mirror of
synced 2024-11-16 07:10:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall
host, port, theme, tls are included in general. Page theme changes with setting. Fixed checkbox support messages. Split some cards into columns.
127 lines
5.7 KiB
127 lines
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"meta": {
"name": "English (US)"
"strings": {
"invites": "Invites",
"accounts": "Accounts",
"settings": "Settings",
"inviteDays": "Days",
"inviteHours": "Hours",
"inviteMinutes": "Minutes",
"inviteNumberOfUses": "Number of uses",
"warning": "Warning",
"inviteInfiniteUsesWarning": "invites with infinite uses can be used abusively",
"inviteSendToEmail": "Send to",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Logout",
"create": "Create",
"apply": "Apply",
"delete": "Delete",
"name": "Name",
"date": "Date",
"lastActiveTime": "Last Active",
"from": "From",
"user": "User",
"aboutProgram": "About",
"version": "Version",
"commitNoun": "Commit",
"newUser": "New User",
"profile": "Profile",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"label": "Label",
"modifySettings": "Modify Settings",
"modifySettingsDescription": "Apply settings from an existing profile, or source them directly from a user.",
"applyHomescreenLayout": "Apply homescreen layout",
"sendDeleteNotificationEmail": "Send notification email",
"sendDeleteNotifiationExample": "Your account has been deleted.",
"settingsRestartRequired": "Restart needed",
"settingsRestartRequiredDescription": "A restart is necessary to apply some settings you changed. Restart now or later?",
"settingsApplyRestartLater": "Apply, restart later",
"settingsApplyRestartNow": "Apply & restart",
"settingsApplied": "Settings applied.",
"settingsRefreshPage": "Refresh the page in a few seconds",
"settingsRequiredOrRestartMessage": "Note: {n} indicates a required field, {n} indicates changes require a restart.",
"settingsSave": "Save",
"ombiUserDefaults": "Ombi user defaults",
"ombiUserDefaultsDescription": "Create an Ombi user and configure it, then select it below. It's settings/permissions will be stored and applied to new Ombi users created by jfa-go",
"userProfiles": "User Profiles",
"userProfilesDescription": "Profiles are applied to users when they create an account. A profile include library access rights and homescreen layout.",
"userProfilesIsDefault": "Default",
"userProfilesLibraries": "Libraries",
"addProfile": "Add Profile",
"addProfileDescription": "Create a Jellyfin user and configure it, then select it below. When this profile is applied to an invite, new users will be created with the settings.",
"addProfileNameOf": "Profile Name",
"addProfileStoreHomescreenLayout": "Store homescreen layout",
"inviteNoUsersCreated": "None yet!",
"inviteUsersCreated": "Created users",
"inviteNoProfile": "No Profile",
"copy": "Copy",
"inviteDateCreated": "Created",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Remaining uses",
"inviteNoInvites": "None",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Expires in {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Notify on:",
"notifyInviteExpiry": "On expiry",
"notifyUserCreation": "On user creation"
"notifications": {
"changedEmailAddress": "Changed email address of {n}.",
"userCreated": "User {n} created.",
"createProfile": "Created profile {n}.",
"saveSettings": "Settings were saved",
"setOmbiDefaults": "Stored ombi defaults.",
"errorConnection": "Couldn't connect to jfa-go.",
"error401Unauthorized": "Unauthorized. Try refreshing the page.",
"errorSettingsAppliedNoHomescreenLayout": "Settings were applied, but applying homescreen layout may have failed.",
"errorHomescreenAppliedNoSettings": "Homescreen layout was applied, but applying settings may have failed.",
"errorSettingsFailed": "Application failed.",
"errorLoginBlank": "The username and/or password were left blank.",
"errorUnknown": "Unknown error.",
"errorBlankFields": "Fields were left blank",
"errorDeleteProfile": "Failed to delete profile {n}",
"errorLoadProfiles": "Failed to load profiles.",
"errorCreateProfile": "Failed to create profile {n}",
"errorSetDefaultProfile": "Failed to set default profile.",
"errorLoadUsers": "Failed to load users.",
"errorSaveSettings": "Couldn't save settings.",
"errorLoadSettings": "Failed to load settings.",
"errorSetOmbiDefaults": "Failed to store ombi defaults.",
"errorLoadOmbiUsers": "Failed to load ombi users.",
"errorChangedEmailAddress": "Couldn't change email address of {n}.",
"errorFailureCheckLogs": "Failed (check console/logs)",
"errorPartialFailureCheckLogs": "Partial failure (check console/logs)",
"errorUserCreated": "Failed to create user {n}.",
"errorSendWelcomeEmail": "Failed to send welcome email (check console/logs)"
"quantityStrings": {
"modifySettingsFor": {
"singular": "Modify Settings for {n} user",
"plural": "Modify Settings for {n} users"
"deleteNUsers": {
"singular": "Delete {n} user",
"plural": "Delete {n} users"
"addUser": {
"singular": "Add user",
"plural": "Add users"
"deleteUser": {
"singular": "Delete User",
"plural": "Delete Users"
"deletedUser": {
"singular": "Deleted {n} user.",
"plural": "Deleted {n} users."
"appliedSettings": {
"singular": "Applied settings to {n} user.",
"plural": "Applied settings to {n} users."