mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2024-09-19 19:00:11 +00:00

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No commits in common. "4c202508880dc66db4a99f55419ca143018b1a4e" and "4a28ea700316315d8b970290d2399436b0a99527" have entirely different histories.

68 changed files with 125 additions and 1005 deletions

View File

@ -38,12 +38,9 @@ a rewrite of [jellyfin-accounts](https://github.com/hrfee/jellyfin-accounts) (or
* 🔗 Ombi Integration: Automatically creates Ombi accounts for new users using their email address and login details, and your own defined set of permissions.
* Account management: Apply settings to your users individually or en masse, and delete users, optionally sending them an email notification with a reason.
* Telegram/Discord/Matrix Integration: Verify users via a chat bot, and send Password Resets, Announcements, etc. through it.
* "My Account" Page: Allows users to reset their password, manage contact details, view their account expiry date, and send referrals. Custom messages can be added, with markdown.
* Referrals: Users can be given special invites to send to their friends and families.
* 📨 Email storage: Add your existing users email addresses through the UI, and jfa-go will ask new users for them on account creation.
* Email addresses can optionally be used instead of usernames
* 🔑 Password resets: When users forget their passwords and request a change in Jellyfin, jfa-go reads the PIN from the created file and sends it straight to them via email/telegram.
* Can also be done through the "My Account" page if enabled.
* Admin Notifications: Get notified when someone creates an account, or an invite expires.
* 📣 Announcements: Bulk message your users with announcements about your server.
* Authentication via Jellyfin: Instead of using separate credentials for jfa-go and Jellyfin, jfa-go can use it as the authentication provider.
@ -55,10 +52,13 @@ a rewrite of [jellyfin-accounts](https://github.com/hrfee/jellyfin-accounts) (or
#### Interface
<p align="center">
<img src="images/invites.png" width="47%" style="margin-left: 1.5%;" align="top" alt="Invites tab"></img>
<img src="images/create.png" width="47%" style="margin-right: 1.5%;" align="top" alt="Accounts creation"></img>
<img src="images/myaccount.png" width="47%" style="margin-left: 1.5%; margin-top: 1rem;" align="top" alt="My Account Page"></img>
<img src="images/accounts.png" width="47%" style="margin-right: 1.5%; margin-top: 1rem;" align="top" alt="Accounts tab"></img>
<img src="images/demo.gif" width="100%"></img>
<p align="center">
<img src="images/invites.png" width="31%" style="margin-left: 1.5%;" alt="Invites tab"></img>
<img src="images/accounts.png" width="31%" style="margin-right: 1.5%;" alt="Accounts tab"></img>
<img src="images/create.png" width="31%" style="margin-right: 1.5%;" alt="Accounts creation"></img>
#### Install
@ -175,4 +175,3 @@ For translations, use the weblate instance [here](https://weblate.jfa-go.com/eng
Big thanks to those who sponsor me. You can see them below:
[<img src="https://sponsors-endpoint.hrfee.pw/sponsor/avatar/0" width="35">](https://sponsors-endpoint.hrfee.pw/sponsor/profile/0)
[<img src="https://sponsors-endpoint.hrfee.pw/sponsor/avatar/1" width="35">](https://sponsors-endpoint.hrfee.pw/sponsor/profile/0)

View File

@ -13,29 +13,9 @@ import (
const (
CAPTCHA_VALIDITY = 20 * 60 // Seconds
func (app *appContext) checkInvites() {
currentTime := time.Now()
for _, data := range app.storage.GetInvites() {
captchas := data.Captchas
captchasExpired := false
for key, capt := range data.Captchas {
if time.Now().After(capt.Generated.Add(CAPTCHA_VALIDITY * time.Second)) {
delete(captchas, key)
captchasExpired = true
if captchasExpired {
data.Captchas = captchas
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(data.Code, data)
if data.IsReferral {
expiry := data.ValidTill
if !currentTime.After(expiry) {
@ -242,9 +222,6 @@ func (app *appContext) GetInvites(gc *gin.Context) {
var invites []inviteDTO
for _, inv := range app.storage.GetInvites() {
if inv.IsReferral {
_, months, days, hours, minutes, _ := timeDiff(inv.ValidTill, currentTime)
invite := inviteDTO{
Code: inv.Code,

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
package main
import (
@ -21,23 +19,13 @@ func (app *appContext) GetProfiles(gc *gin.Context) {
DefaultProfile: app.storage.GetDefaultProfile().Name,
Profiles: map[string]profileDTO{},
referralsEnabled := app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false)
baseInv := Invite{}
for _, p := range app.storage.GetProfiles() {
pdto := profileDTO{
Admin: p.Admin,
LibraryAccess: p.LibraryAccess,
FromUser: p.FromUser,
Ombi: p.Ombi != nil,
ReferralsEnabled: false,
out.Profiles[p.Name] = profileDTO{
Admin: p.Admin,
LibraryAccess: p.LibraryAccess,
FromUser: p.FromUser,
Ombi: p.Ombi != nil,
if referralsEnabled {
err := app.storage.db.Get(p.ReferralTemplateKey, &baseInv)
if p.ReferralTemplateKey != "" && err == nil {
pdto.ReferralsEnabled = true
out.Profiles[p.Name] = pdto
gc.JSON(200, out)
@ -123,76 +111,3 @@ func (app *appContext) DeleteProfile(gc *gin.Context) {
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Enable referrals for a profile, sourced from the given invite by its code.
// @Produce json
// @Param profile path string true "name of profile to enable referrals for."
// @Param invite path string true "invite code to create referral template from."
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} stringResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /profiles/referral/{profile}/{invite} [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Profiles & Settings
func (app *appContext) EnableReferralForProfile(gc *gin.Context) {
profileName := gc.Param("profile")
invCode := gc.Param("invite")
inv, ok := app.storage.GetInvitesKey(invCode)
if !ok {
respond(400, "Invalid invite code", gc)
app.err.Printf("\"%s\": Failed to enable referrals: invite not found", profileName)
profile, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(profileName)
if !ok {
respond(400, "Invalid profile", gc)
app.err.Printf("\"%s\": Failed to enable referrals: profile not found", profileName)
// Generate new code for referral template
inv.Code = shortuuid.New()
// make sure code doesn't begin with number
_, err := strconv.Atoi(string(inv.Code[0]))
for err == nil {
inv.Code = shortuuid.New()
_, err = strconv.Atoi(string(inv.Code[0]))
inv.Created = time.Now()
inv.ValidTill = inv.Created.Add(REFERRAL_EXPIRY_DAYS * 24 * time.Hour)
inv.IsReferral = true
// Since this is a template for multiple users, ReferrerJellyfinID is not set.
// inv.ReferrerJellyfinID = ...
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(inv.Code, inv)
profile.ReferralTemplateKey = inv.Code
app.storage.SetProfileKey(profile.Name, profile)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Disable referrals for a profile, and removes the referral template. no-op if not enabled.
// @Produce json
// @Param profile path string true "name of profile to enable referrals for."
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /profiles/referral/{profile} [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Profiles & Settings
func (app *appContext) DisableReferralForProfile(gc *gin.Context) {
profileName := gc.Param("profile")
profile, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(profileName)
if !ok {
respondBool(200, true, gc)
profile.ReferralTemplateKey = ""
app.storage.SetProfileKey(profileName, profile)
respondBool(200, true, gc)

View File

@ -3,18 +3,11 @@ package main
import (
const (
// @Summary Returns the logged-in user's Jellyfin ID & Username, and other details.
@ -81,25 +74,6 @@ func (app *appContext) MyDetails(gc *gin.Context) {
if app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false) {
// 1. Look for existing template bound to this Jellyfin ID
// If one exists, that means its just for us and so we
// can use it directly.
inv := Invite{}
err := app.storage.db.FindOne(&inv, badgerhold.Where("ReferrerJellyfinID").Eq(resp.Id))
if err == nil {
resp.HasReferrals = true
} else {
// 2. Look for a template matching the key found in the user storage
// Since this key is shared between users in a profile, we make a copy.
user, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(gc.GetString("jfId"))
err = app.storage.db.Get(user.ReferralTemplateKey, &inv)
if ok && err == nil {
resp.HasReferrals = true
gc.JSON(200, resp)
@ -647,63 +621,3 @@ func (app *appContext) ChangeMyPassword(gc *gin.Context) {
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Get or generate a new referral code.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} GetMyReferralRespDTO
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 401 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /my/referral [get]
// @Security Bearer
// @Tags User Page
func (app *appContext) GetMyReferral(gc *gin.Context) {
// 1. Look for existing template bound to this Jellyfin ID
// If one exists, that means its just for us and so we
// can use it directly.
inv := Invite{}
err := app.storage.db.FindOne(&inv, badgerhold.Where("ReferrerJellyfinID").Eq(gc.GetString("jfId")))
if err != nil {
// 2. Look for a template matching the key found in the user storage
// Since this key is shared between users in a profile, we make a copy.
user, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(gc.GetString("jfId"))
err = app.storage.db.Get(user.ReferralTemplateKey, &inv)
if !ok || err != nil {
app.debug.Printf("Ignoring referral request, couldn't find template.")
respondBool(400, false, gc)
inv.Code = shortuuid.New()
// make sure code doesn't begin with number
_, err := strconv.Atoi(string(inv.Code[0]))
for err == nil {
inv.Code = shortuuid.New()
_, err = strconv.Atoi(string(inv.Code[0]))
inv.Created = time.Now()
inv.ValidTill = inv.Created.Add(REFERRAL_EXPIRY_DAYS * 24 * time.Hour)
inv.IsReferral = true
inv.ReferrerJellyfinID = gc.GetString("jfId")
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(inv.Code, inv)
} else if time.Now().After(inv.ValidTill) {
// 3. We found an invite for us, but it's expired.
// We delete it from storage, and put it back with a fresh code and expiry.
inv.Code = shortuuid.New()
// make sure code doesn't begin with number
_, err := strconv.Atoi(string(inv.Code[0]))
for err == nil {
inv.Code = shortuuid.New()
_, err = strconv.Atoi(string(inv.Code[0]))
inv.Created = time.Now()
inv.ValidTill = inv.Created.Add(REFERRAL_EXPIRY_DAYS * 24 * time.Hour)
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(inv.Code, inv)
gc.JSON(200, GetMyReferralRespDTO{
Code: inv.Code,
RemainingUses: inv.RemainingUses,
NoLimit: inv.NoLimit,
Expiry: inv.ValidTill.Unix(),

View File

@ -3,15 +3,12 @@ package main
import (
// @Summary Creates a new Jellyfin user without an invite.
@ -304,12 +301,6 @@ func (app *appContext) newUser(req newUserDTO, confirmed bool) (f errorFunc, suc
id := user.ID
emailStore := EmailAddress{
Addr: req.Email,
Contact: (req.Email != ""),
var profile Profile
if invite.Profile != "" {
app.debug.Printf("Applying settings from profile \"%s\"", invite.Profile)
@ -331,15 +322,10 @@ func (app *appContext) newUser(req newUserDTO, confirmed bool) (f errorFunc, suc
if !((status == 200 || status == 204) && err == nil) {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to set configuration template (%d): %v", req.Code, status, err)
if app.config.Section("user_page").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false) && profile.ReferralTemplateKey != "" {
emailStore.ReferralTemplateKey = profile.ReferralTemplateKey
// Store here, just incase email are disabled (whether this is even possible, i don't know)
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
// if app.config.Section("password_resets").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
if req.Email != "" {
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, emailStore)
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(id, EmailAddress{Addr: req.Email, Contact: true})
expiry := time.Time{}
if invite.UserExpiry {
@ -643,88 +629,6 @@ func (app *appContext) ExtendExpiry(gc *gin.Context) {
respondBool(204, true, gc)
// @Summary Enable referrals for the given user(s) based on the rules set in the given invite code, or profile.
// @Produce json
// @Param EnableDisableReferralDTO body EnableDisableReferralDTO true "List of users"
// @Param mode path string true "mode of template sourcing from 'invite' or 'profile'."
// @Param source path string true "invite code or profile name, depending on what mode is."
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/referral/{mode}/{source} [post]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) EnableReferralForUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
var req EnableDisableReferralDTO
mode := gc.Param("mode")
source := gc.Param("source")
baseInv := Invite{}
if mode == "profile" {
profile, ok := app.storage.GetProfileKey(source)
err := app.storage.db.Get(profile.ReferralTemplateKey, &baseInv)
if !ok || profile.ReferralTemplateKey == "" || err != nil {
app.debug.Printf("Couldn't find template to source from")
respondBool(400, false, gc)
app.debug.Printf("Found referral template in profile: %+v\n", profile.ReferralTemplateKey)
} else if mode == "invite" {
// Get the invite, and modify it to turn it into a referral
err := app.storage.db.Get(source, &baseInv)
if err != nil {
app.debug.Printf("Couldn't find invite to source from")
respondBool(400, false, gc)
for _, u := range req.Users {
// 1. Wipe out any existing referral codes.
app.storage.db.DeleteMatching(Invite{}, badgerhold.Where("ReferrerJellyfinID").Eq(u))
// 2. Generate referral invite.
inv := baseInv
inv.Code = shortuuid.New()
// make sure code doesn't begin with number
_, err := strconv.Atoi(string(inv.Code[0]))
for err == nil {
inv.Code = shortuuid.New()
_, err = strconv.Atoi(string(inv.Code[0]))
inv.Created = time.Now()
inv.ValidTill = inv.Created.Add(REFERRAL_EXPIRY_DAYS * 24 * time.Hour)
inv.IsReferral = true
inv.ReferrerJellyfinID = u
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(inv.Code, inv)
// @Summary Disable referrals for the given user(s).
// @Produce json
// @Param EnableDisableReferralDTO body EnableDisableReferralDTO true "List of users"
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /users/referral [delete]
// @Security Bearer
// @tags Users
func (app *appContext) DisableReferralForUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
var req EnableDisableReferralDTO
for _, u := range req.Users {
// 1. Delete directly bound template
app.storage.db.DeleteMatching(Invite{}, badgerhold.Where("ReferrerJellyfinID").Eq(u))
// 2. Check for and delete profile-attached template
user, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(u)
if !ok {
user.ReferralTemplateKey = ""
app.storage.SetEmailsKey(u, user)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
// @Summary Send an announcement via email to a given list of users.
// @Produce json
// @Param announcementDTO body announcementDTO true "Announcement request object"
@ -929,15 +833,13 @@ func (app *appContext) GetUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
adminOnly := app.config.Section("ui").Key("admin_only").MustBool(true)
allowAll := app.config.Section("ui").Key("allow_all").MustBool(false)
referralsEnabled := app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false)
i := 0
for _, jfUser := range users {
user := respUser{
ID: jfUser.ID,
Name: jfUser.Name,
Admin: jfUser.Policy.IsAdministrator,
Disabled: jfUser.Policy.IsDisabled,
ReferralsEnabled: false,
ID: jfUser.ID,
Name: jfUser.Name,
Admin: jfUser.Policy.IsAdministrator,
Disabled: jfUser.Policy.IsDisabled,
if !jfUser.LastActivityDate.IsZero() {
user.LastActive = jfUser.LastActivityDate.Unix()
@ -966,18 +868,6 @@ func (app *appContext) GetUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
user.DiscordID = dcUser.ID
user.NotifyThroughDiscord = dcUser.Contact
// FIXME: Send referral data
referrerInv := Invite{}
if referralsEnabled {
// 1. Directly attached invite.
err := app.storage.db.FindOne(&referrerInv, badgerhold.Where("ReferrerJellyfinID").Eq(jfUser.ID))
if err == nil {
user.ReferralsEnabled = true
// 2. Referrals via profile template. Shallow check, doesn't look for the thing in the database.
} else if email, ok := app.storage.GetEmailsKey(jfUser.ID); ok && email.ReferralTemplateKey != "" {
user.ReferralsEnabled = true
resp.UserList[i] = user

View File

@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
"enabled": {
"name": "Enabled",
"required": false,
"requires_restart": true,
"requires_restart": false,
"type": "bool",
"value": true
@ -405,22 +405,6 @@
"depends_true": "enabled",
"required": "false",
"description": "Click the edit icon next to the \"User Page\" Setting to add custom Markdown messages that will be shown to the user. Note message cards are not private, little effort is required for anyone to view them."
"referrals": {
"name": "User Referrals",
"required": false,
"requires_restart": true,
"type": "bool",
"value": true,
"description": "Users are given their own \"invite\" to send to others."
"referrals_note": {
"name": "Using Referrals:",
"type": "note",
"value": "",
"depends_true": "referrals",
"required": "false",
"description": "Create an invite with your desired settings, then either assign it to a user in the accounts tab, or to a profile in settings."

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
window.jellyfinLogin = {{ .jellyfinLogin }};
window.jfAdminOnly = {{ .jfAdminOnly }};
window.jfAllowAll = {{ .jfAllowAll }};
window.referralsEnabled = {{ .referralsEnabled }};
<title>Admin - jfa-go</title>
{{ template "header.html" . }}
@ -108,48 +107,6 @@
{{ if .referralsEnabled }}
<div id="modal-enable-referrals-user" class="modal">
<form class="card relative mx-auto my-[10%] w-4/5 lg:w-1/3" id="form-enable-referrals-user" href="">
<span class="heading"><span id="header-enable-referrals-user"></span> <span class="modal-close">&times;</span></span>
<p class="content my-4">{{ .strings.enableReferralsDescription }}</p>
<div class="flex flex-row mb-4">
<label class="flex-row-group mr-2">
<input type="radio" name="enable-referrals-user-source" class="unfocused" id="radio-referrals-use-profile" checked>
<span class="button ~neutral @high supra full-width center">{{ .strings.profile }}</span>
<label class="flex-row-group ml-2">
<input type="radio" name="enable-referrals-user-source" class="unfocused" id="radio-referrals-use-invite">
<span class="button ~neutral @low supra full-width center">{{ .strings.invite }}</span>
<div class="select ~neutral @low mb-4">
<select id="enable-referrals-user-profiles"></select>
<div class="select ~neutral @low mb-4 unfocused">
<select id="enable-referrals-user-invites"></select>
<input type="submit" class="unfocused">
<span class="button ~urge @low full-width center supra submit">{{ .strings.apply }}</span>
<div id="modal-enable-referrals-profile" class="modal">
<form class="card relative mx-auto my-[10%] w-4/5 lg:w-1/3" id="form-enable-referrals-profile" href="">
<span class="heading"><span id="header-enable-referrals-profile">{{ .strings.enableReferrals }}</span> <span class="modal-close">&times;</span></span>
<p class="content my-4">{{ .strings.enableReferralsProfileDescription }}</p>
<label class="supra" for="enable-referrals-profile-invites">{{ .strings.invite }}</label>
<div class="select ~neutral @low mb-4 mt-2">
<select id="enable-referrals-profile-invites"></select>
<input type="submit" class="unfocused">
<span class="button ~urge @low full-width center supra submit">{{ .strings.apply }}</span>
{{ end }}
<div id="modal-delete-user" class="modal">
<form class="card relative mx-auto my-[10%] w-4/5 lg:w-1/3" id="form-delete-user" href="">
<span class="heading"><span id="header-delete-user"></span> <span class="modal-close">&times;</span></span>
@ -346,9 +303,6 @@
{{ if .ombiEnabled }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .referralsEnabled }}
<th>{{ .strings.referrals }}</th>
{{ end }}
<th>{{ .strings.from }}</th>
<th>{{ .strings.userProfilesLibraries }}</th>
<th><span class="button ~neutral @high" id="button-profile-create">{{ .strings.create }}</span></th>
@ -442,7 +396,7 @@
<div id="notification-box"></div>
<div class="top-4 left-4 absolute">
<span class="dropdown z-[11]" tabindex="0" id="lang-dropdown">
<span class="dropdown" tabindex="0" id="lang-dropdown">
<span class="button ~urge dropdown-button">
<i class="ri-global-line"></i>
<span class="ml-2 chev"></span>
@ -644,7 +598,7 @@
<div class="supra py-1 sm hidden" id="accounts-search-options-header">{{ .strings.searchOptions }}</div>
<div class="row -mx-2">
<button type="button" class="button ~neutral @low center m-2 hidden"><span id="accounts-sort-by-field"></span> <i class="ri-close-line ml-2 text-2xl"></i></button>
<span id="accounts-filter-area" class="mb-2"></span>
<span id="accounts-filter-area"></span>
<div class="supra py-1 sm">{{ .strings.actions }}</div>
<div class="row -mx-2">
@ -659,9 +613,6 @@
<span class="col button ~urge @low center max-w-[20%]" id="accounts-modify-user">{{ .strings.modifySettings }}</span>
{{ if .referralsEnabled }}
<span class="col button ~urge @low center max-w-[20%]" id="accounts-enable-referrals">{{ .strings.enableReferrals }}</span>
{{ end }}
<span class="col button ~warning @low center max-w-[20%]" id="accounts-extend-expiry">{{ .strings.extendExpiry }}</span>
<div id="accounts-disable-enable-dropdown" class="col dropdown manual pb-0i max-w-[20%]" tabindex="0">
<span class="w-100 button ~positive @low center" id="accounts-disable-enable">{{ .strings.disable }}</span>
@ -693,9 +644,6 @@
{{ if .discordEnabled }}
<th class="text-center-i grid gap-4 place-items-stretch accounts-header-discord">Discord</th>
{{ end }}
{{ if .referralsEnabled }}
<th class="text-center-i grid gap-4 place-items-stretch accounts-header-referrals">{{ .strings.referrals }}</th>
{{ end }}
<th class="grid gap-4 place-items-stretch accounts-header-expiry">{{ .strings.expiry }}</th>
<th class="grid gap-4 place-items-stretch accounts-header-last-active">{{ .strings.lastActiveTime }}</th>

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<div id="notification-box"></div>
<div class="page-container">
<div class="card dark:~d_neutral @low">
<div class="flex flex-col justify-between md:flex-row gap-3 items-baseline mb-2">
<div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row gap-3 inline align-baseline">
<span class="heading mr-5">
{{ if .passwordReset }}
{{ .strings.passwordReset }}
@ -53,14 +53,11 @@
<span class="subheading">
{{ if .passwordReset }}
{{ .strings.enterYourPassword }}
{{ .strings.enterYourPassword }}
{{ else }}
{{ .helpMessage }}
{{ .helpMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .fromUser }}
<span class="badge ~positive text-lg p-1 px-2 self-center">{{ .strings.invitedBy }} {{ .fromUser }}</span>
{{ end }}
<div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row gap-3">
<div class="flex-1">

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
window.matrixRequired = {{ .matrixRequired }};
window.matrixUserID = "{{ .matrixUser }}";
window.validationStrings = JSON.parse({{ .validationStrings }});
window.referralsEnabled = {{ .referralsEnabled }};
{{ template "header.html" . }}
<title>{{ .strings.myAccount }}</title>
@ -151,20 +150,6 @@
<div class="user-expiry-countdown"></div>
{{ if .referralsEnabled }}
<div class="card @low dark:~d_neutral unfocused" id="card-referrals">
<span class="heading mb-2">{{ .strings.referrals }}</span>
<aside class="aside ~neutral my-4 col">{{ .strings.referralsDescription }}</aside>
<div class="row flex-expand">
<div class="user-referrals-info"></div>
<div class="grid my-2">
<button type="button" class="user-referrals-button button ~info dark:~d_info @low" title="Copy">{{ .strings.copyReferral }}<i class="ri-file-copy-line ml-2"></i></button>
{{ end }}
<script src="{{ .urlBase }}/js/user.js" type="module"></script>

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View File

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Oprettet brugere",
"inviteNoProfile": "Ingen Profil",
"inviteDateCreated": "Oprettet",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Resterende anvendelser",
"inviteNoInvites": "Ingen",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Udløber om {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Meddel den:",

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Erstellte Benutzer",
"inviteNoProfile": "Kein Profil",
"inviteDateCreated": "Erstellt",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Verbleibende Verwendungen",
"inviteNoInvites": "Keine",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Läuft in {n} ab",
"notifyEvent": "Benachrichtigen bei:",

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Δημιουργηθέντες χρήστες",
"inviteNoProfile": "Κανένα Προφίλ",
"inviteDateCreated": "Δημιουργηθέντα",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Εναπομείναντες χρήσεις",
"inviteNoInvites": "Καμία",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Λήγει σε {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Ενημέρωση όταν:",

View File

@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
"addProfileStoreHomescreenLayout": "Store homescreen layout",
"inviteNoUsersCreated": "None yet!",
"inviteUsersCreated": "Created users",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Remaining uses",
"inviteNoInvites": "None",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Expires in {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Notify on:",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"strings": {
"invites": "Invites",
"invite": "Invite",
"accounts": "Accounts",
"settings": "Settings",
"inviteMonths": "Months",
@ -64,10 +63,6 @@
"markdownSupported": "Markdown is supported.",
"modifySettings": "Modify Settings",
"modifySettingsDescription": "Apply settings from an existing profile, or source them directly from a user.",
"enableReferrals": "Enable Referrals",
"disableReferrals": "Disable Referrals",
"enableReferralsDescription": "Give users a personal referral link similiar to an invite, to send to friends/family. Can be sourced from a referral template in a profile, or from an existing invite.",
"enableReferralsProfileDescription": "Give users created with this profile a personal referral link similiar to an invite, to send to friends/family. Create an invite with the desired settings, then select it here. Each referral will then be based on this invite. You can delete the invite once complete.",
"applyHomescreenLayout": "Apply homescreen layout",
"sendDeleteNotificationEmail": "Send notification message",
"sendDeleteNotifiationExample": "Your account has been deleted.",
@ -95,6 +90,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Created users",
"inviteNoProfile": "No Profile",
"inviteDateCreated": "Created",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Remaining uses",
"inviteNoInvites": "None",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Expires in {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Notify on:",
@ -136,7 +132,6 @@
"updateAppliedRefresh": "Update applied, please refresh.",
"telegramVerified": "Telegram account verified.",
"accountConnected": "Account connected.",
"referralsEnabled": "Referrals enabled.",
"errorSettingsAppliedNoHomescreenLayout": "Settings were applied, but applying homescreen layout may have failed.",
"errorHomescreenAppliedNoSettings": "Homescreen layout was applied, but applying settings may have failed.",
"errorSettingsFailed": "Application failed.",
@ -157,7 +152,6 @@
"errorSendWelcomeEmail": "Failed to send welcome message (check console/logs)",
"errorApplyUpdate": "Failed to apply update, try manually.",
"errorCheckUpdate": "Failed to check for update.",
"errorNoReferralTemplate": "Profile doesn't contain referral template, add one in settings.",
"updateAvailable": "A new update is available, check settings.",
"noUpdatesAvailable": "No new updates available."
@ -166,10 +160,6 @@
"singular": "Modify Settings for {n} user",
"plural": "Modify Settings for {n} users"
"enableReferralsFor": {
"singular": "Enable Referrals for {n} user",
"plural": "Enable Referrals for {n} users"
"deleteNUsers": {
"singular": "Delete {n} user",
"plural": "Delete {n} users"
@ -223,4 +213,4 @@
"plural": "Extended expiry for {n} users."

View File

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Usuarios creados",
"inviteNoProfile": "Sin perfil",
"inviteDateCreated": "Creado",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Usos restantes",
"inviteNoInvites": "Ninguno",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Caduca en {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Notificar en:",

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Utilisateurs créés",
"inviteNoProfile": "Aucun profil",
"inviteDateCreated": "Créer",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Utilisations restantes",
"inviteNoInvites": "Aucune",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Expires dans {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Notifier sur :",

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "",
"inviteNoProfile": "",
"inviteDateCreated": "",
"inviteRemainingUses": "",
"inviteNoInvites": "",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "",
"notifyEvent": "",

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Pengguna yang telah dibuat",
"inviteNoProfile": "Tidak ada profil",
"inviteDateCreated": "Dibuat",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Penggunaan yang tersisa",
"inviteNoInvites": "Tidak ada",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Kadaluarsa dalam {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Beritahu pada:",

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Aangemaakte gebruikers",
"inviteNoProfile": "Geen profiel",
"inviteDateCreated": "Aangemaakt",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Resterend aantal keer te gebruiken",
"inviteNoInvites": "Geen",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Verloopt over {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Meldingen:",

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "",
"inviteNoProfile": "",
"inviteDateCreated": "Utworzone",
"inviteRemainingUses": "",
"inviteNoInvites": "",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "",
"notifyEvent": "",

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Usuários criado",
"inviteNoProfile": "Sem Perfil",
"inviteDateCreated": "Criado",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Uso restantes",
"inviteNoInvites": "Nenhum",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Expira em {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Notificar em:",

View File

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Skapade användare",
"inviteNoProfile": "Ingen profil",
"inviteDateCreated": "Skapad",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Återstående användningar",
"inviteNoInvites": "Ingen",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Går ut om {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Meddela den:",

View File

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "Người dùng đã tạo",
"inviteNoProfile": "Không có Tài khoản mẫu",
"inviteDateCreated": "Tạo",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Số lần sử dụng còn lại",
"inviteNoInvites": "Không có",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "Hết hạn trong {n}",
"notifyEvent": "Thông báo khi:",

View File

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "已创建的用户",
"inviteNoProfile": "没有个人资料",
"inviteDateCreated": "已创建",
"inviteRemainingUses": "剩余使用次数",
"inviteNoInvites": "无",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "在 {n} 到期",
"notifyEvent": "通知:",

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
"inviteUsersCreated": "創建的帳戶",
"inviteNoProfile": "無資料",
"inviteDateCreated": "已創建",
"inviteRemainingUses": "剩餘使用次數",
"inviteNoInvites": "無",
"inviteExpiresInTime": "在 {n} 到期",
"notifyEvent": "通知:",

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
"expiry": "Udløb",
"add": "Tilføj",
"edit": "Rediger",
"delete": "Slet",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Resterende anvendelser"
"delete": "Slet"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "Brugernavnet og/eller adgangskoden blev efterladt tomme.",

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
"expiry": "Ablaufdatum",
"add": "Hinzufügen",
"edit": "Bearbeiten",
"delete": "Löschen",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Verbleibende Verwendungen"
"delete": "Löschen"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "Der Benutzername und/oder das Passwort wurden nicht ausgefüllt.",

View File

@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
"disable": "Απενεργοποίηση",
"expiry": "Λήξη",
"edit": "Επεξεργασία",
"delete": "Διαγραφή",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Εναπομείναντες χρήσεις"
"delete": "Διαγραφή"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "Το όνομα χρήστη και/ή ο κωδικός ήταν κενά.",

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
"expiry": "Expiry",
"add": "Add",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Remaining uses"
"delete": "Delete"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "The username and/or password was left blank.",

View File

@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
"add": "Add",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"myAccount": "My Account",
"referrals": "Referrals",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Remaining uses"
"myAccount": "My Account"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "The username and/or password were left blank.",
@ -64,4 +62,4 @@
"plural": "{n} Days"

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
"expiry": "Expiración",
"add": "Agregar",
"edit": "Editar",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Usos restantes"
"delete": "Eliminar"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "El nombre de usuario y/o la contraseña se dejaron en blanco.",

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
"expiry": "Expiration",
"add": "Ajouter",
"edit": "Éditer",
"delete": "Effacer",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Utilisations restantes"
"delete": "Effacer"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "Le nom d'utilisateur et/ou le mot de passe sont vides.",

View File

@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
"login": "Masuk",
"logout": "Keluar",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Hapus",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Penggunaan yang tersisa"
"delete": "Hapus"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "Nama pengguna dan / atau sandi kosong.",

View File

@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
"notifications": {},
"quantityStrings": {}

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"meta": {
"name": "Nedderdütsch (NDS)"
"strings": {},
"notifications": {},
"quantityStrings": {}

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
"expiry": "Verloop",
"add": "Voeg toe",
"edit": "Bewerken",
"delete": "Verwijderen",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Resterend aantal keer te gebruiken"
"delete": "Verwijderen"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "De gebruikersnaam en/of wachtwoord is leeg.",

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
"expiry": "Expira",
"add": "Adicionar",
"edit": "Editar",
"delete": "Deletar",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Uso restantes"
"delete": "Deletar"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "O nome de usuário e/ou senha foram deixados em branco.",

View File

@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
"notifications": {},
"quantityStrings": {}

View File

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
"disabled": "Inaktiverad",
"expiry": "Löper ut",
"edit": "Redigera",
"delete": "Radera",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Återstående användningar"
"delete": "Radera"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "Användarnamnet och/eller lösenordet lämnades tomt.",

View File

@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
"expiry": "Hết hạn",
"add": "Thêm",
"edit": "Chỉnh sửa",
"delete": "Xóa",
"inviteRemainingUses": "Số lần sử dụng còn lại"
"delete": "Xóa"
"notifications": {
"errorConnection": "Không thể kết nối với jfa-go.",

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
"expiry": "到期",
"add": "添加",
"edit": "编辑",
"delete": "删除",
"inviteRemainingUses": "剩余使用次数"
"delete": "删除"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "用户名/密码留空。",

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
"expiry": "到期",
"add": "添加",
"edit": "編輯",
"delete": "刪除",
"inviteRemainingUses": "剩餘使用次數"
"delete": "刪除"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "帳戶名稱和/或密碼留空。",

View File

@ -49,4 +49,4 @@
"clickBelow": "",
"confirmEmail": ""

View File

@ -34,10 +34,7 @@
"resetPasswordThroughLink": "To reset your password, enter your username, email address or a linked contact method username, and submit. A link will be sent to reset your password.",
"resetSent": "Reset Sent.",
"resetSentDescription": "If an account with the given username/contact method exists, a password reset link has been sent via all contact methods available. The code will expire in 30 minutes.",
"changePassword": "Change Password",
"referralsDescription": "Invite friends & family to Jellyfin with this link. Come back here for a new one if it expires.",
"copyReferral": "Copy Link",
"invitedBy": "Invited By"
"changePassword": "Change Password"
"notifications": {
"errorUserExists": "User already exists.",

View File

@ -48,4 +48,4 @@
"plural": "Deve avere almeno {n} caratteri speciali"

View File

@ -57,4 +57,4 @@
"plural": "Potrebnih je vsaj {n} posebnih znakov"

View File

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
"changeYourPassword": "Spremenite svoje geslo po prijavi.",
"enterYourPassword": "Vnesite svoje novo geslo spodaj."

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"endPage": {
"finished": "Finished!",
"restartMessage": "Features like Discord/Telegram/Matrix bots, custom Markdown messages, and a user-accessible \"My Account\" page can be found in Settings, so make sure to give it a browse. Click below to restart, then refresh the page.",
"restartMessage": "You can configure Discord/Telegram/Matrix bots, customize your messages and more in Settings. Click below to restart, then refresh the page.",
"refreshPage": "Refresh"
"language": {

View File

@ -149,4 +149,4 @@
"emailMessage": "",
"emailMessageNotice": ""

View File

@ -146,4 +146,4 @@
"emailMessage": "",
"emailMessageNotice": ""

View File

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
"languageSet": "",
"discordDMs": ""

View File

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
"languageSet": "",
"discordDMs": ""

View File

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
"languageSet": "Jezik nastavljen na {language}.",
"discordDMs": "Prosimo preverite svoja zasebna sporočila za odziv."

View File

@ -71,11 +71,10 @@ type inviteProfileDTO struct {
type profileDTO struct {
Admin bool `json:"admin" example:"false"` // Whether profile has admin rights or not
LibraryAccess string `json:"libraries" example:"all"` // Number of libraries profile has access to
FromUser string `json:"fromUser" example:"jeff"` // The user the profile is based on
Ombi bool `json:"ombi"` // Whether or not Ombi settings are stored in this profile.
ReferralsEnabled bool `json:"referrals_enabled" example:"true"` // Whether or not the profile has referrals enabled, and has a template invite stored.
Admin bool `json:"admin" example:"false"` // Whether profile has admin rights or not
LibraryAccess string `json:"libraries" example:"all"` // Number of libraries profile has access to
FromUser string `json:"fromUser" example:"jeff"` // The user the profile is based on
Ombi bool `json:"ombi"` // Whether or not Ombi settings are stored in this profile.
type getProfilesDTO struct {
@ -151,7 +150,6 @@ type respUser struct {
NotifyThroughMatrix bool `json:"notify_matrix"`
Label string `json:"label"` // Label of user, shown next to their name.
AccountsAdmin bool `json:"accounts_admin"` // Whether or not the user is a jfa-go admin.
ReferralsEnabled bool `json:"referrals_enabled"`
type getUsersDTO struct {
@ -390,7 +388,6 @@ type MyDetailsDTO struct {
Discord *MyDetailsContactMethodsDTO `json:"discord,omitempty"`
Telegram *MyDetailsContactMethodsDTO `json:"telegram,omitempty"`
Matrix *MyDetailsContactMethodsDTO `json:"matrix,omitempty"`
HasReferrals bool `json:"has_referrals,omitempty"`
type MyDetailsContactMethodsDTO struct {
@ -417,14 +414,3 @@ type ChangeMyPasswordDTO struct {
Old string `json:"old"`
New string `json:"new"`
type GetMyReferralRespDTO struct {
Code string `json:"code"`
RemainingUses int `json:"remaining_uses"`
NoLimit bool `json:"no_limit"`
Expiry int64 `json:"expiry"` // Come back after this time to get a new referral
type EnableDisableReferralDTO struct {
Users []string `json:"users"`

View File

@ -226,12 +226,6 @@ func (app *appContext) loadRoutes(router *gin.Engine) {
api.DELETE(p+"/profiles/ombi/:profile", app.DeleteOmbiProfile)
api.POST(p+"/matrix/login", app.MatrixLogin)
if app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false) {
api.POST(p+"/users/referral/:mode/:source", app.EnableReferralForUsers)
api.DELETE(p+"/users/referral", app.DisableReferralForUsers)
api.POST(p+"/profiles/referral/:profile/:invite", app.EnableReferralForProfile)
api.DELETE(p+"/profiles/referral/:profile", app.DisableReferralForProfile)
if userPageEnabled {
user.GET(p+"/details", app.MyDetails)
@ -248,9 +242,6 @@ func (app *appContext) loadRoutes(router *gin.Engine) {
user.DELETE(p+"/telegram", app.UnlinkMyTelegram)
user.DELETE(p+"/matrix", app.UnlinkMyMatrix)
user.POST(p+"/password", app.ChangeMyPassword)
if app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false) {
user.GET(p+"/referral", app.GetMyReferral)

View File

@ -38,10 +38,7 @@
"expiry": "common",
"add": "common",
"edit": "common",
"delete": "common",
"myAccount": "common",
"referrals": "common",
"inviteRemainingUses": "admin"
"delete": "admin"
"notifications": {
"errorLoginBlank": "common",

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -428,16 +429,15 @@ type DiscordUser struct {
Discriminator string
Lang string
Contact bool
JellyfinID string `json:"-" badgerhold:"key"`
JellyfinID string `json:"-" badgerhold:"key"` // Used internally in discord.go
type EmailAddress struct {
Addr string `badgerhold:"index"`
Label string // User Label.
Contact bool
Admin bool // Whether or not user is jfa-go admin.
JellyfinID string `badgerhold:"key"`
ReferralTemplateKey string
Addr string `badgerhold:"index"`
Label string // User Label.
Contact bool
Admin bool // Whether or not user is jfa-go admin.
JellyfinID string `badgerhold:"key"`
type customEmails struct {
@ -470,17 +470,16 @@ type userPageContent struct {
// timePattern: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f
type Profile struct {
Name string `badgerhold:"key"`
Admin bool `json:"admin,omitempty" badgerhold:"index"`
LibraryAccess string `json:"libraries,omitempty"`
FromUser string `json:"fromUser,omitempty"`
Homescreen bool `json:"homescreen"`
Policy mediabrowser.Policy `json:"policy,omitempty"`
Configuration mediabrowser.Configuration `json:"configuration,omitempty"`
Displayprefs map[string]interface{} `json:"displayprefs,omitempty"`
Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"`
Ombi map[string]interface{} `json:"ombi,omitempty"`
ReferralTemplateKey string
Name string `badgerhold:"key"`
Admin bool `json:"admin,omitempty" badgerhold:"index"`
LibraryAccess string `json:"libraries,omitempty"`
FromUser string `json:"fromUser,omitempty"`
Homescreen bool `json:"homescreen"`
Policy mediabrowser.Policy `json:"policy,omitempty"`
Configuration mediabrowser.Configuration `json:"configuration,omitempty"`
Displayprefs map[string]interface{} `json:"displayprefs,omitempty"`
Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"`
Ombi map[string]interface{} `json:"ombi,omitempty"`
type Invite struct {
@ -496,20 +495,11 @@ type Invite struct {
UserMinutes int `json:"user-minutes,omitempty"`
SendTo string `json:"email"`
// Used to be stored as formatted time, now as Unix.
UsedBy [][]string `json:"used-by"`
Notify map[string]map[string]bool `json:"notify"`
Profile string `json:"profile"`
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
Captchas map[string]Captcha // Map of Captcha IDs to images & answers
IsReferral bool `json:"is_referral" badgerhold:"index"`
ReferrerJellyfinID string `json:"referrer_id"`
ReferrerTemplateForProfile string
type Captcha struct {
Answer string
Image []byte // image/png
Generated time.Time
UsedBy [][]string `json:"used-by"`
Notify map[string]map[string]bool `json:"notify"`
Profile string `json:"profile"`
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
Captchas map[string]*captcha.Data // Map of Captcha IDs to answers
type Lang struct {

View File

@ -78,11 +78,6 @@ window.availableProfiles = window.availableProfiles || [];
if (window.linkResetEnabled) {
window.modals.sendPWR = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-send-pwr"));
if (window.referralsEnabled) {
window.modals.enableReferralsUser = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-enable-referrals-user"));
window.modals.enableReferralsProfile = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-enable-referrals-profile"));
var inviteCreator = new createInvite();

View File

@ -162,8 +162,6 @@ export class Discord extends ServiceLinker {
onclick() {
if (this._conf.inviteURL != "") {
} else {
(document.getElementById("discord-invite") as HTMLSpanElement).parentElement.remove();

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ interface User {
notify_matrix: boolean;
label: string;
accounts_admin: boolean;
referrals_enabled: boolean;
interface getPinResponse {
@ -70,8 +69,6 @@ class user implements User {
private _labelEditButton: HTMLElement;
private _accounts_admin: HTMLInputElement
private _selected: boolean;
private _referralsEnabled: boolean;
private _referralsEnabledCheck: HTMLElement;
lastNotifyMethod = (): string => {
// Telegram, Matrix, Discord
@ -165,17 +162,6 @@ class user implements User {
get referrals_enabled(): boolean { return this._referralsEnabled; }
set referrals_enabled(v: boolean) {
this._referralsEnabled = v;
if (!window.referralsEnabled) return;
if (!v) {
this._referralsEnabledCheck.textContent = ``;
} else {
this._referralsEnabledCheck.innerHTML = `<i class="ri-check-line" aria-label="${window.lang.strings("enabled")}"></i>`;
private _constructDropdown = (): HTMLDivElement => {
const el = document.createElement("div") as HTMLDivElement;
const telegram = this._telegramUsername != "";
@ -520,11 +506,6 @@ class user implements User {
<td class="accounts-discord"></td>
if (window.referralsEnabled) {
innerHTML += `
<td class="accounts-referrals text-center-i grid gap-4 place-items-stretch"></td>
innerHTML += `
<td class="accounts-expiry"></td>
<td class="accounts-last-active whitespace-nowrap"></td>
@ -563,10 +544,6 @@ class user implements User {
if (window.referralsEnabled) {
this._referralsEnabledCheck = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-referrals");
this._notifyDropdown = this._constructDropdown();
@ -739,7 +716,6 @@ class user implements User {
this.discord_id = user.discord_id;
this.label = user.label;
this.accounts_admin = user.accounts_admin;
this.referrals_enabled = user.referrals_enabled;
asElement = (): HTMLTableRowElement => { return this._row; }
@ -772,14 +748,9 @@ export class accountsList {
private _modifySettings = document.getElementById("accounts-modify-user") as HTMLSpanElement;
private _modifySettingsProfile = document.getElementById("radio-use-profile") as HTMLInputElement;
private _modifySettingsUser = document.getElementById("radio-use-user") as HTMLInputElement;
private _enableReferrals = document.getElementById("accounts-enable-referrals") as HTMLSpanElement;
private _enableReferralsProfile = document.getElementById("radio-referrals-use-profile") as HTMLInputElement;
private _enableReferralsInvite = document.getElementById("radio-referrals-use-invite") as HTMLInputElement;
private _sendPWR = document.getElementById("accounts-send-pwr") as HTMLSpanElement;
private _profileSelect = document.getElementById("modify-user-profiles") as HTMLSelectElement;
private _userSelect = document.getElementById("modify-user-users") as HTMLSelectElement;
private _referralsProfileSelect = document.getElementById("enable-referrals-user-profiles") as HTMLSelectElement;
private _referralsInviteSelect = document.getElementById("enable-referrals-user-invites") as HTMLSelectElement;
private _search = document.getElementById("accounts-search") as HTMLInputElement;
private _selectAll = document.getElementById("accounts-select-all") as HTMLInputElement;
@ -935,14 +906,6 @@ export class accountsList {
bool: true,
string: false,
date: true
"referrals-enabled": {
name: window.lang.strings("referrals"),
getter: "referrals_enabled",
bool: true,
string: false,
date: false,
dependsOnTableHeader: "accounts-header-referrals"
@ -956,6 +919,7 @@ export class accountsList {
// const words = query.split(" ");
let words: string[] = [];
let quoteSymbol = ``;
let queryStart = -1;
@ -1021,6 +985,7 @@ export class accountsList {
boolState = false;
if (isBool) {
// FIXME: Generate filter card for each filter class
const filterCard = document.createElement("span");
filterCard.ariaLabel = window.lang.strings("clickToRemoveFilter");
filterCard.classList.add("button", "~" + (boolState ? "positive" : "critical"), "@high", "center", "mx-2", "h-full");
@ -1093,7 +1058,7 @@ export class accountsList {
let attempt: { year?: number, month?: number, day?: number, hour?: number, minute?: number } = dateParser.attempt(split[1]);
// Month in Date objects is 0-based, so make our parsed date that way too
if ("month" in attempt) attempt.month -= 1;
if ("month" in attempt) attempt["month"] -= 1;
let date: Date = (Date as any).fromString(split[1]) as Date;
console.log("Read", attempt, "and", date);
@ -1159,7 +1124,7 @@ export class accountsList {
return result;
return result
@ -1189,9 +1154,6 @@ export class accountsList {
this._selectAll.indeterminate = false;
this._selectAll.checked = false;
if (window.referralsEnabled) {
if (window.emailEnabled || window.telegramEnabled) {
@ -1214,9 +1176,6 @@ export class accountsList {
this._selectAll.indeterminate = true;
if (window.referralsEnabled) {
this._deleteUser.textContent = window.lang.quantity("deleteUser", list.length);
if (window.emailEnabled || window.telegramEnabled) {
@ -1225,7 +1184,6 @@ export class accountsList {
let anyNonExpiries = list.length == 0 ? true : false;
let allNonExpiries = true;
let noContactCount = 0;
let referralState = Number(this._users[list[0]].referrals_enabled); // -1 = hide, 0 = show "enable", 1 = show "disable"
// Only show enable/disable button if all selected have the same state.
this._shouldEnable = this._users[list[0]].disabled
let showDisableEnable = true;
@ -1245,9 +1203,6 @@ export class accountsList {
if (!this._users[id].lastNotifyMethod()) {
if (window.referralsEnabled && referralState != -1 && Number(this._users[id].referrals_enabled) != referralState) {
referralState = -1;
this._settingExpiry = false;
if (!anyNonExpiries && !allNonExpiries) {
@ -1281,22 +1236,6 @@ export class accountsList {
this._disableEnable.textContent = message;
if (window.referralsEnabled) {
if (referralState == -1) {
} else {
if (referralState == 0) {
this._enableReferrals.textContent = window.lang.strings("enableReferrals");
} else if (referralState == 1) {
this._enableReferrals.textContent = window.lang.strings("disableReferrals");
@ -1723,90 +1662,6 @@ export class accountsList {
enableReferrals = () => {
const modalHeader = document.getElementById("header-enable-referrals-user");
modalHeader.textContent = window.lang.quantity("enableReferralsFor", this._collectUsers().length)
let list = this._collectUsers();
// Check if we're disabling or enabling
if (this._users[list[0]].referrals_enabled) {
_delete("/users/referral", {"users": list}, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200) return;
window.notifications.customSuccess("disabledReferralsSuccess", window.lang.quantity("appliedSettings", list.length));
(() => {
_get("/invites", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200) return;
// 1. Invites
let innerHTML = "";
let invites = req.response["invites"] as Array<Invite>;
window.availableProfiles = req.response["profiles"];
if (invites) {
for (let inv of invites) {
let name = inv.code;
if (inv.label) {
name = `${inv.label} (${inv.code})`;
innerHTML += `<option value="${inv.code}">${name}</option>`;
this._enableReferralsInvite.checked = true;
} else {
this._enableReferralsInvite.checked = false;
innerHTML += `<option>${window.lang.strings("inviteNoInvites")}</option>`;
this._enableReferralsProfile.checked = !(this._enableReferralsInvite.checked);
this._referralsInviteSelect.innerHTML = innerHTML;
// 2. Profiles
innerHTML = "";
for (const profile of window.availableProfiles) {
innerHTML += `<option value="${profile}">${profile}</option>`;
this._referralsProfileSelect.innerHTML = innerHTML;
const form = document.getElementById("form-enable-referrals-user") as HTMLFormElement;
const button = form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement;
form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => {
let send = {
"users": list
// console.log("profile:", this._enableReferralsProfile.checked, this._enableReferralsInvite.checked);
if (this._enableReferralsProfile.checked && !this._enableReferralsInvite.checked) {
send["from"] = "profile";
send["profile"] = this._referralsProfileSelect.value;
} else if (this._enableReferralsInvite.checked && !this._enableReferralsProfile.checked) {
send["from"] = "invite";
send["id"] = this._referralsInviteSelect.value;
_post("/users/referral/" + send["from"] + "/" + (send["id"] ? send["id"] : send["profile"]), send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
if (req.status == 400) {
window.notifications.customError("noReferralTemplateError", window.lang.notif("errorNoReferralTemplate"));
} else if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) {
window.notifications.customSuccess("enableReferralsSuccess", window.lang.quantity("appliedSettings", list.length));
this._enableReferralsProfile.checked = true;
this._enableReferralsInvite.checked = false;
extendExpiry = (enableUser?: boolean) => {
const list = this._collectUsers();
@ -1939,43 +1794,6 @@ export class accountsList {
this._modifySettingsProfile.onchange = checkSource;
this._modifySettingsUser.onchange = checkSource;
if (window.referralsEnabled) {
const profileSpan = this._enableReferralsProfile.nextElementSibling as HTMLSpanElement;
const inviteSpan = this._enableReferralsInvite.nextElementSibling as HTMLSpanElement;
const checkReferralSource = () => {
console.log("States:", this._enableReferralsProfile.checked, this._enableReferralsInvite.checked);
if (this._enableReferralsProfile.checked) {
} else {
profileSpan.onclick = () => {
this._enableReferralsProfile.checked = true;
this._enableReferralsInvite.checked = false;
inviteSpan.onclick = () => {;
this._enableReferralsInvite.checked = true;
this._enableReferralsProfile.checked = false;
this._enableReferrals.onclick = () => {
this._deleteUser.onclick = this.deleteUsers;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ interface Profile {
libraries: string;
fromUser: string;
ombi: boolean;
referrals_enabled: boolean;
class profile implements Profile {
@ -17,8 +16,6 @@ class profile implements Profile {
private _fromUser: HTMLTableDataCellElement;
private _defaultRadio: HTMLInputElement;
private _ombi: boolean;
private _referralsButton: HTMLSpanElement;
private _referralsEnabled: boolean;
get name(): string { return this._name.textContent; }
set name(v: string) { this._name.textContent = v; }
@ -54,22 +51,7 @@ class profile implements Profile {
get fromUser(): string { return this._fromUser.textContent; }
set fromUser(v: string) { this._fromUser.textContent = v; }
get referrals_enabled(): boolean { return this._referralsEnabled; }
set referrals_enabled(v: boolean) {
if (!window.referralsEnabled) return;
this._referralsEnabled = v;
if (v) {
this._referralsButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("delete");
} else {
this._referralsButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("add");
get default(): boolean { return this._defaultRadio.checked; }
set default(v: boolean) { this._defaultRadio.checked = v; }
@ -82,9 +64,6 @@ class profile implements Profile {
if (window.ombiEnabled) innerHTML += `
<td><span class="button @low profile-ombi"></span></td>
if (window.referralsEnabled) innerHTML += `
<td><span class="button @low profile-referrals"></span></td>
innerHTML += `
<td class="profile-from ellipsis"></td>
<td class="profile-libraries"></td>
@ -96,8 +75,6 @@ class profile implements Profile {
this._libraries = this._row.querySelector("td.profile-libraries") as HTMLTableDataCellElement;
if (window.ombiEnabled)
this._ombiButton = this._row.querySelector("span.profile-ombi") as HTMLSpanElement;
if (window.referralsEnabled)
this._referralsButton = this._row.querySelector("span.profile-referrals") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._fromUser = this._row.querySelector("td.profile-from") as HTMLTableDataCellElement;
this._defaultRadio = this._row.querySelector("input[type=radio]") as HTMLInputElement;
this._defaultRadio.onclick = () => document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("profiles-default", { detail: this.name }));
@ -112,11 +89,9 @@ class profile implements Profile {
this.fromUser = p.fromUser;
this.libraries = p.libraries;
this.ombi = p.ombi;
this.referrals_enabled = p.referrals_enabled;
setOmbiFunc = (ombiFunc: (ombi: boolean) => void) => { this._ombiButton.onclick = () => ombiFunc(this._ombi); }
setReferralFunc = (referralFunc: (enabled: boolean) => void) => { this._referralsButton.onclick = () => referralFunc(this._referralsEnabled); }
remove = () => { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("profiles-delete", { detail: this._name })); this._row.remove(); }
@ -198,14 +173,6 @@ export class ProfileEditor {
if (window.referralsEnabled)
this._profiles[name].setReferralFunc((enabled: boolean) => {
if (enabled) {
} else {
@ -218,62 +185,6 @@ export class ProfileEditor {
disableReferrals = (name: string) => _delete("/profiles/referral/" + name, null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
enableReferrals = (name: string) => {
const referralsInviteSelect = document.getElementById("enable-referrals-profile-invites") as HTMLSelectElement;
_get("/invites", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200) return;
let innerHTML = "";
let invites = req.response["invites"] as Array<Invite>;
window.availableProfiles = req.response["profiles"];
if (invites) {
for (let inv of invites) {
let name = inv.code;
if (inv.label) {
name = `${inv.label} (${inv.code})`;
innerHTML += `<option value="${inv.code}">${name}</option>`;
} else {
innerHTML += `<option>${window.lang.strings("inviteNoInvites")}</option>`;
referralsInviteSelect.innerHTML = innerHTML;
const form = document.getElementById("form-enable-referrals-profile") as HTMLFormElement;
const button = form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement;
form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => {
let send = {
"profile": name,
"invite": referralsInviteSelect.value
_post("/profiles/referral/" + send["profile"] + "/" + send["invite"], send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
if (req.status == 400) {
window.notifications.customError("unknownError", window.lang.notif("errorUnknown"));
} else if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) {
window.notifications.customSuccess("enableReferralsSuccess", window.lang.notif("referralsEnabled"));
constructor() {
(document.getElementById('setting-profiles') as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = this.load;
document.addEventListener("profiles-default", (event: CustomEvent) => {

View File

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ declare interface Window {
jellyfinLogin: boolean;
jfAdminOnly: boolean;
jfAllowAll: boolean;
referralsEnabled: boolean;
declare interface Update {
@ -114,8 +113,6 @@ declare interface Modals {
pwr?: Modal;
logs: Modal;
email?: Modal;
enableReferralsUser?: Modal;
enableReferralsProfile?: Modal;
interface Invite {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { ThemeManager } from "./modules/theme.js";
import { lang, LangFile, loadLangSelector } from "./modules/lang.js";
import { Modal } from "./modules/modal.js";
import { _get, _post, _delete, notificationBox, whichAnimationEvent, toDateString, toggleLoader, addLoader, removeLoader, toClipboard } from "./modules/common.js";
import { _get, _post, _delete, notificationBox, whichAnimationEvent, toDateString, toggleLoader, addLoader, removeLoader } from "./modules/common.js";
import { Login } from "./modules/login.js";
import { Discord, Telegram, Matrix, ServiceConfiguration, MatrixConfiguration } from "./modules/account-linking.js";
import { Validator, ValidatorConf, ValidatorRespDTO } from "./modules/validator.js";
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ interface userWindow extends Window {
matrixUserID: string;
discordSendPINMessage: string;
pwrEnabled: string;
referralsEnabled: boolean;
declare var window: userWindow;
@ -108,14 +107,6 @@ interface MyDetails {
discord?: MyDetailsContactMethod;
telegram?: MyDetailsContactMethod;
matrix?: MyDetailsContactMethod;
has_referrals: boolean;
interface MyReferral {
code: string;
remaining_uses: number;
no_limit: boolean;
expiry: number;
interface ContactDTO {
@ -246,107 +237,6 @@ class ContactMethods {
class ReferralCard {
private _card: HTMLElement;
private _code: string;
private _url: string;
private _expiry: Date;
private _expiryUnix: number;
private _remainingUses: number;
private _noLimit: boolean;
private _button: HTMLButtonElement;
private _infoArea: HTMLDivElement;
private _remainingUsesEl: HTMLSpanElement;
private _expiryEl: HTMLSpanElement;
get code(): string { return this._code; }
set code(c: string) {
this._code = c;
let url = window.location.href;
for (let split of ["#", "?", "account", "my"]) {
url = url.split(split)[0];
if (url.slice(-1) != "/") { url += "/"; }
url = url + "invite/" + this._code;
this._url = url;
get remaining_uses(): number { return this._remainingUses; }
set remaining_uses(v: number) {
this._remainingUses = v;
if (v > 0 && !(this._noLimit))
this._remainingUsesEl.textContent = `${v}`;
get no_limit(): boolean { return this._noLimit; }
set no_limit(v: boolean) {
this._noLimit = v;
if (v)
this._remainingUsesEl.textContent = ``;
this._remainingUsesEl.textContent = `${this._remainingUses}`;
get expiry(): Date { return this._expiry; };
set expiry(expiryUnix: number) {
this._expiryUnix = expiryUnix;
this._expiry = new Date(expiryUnix * 1000);
this._expiryEl.textContent = toDateString(this._expiry);
constructor(card: HTMLElement) {
this._card = card;
this._button = this._card.querySelector(".user-referrals-button") as HTMLButtonElement;
this._infoArea = this._card.querySelector(".user-referrals-info") as HTMLDivElement;
this._infoArea.innerHTML = `
<div class="row my-3">
<div class="inline baseline">
<span class="text-2xl referral-remaining-uses"></span> <span class="text-gray-400 text-lg">${window.lang.strings("inviteRemainingUses")}</span>
<div class="row my-3">
<div class="inline baseline">
<span class="text-gray-400 text-lg">${window.lang.strings("expiry")}</span> <span class="text-2xl referral-expiry"></span>
this._remainingUsesEl = this._infoArea.querySelector(".referral-remaining-uses") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._expiryEl = this._infoArea.querySelector(".referral-expiry") as HTMLSpanElement;
document.addEventListener("timefmt-change", () => {
this.expiry = this._expiryUnix;
this._button.addEventListener("click", () => {
const content = this._button.innerHTML;
this._button.innerHTML = `
${window.lang.strings("copied")} <i class="ri-check-line ml-2"></i>
setTimeout(() => {
this._button.innerHTML = content;
}, 2000);
hide = () => this._card.classList.add("unfocused");
update = (referral: MyReferral) => {
this.code = referral.code;
this.remaining_uses = referral.remaining_uses;
this.no_limit = referral.no_limit;
this.expiry = referral.expiry;
class ExpiryCard {
private _card: HTMLElement;
private _expiry: Date;
@ -428,9 +318,6 @@ class ExpiryCard {
var expiryCard = new ExpiryCard(statusCard);
var referralCard: ReferralCard;
if (window.referralsEnabled) referralCard = new ReferralCard(document.getElementById("card-referrals"));
var contactMethodList = new ContactMethods(contactCard);
const addEditEmail = (add: boolean): void => {
@ -450,7 +337,6 @@ const addEditEmail = (add: boolean): void => {
_post("/my/email", {"email": input.value}, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4 && (req.status == 303 || req.status == 200)) {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload"));
}, true, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 401) {
@ -477,8 +363,7 @@ const discordConf: ServiceConfiguration = {
let discord: Discord;
if (window.discordEnabled) discord = new Discord(discordConf);
let discord = new Discord(discordConf);
const telegramConf: ServiceConfiguration = {
modal: window.modals.telegram as Modal,
@ -493,8 +378,7 @@ const telegramConf: ServiceConfiguration = {
let telegram: Telegram;
if (window.telegramEnabled) telegram = new Telegram(telegramConf);
let telegram = new Telegram(telegramConf);
const matrixConf: MatrixConfiguration = {
modal: window.modals.matrix as Modal,
@ -509,8 +393,7 @@ const matrixConf: MatrixConfiguration = {
let matrix: Matrix;
if (window.matrixEnabled) matrix = new Matrix(matrixConf);
let matrix = new Matrix(matrixConf);
const oldPasswordField = document.getElementById("user-old-password") as HTMLInputElement;
@ -585,15 +468,14 @@ document.addEventListener("details-reload", () => {
// Note the weird format of the functions for discord/telegram:
// "this" was being redefined within the onclick() method, so
// they had to be wrapped in an anonymous function.
const contactMethods: { name: string, icon: string, f: (add: boolean) => void, required: boolean, enabled: boolean }[] = [
{name: "email", icon: `<i class="ri-mail-fill ri-lg"></i>`, f: addEditEmail, required: true, enabled: true},
{name: "discord", icon: `<i class="ri-discord-fill ri-lg"></i>`, f: (add: boolean) => { discord.onclick(); }, required: window.discordRequired, enabled: window.discordEnabled},
{name: "telegram", icon: `<i class="ri-telegram-fill ri-lg"></i>`, f: (add: boolean) => { telegram.onclick() }, required: window.telegramRequired, enabled: window.telegramEnabled},
{name: "matrix", icon: `<span class="font-bold">[m]</span>`, f: (add: boolean) => { matrix.show(); }, required: window.matrixRequired, enabled: window.matrixEnabled}
const contactMethods: { name: string, icon: string, f: (add: boolean) => void, required: boolean }[] = [
{name: "email", icon: `<i class="ri-mail-fill ri-lg"></i>`, f: addEditEmail, required: true},
{name: "discord", icon: `<i class="ri-discord-fill ri-lg"></i>`, f: (add: boolean) => { discord.onclick(); }, required: window.discordRequired},
{name: "telegram", icon: `<i class="ri-telegram-fill ri-lg"></i>`, f: (add: boolean) => { telegram.onclick() }, required: window.telegramRequired},
{name: "matrix", icon: `<span class="font-bold">[m]</span>`, f: (add: boolean) => { matrix.show(); }, required: window.matrixRequired}
for (let method of contactMethods) {
if (!(method.enabled)) continue;
if (method.name in details) {
contactMethodList.append(method.name, details[method.name], method.icon, method.f, method.required);
@ -621,26 +503,12 @@ document.addEventListener("details-reload", () => {
messageCard.innerHTML = messageCard.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp("{username}", "g"), details.username);
if (typeof(messageCard) != "undefined" && messageCard != null) {
setBestRowSpan(messageCard, false);
// contactCard.querySelector(".content").classList.add("h-100");
} else if (!statusCard.classList.contains("unfocused")) {
setBestRowSpan(passwordCard, true);
if (window.referralsEnabled) {
if (details.has_referrals) {
_get("/my/referral", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200) return;
const referral: MyReferral = req.response as MyReferral;
} else {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package main
import (
@ -175,7 +173,6 @@ func (app *appContext) AdminPage(gc *gin.Context) {
"jfAdminOnly": jfAdminOnly,
"jfAllowAll": jfAllowAll,
"userPageEnabled": app.config.Section("user_page").Key("enabled").MustBool(false),
"referralsEnabled": app.config.Section("user_page").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false),
@ -206,7 +203,6 @@ func (app *appContext) MyUserPage(gc *gin.Context) {
"langName": lang,
"jfLink": app.config.Section("ui").Key("redirect_url").String(),
"requirements": app.validator.getCriteria(),
"referralsEnabled": app.config.Section("user_page").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && app.config.Section("user_page").Key("referrals").MustBool(false),
if telegramEnabled {
data["telegramUsername"] = app.telegram.username
@ -374,16 +370,20 @@ func (app *appContext) GetCaptcha(gc *gin.Context) {
"contactMessage": app.config.Section("ui").Key("contact_message").String(),
var capt Captcha
ok = true
var capt *captcha.Data
if inv.Captchas != nil {
capt, ok = inv.Captchas[captchaID]
capt = inv.Captchas[captchaID]
if !ok {
if capt == nil {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
gc.Data(200, "image/png", capt.Image)
if err := capt.WriteImage(gc.Writer); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to write CAPTCHA image: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
@ -412,20 +412,10 @@ func (app *appContext) GenCaptcha(gc *gin.Context) {
if inv.Captchas == nil {
inv.Captchas = map[string]Captcha{}
inv.Captchas = map[string]*captcha.Data{}
captchaID := genAuthToken()
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := capt.WriteImage(bufio.NewWriter(&buf)); err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to render captcha: %v", err)
respondBool(500, false, gc)
inv.Captchas[captchaID] = Captcha{
Answer: capt.Text,
Image: buf.Bytes(),
Generated: time.Now(),
inv.Captchas[captchaID] = capt
app.storage.SetInvitesKey(code, inv)
gc.JSON(200, genCaptchaDTO{captchaID})
@ -445,7 +435,7 @@ func (app *appContext) verifyCaptcha(code, id, text string) bool {
app.debug.Printf("Couldn't find Captcha \"%s\"", id)
return false
return strings.ToLower(c.Answer) == strings.ToLower(text)
return strings.ToLower(c.Text) == strings.ToLower(text)
@ -512,15 +502,15 @@ func (app *appContext) VerifyCaptcha(gc *gin.Context) {
var capt Captcha
var capt *captcha.Data
if inv.Captchas != nil {
capt, ok = inv.Captchas[captchaID]
capt = inv.Captchas[captchaID]
if !ok {
if capt == nil {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
if strings.ToLower(capt.Answer) != strings.ToLower(text) {
if strings.ToLower(capt.Text) != strings.ToLower(text) {
respondBool(400, false, gc)
@ -627,14 +617,6 @@ func (app *appContext) InviteProxy(gc *gin.Context) {
userPageAddress += "/my/account"
fromUser := ""
if inv.ReferrerJellyfinID != "" {
sender, status, err := app.jf.UserByID(inv.ReferrerJellyfinID, false)
if status == 200 && err == nil {
fromUser = sender.Name
data := gin.H{
"urlBase": app.getURLBase(gc),
"cssClass": app.cssClass,
@ -670,7 +652,6 @@ func (app *appContext) InviteProxy(gc *gin.Context) {
"reCAPTCHASiteKey": app.config.Section("captcha").Key("recaptcha_site_key").MustString(""),
"userPageEnabled": app.config.Section("user_page").Key("enabled").MustBool(false),
"userPageAddress": userPageAddress,
"fromUser": fromUser,
if telegram {
data["telegramPIN"] = app.telegram.NewAuthToken()