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synced 2024-12-22 17:10:10 +00:00
Harvey Tindall
Kind of janky but works. This kind of messes up the layout if you write links in-line.
282 lines
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282 lines
7.6 KiB
package main
import (
dg "github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo"
type DiscordDaemon struct {
Stopped bool
ShutdownChannel chan string
bot *dg.Session
username string
tokens []string
verifiedTokens map[string]DiscordUser // Map of tokens to discord users.
channelID, channelName string
serverChannelName string
users map[string]DiscordUser // Map of user IDs to users. Added to on first interaction, and loaded from app.storage.discord on start.
app *appContext
func newDiscordDaemon(app *appContext) (*DiscordDaemon, error) {
token := app.config.Section("discord").Key("token").String()
if token == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token was blank")
bot, err := dg.New("Bot " + token)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dd := &DiscordDaemon{
Stopped: false,
ShutdownChannel: make(chan string),
bot: bot,
tokens: []string{},
verifiedTokens: map[string]DiscordUser{},
users: map[string]DiscordUser{},
app: app,
for _, user := range app.storage.discord {
dd.users[user.ID] = user
return dd, nil
// NewAuthToken generates an 8-character pin in the form "A1-2B-CD".
func (d *DiscordDaemon) NewAuthToken() string {
pin := genAuthToken()
d.tokens = append(d.tokens, pin)
return pin
func (d *DiscordDaemon) NewUnknownUser(channelID, userID, discrim, username string) DiscordUser {
user := DiscordUser{
ChannelID: channelID,
ID: userID,
Username: username,
Discriminator: discrim,
return user
func (d *DiscordDaemon) MustGetUser(channelID, userID, discrim, username string) DiscordUser {
if user, ok := d.users[userID]; ok {
return user
return d.NewUnknownUser(channelID, userID, discrim, username)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) run() {
d.bot.Identify.Intents = dg.IntentsGuildMessages | dg.IntentsDirectMessages
if err := d.bot.Open(); err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Failed to start daemon: %v", err)
d.username = d.bot.State.User.Username
// Choose the last guild (server), for now we don't really support multiple anyway
guild, err := d.bot.Guild(d.bot.State.Guilds[len(d.bot.State.Guilds)-1].ID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Failed to get guild: %v", err)
d.serverChannelName = guild.Name
if channel := d.app.config.Section("discord").Key("channel").String(); channel != "" {
d.channelName = channel
defer d.bot.Close()
d.ShutdownChannel <- "Down"
func (d *DiscordDaemon) Shutdown() {
d.Stopped = true
d.ShutdownChannel <- "Down"
func (d *DiscordDaemon) messageHandler(s *dg.Session, m *dg.MessageCreate) {
if m.GuildID != "" && d.channelName != "" {
if d.channelID == "" {
channel, err := s.Channel(m.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Couldn't get channel, will monitor all: %v", err)
d.channelName = ""
if channel.Name == d.channelName {
d.channelID = channel.ID
if d.channelID != m.ChannelID {
d.app.debug.Printf("Discord: Ignoring message as not in specified channel")
if m.Author.ID == s.State.User.ID {
sects := strings.Split(m.Content, " ")
if len(sects) == 0 {
lang := d.app.storage.lang.chosenTelegramLang
if user, ok := d.users[m.Author.ID]; ok {
if _, ok := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[user.Lang]; ok {
lang = user.Lang
switch msg := sects[0]; msg {
case d.app.config.Section("discord").Key("start_command").MustString("!start"):
d.commandStart(s, m, lang)
case "!lang":
d.commandLang(s, m, sects, lang)
d.commandPIN(s, m, sects, lang)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) commandStart(s *dg.Session, m *dg.MessageCreate, lang string) {
channel, err := s.UserChannelCreate(m.Author.ID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Failed to create private channel with \"%s\": %v", m.Author.Username, err)
user := d.MustGetUser(channel.ID, m.Author.ID, m.Author.Discriminator, m.Author.Username)
d.users[m.Author.ID] = user
content := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("startMessage") + "\n"
content += d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.template("languageMessage", tmpl{"command": "!lang"})
_, err = s.ChannelMessageSend(channel.ID, content)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Failed to send message to \"%s\": %v", m.Author.Username, err)
func (d *DiscordDaemon) commandLang(s *dg.Session, m *dg.MessageCreate, sects []string, lang string) {
if len(sects) == 1 {
list := "!lang <lang>\n"
for code := range d.app.storage.lang.Telegram {
list += fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", code, d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[code].Meta.Name)
_, err := s.ChannelMessageSendReply(
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Failed to send message to \"%s\": %v", m.Author.Username, err)
if _, ok := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[sects[1]]; ok {
var user DiscordUser
for jfID, user := range d.app.storage.discord {
if user.ID == m.Author.ID {
user.Lang = sects[1]
d.app.storage.discord[jfID] = user
if err := d.app.storage.storeDiscordUsers(); err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Failed to store Discord users: %v", err)
d.users[m.Author.ID] = user
func (d *DiscordDaemon) commandPIN(s *dg.Session, m *dg.MessageCreate, sects []string, lang string) {
if _, ok := d.users[m.Author.ID]; ok {
channel, err := s.Channel(m.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Failed to get channel: %v", err)
if channel.Type != dg.ChannelTypeDM {
d.app.debug.Println("Discord: Ignoring message as not a DM")
} else {
d.app.debug.Println("Discord: Ignoring message as user was not found")
tokenIndex := -1
for i, token := range d.tokens {
if sects[0] == token {
tokenIndex = i
if tokenIndex == -1 {
_, err := s.ChannelMessageSend(
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Failed to send message to \"%s\": %v", m.Author.Username, err)
_, err := s.ChannelMessageSend(
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf("Discord: Failed to send message to \"%s\": %v", m.Author.Username, err)
d.verifiedTokens[sects[0]] = d.users[m.Author.ID]
d.tokens[len(d.tokens)-1], d.tokens[tokenIndex] = d.tokens[tokenIndex], d.tokens[len(d.tokens)-1]
d.tokens = d.tokens[:len(d.tokens)-1]
func (d *DiscordDaemon) Send(message *Message, channelID ...string) error {
msg := ""
var embeds []*dg.MessageEmbed
if message.Markdown != "" {
var links []Link
msg, links = StripAltText(message.Markdown, true)
embeds = make([]*dg.MessageEmbed, len(links))
for i := range links {
embeds[i] = &dg.MessageEmbed{
URL: links[i].URL,
Title: links[i].Alt,
Type: dg.EmbedTypeLink,
} else {
msg = message.Text
for _, id := range channelID {
var err error
if len(embeds) != 0 {
_, err = d.bot.ChannelMessageSendComplex(
Content: msg,
Embed: embeds[0],
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 1; i < len(embeds); i++ {
_, err := d.bot.ChannelMessageSendEmbed(id, embeds[i])
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
_, err := d.bot.ChannelMessageSend(
if err != nil {
return err
return nil