In each of the Discord/Telegram/Matrix sections, the "Show on user
registration" option can be disabled to hide the "Link xxx" button on
the registration form. This is useful is you're only using these
registrations for admin purposes.
NOTE: If you previously used the Ombi integration, New ombi users
won't be created until you set this up.
Ombi settings can be added to a profile in Settings > User Profiles.
The "Modify settings" options will now apply to ombi if the selected
profile has ombi settings.
Only appears with Reset links enabled.
Pressing this sends a PWR link to the users selected.
if one user is selected, or if one of you selected users doesn't have a
method of contact, a link is given to the admin to send to them
Also changed some section names to use "messages" instead of "emails".
Since I haven't added Discord/Telegram/Matrix bot setup, I mentioned you
can do these later and linked to the setup guides. Sections related to
email mostly now depend on [messages]/enabled now too. Set password via
link has been added to password resets.
PIN is verified but not used currently. Works a little different than
the others, you input your matrix user ID and then the PIN is sent to
you. The bot doesn't support E2EE, so the bot being the first one to
message ensures the chat is unencrypted.
The "Send to" box on the invite tab now accepts username#discriminator,
and a search icon has been added which opens a search window similar to
the one on the accounts tab. DiscordDaemon.GetUsers was also very broken
and wouldn't work with full username#discriminator, that's been fixed.
Doesn't require a PIN like Telegram, as we can access a list of guild
users with the GuildMembers intent set. This has to be enabled under
Bot > Priviliged Gateway intents on the developer portal.
hyphen/dehyphen conflicted with new migration for email contact
preference, and it's been a while since this has been an issue so i've
just commented it out for now.