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synced 2025-02-22 17:50:10 +00:00
can be enabled in settings > captcha, requires a site key & secret key from google. New wiki article explains getting these. currently a little ugly looking on the page itself, hopefully fixable.
50 lines
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50 lines
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{{ define "form-base" }}
window.usernameEnabled = {{ .username }};
window.validationStrings = JSON.parse({{ .validationStrings }});
window.invalidPassword = "{{ .strings.reEnterPasswordInvalid }}";
window.URLBase = "{{ .urlBase }}";
window.code = "{{ .code }}";
window.language = "{{ .langName }}";
window.messages = JSON.parse({{ .notifications }});
window.confirmation = {{ .confirmation }};
window.userExpiryEnabled = {{ .userExpiry }};
window.userExpiryMonths = {{ .userExpiryMonths }};
window.userExpiryDays = {{ .userExpiryDays }};
window.userExpiryHours = {{ .userExpiryHours }};
window.userExpiryMinutes = {{ .userExpiryMinutes }};
window.userExpiryMessage = {{ .userExpiryMessage }};
window.telegramEnabled = {{ .telegramEnabled }};
window.telegramRequired = {{ .telegramRequired }};
window.telegramPIN = "{{ .telegramPIN }}";
window.emailRequired = {{ .emailRequired }};
window.discordEnabled = {{ .discordEnabled }};
window.discordRequired = {{ .discordRequired }};
window.discordPIN = "{{ .discordPIN }}";
window.discordInviteLink = {{ .discordInviteLink }};
window.discordServerName = "{{ .discordServerName }}";
window.matrixEnabled = {{ .matrixEnabled }};
window.matrixRequired = {{ .matrixRequired }};
window.matrixUserID = "{{ .matrixUser }}";
window.captcha = {{ .captcha }};
window.reCAPTCHA = {{ .reCAPTCHA }};
window.reCAPTCHASiteKey = "{{ .reCAPTCHASiteKey }}";
{{ if .passwordReset }}
<script src="js/pwr.js" type="module"></script>
{{ else }}
<script src="js/form.js" type="module"></script>
{{ if .reCAPTCHA }}
var reCAPTCHACallback = () => {
const el = document.getElementsByClassName("g-recaptcha")[0];
grecaptcha.render(el, {
"sitekey": window.reCAPTCHASiteKey
<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=reCAPTCHACallback&render=explicit" async defer></script>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}