can be enabled in settings > captcha, requires a site key & secret key
from google. New wiki article explains getting these. currently a little
ugly looking on the page itself, hopefully fixable.
if enabled (General>Auto redirect on success), the user will not have to
click "continue" on the form or creation success page and will
insted be redirected. For #242.
"Require unique ..." Settings (`require_unique` in relevant sections of
config.ini) are now available for email/discord/telegram/matrix. An
error is shown on the invite form if a non-unique address/ID is used.
This was on my kanban without a link to an issue, so i'm guessing it was
requested on Discord.
the version of the discord library with support for this isn't
necessarily stable, so normal ! commands will still be available. The
user is no longer DMed for the PIN, instead they type /pin <PIN>.
This requires an extra permission, so you'll have to modify your bot
settings, kick it from your server and re-add it for this to work. The
role you select must also be lower in hierarchy than the bot's group.
New "Access jfa-go" column allows you to select users for jfa-go access.
New "Allow All" setting allows all Jellyfin users access, as disabling
"Admin Only" no longer does this.
In each of the Discord/Telegram/Matrix sections, the "Show on user
registration" option can be disabled to hide the "Link xxx" button on
the registration form. This is useful is you're only using these
registrations for admin purposes.
NOTE: If you previously used the Ombi integration, New ombi users
won't be created until you set this up.
Ombi settings can be added to a profile in Settings > User Profiles.
The "Modify settings" options will now apply to ombi if the selected
profile has ombi settings.
now using xhit/go-simple-mail, as I wanted to add an option to change
the hostname sent in the HELLO message but this is only possible with
STARTTLS in jordan-wright/email. New option can be seen in Settings >
SMTP with advanced settings turned on.
since this is so broken and requires CGO deps, E2EE support is now only
included with "make E2EE=on ...". The option to enable will then appear
in settings.
PIN is verified but not used currently. Works a little different than
the others, you input your matrix user ID and then the PIN is sent to
you. The bot doesn't support E2EE, so the bot being the first one to
message ensures the chat is unencrypted.
Discord, Email & Telegram can be enabled, although email is always
enabled right now (will fix). Also apparently markdown hyperlinks don't
work in Discord, eventually will implement something to convert them to
The bot should be created by the admin and added to a discord server
mutual to the intended new user(s). On !start in the server,
communication is moved to DMs. Currently !start works, and validity of a
given PIN is checked although nothing it done with this yet.
When signing up, the user is given a pin code which they send to a
telegram bot. This provides user verification, but more importantly
allows the bot to message the user, as the Telegram API requires the
user to interact with the bot before it can do the opposite.
The bot should recognize the correct language, but a /lang command is
also provided to change it.
The verification process is pretty much functional but ui is still
broken, and it isn't properly integrated yet.
When enabled (in Settings > Password Resets), a magic link will be sent
instead of a PIN when the user tries reset their password. By doing
this the user doesn't have to keep the Jellyfin tab open to enter the
If enabled, jfa-go pings buildrone (hosted at every 30
min for new updates. If there is one, it gets information (and if
applicable, a binary) from the appropriate source (buildrone, github, or
dockerhub) and displays it on the admin page. You can switch update
channels between stable and unstable. For binary releases, updates are
downloaded automatically and installed when the user presses update.
Since this obviously introduces some "phone-home" functionality into
jfa-go, I just want to say IPs are not and will not be logged by
buildrone, although I may later introduce functionality to give a rough
idea of the number of users (again, no IPs stored). The whole thing can
also be turned off in settings.
Variables are surrounded by {}, and initial (default) templates are
generated on demand from the plaintext version of emails. The custom
emails are intended to only be used if the user actually changes them,
as they lose the features of the default ones, such as tables.
merge go1.16 changes
This includes embedded files for releases (no extra 'data' directory!)
and support for a custom language file directory, allowing one to
customize the text accross the app.
paths are pretty janky, but it works. Also, [files]/lang_files now must
be the path to a directory CONTAINING a "lang/" directory. I'll work
around this at a later date.
The local app translations are loaded, and then if [files]/lang_files
is provided (a directory containing custom translations), any found
inside it are loaded over top. This makes customizing much easier.
ioutil's contents are now in io and os.
Eventually jfa-go's files will be embedded in the binary with go1.16's
new embed feature. Using io/fs will provide abstraction for accessing
these files, and allow for both embedded and non-embedded versions.
Also, internal paths to things like email templates, etc. will be
prefixed with "jfa-go:" to indicate to use the app's own Filesystem
instead of reading the file normally. This also allows for custom files
to continue to be used as they are currently.