mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2024-10-18 09:00:11 +00:00
Harvey Tindall d2e5209832
ts: move "page" stuff to module
not the happiest with it, but it works alright. PageManager is
instantiated, you pass is Page{} objects, which have a (code)name, page
title, and url, and a show, hide, and shouldSkip function, each
returning a bool. The first two are self explanatory, the last tells you
if the page is disabled for some reason (like on setup some are disabled
    if messages are). You can then call load(<(code)name>), or
2024-08-27 18:55:28 +01:00

822 lines
31 KiB

import { ThemeManager } from "./modules/theme.js";
import { lang, LangFile, loadLangSelector } from "./modules/lang.js";
import { Modal } from "./modules/modal.js";
import { _get, _post, _delete, notificationBox, whichAnimationEvent, toDateString, toggleLoader, addLoader, removeLoader, toClipboard } from "./modules/common.js";
import { Login } from "./modules/login.js";
import { Discord, Telegram, Matrix, ServiceConfiguration, MatrixConfiguration } from "./modules/account-linking.js";
import { Validator, ValidatorConf, ValidatorRespDTO } from "./modules/validator.js";
import { PageManager } from "./modules/pages.js";
interface userWindow extends Window {
jellyfinID: string;
username: string;
emailRequired: boolean;
discordRequired: boolean;
telegramRequired: boolean;
matrixRequired: boolean;
discordServerName: string;
discordInviteLink: boolean;
matrixUserID: string;
discordSendPINMessage: string;
pwrEnabled: string;
referralsEnabled: boolean;
const basePath = window.location.pathname.replace("/password/reset", "");
declare var window: userWindow;
const theme = new ThemeManager(document.getElementById("button-theme"));
window.lang = new lang(window.langFile as LangFile);
window.animationEvent = whichAnimationEvent();
window.token = "";
window.modals = {} as Modals;
let pages = new PageManager({
hideOthersOnPageShow: true,
defaultName: "",
defaultTitle: document.title,
name: "",
title: document.title,
url: basePath,
show: () => {
if (!login.loggedIn) login.login("", "");
return true;
hide: () => {
return true;
shouldSkip: () => false,
(() => {
window.modals.login = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-login"), true);
window.modals.email = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-email"), false);
if (window.discordEnabled) {
window.modals.discord = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-discord"), false);
if (window.telegramEnabled) {
window.modals.telegram = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-telegram"), false);
if (window.matrixEnabled) {
window.modals.matrix = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-matrix"), false);
if (window.pwrEnabled) {
window.modals.pwr = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-pwr"), false);
name: "reset",
title: document.title,
url: basePath+"/password/reset",
show: () => {
const usernameInput = document.getElementById("login-user") as HTMLInputElement;
const input = document.getElementById("pwr-address") as HTMLInputElement;
input.value = usernameInput.value;
return true;
hide: () => {
// Don't recursively run this through the onclose event
window.modals.pwr.close(null, true);
return true;
shouldSkip: () => false,
window.modals.pwr.onclose = () => {
const resetButton = document.getElementById("modal-login-pwr");
resetButton.onclick = () => {
window.notifications = new notificationBox(document.getElementById('notification-box') as HTMLDivElement, 5);
if (window.pwrEnabled && window.linkResetEnabled) {
const submitButton = document.getElementById("pwr-submit");
const input = document.getElementById("pwr-address") as HTMLInputElement;
submitButton.onclick = () => {
_post("/my/password/reset/" + input.value, null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
if (req.status != 204) {
window.notifications.customError("unkownError", window.lang.notif("errorUnknown"));;
window.modals.pwr.modal.querySelector(".heading").textContent = window.lang.strings("resetSent");
window.modals.pwr.modal.querySelector(".content").textContent = window.lang.strings("resetSentDescription");
const grid = document.querySelector(".grid");
var rootCard = document.getElementById("card-user");
var contactCard = document.getElementById("card-contact");
var statusCard = document.getElementById("card-status");
var passwordCard = document.getElementById("card-password");
interface MyDetailsContactMethod {
value: string;
enabled: boolean;
interface MyDetails {
id: string;
username: string;
expiry: number;
admin: boolean;
accounts_admin: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
email?: MyDetailsContactMethod;
discord?: MyDetailsContactMethod;
telegram?: MyDetailsContactMethod;
matrix?: MyDetailsContactMethod;
has_referrals: boolean;
interface MyReferral {
code: string;
remaining_uses: number;
no_limit: boolean;
expiry: number;
use_expiry: boolean;
interface ContactDTO {
email?: boolean;
discord?: boolean;
telegram?: boolean;
matrix?: boolean;
class ContactMethods {
private _card: HTMLElement;
private _content: HTMLElement;
private _buttons: { [name: string]: { element: HTMLElement, details: MyDetailsContactMethod } };
constructor (card: HTMLElement) {
this._card = card;
this._content = this._card.querySelector(".content");
this._buttons = {};
clear = () => {
this._content.textContent = "";
this._buttons = {};
append = (name: string, details: MyDetailsContactMethod, icon: string, addEditFunc?: (add: boolean) => void, required?: boolean) => {
const row = document.createElement("div");
row.classList.add("flex", "flex-row", "justify-between", "my-2", "flex-nowrap");
let innerHTML = `
<div class="flex items-baseline flex-nowrap truncate">
<span class="shield ~urge" alt="${name}">
<span class="icon">
<span class="ml-2 font-bold text-ellipsis overflow-hidden">${(details.value == "") ? window.lang.strings("notSet") : details.value}</span>
<div class="flex items-center ml-2">
<button class="user-contact-enabled-disabled button ~neutral" ${details.value == "" ? "disabled" : ""}>
<input type="checkbox" class="mr-2" ${details.value == "" ? "disabled" : ""}>
if (addEditFunc) {
innerHTML += `
<button class="user-contact-edit button ~info ml-2">
<i class="ri-${details.value == "" ? "add" : "edit"}-fill mr-2"></i>
<span>${details.value == "" ? window.lang.strings("add") : window.lang.strings("edit")}</span>
if (!required && details.value != "") {
innerHTML += `
<button class="user-contact-delete button ~critical ml-2" alt="${window.lang.strings("delete")}" text="${window.lang.strings("delete")}">
innerHTML += `
row.innerHTML = innerHTML;
this._buttons[name] = {
element: row,
details: details
const button = row.querySelector(".user-contact-enabled-disabled") as HTMLButtonElement;
const checkbox = button.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]") as HTMLInputElement;
const setButtonAppearance = () => {
if (checkbox.checked) {
} else {
const onPress = () => {
this._buttons[name].details.enabled = checkbox.checked;
checkbox.onchange = onPress;
button.onclick = () => {
checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked;
checkbox.checked = details.enabled;
if (addEditFunc) {
const addEditButton = row.querySelector(".user-contact-edit") as HTMLButtonElement;
addEditButton.onclick = () => addEditFunc(details.value == "");
if (!required && details.value != "") {
const deleteButton = row.querySelector(".user-contact-delete") as HTMLButtonElement;
deleteButton.onclick = () => _delete("/my/" + name, null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload"));
private _save = () => {
let data: ContactDTO = {};
for (let method of Object.keys(this._buttons)) {
data[method] = this._buttons[method].details.enabled;
_post("/my/contact", data, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
if (req.status != 200) {
window.notifications.customError("errorSetNotify", window.lang.notif("errorSaveSettings"));
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload"));
class ReferralCard {
private _card: HTMLElement;
private _code: string;
private _url: string;
private _expiry: Date;
private _expiryUnix: number;
private _useExpiry: boolean;
private _remainingUses: number;
private _noLimit: boolean;
private _button: HTMLButtonElement;
private _infoArea: HTMLDivElement;
private _remainingUsesEl: HTMLSpanElement;
private _expiryEl: HTMLSpanElement;
private _descriptionEl: HTMLSpanElement;
get code(): string { return this._code; }
set code(c: string) {
this._code = c;
let u = new URL(window.location.href);
let path = u.pathname;
for (let split of ["account", "my"]) {
path = path.split(split)[0];
if (path.slice(-1) != "/") { path += "/"; }
path = path + "invite/" + this._code;
u.pathname = path;
u.hash = "";
u.search = "";
this._url = u.toString();
get remaining_uses(): number { return this._remainingUses; }
set remaining_uses(v: number) {
this._remainingUses = v;
if (v > 0 && !(this._noLimit))
this._remainingUsesEl.textContent = `${v}`;
get no_limit(): boolean { return this._noLimit; }
set no_limit(v: boolean) {
this._noLimit = v;
if (v)
this._remainingUsesEl.textContent = ``;
this._remainingUsesEl.textContent = `${this._remainingUses}`;
get expiry(): Date { return this._expiry; };
set expiry(expiryUnix: number) {
this._expiryUnix = expiryUnix;
this._expiry = new Date(expiryUnix * 1000);
this._expiryEl.textContent = toDateString(this._expiry);
get use_expiry(): boolean { return this._useExpiry; }
set use_expiry(v: boolean) {
this._useExpiry = v;
if (v) {
this._descriptionEl.textContent = window.lang.strings("referralsWithExpiryDescription");
} else {
this._descriptionEl.textContent = window.lang.strings("referralsDescription");
constructor(card: HTMLElement) {
this._card = card;
this._button = this._card.querySelector(".user-referrals-button") as HTMLButtonElement;
this._infoArea = this._card.querySelector(".user-referrals-info") as HTMLDivElement;
this._descriptionEl = this._card.querySelector(".user-referrals-description") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._infoArea.innerHTML = `
<div class="row my-3">
<div class="inline baseline">
<span class="text-2xl referral-remaining-uses"></span> <span class="text-gray-400 text-lg">${window.lang.strings("inviteRemainingUses")}</span>
<div class="row my-3">
<div class="inline baseline">
<span class="text-gray-400 text-lg">${window.lang.strings("expiry")}</span> <span class="text-2xl referral-expiry"></span>
this._remainingUsesEl = this._infoArea.querySelector(".referral-remaining-uses") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._expiryEl = this._infoArea.querySelector(".referral-expiry") as HTMLSpanElement;
document.addEventListener("timefmt-change", () => {
this.expiry = this._expiryUnix;
this._button.addEventListener("click", () => {
const content = this._button.innerHTML;
this._button.innerHTML = `
${window.lang.strings("copied")} <i class="ri-check-line ml-2"></i>
setTimeout(() => {
this._button.innerHTML = content;
}, 2000);
hide = () => this._card.classList.add("unfocused");
update = (referral: MyReferral) => {
this.code = referral.code;
this.remaining_uses = referral.remaining_uses;
this.no_limit = referral.no_limit;
this.expiry = referral.expiry;
this.use_expiry = referral.use_expiry;
class ExpiryCard {
private _card: HTMLElement;
private _expiry: Date;
private _aside: HTMLElement;
private _countdown: HTMLElement;
private _interval: number = null;
private _expiryUnix: number = 0;
constructor(card: HTMLElement) {
this._card = card;
this._aside = this._card.querySelector(".user-expiry") as HTMLElement;
this._countdown = this._card.querySelector(".user-expiry-countdown") as HTMLElement;
document.addEventListener("timefmt-change", () => {
this.expiry = this._expiryUnix;
private _drawCountdown = () => {
let now = new Date();
// Years, Months, Days
let ymd = [0, 0, 0];
while (now.getFullYear() != this._expiry.getFullYear()) {
ymd[0] += 1;
if (now.getMonth() > this._expiry.getMonth()) {
ymd[0] -=1;
while (now.getMonth() != this._expiry.getMonth()) {
ymd[1] += 1;
now.setMonth(now.getMonth() + 1);
if (now.getDate() > this._expiry.getDate()) {
ymd[1] -=1;
while (now.getDate() != this._expiry.getDate()) {
ymd[2] += 1;
now.setDate(now.getDate() + 1);
const langKeys = ["year", "month", "day"];
let innerHTML = ``;
for (let i = 0; i < langKeys.length; i++) {
if (ymd[i] == 0) continue;
const words = window.lang.quantity(langKeys[i], ymd[i]).split(" ");
innerHTML += `
<div class="row my-3">
<div class="inline baseline">
<span class="text-2xl">${words[0]}</span> <span class="text-gray-400 text-lg">${words[1]}</span>
this._countdown.innerHTML = innerHTML;
get expiry(): Date { return this._expiry; };
set expiry(expiryUnix: number) {
if (this._interval !== null) {
this._interval = null;
this._expiryUnix = expiryUnix;
if (expiryUnix == 0) {
this._expiry = new Date(expiryUnix * 1000);
this._aside.textContent = window.lang.strings("yourAccountIsValidUntil").replace("{date}", toDateString(this._expiry));
this._interval = window.setInterval(this._drawCountdown, 60*1000);
var expiryCard = new ExpiryCard(statusCard);
var referralCard: ReferralCard;
if (window.referralsEnabled) referralCard = new ReferralCard(document.getElementById("card-referrals"));
var contactMethodList = new ContactMethods(contactCard);
const addEditEmail = (add: boolean): void => {
const heading = window.modals.email.modal.querySelector(".heading");
heading.innerHTML = (add ? window.lang.strings("addContactMethod") : window.lang.strings("editContactMethod")) + `<span class="modal-close">&times;</span>`;
const input = document.getElementById("modal-email-input") as HTMLInputElement;
input.value = "";
const confirmationRequired = window.modals.email.modal.querySelector(".confirmation-required");
const content = window.modals.email.modal.querySelector(".content");
const submit = window.modals.email.modal.querySelector(".modal-submit") as HTMLButtonElement;
submit.onclick = () => {
_post("/my/email", {"email": input.value}, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4 && (req.status == 303 || req.status == 200)) {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload"));
}, true, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 401) {
const discordConf: ServiceConfiguration = {
modal: window.modals.discord as Modal,
pin: "",
inviteURL: window.discordInviteLink ? "/my/discord/invite" : "",
pinURL: "/my/pin/discord",
verifiedURL: "/my/discord/verified/",
invalidCodeError: window.lang.notif("errorInvalidPIN"),
accountLinkedError: window.lang.notif("errorAccountLinked"),
successError: window.lang.notif("verified"),
successFunc: (modalClosed: boolean) => {
if (modalClosed) document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload"));
let discord: Discord;
if (window.discordEnabled) discord = new Discord(discordConf);
const telegramConf: ServiceConfiguration = {
modal: window.modals.telegram as Modal,
pin: "",
pinURL: "/my/pin/telegram",
verifiedURL: "/my/telegram/verified/",
invalidCodeError: window.lang.notif("errorInvalidPIN"),
accountLinkedError: window.lang.notif("errorAccountLinked"),
successError: window.lang.notif("verified"),
successFunc: (modalClosed: boolean) => {
if (modalClosed) document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload"));
let telegram: Telegram;
if (window.telegramEnabled) telegram = new Telegram(telegramConf);
const matrixConf: MatrixConfiguration = {
modal: window.modals.matrix as Modal,
sendMessageURL: "/my/matrix/user",
verifiedURL: "/my/matrix/verified/",
invalidCodeError: window.lang.notif("errorInvalidPIN"),
accountLinkedError: window.lang.notif("errorAccountLinked"),
unknownError: window.lang.notif("errorUnknown"),
successError: window.lang.notif("verified"),
successFunc: () => {
setTimeout(() => document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload")), 1200);
let matrix: Matrix;
if (window.matrixEnabled) matrix = new Matrix(matrixConf);
const oldPasswordField = document.getElementById("user-old-password") as HTMLInputElement;
const newPasswordField = document.getElementById("user-new-password") as HTMLInputElement;
const rePasswordField = document.getElementById("user-reenter-new-password") as HTMLInputElement;
const changePasswordButton = document.getElementById("user-password-submit") as HTMLSpanElement;
let baseValidator = (oncomplete: (valid: boolean) => void): void => {
if (oldPasswordField.value.length == 0) return oncomplete(false);
let validatorConf: ValidatorConf = {
passwordField: newPasswordField,
rePasswordField: rePasswordField,
submitButton: changePasswordButton,
validatorFunc: baseValidator
let validator = new Validator(validatorConf);
// let requirements = validator.requirements;
oldPasswordField.addEventListener("keyup", validator.validate);
changePasswordButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
_post("/my/password", { old: oldPasswordField.value, new: newPasswordField.value }, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
if (req.status == 400) {
window.notifications.customError("errorPassword", window.lang.notif("errorPassword"));
} else if (req.status == 500) {
window.notifications.customError("errorUnknown", window.lang.notif("errorUnknown"));
} else if (req.status == 204) {
window.notifications.customSuccess("passwordChanged", window.lang.notif("passwordChanged"));
setTimeout(() => { window.location.reload() }, 2000);
}, true, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
if (req.status == 401) {
window.notifications.customError("oldPasswordError", window.lang.notif("errorOldPassword"));
document.addEventListener("details-reload", () => {
_get("/my/details", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
if (req.status != 200) {
window.notifications.customError("myDetailsError", req.response["error"]);
const details: MyDetails = req.response as MyDetails;
window.jellyfinID = details.id;
window.username = details.username;
let innerHTML = `
<span>${window.lang.strings("welcomeUser").replace("{user}", window.username)}</span>
if (details.admin) {
innerHTML += `<span class="chip ~info ml-4">${window.lang.strings("admin")}</span>`;
if (details.disabled) {
innerHTML += `<span class="chip ~warning ml-4">${window.lang.strings("disabled")}</span>`;
rootCard.querySelector(".heading").innerHTML = innerHTML;
// Note the weird format of the functions for discord/telegram:
// "this" was being redefined within the onclick() method, so
// they had to be wrapped in an anonymous function.
const contactMethods: { name: string, icon: string, f: (add: boolean) => void, required: boolean, enabled: boolean }[] = [
{name: "email", icon: `<i class="ri-mail-fill ri-lg"></i>`, f: addEditEmail, required: true, enabled: true},
{name: "discord", icon: `<i class="ri-discord-fill ri-lg"></i>`, f: (add: boolean) => { discord.onclick(); }, required: window.discordRequired, enabled: window.discordEnabled},
{name: "telegram", icon: `<i class="ri-telegram-fill ri-lg"></i>`, f: (add: boolean) => { telegram.onclick() }, required: window.telegramRequired, enabled: window.telegramEnabled},
{name: "matrix", icon: `<span class="font-bold">[m]</span>`, f: (add: boolean) => { matrix.show(); }, required: window.matrixRequired, enabled: window.matrixEnabled}
for (let method of contactMethods) {
if (!(method.enabled)) continue;
if (method.name in details) {
contactMethodList.append(method.name, details[method.name], method.icon, method.f, method.required);
expiryCard.expiry = details.expiry;
const adminBackButton = document.getElementById("admin-back-button") as HTMLAnchorElement;
adminBackButton.href = window.location.href.replace("my/account", "");
let messageCard = document.getElementById("card-message");
if (details.accounts_admin) {
if (typeof(messageCard) == "undefined" || messageCard == null) {
messageCard = document.createElement("div");
messageCard.classList.add("card", "@low", "dark:~d_neutral", "content");
messageCard.id = "card-message";
contactCard.parentElement.insertBefore(messageCard, contactCard);
if (!messageCard.textContent) {
messageCard.innerHTML = `
<span class="heading mb-2">${window.lang.strings("customMessagePlaceholderHeader")} ✏️ </span>
<span class="block">${window.lang.strings("customMessagePlaceholderContent")}</span>
if (typeof(messageCard) != "undefined" && messageCard != null) {
messageCard.innerHTML = messageCard.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp("{username}", "g"), details.username);
// setBestRowSpan(messageCard, false);
// contactCard.querySelector(".content").classList.add("h-100");
} else if (!statusCard.classList.contains("unfocused")) {
// setBestRowSpan(passwordCard, true);
if (window.referralsEnabled) {
if (details.has_referrals) {
_get("/my/referral", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200) return;
const referral: MyReferral = req.response as MyReferral;
} else {
} else {
const setCardOrder = (messageCard: HTMLElement) => {
const cards = document.getElementById("user-cardlist");
const children = Array.from(cards.children);
const idxs = [...Array(cards.childElementCount).keys()]
// The message card is the first element and should always be so, so remove it from the list.
const hasMessageCard = !(typeof(messageCard) == "undefined" || messageCard == null);
if (hasMessageCard) idxs.shift();
const perms = generatePermutations(idxs);
let minHeight = 999999;
let minHeightPerm: [number[], number[]];
for (let perm of perms) {
let leftHeight = 0;
for (let idx of perm[0]) {
leftHeight += (cards.children[idx] as HTMLElement).offsetHeight;
if (hasMessageCard) leftHeight += (cards.children[0] as HTMLElement).offsetHeight;
let rightHeight = 0;
for (let idx of perm[1]) {
rightHeight += (cards.children[idx] as HTMLElement).offsetHeight;
let height = Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);
// console.log("got height", leftHeight, rightHeight, height, "for", perm);
if (height < minHeight) {
minHeight = height;
minHeightPerm = perm;
const gapDiv = () => {
const g = document.createElement("div");
return g;
let addValue = hasMessageCard ? 1 : 0;
// if (hasMessageCard) cards.appendChild(children[0]);
if (hasMessageCard) cards.appendChild(gapDiv());
for (let side of minHeightPerm) {
for (let i = 0; i < side.length; i++) {
// (cards.children[side[i]] as HTMLElement).style.order = (i+addValue).toString();
// addValue += side.length;
console.log("Shortest order:", minHeightPerm);
const login = new Login(window.modals.login as Modal, "/my/", "opaque");
login.onLogin = () => {
console.log("Logged in.");
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload"));
const setBestRowSpan = (el: HTMLElement, setOnParent: boolean) => {
let largestNonMessageCardHeight = 0;
const cards = grid.querySelectorAll(".card") as NodeListOf<HTMLElement>;
for (let i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
if (cards[i].id == el.id) continue;
if (computeRealHeight(cards[i]) > largestNonMessageCardHeight) {
largestNonMessageCardHeight = computeRealHeight(cards[i]);
let rowSpan = Math.ceil(computeRealHeight(el) / largestNonMessageCardHeight);
if (rowSpan > 0)
(setOnParent ? el.parentElement : el).style.gridRow = `span ${rowSpan}`;
const computeRealHeight = (el: HTMLElement): number => {
let children = el.children as HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElement>;
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Cope with the contact method card expanding to fill, by counting each contact method individually
if (el.id == "card-contact" && children[i].classList.contains("content")) {
// console.log("FOUND CARD_CONTACT, OG:", total + children[i].offsetHeight);
for (let j = 0; j < children[i].children.length; j++) {
total += (children[i].children[j] as HTMLElement).offsetHeight;
// console.log("NEW:", total);
} else {
total += children[i].offsetHeight;
return total;
const generatePermutations = (xs: number[]): [number[], number[]][] => {
const l = xs.length;
let out: [number[], number[]][] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < (l << 1); i++) {
let incl = [];
let excl = [];
for (let j = 0; j < l; j++) {
if (i & (1 << j)) {
} else {
out.push([incl, excl]);
return out;
pages.load(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/password/reset") ? "reset" : "");