string
if err := app.loadConfig(); err != nil {
app.err.Fatalf("Failed to load config file \"%s\": %v", app.configPath, err)
// Some message settings have been moved from "email" to "messages", this will switch them.
if app.config.Section("email").Key("use_24h").Value() != "" {
app.version = app.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("version").String()
// read from config...
debugMode = app.config.Section("ui").Key("debug").MustBool(false)
// then from flag
if *DEBUG {
debugMode = true
if debugMode {
app.debug = logger.NewLogger(os.Stdout, "[DEBUG] ", log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile, color.FgYellow)
} else {
app.debug = logger.EmptyLogger(false)
if *PPROF {
app.info.Print(warning("\n\nWARNING: Don't use pprof in production.\n\n"))
// Starts listener to receive commands over a unix socket. Use with 'jfa-go start/stop'
if asDaemon {
go func() {
listener, err := net.Listen("unix", SOCK)
if err != nil {
app.err.Fatalf("Couldn't establish socket connection at %s\n", SOCK)
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
go func() {
defer func() {
for {
con, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Couldn't read message on %s: %s", SOCK, err)
buf := make([]byte, 512)
nr, err := con.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Couldn't read message on %s: %s", SOCK, err)
command := string(buf[0:nr])
if command == "stop" {
app.storage.lang.CommonPath = "common"
app.storage.lang.FormPath = "form"
app.storage.lang.AdminPath = "admin"
app.storage.lang.EmailPath = "email"
app.storage.lang.TelegramPath = "telegram"
app.storage.lang.PasswordResetPath = "pwreset"
externalLang := app.config.Section("files").Key("lang_files").MustString("")
var err error
if externalLang == "" {
err = app.storage.loadLang(langFS)
} else {
err = app.storage.loadLang(langFS, os.DirFS(externalLang))
if err != nil {
app.info.Fatalf("Failed to load language files: %+v\n", err)
if !firstRun {
app.host = app.config.Section("ui").Key("host").String()
if app.config.Section("advanced").Key("tls").MustBool(false) {
app.info.Println("Using TLS/HTTP2")
app.port = app.config.Section("advanced").Key("tls_port").MustInt(8057)
} else {
app.port = app.config.Section("ui").Key("port").MustInt(8056)
if *HOST != app.host && *HOST != "" {
app.host = *HOST
if *PORT != app.port && *PORT > 0 {
app.port = *PORT
if h := os.Getenv("JFA_HOST"); h != "" {
app.host = h
if p := os.Getenv("JFA_PORT"); p != "" {
var port int
_, err := fmt.Sscan(p, &port)
if err == nil {
app.port = port
address = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", app.host, app.port)
app.debug.Printf("Loaded config file \"%s\"", app.configPath)
app.debug.Println("Loading storage")
app.storage.invite_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("invites").String()
if err := app.storage.loadInvites(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to load Invites: %v", err)
app.storage.emails_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("emails").String()
if err := app.storage.loadEmails(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to load Emails: %v", err)
err := app.migrateEmailStorage()
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to migrate Email storage: %v", err)
app.storage.policy_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("user_template").String()
if err := app.storage.loadPolicy(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to load Policy: %v", err)
app.storage.configuration_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("user_configuration").String()
if err := app.storage.loadConfiguration(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to load Configuration: %v", err)
app.storage.displayprefs_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("user_displayprefs").String()
if err := app.storage.loadDisplayprefs(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to load Displayprefs: %v", err)
app.storage.users_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("users").String()
if err := app.storage.loadUsers(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to load Users: %v", err)
app.storage.telegram_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("telegram_users").String()
if err := app.storage.loadTelegramUsers(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to load Telegram users: %v", err)
app.storage.discord_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("discord_users").String()
if err := app.storage.loadDiscordUsers(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to load Discord users: %v", err)
app.storage.profiles_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("user_profiles").String()
// Migrate from pre-0.2.0 user templates to profiles
if !(app.storage.policy.BlockedTags == nil && app.storage.configuration.GroupedFolders == nil && len(app.storage.displayprefs) == 0) {
app.info.Println("Migrating user template files to new profile format")
for _, path := range [3]string{app.storage.policy_path, app.storage.configuration_path, app.storage.displayprefs_path} {
if _, err := os.Stat(path); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
dir, fname := filepath.Split(path)
newFname := strings.Replace(fname, ".json", ".old.json", 1)
err := os.Rename(path, filepath.Join(dir, newFname))
if err != nil {
app.err.Fatalf("Failed to rename %s: %s", fname, err)
app.info.Println("In case of a problem, your original files have been renamed to <file>.old.json")
if app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
app.storage.ombi_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("ombi_template").String()
ombiServer := app.config.Section("ombi").Key("server").String()
app.ombi = ombi.NewOmbi(
common.NewTimeoutHandler("Ombi", ombiServer, true),
// Read config-base for settings on web.
app.configBasePath = "config-base.json"
configBase, _ := fs.ReadFile(localFS, app.configBasePath)
json.Unmarshal(configBase, &app.configBase)
themes := map[string]string{
"Jellyfin (Dark)": "dark-theme",
"Default (Light)": "light-theme",
// For move from Bootstrap to a17t (0.2.5)
if app.config.Section("ui").Key("theme").String() == "Bootstrap (Light)" {
app.config.Section("ui").Key("theme").SetValue("Default (Light)")
if val, ok := themes[app.config.Section("ui").Key("theme").String()]; ok {
app.cssClass = val
secret, err := generateSecret(16)
if err != nil {
os.Setenv("JFA_SECRET", secret)
// Initialize jellyfin/emby connection
server := app.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("server").String()
cacheTimeout := int(app.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("cache_timeout").MustUint(30))
stringServerType := app.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("type").String()
timeoutHandler := mediabrowser.NewNamedTimeoutHandler("Jellyfin", server, true)
if stringServerType == "emby" {
serverType = mediabrowser.EmbyServer
timeoutHandler = mediabrowser.NewNamedTimeoutHandler("Emby", server, true)
app.info.Println("Using Emby server type")
fmt.Println(warning("WARNING: Emby compatibility is experimental, and support is limited.\nPassword resets are not available."))
} else {
app.info.Println("Using Jellyfin server type")
app.jf, _ = mediabrowser.NewServer(
if debugMode {
app.jf.Verbose = true
var status int
_, status, err = app.jf.Authenticate(app.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("username").String(), app.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("password").String())
if status != 200 || err != nil {
app.err.Fatalf("Failed to authenticate with Jellyfin @ %s (%d): %v", server, status, err)
app.info.Printf("Authenticated with %s", server)
// /* A couple of unstable Jellyfin 10.7.0 releases decided to hyphenate user IDs.
// This checks if the version is equal or higher. */
// checkVersion := func(version string) int {
// numberStrings := strings.Split(version, ".")
// n := 0
// for _, s := range numberStrings {
// num, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
// if err == nil {
// n += num
// }
// }
// return n
// }
// if serverType == mediabrowser.JellyfinServer && checkVersion(app.jf.ServerInfo.Version) >= checkVersion("10.7.0") {
// // Get users to check if server uses hyphenated userIDs
// app.jf.GetUsers(false)
// noHyphens := true
// for id := range app.storage.emails {
// if strings.Contains(id, "-") {
// noHyphens = false
// break
// }
// }
// if noHyphens == app.jf.Hyphens {
// var newEmails map[string]interface{}
// var newUsers map[string]time.Time
// var status, status2 int
// var err, err2 error
// if app.jf.Hyphens {
// app.info.Println(info("Your build of Jellyfin appears to hypenate user IDs. Your emails.json/users.json file will be modified to match."))
// time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(3))
// newEmails, status, err = app.hyphenateEmailStorage(app.storage.emails)
// newUsers, status2, err2 = app.hyphenateUserStorage(app.storage.users)
// } else {
// app.info.Println(info("Your emails.json/users.json file uses hyphens, but the Jellyfin server no longer does. It will be modified."))
// time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(3))
// newEmails, status, err = app.deHyphenateEmailStorage(app.storage.emails)
// newUsers, status2, err2 = app.deHyphenateUserStorage(app.storage.users)
// }
// if status != 200 || err != nil {
// app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
// app.err.Fatalf("Couldn't upgrade emails.json")
// }
// if status2 != 200 || err2 != nil {
// app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
// app.err.Fatalf("Couldn't upgrade users.json")
// }
// emailBakFile := app.storage.emails_path + ".bak"
// usersBakFile := app.storage.users_path + ".bak"
// err = storeJSON(emailBakFile, app.storage.emails)
// err2 = storeJSON(usersBakFile, app.storage.users)
// if err != nil {
// app.err.Fatalf("couldn't store emails.json backup: %v", err)
// }
// if err2 != nil {
// app.err.Fatalf("couldn't store users.json backup: %v", err)
// }
// app.storage.emails = newEmails
// app.storage.users = newUsers
// err = app.storage.storeEmails()
// err2 = app.storage.storeUsers()
// if err != nil {
// app.err.Fatalf("couldn't store emails.json: %v", err)
// }
// if err2 != nil {
// app.err.Fatalf("couldn't store users.json: %v", err)
// }
// }
// }
// Auth (manual user/pass or jellyfin)
app.jellyfinLogin = true
if jfLogin, _ := app.config.Section("ui").Key("jellyfin_login").Bool(); !jfLogin {
app.jellyfinLogin = false
user := User{}
user.UserID = shortuuid.New()
user.Username = app.config.Section("ui").Key("username").String()
user.Password = app.config.Section("ui").Key("password").String()
app.users = append(app.users, user)
} else {
app.debug.Println("Using Jellyfin for authentication")
app.authJf, _ = mediabrowser.NewServer(serverType, server, "jfa-go", app.version, "auth", "auth", timeoutHandler, cacheTimeout)
if debugMode {
app.authJf.Verbose = true
// Since email depends on language, the email reload in loadConfig won't work first time.
app.email = NewEmailer(app)
var validatorConf ValidatorConf
if !app.config.Section("password_validation").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
validatorConf = ValidatorConf{}
} else {
validatorConf = ValidatorConf{
"length": app.config.Section("password_validation").Key("min_length").MustInt(0),
"uppercase": app.config.Section("password_validation").Key("upper").MustInt(0),
"lowercase": app.config.Section("password_validation").Key("lower").MustInt(0),
"number": app.config.Section("password_validation").Key("number").MustInt(0),
"special": app.config.Section("password_validation").Key("special").MustInt(0),
// Test mode for testing connection to Jellyfin, accessed with 'jfa-go test'
if TEST {
invDaemon := newInviteDaemon(time.Duration(60*time.Second), app)
go invDaemon.run()
defer invDaemon.shutdown()
userDaemon := newUserDaemon(time.Duration(60*time.Second), app)
go userDaemon.run()
defer userDaemon.shutdown()
if app.config.Section("password_resets").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && serverType == mediabrowser.JellyfinServer {
go app.StartPWR()
if app.config.Section("updates").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
go app.checkForUpdates()
if telegramEnabled {
app.telegram, err = newTelegramDaemon(app)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to authenticate with Telegram: %v", err)
telegramEnabled = false
} else {
go app.telegram.run()
defer app.telegram.Shutdown()
if discordEnabled {
app.discord, err = newDiscordDaemon(app)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to authenticate with Discord: %v", err)
discordEnabled = false
} else {
go app.discord.run()
defer app.discord.Shutdown()
if matrixEnabled {
app.matrix, err = newMatrixDaemon(app)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to initialize Matrix daemon: %v", err)
matrixEnabled = false
} else {
go app.matrix.run()
defer app.matrix.Shutdown()
} else {
debugMode = false
address = ""
app.storage.lang.SetupPath = "setup"
err := app.storage.loadLangSetup(langFS)
if err != nil {
app.info.Fatalf("Failed to load language files: %+v\n", err)
cssHeader = app.loadCSSHeader()
// workaround for potentially broken windows mime types
mime.AddExtensionType(".js", "application/javascript")
app.info.Println("Initializing router")
router := app.loadRouter(address, debugMode)
app.info.Println("Loading routes")
if !firstRun {
} else {
app.info.Printf("Loading setup @ %s", address)
go func() {
if app.config.Section("advanced").Key("tls").MustBool(false) {
cert := app.config.Section("advanced").Key("tls_cert").MustString("")
key := app.config.Section("advanced").Key("tls_key").MustString("")
if err := SRV.ListenAndServeTLS(cert, key); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failure serving: %s", err)
} else {
if err := SRV.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failure serving: %s", err)
if firstRun {
app.info.Printf("Loaded, visit %s to start.", address)
} else {
app.info.Printf("Loaded @ %s", address)
app.quit = make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(app.quit, os.Interrupt)
go func() {
for range app.quit {
for range RESTART {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5)
defer cancel()
if err := SRV.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
app.err.Fatalf("Server shutdown error: %s", err)
func (app *appContext) shutdown() {
app.info.Println("Shutting down...")
QUIT = true
RESTART <- true
for {
cntx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5)
defer cancel()
if err := SRV.Shutdown(cntx); err != nil {
app.err.Fatalf("Server shutdown error: %s", err)
func flagPassed(name string) (found bool) {
for _, f := range os.Args {
if f == name {
found = true
// @title jfa-go internal API
// @version 0.3.4
// @description API for the jfa-go frontend
// @contact.name Harvey Tindall
// @contact.email hrfee@hrfee.dev
// @license.name MIT
// @license.url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hrfee/jfa-go/main/LICENSE
// @BasePath /
// @securityDefinitions.apikey Bearer
// @in header
// @name Authorization
// @securityDefinitions.basic getTokenAuth
// @name getTokenAuth
// @tag.name Auth
// @tag.description --------Get a token here first!--------
// @tag.name Users
// @tag.description Jellyfin user related operations.
// @tag.name Invites
// @tag.description Invite related operations.
// @tag.name Profiles & Settings
// @tag.description Profile and settings related operations.
// @tag.name Configuration
// @tag.description jfa-go settings.
// @tag.name Ombi
// @tag.description Ombi related operations.
// @tag.name Other
// @tag.description Things that dont fit elsewhere.
func printVersion() {
tray := ""
if TRAY {
tray = " TrayIcon"
fmt.Println(info("jfa-go version: %s (%s)%s\n", hiwhite(version), white(commit), tray))
func logOutput() func() {
old := os.Stdout
log.Printf("Logging to \"%s\"", logPath)
f, err := os.OpenFile(logPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
if err != nil {
return func() {}
writer := io.MultiWriter(old, f)
r, w, _ := os.Pipe()
os.Stdout, os.Stderr = w, w
gin.DefaultWriter, gin.DefaultErrorWriter = writer, writer
wExit := make(chan bool)
go func() {
io.Copy(writer, r)
wExit <- true
return func() {
func main() {
if TRAY {
defer logOutput()()
SOCK = filepath.Join(temp, SOCK)
fmt.Println("Socket:", SOCK)
if flagPassed("test") {
TEST = true
if flagPassed("start") {
args := []string{}
for i, f := range os.Args {
if f == "start" {
args = append(args, "daemon")
} else if i != 0 {
args = append(args, f)
cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[0], args...)
} else if flagPassed("stop") {
con, err := net.Dial("unix", SOCK)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't dial socket %s, are you sure jfa-go is running?\n", SOCK)
_, err = con.Write([]byte("stop"))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't send command to socket %s, are you sure jfa-go is running?\n", SOCK)
} else if flagPassed("daemon") {
start(true, true)
} else if flagPassed("systemd") {
service, err := fs.ReadFile(localFS, "jfa-go.service")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't read jfa-go.service: %v\n", err)
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(os.Args[0])
if err != nil {
absPath = os.Args[0]
command := absPath
for i, v := range os.Args {
if i != 0 && v != "systemd" {
command += " " + v
service = []byte(strings.Replace(string(service), "{executable}", command, 1))
err = os.WriteFile("jfa-go.service", service, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't write jfa-go.service: %v\n", err)
fmt.Print(info(`If you want to execute jfa-go with special arguments, re-run this command with them.
Move the newly created "jfa-go.service" file to ~/.config/systemd/user (Creating it if necessary).
Then run "systemctl --user daemon-reload".
You can then run:
color.New(color.FgGreen).PrintFunc()("To start: ")
fmt.Print(info("systemctl --user start jfa-go\n\n"))
color.New(color.FgRed).PrintFunc()("To stop: ")
fmt.Print(info("systemctl --user stop jfa-go\n\n"))
color.New(color.FgYellow).PrintFunc()("To restart: ")
fmt.Print(info("systemctl --user stop jfa-go\n"))
} else if TRAY {
} else {
RESTART = make(chan bool, 1)
start(false, true)
for {
if QUIT {
start(false, false)