mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2024-10-18 00:50:11 +00:00

1358 lines
44 KiB

package main
import (
// @Summary Creates a new Jellyfin user without an invite.
// @Produce json
// @Param newUserDTO body newUserDTO true "New user request object"
// @Success 200
// @Router /users [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) NewUserAdmin(gc *gin.Context) {
respondUser := func(code int, user, email bool, msg string, gc *gin.Context) {
resp := newUserResponse{
User: user,
Email: email,
Error: msg,
gc.JSON(code, resp)
var req newUserDTO
existingUser, _, _ := app.jf.UserByName(req.Username, false)
if existingUser.Name != "" {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("User already exists named %s", req.Username)
app.info.Printf("%s New user failed: %s", req.Username, msg)
respondUser(401, false, false, msg, gc)
user, status, err := app.jf.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s New user failed (%d): %v", req.Username, status, err)
respondUser(401, false, false, err.Error(), gc)
id := user.ID
// Record activity
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: ActivityCreation,
UserID: id,
SourceType: ActivityAdmin,
Source: gc.GetString("jfId"),
Value: user.Name,
Time: time.Now(),
}, gc, false)
profile := app.storage.GetDefaultProfile()
if req.Profile != "" && req.Profile != "none" {
if p, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(req.Profile); ok {
profile = p
} else {
app.debug.Printf("Couldn't find profile \"%s\", using default", req.Profile)
status, err = app.jf.SetPolicy(id, profile.Policy)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204 || err == nil) {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to set user policy (%d): %v", req.Username, status, err)
status, err = app.jf.SetConfiguration(id, profile.Configuration)
if (status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil {
status, err = app.jf.SetDisplayPreferences(id, profile.Displayprefs)
if !((status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil) {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to set configuration template (%d): %v", req.Username, status, err)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
if emailEnabled {
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, EmailAddress{Addr: req.Email, Contact: true})
if app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
if profile.Ombi == nil {
profile.Ombi = map[string]interface{}{}
errors, code, err := app.ombi.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password, req.Email, profile.Ombi)
if err != nil || code != 200 {
app.err.Printf("Failed to create Ombi user (%d): %v", code, err)
app.debug.Printf("Errors reported by Ombi: %s", strings.Join(errors, ", "))
} else {
app.info.Println("Created Ombi user")
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && req.Email != "" {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Sending welcome email to %s", req.Username, req.Email)
msg, err := app.email.constructWelcome(req.Username, time.Time{}, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct welcome email: %v", req.Username, err)
respondUser(500, true, false, err.Error(), gc)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, req.Email); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send welcome email: %v", req.Username, err)
respondUser(500, true, false, err.Error(), gc)
} else {
app.info.Printf("%s: Sent welcome email to %s", req.Username, req.Email)
respondUser(200, true, true, "", gc)
type errorFunc func(gc *gin.Context)
// Used on the form & when a users email has been confirmed.
func (app *appContext) newUser(req newUserDTO, confirmed bool, gc *gin.Context) (f errorFunc, success bool) {
existingUser, _, _ := app.jf.UserByName(req.Username, false)
if existingUser.Name != "" {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("User %s already exists", req.Username)
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: %s", req.Code, msg)
respond(401, "errorUserExists", gc)
success = false
var discordUser DiscordUser
discordVerified := false
if discordEnabled {
if req.DiscordPIN == "" {
if app.config.Section("discord").Key("required").MustBool(false) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Discord verification not completed", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorDiscordVerification", gc)
success = false
} else {
discordUser, discordVerified = app.discord.UserVerified(req.DiscordPIN)
if !discordVerified {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Discord PIN was invalid", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorInvalidPIN", gc)
success = false
if app.config.Section("discord").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) && app.discord.UserExists(discordUser.ID) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Discord user already linked", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorAccountLinked", gc)
success = false
err := app.discord.ApplyRole(discordUser.ID)
if err != nil {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.err.Printf("%s: New user failed: Failed to set member role: %v", req.Code, err)
respond(401, "error", gc)
success = false
var matrixUser MatrixUser
matrixVerified := false
if matrixEnabled {
if req.MatrixPIN == "" {
if app.config.Section("matrix").Key("required").MustBool(false) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Matrix verification not completed", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorMatrixVerification", gc)
success = false
} else {
user, ok := app.matrix.tokens[req.MatrixPIN]
if !ok || !user.Verified {
matrixVerified = false
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Matrix PIN was invalid", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorInvalidPIN", gc)
success = false
if app.config.Section("matrix").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) && app.matrix.UserExists(user.User.UserID) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Matrix user already linked", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorAccountLinked", gc)
success = false
matrixVerified = user.Verified
matrixUser = *user.User
var tgToken TelegramVerifiedToken
telegramVerified := false
if telegramEnabled {
if req.TelegramPIN == "" {
if app.config.Section("telegram").Key("required").MustBool(false) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Telegram verification not completed", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorTelegramVerification", gc)
success = false
} else {
tgToken, telegramVerified = app.telegram.TokenVerified(req.TelegramPIN)
if !telegramVerified {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Telegram PIN was invalid", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorInvalidPIN", gc)
success = false
if app.config.Section("telegram").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) && app.telegram.UserExists(tgToken.Username) {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user failed: Telegram user already linked", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorAccountLinked", gc)
success = false
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("email_confirmation").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && !confirmed {
claims := jwt.MapClaims{
"valid": true,
"invite": req.Code,
"exp": time.Now().Add(30 * time.Minute).Unix(),
"type": "confirmation",
tk := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, claims)
key, err := tk.SignedString([]byte(os.Getenv("JFA_SECRET")))
if err != nil {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.info.Printf("Failed to generate confirmation token: %v", err)
respond(500, "errorUnknown", gc)
success = false
if app.ConfirmationKeys == nil {
app.ConfirmationKeys = map[string]map[string]newUserDTO{}
cKeys, ok := app.ConfirmationKeys[req.Code]
if !ok {
cKeys = map[string]newUserDTO{}
cKeys[key] = req
app.ConfirmationKeys[req.Code] = cKeys
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Email confirmation required", req.Code)
respond(401, "confirmEmail", gc)
msg, err := app.email.constructConfirmation(req.Code, req.Username, key, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct confirmation email: %v", req.Code, err)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, req.Email); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send user confirmation email: %v", req.Code, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("%s: Sent user confirmation email to \"%s\"", req.Code, req.Email)
success = false
user, status, err := app.jf.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.err.Printf("%s New user failed (%d): %v", req.Code, status, err)
respond(401, app.storage.lang.Admin[app.storage.lang.chosenAdminLang].Notifications.get("errorUnknown"), gc)
success = false
invite, _ := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(req.Code)
app.checkInvite(req.Code, true, req.Username)
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("notifications").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
for address, settings := range invite.Notify {
if settings["notify-creation"] {
go func() {
msg, err := app.email.constructCreated(req.Code, req.Username, req.Email, invite, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct user creation notification: %v", req.Code, err)
} else {
// Check whether notify "address" is an email address of Jellyfin ID
if strings.Contains(address, "@") {
err = app.email.send(msg, address)
} else {
err = app.sendByID(msg, address)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send user creation notification: %v", req.Code, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("Sent user creation notification to %s", address)
id := user.ID
// Record activity
sourceType := ActivityAnon
source := ""
if invite.ReferrerJellyfinID != "" {
sourceType = ActivityUser
source = invite.ReferrerJellyfinID
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: ActivityCreation,
UserID: id,
SourceType: sourceType,
Source: source,
InviteCode: invite.Code,
Value: user.Name,
Time: time.Now(),
}, gc, true)
emailStore := EmailAddress{
Addr: req.Email,
Contact: (req.Email != ""),
if invite.UserLabel != "" {
emailStore.Label = invite.UserLabel
var profile Profile
if invite.Profile != "" {
app.debug.Printf("Applying settings from profile \"%s\"", invite.Profile)
var ok bool
profile, ok = app.storage.GetProfileKey(invite.Profile)
if !ok {
profile = app.storage.GetDefaultProfile()
app.debug.Printf("Applying policy from profile \"%s\"", invite.Profile)
status, err = app.jf.SetPolicy(id, profile.Policy)
if !((status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil) {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to set user policy (%d): %v", req.Code, status, err)
app.debug.Printf("Applying homescreen from profile \"%s\"", invite.Profile)
status, err = app.jf.SetConfiguration(id, profile.Configuration)
if (status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil {
status, err = app.jf.SetDisplayPreferences(id, profile.Displayprefs)
if !((status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil) {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to set configuration template (%d): %v", req.Code, status, err)
if app.config.Section("user_page").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false) && profile.ReferralTemplateKey != "" {
emailStore.ReferralTemplateKey = profile.ReferralTemplateKey
// Store here, just incase email are disabled (whether this is even possible, i don't know)
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
// If UseReferralExpiry is enabled, create the ref now so the clock starts ticking
refInv := Invite{}
err = app.storage.db.Get(profile.ReferralTemplateKey, &refInv)
if refInv.UseReferralExpiry {
refInv.Code = GenerateInviteCode()
expiryDelta := refInv.ValidTill.Sub(refInv.Created)
refInv.Created = time.Now()
refInv.ValidTill = refInv.Created.Add(expiryDelta)
refInv.IsReferral = true
refInv.ReferrerJellyfinID = id
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(refInv.Code, refInv)
// if app.config.Section("password_resets").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
if req.Email != "" || invite.UserLabel != "" {
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
expiry := time.Time{}
if invite.UserExpiry {
expiry = time.Now().AddDate(0, invite.UserMonths, invite.UserDays).Add(time.Duration((60*invite.UserHours)+invite.UserMinutes) * time.Minute)
app.storage.SetUserExpiryKey(id, UserExpiry{Expiry: expiry})
if discordVerified {
discordUser.Contact = req.DiscordContact
if app.storage.deprecatedDiscord == nil {
app.storage.deprecatedDiscord = discordStore{}
// Note we don't log an activity here, since it's part of creating a user.
app.storage.SetDiscordKey(user.ID, discordUser)
delete(app.discord.verifiedTokens, req.DiscordPIN)
if telegramVerified {
tgUser := TelegramUser{
ChatID: tgToken.ChatID,
Username: tgToken.Username,
Contact: req.TelegramContact,
if lang, ok := app.telegram.languages[tgToken.ChatID]; ok {
tgUser.Lang = lang
if app.storage.deprecatedTelegram == nil {
app.storage.deprecatedTelegram = telegramStore{}
app.storage.SetTelegramKey(user.ID, tgUser)
if invite.Profile != "" && app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
if profile.Ombi != nil && len(profile.Ombi) != 0 {
template := profile.Ombi
errors, code, err := app.ombi.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password, req.Email, template)
accountExists := false
var ombiUser map[string]interface{}
if err != nil || code != 200 {
// Check if on the off chance, Ombi's user importer has already added the account.
ombiUser, status, err = app.getOmbiImportedUser(req.Username)
if status == 200 && err == nil {
app.info.Println("Found existing Ombi user, applying changes")
accountExists = true
template["password"] = req.Password
status, err = app.applyOmbiProfile(ombiUser, template)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to modify existing Ombi user (%d): %v\n", status, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("Failed to create Ombi user (%d): %s", code, err)
app.debug.Printf("Errors reported by Ombi: %s", strings.Join(errors, ", "))
} else {
ombiUser, status, err = app.getOmbiUser(id)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get Ombi user (%d): %v", status, err)
} else {
app.info.Println("Created Ombi user")
accountExists = true
if accountExists {
if discordVerified || telegramVerified {
dID := ""
tUser := ""
if discordVerified {
dID = discordUser.ID
if telegramVerified {
u, _ := app.storage.GetTelegramKey(user.ID)
tUser = u.Username
resp, status, err := app.ombi.SetNotificationPrefs(ombiUser, dID, tUser)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to link Telegram/Discord to Ombi (%d): %v", status, err)
app.debug.Printf("Response: %v", resp)
} else {
app.debug.Printf("Skipping Ombi: Profile \"%s\" was empty", invite.Profile)
if matrixVerified {
matrixUser.Contact = req.MatrixContact
delete(app.matrix.tokens, req.MatrixPIN)
if app.storage.deprecatedMatrix == nil {
app.storage.deprecatedMatrix = matrixStore{}
app.storage.SetMatrixKey(user.ID, matrixUser)
if (emailEnabled && app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && req.Email != "") || telegramVerified || discordVerified || matrixVerified {
name := app.getAddressOrName(user.ID)
app.debug.Printf("%s: Sending welcome message to %s", req.Username, name)
msg, err := app.email.constructWelcome(req.Username, expiry, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct welcome message: %v", req.Username, err)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, user.ID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to send welcome message: %v", req.Username, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("%s: Sent welcome message to \"%s\"", req.Username, name)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
success = true
// @Summary Creates a new Jellyfin user via invite code
// @Produce json
// @Param newUserDTO body newUserDTO true "New user request object"
// @Success 200 {object} PasswordValidation
// @Failure 400 {object} PasswordValidation
// @Router /newUser [post]
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) NewUser(gc *gin.Context) {
var req newUserDTO
app.debug.Printf("%s: New user attempt", req.Code)
if app.config.Section("captcha").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && !app.verifyCaptcha(req.Code, req.CaptchaID, req.CaptchaText, false) {
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: Captcha Incorrect", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorCaptcha", gc)
if !app.checkInvite(req.Code, false, "") {
app.info.Printf("%s New user failed: invalid code", req.Code)
respond(401, "errorInvalidCode", gc)
validation := app.validator.validate(req.Password)
valid := true
for _, val := range validation {
if !val {
valid = false
if !valid {
// 200 bcs idk what i did in js
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: Invalid password", req.Code)
gc.JSON(200, validation)
if emailEnabled {
if app.config.Section("email").Key("required").MustBool(false) && !strings.Contains(req.Email, "@") {
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: Email Required", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorNoEmail", gc)
if app.config.Section("email").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false) && req.Email != "" && app.EmailAddressExists(req.Email) {
app.info.Printf("%s: New user failed: Email already in use", req.Code)
respond(400, "errorEmailLinked", gc)
f, success := app.newUser(req, false, gc)
if !success {
code := 200
for _, val := range validation {
if !val {
code = 400
gc.JSON(code, validation)
// @Summary Enable/Disable a list of users, optionally notifying them why.
// @Produce json
// @Param enableDisableUserDTO body enableDisableUserDTO true "User enable/disable request object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} stringResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} errorListDTO "List of errors"
// @Router /users/enable [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) EnableDisableUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
var req enableDisableUserDTO
errors := errorListDTO{
"GetUser": map[string]string{},
"SetPolicy": map[string]string{},
sendMail := messagesEnabled
var msg *Message
var err error
if sendMail {
if req.Enabled {
msg, err = app.email.constructEnabled(req.Reason, app, false)
} else {
msg, err = app.email.constructDisabled(req.Reason, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct account enabled/disabled emails: %v", err)
sendMail = false
activityType := ActivityDisabled
if req.Enabled {
activityType = ActivityEnabled
for _, userID := range req.Users {
user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(userID, false)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
errors["GetUser"][userID] = fmt.Sprintf("%d %v", status, err)
app.err.Printf("Failed to get user \"%s\" (%d): %v", userID, status, err)
user.Policy.IsDisabled = !req.Enabled
status, err = app.jf.SetPolicy(userID, user.Policy)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
errors["SetPolicy"][userID] = fmt.Sprintf("%d %v", status, err)
app.err.Printf("Failed to set policy for user \"%s\" (%d): %v", userID, status, err)
// Record activity
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: activityType,
UserID: userID,
SourceType: ActivityAdmin,
Source: gc.GetString("jfId"),
Time: time.Now(),
}, gc, false)
if sendMail && req.Notify {
if err := app.sendByID(msg, userID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send account enabled/disabled email: %v", err)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
if len(errors["GetUser"]) != 0 || len(errors["SetPolicy"]) != 0 {
gc.JSON(500, errors)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Delete a list of users, optionally notifying them why.
// @Produce json
// @Param deleteUserDTO body deleteUserDTO true "User deletion request object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} stringResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} errorListDTO "List of errors"
// @Router /users [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) DeleteUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
var req deleteUserDTO
errors := map[string]string{}
ombiEnabled := app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
sendMail := messagesEnabled
var msg *Message
var err error
if sendMail {
msg, err = app.email.constructDeleted(req.Reason, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct account deletion emails: %v", err)
sendMail = false
for _, userID := range req.Users {
if ombiEnabled {
ombiUser, code, err := app.getOmbiUser(userID)
if code == 200 && err == nil {
if id, ok := ombiUser["id"]; ok {
status, err := app.ombi.DeleteUser(id.(string))
if err != nil || status != 200 {
app.err.Printf("Failed to delete ombi user (%d): %v", status, err)
errors[userID] = fmt.Sprintf("Ombi: %d %v, ", status, err)
username := ""
if user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(userID, false); status == 200 && err == nil {
username = user.Name
status, err := app.jf.DeleteUser(userID)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%d: %v", status, err)
if _, ok := errors[userID]; !ok {
errors[userID] = msg
} else {
errors[userID] += msg
// Record activity
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: ActivityDeletion,
UserID: userID,
SourceType: ActivityAdmin,
Source: gc.GetString("jfId"),
Value: username,
Time: time.Now(),
}, gc, false)
if sendMail && req.Notify {
if err := app.sendByID(msg, userID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send account deletion email: %v", err)
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
if len(errors) == len(req.Users) {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.err.Printf("Account deletion failed: %s", errors[req.Users[0]])
} else if len(errors) != 0 {
gc.JSON(500, errors)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Extend time before the user(s) expiry, or create an expiry if it doesn't exist.
// @Produce json
// @Param extendExpiryDTO body extendExpiryDTO true "Extend expiry object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/extend [post]
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) ExtendExpiry(gc *gin.Context) {
var req extendExpiryDTO
app.info.Printf("Expiry extension requested for %d user(s)", len(req.Users))
if req.Months <= 0 && req.Days <= 0 && req.Hours <= 0 && req.Minutes <= 0 && req.Timestamp <= 0 {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
for _, id := range req.Users {
base := time.Now()
if expiry, ok := app.storage.GetUserExpiryKey(id); ok {
base = expiry.Expiry
app.debug.Printf("Expiry extended for \"%s\"", id)
} else {
app.debug.Printf("Created expiry for \"%s\"", id)
expiry := UserExpiry{}
if req.Timestamp != 0 {
expiry.Expiry = time.Unix(req.Timestamp, 0)
} else {
expiry.Expiry = base.AddDate(0, req.Months, req.Days).Add(time.Duration(((60 * req.Hours) + req.Minutes)) * time.Minute)
app.storage.SetUserExpiryKey(id, expiry)
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Remove an expiry from a user's account.
// @Produce json
// @Param id path string true "id of user to extend expiry of."
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/{id}/expiry [delete]
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) RemoveExpiry(gc *gin.Context) {
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Enable referrals for the given user(s) based on the rules set in the given invite code, or profile.
// @Produce json
// @Param EnableDisableReferralDTO body EnableDisableReferralDTO true "List of users"
// @Param mode path string true "mode of template sourcing from 'invite' or 'profile'."
// @Param source path string true "invite code or profile name, depending on what mode is."
// @Param useExpiry path string true "with-expiry or none."
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/referral/{mode}/{source}/{useExpiry} [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) EnableReferralForUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
var req EnableDisableReferralDTO
mode := gc.Param("mode")
source := gc.Param("source")
useExpiry := gc.Param("useExpiry") == "with-expiry"
baseInv := Invite{}
if mode == "profile" {
profile, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(source)
err := app.storage.db.Get(profile.ReferralTemplateKey, &baseInv)
if !ok || profile.ReferralTemplateKey == "" || err != nil {
app.debug.Printf("Couldn't find template to source from")
respondBool(400, false, gc)
app.debug.Printf("Found referral template in profile: %+v\n", profile.ReferralTemplateKey)
} else if mode == "invite" {
// Get the invite, and modify it to turn it into a referral
err := app.storage.db.Get(source, &baseInv)
if err != nil {
app.debug.Printf("Couldn't find invite to source from")
respondBool(400, false, gc)
for _, u := range req.Users {
// 1. Wipe out any existing referral codes.
app.storage.db.DeleteMatching(Invite{}, badgerhold.Where("ReferrerJellyfinID").Eq(u))
// 2. Generate referral invite.
inv := baseInv
inv.Code = GenerateInviteCode()
expiryDelta := inv.ValidTill.Sub(inv.Created)
inv.Created = time.Now()
if useExpiry {
inv.ValidTill = inv.Created.Add(expiryDelta)
} else {
inv.ValidTill = inv.Created.Add(REFERRAL_EXPIRY_DAYS * 24 * time.Hour)
inv.IsReferral = true
inv.ReferrerJellyfinID = u
inv.UseReferralExpiry = useExpiry
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(inv.Code, inv)
// @Summary Disable referrals for the given user(s).
// @Produce json
// @Param EnableDisableReferralDTO body EnableDisableReferralDTO true "List of users"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/referral [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) DisableReferralForUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
var req EnableDisableReferralDTO
for _, u := range req.Users {
// 1. Delete directly bound template
app.storage.db.DeleteMatching(Invite{}, badgerhold.Where("ReferrerJellyfinID").Eq(u))
// 2. Check for and delete profile-attached template
user, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(u)
if !ok {
user.ReferralTemplateKey = ""
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(u, user)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Send an announcement via email to a given list of users.
// @Produce json
// @Param announcementDTO body announcementDTO true "Announcement request object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/announce [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) Announce(gc *gin.Context) {
var req announcementDTO
if !messagesEnabled {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
// Generally, we only need to construct once. If {username} is included, however, this needs to be done for each user.
unique := strings.Contains(req.Message, "{username}")
if unique {
for _, userID := range req.Users {
user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(userID, false)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get user with ID \"%s\" (%d): %v", userID, status, err)
msg, err := app.email.constructTemplate(req.Subject, req.Message, app, user.Name)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct announcement message: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, userID); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send announcement message: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
} else {
msg, err := app.email.constructTemplate(req.Subject, req.Message, app)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct announcement messages: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, req.Users...); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send announcement messages: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.info.Println("Sent announcement messages")
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Save an announcement as a template for use or editing later.
// @Produce json
// @Param announcementTemplate body announcementTemplate true "Announcement request object"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/announce/template [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) SaveAnnounceTemplate(gc *gin.Context) {
var req announcementTemplate
if !messagesEnabled {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
app.storage.SetAnnouncementsKey(req.Name, req)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Save an announcement as a template for use or editing later.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} getAnnouncementsDTO
// @Router /users/announce [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) GetAnnounceTemplates(gc *gin.Context) {
resp := &getAnnouncementsDTO{make([]string, len(app.storage.GetAnnouncements()))}
for i, a := range app.storage.GetAnnouncements() {
resp.Announcements[i] = a.Name
gc.JSON(200, resp)
// @Summary Get an announcement template.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} announcementTemplate
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Param name path string true "name of template"
// @Router /users/announce/template/{name} [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) GetAnnounceTemplate(gc *gin.Context) {
name := gc.Param("name")
if announcement, ok := app.storage.GetAnnouncementsKey(name); ok {
gc.JSON(200, announcement)
respondBool(400, false, gc)
// @Summary Delete an announcement template.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Param name path string true "name of template"
// @Router /users/announce/template/{name} [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) DeleteAnnounceTemplate(gc *gin.Context) {
name := gc.Param("name")
respondBool(200, false, gc)
// @Summary Generate password reset links for a list of users, sending the links to them if possible.
// @Produce json
// @Param AdminPasswordResetDTO body AdminPasswordResetDTO true "List of user IDs"
// @Success 204 {object} boolResponse
// @Success 200 {object} AdminPasswordResetRespDTO
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/password-reset [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) AdminPasswordReset(gc *gin.Context) {
var req AdminPasswordResetDTO
if req.Users == nil || len(req.Users) == 0 {
app.debug.Println("Ignoring empty request for PWR")
respondBool(400, false, gc)
linkCount := 0
var pwr InternalPWR
var err error
resp := AdminPasswordResetRespDTO{}
for _, id := range req.Users {
pwr, err = app.GenInternalReset(id)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get user from Jellyfin: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
if app.internalPWRs == nil {
app.internalPWRs = map[string]InternalPWR{}
app.internalPWRs[pwr.PIN] = pwr
sendAddress := app.getAddressOrName(id)
if sendAddress == "" || len(req.Users) == 1 {
resp.Link, err = app.GenResetLink(pwr.PIN)
if sendAddress == "" {
resp.Manual = true
if sendAddress != "" {
msg, err := app.email.constructReset(
Pin: pwr.PIN,
Username: pwr.Username,
Expiry: pwr.Expiry,
Internal: true,
}, app, false,
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct password reset message for \"%s\": %v", pwr.Username, err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
} else if err := app.sendByID(msg, id); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to send password reset message to \"%s\": %v", sendAddress, err)
} else {
app.info.Printf("Sent password reset message to \"%s\"", sendAddress)
if resp.Link != "" && linkCount == 1 {
gc.JSON(200, resp)
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Get a list of Jellyfin users.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} getUsersDTO
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /users [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) GetUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Println("Users requested")
var resp getUsersDTO
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
resp.UserList = make([]respUser, len(users))
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc)
adminOnly := app.config.Section("ui").Key("admin_only").MustBool(true)
allowAll := app.config.Section("ui").Key("allow_all").MustBool(false)
referralsEnabled := app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false)
i := 0
for _, jfUser := range users {
user := respUser{
ID: jfUser.ID,
Name: jfUser.Name,
Admin: jfUser.Policy.IsAdministrator,
Disabled: jfUser.Policy.IsDisabled,
ReferralsEnabled: false,
if !jfUser.LastActivityDate.IsZero() {
user.LastActive = jfUser.LastActivityDate.Unix()
if email, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(jfUser.ID); ok {
user.Email = email.Addr
user.NotifyThroughEmail = email.Contact
user.Label = email.Label
user.AccountsAdmin = (app.jellyfinLogin) && (email.Admin || (adminOnly && jfUser.Policy.IsAdministrator) || allowAll)
expiry, ok := app.storage.GetUserExpiryKey(jfUser.ID)
if ok {
user.Expiry = expiry.Expiry.Unix()
if tgUser, ok := app.storage.GetTelegramKey(jfUser.ID); ok {
user.Telegram = tgUser.Username
user.NotifyThroughTelegram = tgUser.Contact
if mxUser, ok := app.storage.GetMatrixKey(jfUser.ID); ok {
user.Matrix = mxUser.UserID
user.NotifyThroughMatrix = mxUser.Contact
if dcUser, ok := app.storage.GetDiscordKey(jfUser.ID); ok {
user.Discord = RenderDiscordUsername(dcUser)
// user.Discord = dcUser.Username + "#" + dcUser.Discriminator
user.DiscordID = dcUser.ID
user.NotifyThroughDiscord = dcUser.Contact
// FIXME: Send referral data
referrerInv := Invite{}
if referralsEnabled {
// 1. Directly attached invite.
err := app.storage.db.FindOne(&referrerInv, badgerhold.Where("ReferrerJellyfinID").Eq(jfUser.ID))
if err == nil {
user.ReferralsEnabled = true
// 2. Referrals via profile template. Shallow check, doesn't look for the thing in the database.
} else if email, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(jfUser.ID); ok && email.ReferralTemplateKey != "" {
user.ReferralsEnabled = true
resp.UserList[i] = user
gc.JSON(200, resp)
// @Summary Set whether or not a user can access jfa-go. Redundant if the user is a Jellyfin admin.
// @Produce json
// @Param setAccountsAdminDTO body setAccountsAdminDTO true "Map of userIDs to whether or not they have access."
// @Success 204 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/accounts-admin [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) SetAccountsAdmin(gc *gin.Context) {
var req setAccountsAdminDTO
app.debug.Println("Admin modification requested")
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc)
for _, jfUser := range users {
id := jfUser.ID
if admin, ok := req[id]; ok {
var emailStore = EmailAddress{}
if oldEmail, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(id); ok {
emailStore = oldEmail
emailStore.Admin = admin
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
app.info.Println("Email list modified")
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Modify user's labels, which show next to their name in the accounts tab.
// @Produce json
// @Param modifyEmailsDTO body modifyEmailsDTO true "Map of userIDs to labels"
// @Success 204 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/labels [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) ModifyLabels(gc *gin.Context) {
var req modifyEmailsDTO
app.debug.Println("Label modification requested")
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc)
for _, jfUser := range users {
id := jfUser.ID
if label, ok := req[id]; ok {
var emailStore = EmailAddress{}
if oldEmail, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(id); ok {
emailStore = oldEmail
emailStore.Label = label
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
app.info.Println("Email list modified")
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Modify user's email addresses.
// @Produce json
// @Param modifyEmailsDTO body modifyEmailsDTO true "Map of userIDs to email addresses"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /users/emails [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) ModifyEmails(gc *gin.Context) {
var req modifyEmailsDTO
app.debug.Println("Email modification requested")
users, status, err := app.jf.GetUsers(false)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get users from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc)
ombiEnabled := app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
for _, jfUser := range users {
id := jfUser.ID
if address, ok := req[id]; ok {
var emailStore = EmailAddress{}
oldEmail, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(id)
if ok {
emailStore = oldEmail
// Auto enable contact by email for newly added addresses
if !ok || oldEmail.Addr == "" {
emailStore.Contact = true
emailStore.Addr = address
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
activityType := ActivityContactLinked
if address == "" {
activityType = ActivityContactUnlinked
app.storage.SetActivityKey(shortuuid.New(), Activity{
Type: activityType,
UserID: id,
SourceType: ActivityAdmin,
Source: gc.GetString("jfId"),
Value: "email",
Time: time.Now(),
}, gc, false)
if ombiEnabled {
ombiUser, code, err := app.getOmbiUser(id)
if code == 200 && err == nil {
ombiUser["emailAddress"] = address
code, err = app.ombi.ModifyUser(ombiUser)
if code != 200 || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to change ombi email address (%d): %v", ombiUser["userName"].(string), code, err)
app.info.Println("Email list modified")
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Apply settings to a list of users, either from a profile or from another user.
// @Produce json
// @Param userSettingsDTO body userSettingsDTO true "Parameters for applying settings"
// @Success 200 {object} errorListDTO
// @Failure 500 {object} errorListDTO "Lists of errors that occurred while applying settings"
// @Router /users/settings [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Profiles & Settings
func (app *appContext) ApplySettings(gc *gin.Context) {
app.info.Println("User settings change requested")
var req userSettingsDTO
applyingFrom := "profile"
var policy mediabrowser.Policy
var configuration mediabrowser.Configuration
var displayprefs map[string]interface{}
var ombi map[string]interface{}
if req.From == "profile" {
// Check profile exists & isn't empty
profile, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(req.Profile)
if !ok {
app.err.Printf("Couldn't find profile \"%s\" or profile was empty", req.Profile)
respond(500, "Couldn't find profile", gc)
if req.Homescreen {
if !profile.Homescreen {
app.err.Printf("No homescreen saved in profile \"%s\"", req.Profile)
respond(500, "No homescreen template available", gc)
configuration = profile.Configuration
displayprefs = profile.Displayprefs
policy = profile.Policy
if app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
if profile.Ombi != nil && len(profile.Ombi) != 0 {
ombi = profile.Ombi
} else if req.From == "user" {
applyingFrom = "user"
app.jf.CacheExpiry = time.Now()
user, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(req.ID, false)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get user from Jellyfin (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get user", gc)
applyingFrom = "\"" + user.Name + "\""
policy = user.Policy
if req.Homescreen {
displayprefs, status, err = app.jf.GetDisplayPreferences(req.ID)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to get DisplayPrefs (%d): %v", status, err)
respond(500, "Couldn't get displayprefs", gc)
configuration = user.Configuration
app.info.Printf("Applying settings to %d user(s) from %s", len(req.ApplyTo), applyingFrom)
errors := errorListDTO{
"policy": map[string]string{},
"homescreen": map[string]string{},
"ombi": map[string]string{},
/* Jellyfin doesn't seem to like too many of these requests sent in succession
and can crash and mess up its database. Issue #160 says this occurs when more
than 100 users are modified. A delay totalling 500ms between requests is used
if so. */
var shouldDelay bool = len(req.ApplyTo) >= 100
if shouldDelay {
app.debug.Println("Adding delay between requests for large batch")
for _, id := range req.ApplyTo {
status, err := app.jf.SetPolicy(id, policy)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
errors["policy"][id] = fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", status, err)
if shouldDelay {
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
if req.Homescreen {
status, err = app.jf.SetConfiguration(id, configuration)
errorString := ""
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
errorString += fmt.Sprintf("Configuration %d: %v ", status, err)
} else {
status, err = app.jf.SetDisplayPreferences(id, displayprefs)
if !(status == 200 || status == 204) || err != nil {
errorString += fmt.Sprintf("Displayprefs %d: %v ", status, err)
if errorString != "" {
errors["homescreen"][id] = errorString
if ombi != nil {
errorString := ""
user, status, err := app.getOmbiUser(id)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
errorString += fmt.Sprintf("Ombi GetUser %d: %v ", status, err)
} else {
// newUser := ombi
// newUser["id"] = user["id"]
// newUser["userName"] = user["userName"]
// newUser["alias"] = user["alias"]
// newUser["emailAddress"] = user["emailAddress"]
status, err = app.applyOmbiProfile(user, ombi)
if status != 200 || err != nil {
errorString += fmt.Sprintf("Apply %d: %v ", status, err)
if errorString != "" {
errors["ombi"][id] = errorString
if shouldDelay {
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
code := 200
if len(errors["policy"]) == len(req.ApplyTo) || len(errors["homescreen"]) == len(req.ApplyTo) {
code = 500
gc.JSON(code, errors)