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synced 2025-02-22 09:40:11 +00:00
mautrix-go now include a cryptohelper package, which solves all my issues and just works. the setting is now on by default, however packages are not yet built with it.
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353 lines
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package main
import (
lm "github.com/hrfee/jfa-go/logmessages"
var (
DEVICE_ID = id.DeviceID("jfa-go")
type MatrixDaemon struct {
Stopped bool
bot *mautrix.Client
userID id.UserID
homeserver string
tokens map[string]UnverifiedUser // Map of tokens to users
languages map[id.RoomID]string // Map of roomIDs to language codes
Encryption bool
crypto *Crypto
app *appContext
start int64
cancellation sync.WaitGroup
cancel context.CancelFunc
type UnverifiedUser struct {
Verified bool
User *MatrixUser
var matrixFilter = mautrix.Filter{
Room: mautrix.RoomFilter{
Timeline: mautrix.FilterPart{
Types: []event.Type{
EventFields: []string{
// "content.body",
// "content.membership",
func (d *MatrixDaemon) renderUserID(uid id.UserID) id.UserID {
if uid[0] != '@' {
uid = "@" + uid
if !strings.ContainsRune(string(uid), ':') {
uid = id.UserID(string(uid) + ":" + d.homeserver)
return uid
func newMatrixDaemon(app *appContext) (d *MatrixDaemon, err error) {
matrix := app.config.Section("matrix")
token := matrix.Key("token").String()
d = &MatrixDaemon{
userID: id.UserID(matrix.Key("user_id").String()),
homeserver: matrix.Key("homeserver").String(),
tokens: map[string]UnverifiedUser{},
languages: map[id.RoomID]string{},
app: app,
start: time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6,
d.userID = d.renderUserID(d.userID)
d.bot, err = mautrix.NewClient(d.homeserver, d.userID, token)
if err != nil {
d.bot.DeviceID = DEVICE_ID
// resp, err := d.bot.CreateFilter(&matrixFilter)
// if err != nil {
// return
// }
// d.bot.Store.SaveFilterID(d.userID, resp.FilterID)
for _, user := range app.storage.GetMatrix() {
if user.Lang != "" {
d.languages[id.RoomID(user.RoomID)] = user.Lang
err = InitMatrixCrypto(d)
// SetTransport sets the http.Transport to use for requests. Can be used to set a proxy.
func (d *MatrixDaemon) SetTransport(t *http.Transport) {
d.bot.Client.Transport = t
func (d *MatrixDaemon) generateAccessToken(homeserver, username, password string) (string, error) {
req := &mautrix.ReqLogin{
Type: mautrix.AuthTypePassword,
Identifier: mautrix.UserIdentifier{
Type: mautrix.IdentifierTypeUser,
User: username,
Password: password,
bot, err := mautrix.NewClient(homeserver, id.UserID(username), "")
if err != nil {
return "", err
resp, err := bot.Login(context.TODO(), req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return resp.AccessToken, nil
func (d *MatrixDaemon) run() {
syncer := d.bot.Syncer.(*mautrix.DefaultSyncer)
syncer.OnEventType(event.EventMessage, d.handleMessage)
d.app.info.Printf(lm.StartDaemon, lm.Matrix)
var syncCtx context.Context
syncCtx, d.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
if err := d.bot.SyncWithContext(syncCtx); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedSyncMatrix, err)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Shutdown() {
d.Stopped = true
func (d *MatrixDaemon) handleMessage(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event) {
if evt.Timestamp < d.start {
if evt.Sender == d.userID {
lang := "en-us"
if l, ok := d.languages[evt.RoomID]; ok {
if _, ok := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[l]; ok {
lang = l
sects := strings.Split(evt.Content.Raw["body"].(string), " ")
switch sects[0] {
case "!lang":
if len(sects) == 2 {
d.commandLang(evt, sects[1], lang)
} else {
d.commandLang(evt, "", lang)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) commandLang(evt *event.Event, code, lang string) {
if code == "" {
list := "!lang <lang>\n"
for c := range d.app.storage.lang.Telegram {
list += fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", c, d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[c].Meta.Name)
_, err := d.bot.SendText(
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedReply, lm.Matrix, evt.Sender, err)
if _, ok := d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[code]; !ok {
d.languages[evt.RoomID] = code
if u, ok := d.app.storage.GetMatrixKey(string(evt.RoomID)); ok {
u.Lang = code
d.app.storage.SetMatrixKey(string(evt.RoomID), u)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) CreateRoom(userID string) (roomID id.RoomID, err error) {
var room *mautrix.RespCreateRoom
room, err = d.bot.CreateRoom(context.TODO(), &mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{
Visibility: "private",
Invite: []id.UserID{id.UserID(userID)},
Topic: d.app.config.Section("matrix").Key("topic").String(),
IsDirect: true,
if err != nil {
// encrypted = EncryptRoom(d, room, id.UserID(userID))
roomID = room.RoomID
err = EncryptRoom(d, roomID)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) SendStart(userID string) (ok bool) {
roomID, err := d.CreateRoom(userID)
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedCreateMatrixRoom, userID, err)
lang := "en-us"
pin := genAuthToken()
d.tokens[pin] = UnverifiedUser{
RoomID: string(roomID),
UserID: userID,
Lang: lang,
err = d.sendToRoom(
MsgType: event.MsgText,
Body: d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.get("matrixStartMessage") + "\n\n" + pin + "\n\n" +
d.app.storage.lang.Telegram[lang].Strings.template("languageMessage", tmpl{"command": "!lang"}),
if err != nil {
d.app.err.Printf(lm.FailedMessage, lm.Matrix, userID, err)
ok = true
func (d *MatrixDaemon) sendToRoom(content *event.MessageEventContent, roomID id.RoomID) (err error) {
return d.send(content, roomID)
/*if encrypted, ok := d.isEncrypted[roomID]; ok && encrypted {
err = SendEncrypted(d, content, roomID)
} else {
_, err = d.bot.SendMessageEvent(context.TODO(), roomID, event.EventMessage, content, mautrix.ReqSendEvent{})
func (d *MatrixDaemon) send(content *event.MessageEventContent, roomID id.RoomID) (err error) {
_, err = d.bot.SendMessageEvent(context.TODO(), roomID, event.EventMessage, content, mautrix.ReqSendEvent{})
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Send(message *Message, users ...MatrixUser) (err error) {
md := ""
if message.Markdown != "" {
// Convert images to links
md = string(markdown.ToHTML([]byte(strings.ReplaceAll(message.Markdown, "![", "[")), nil, markdownRenderer))
content := &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: "m.text",
Body: message.Text,
if md != "" {
content.FormattedBody = md
content.Format = "org.matrix.custom.html"
for _, user := range users {
err = d.sendToRoom(content, id.RoomID(user.RoomID))
if err != nil {
// UserExists returns whether or not a user with the given User ID exists.
func (d *MatrixDaemon) UserExists(userID string) bool {
c, err := d.app.storage.db.Count(&MatrixUser{}, badgerhold.Where("UserID").Eq(userID))
return err != nil || c > 0
// Exists returns whether or not the given user exists.
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Exists(user ContactMethodUser) bool {
return d.UserExists(user.Name())
// User enters ID on sign-up, a PIN is sent to them. They enter it on sign-up.
// Message the user first, to avoid E2EE by default
func (d *MatrixDaemon) PIN(req newUserDTO) string { return req.MatrixPIN }
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Name() string { return lm.Matrix }
func (d *MatrixDaemon) Required() bool {
return d.app.config.Section("telegram").Key("required").MustBool(false)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) UniqueRequired() bool {
return d.app.config.Section("telegram").Key("require_unique").MustBool(false)
// TokenVerified returns whether or not a token with the given PIN has been verified, and the token itself.
func (d *MatrixDaemon) TokenVerified(pin string) (token UnverifiedUser, ok bool) {
token, ok = d.tokens[pin]
// delete(t.verifiedTokens, pin)
// DeleteVerifiedToken removes the token with the given PIN.
func (d *MatrixDaemon) DeleteVerifiedToken(PIN string) {
delete(d.tokens, PIN)
func (d *MatrixDaemon) UserVerified(PIN string) (ContactMethodUser, bool) {
token, ok := d.TokenVerified(PIN)
if !ok {
return &MatrixUser{}, false
return token.User, ok
func (d *MatrixDaemon) PostVerificationTasks(string, ContactMethodUser) error { return nil }
func (m *MatrixUser) Name() string { return m.UserID }
func (m *MatrixUser) SetMethodID(id any) { m.UserID = id.(string) }
func (m *MatrixUser) MethodID() any { return m.UserID }
func (m *MatrixUser) SetJellyfin(id string) { m.JellyfinID = id }
func (m *MatrixUser) Jellyfin() string { return m.JellyfinID }
func (m *MatrixUser) SetAllowContactFromDTO(req newUserDTO) { m.Contact = req.MatrixContact }
func (m *MatrixUser) SetAllowContact(contact bool) { m.Contact = contact }
func (m *MatrixUser) AllowContact() bool { return m.Contact }
func (m *MatrixUser) Store(st *Storage) {
st.SetMatrixKey(m.Jellyfin(), *m)