pseudo-links are now just links, because i'm lazy and it's easier than
fixing an issue. They now take the form `/?invite=code` and
ts/modules.tabs.ts is now a wrapper for ts/modules/pages.ts.
Also, fixed no section appearing when visiting the settings tab.
Adds a "User Label" invite field, which is a label applied to users
created with it. This commit contains everything apart from the code to
apply it on account creation.
The "Send to" box on the invite tab now accepts username#discriminator,
and a search icon has been added which opens a search window similar to
the one on the accounts tab. DiscordDaemon.GetUsers was also very broken
and wouldn't work with full username#discriminator, that's been fixed.
usedBy is still stored as a string in invites.json to cope with existing
invites with times stored formatted. knz/strtime requires cgo for
strptime, so it has been replaced with the native itchyny/timefmt-go.
this will add an optional validity period to users, where their account
will be disabled (or deleted) a specified amount of time after they
created it.
the web ui has been redesigned with the a17t toolkit, which imo looks a
lot better than bootstrap. This also brought a complete rework of the
web code, which now makes a lot more sense hopefully. the setup page is
still stuck with bootstrap, its not much of a priority but i'll rewrite
it eventually.
web UI now uses modules, and relies less on bodge to make things work.
Also fixes an issue where invites where "failed to send to xx" appeared
in invite form.