mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2024-12-22 09:00:10 +00:00

Implement email template generation

Variables are surrounded by {}, and initial (default) templates are
generated on demand from the plaintext version of emails. The custom
emails are intended to only be used if the user actually changes them,
as they lose the features of the default ones, such as tables.
This commit is contained in:
Harvey Tindall 2021-02-19 21:38:20 +00:00
parent 5c87d109a3
commit eb406ef951
Signed by: hrfee
GPG Key ID: BBC65952848FB1A2
23 changed files with 322 additions and 106 deletions

View File

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ func (app *appContext) checkInvites() {
go func(addr string) {
defer wait.Done()
msg, err := app.email.constructExpiry(code, data, app)
msg, err := app.email.constructExpiry(code, data, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct expiry notification: %s", code, err)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, addr); err != nil {
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func (app *appContext) checkInvite(code string, used bool, username string) bool
for address, settings := range notify {
if settings["notify-expiry"] {
go func() {
msg, err := app.email.constructExpiry(code, inv, app)
msg, err := app.email.constructExpiry(code, inv, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct expiry notification: %s", code, err)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, address); err != nil {
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ func (app *appContext) NewUserAdmin(gc *gin.Context) {
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && req.Email != "" {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Sending welcome email to %s", req.Username, req.Email)
msg, err := app.email.constructWelcome(req.Username, app)
msg, err := app.email.constructWelcome(req.Username, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct welcome email: %s", req.Username, err)
respondUser(500, true, false, err.Error(), gc)
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ func (app *appContext) newUser(req newUserDTO, confirmed bool) (f errorFunc, suc
f = func(gc *gin.Context) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Email confirmation required", req.Code)
respond(401, "confirmEmail", gc)
msg, err := app.email.constructConfirmation(req.Code, req.Username, key, app)
msg, err := app.email.constructConfirmation(req.Code, req.Username, key, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct confirmation email: %s", req.Code, err)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, req.Email); err != nil {
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ func (app *appContext) newUser(req newUserDTO, confirmed bool) (f errorFunc, suc
for address, settings := range invite.Notify {
if settings["notify-creation"] {
go func() {
msg, err := app.email.constructCreated(req.Code, req.Username, req.Email, invite, app)
msg, err := app.email.constructCreated(req.Code, req.Username, req.Email, invite, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct user creation notification: %s", req.Code, err)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, address); err != nil {
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ func (app *appContext) newUser(req newUserDTO, confirmed bool) (f errorFunc, suc
if emailEnabled && app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) && req.Email != "" {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Sending welcome email to %s", req.Username, req.Email)
msg, err := app.email.constructWelcome(req.Username, app)
msg, err := app.email.constructWelcome(req.Username, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct welcome email: %s", req.Username, err)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, req.Email); err != nil {
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ func (app *appContext) DeleteUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
if len(addresses) != 0 {
go func(reason string, addresses []string) {
msg, err := app.email.constructDeleted(reason, app)
msg, err := app.email.constructDeleted(reason, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct account deletion emails: %s", err)
} else if err := app.email.send(msg, addresses...); err != nil {
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ func (app *appContext) GenerateInvite(gc *gin.Context) {
if emailEnabled && req.Email != "" && app.config.Section("invite_emails").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) {
app.debug.Printf("%s: Sending invite email", inviteCode)
invite.Email = req.Email
msg, err := app.email.constructInvite(inviteCode, invite, app)
msg, err := app.email.constructInvite(inviteCode, invite, app, false)
if err != nil {
invite.Email = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to send to %s", req.Email)
app.err.Printf("%s: Failed to construct invite email: %s", inviteCode, err)
@ -1269,6 +1269,108 @@ func (app *appContext) ModifyConfig(gc *gin.Context) {
// @Summary Get a list of email names and IDs.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} emailListDTO
// @Router /config/emails [get]
// @tags Configuration
func (app *appContext) GetEmails(gc *gin.Context) {
gc.JSON(200, emailListDTO{
"UserCreated": app.storage.lang.Email["en-us"].UserCreated["name"],
"InviteExpiry": app.storage.lang.Email["en-us"].InviteExpiry["name"],
"PasswordReset": app.storage.lang.Email["en-us"].PasswordReset["name"],
"UserDeleted": app.storage.lang.Email["en-us"].UserDeleted["name"],
"InviteEmail": app.storage.lang.Email["en-us"].InviteEmail["name"],
"WelcomeEmail": app.storage.lang.Email["en-us"].WelcomeEmail["name"],
"EmailConfirmation": app.storage.lang.Email["en-us"].EmailConfirmation["name"],
// @Summary Returns the boilerplate email and list of used variables in it.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} emailDTO
// @Failure 500 {object} boolResponse
// @Router /config/emails/{id} [get]
// @tags Configuration
func (app *appContext) GetEmail(gc *gin.Context) {
id := gc.Param("id")
var content string
var err error
var msg *Email
if id == "UserCreated" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated
if content == "" {
msg, err = app.email.constructCreated("", "", "", Invite{}, app, true)
content = msg.text
// app.storage.customEmails.UserCreated = content
} else if id == "InviteExpiry" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry
if content == "" {
msg, err = app.email.constructExpiry("", Invite{}, app, true)
content = msg.text
// app.storage.customEmails.InviteExpiry = content
} else if id == "PasswordReset" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset
if content == "" {
msg, err = app.email.constructReset(PasswordReset{}, app, true)
content = msg.text
// app.storage.customEmails.PasswordReset = content
} else if id == "UserDeleted" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted
if content == "" {
msg, err = app.email.constructDeleted("", app, true)
content = msg.text
// app.storage.customEmails.UserDeleted = content
} else if id == "InviteEmail" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail
if content == "" {
msg, err = app.email.constructInvite("", Invite{}, app, true)
content = msg.text
// app.storage.customEmails.InviteEmail = content
} else if id == "WelcomeEmail" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail
if content == "" {
msg, err = app.email.constructWelcome("", app, true)
content = msg.text
// app.storage.customEmails.WelcomeEmail = content
} else if id == "EmailConfirmation" {
content = app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation
if content == "" {
msg, err = app.email.constructConfirmation("", "", "", app, true)
content = msg.text
// app.storage.customEmails.EmailConfirmation = content
if err != nil {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
variables := make([]string, strings.Count(content, "{"))
i := 0
found := false
buf := ""
for _, c := range content {
if !found && c != '{' && c != '}' {
found = true
buf += string(c)
if c == '}' {
found = false
variables[i] = buf
buf = ""
gc.JSON(200, emailDTO{Content: content, Variables: variables})
// @Summary Logout by deleting refresh token from cookies.
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} boolResponse
@ -1291,7 +1393,7 @@ func (app *appContext) Logout(gc *gin.Context) {
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} langDTO
// @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse
// @Router /lang [get]
// @Router /lang/{page} [get]
// @tags Other
func (app *appContext) GetLanguages(gc *gin.Context) {
page := gc.Param("page")

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func (app *appContext) loadConfig() error {
for _, key := range app.config.Section("files").Keys() {
if key.Name() != "html_templates" {
if name := key.Name(); name != "html_templates" && name != "lang_files" {
key.SetValue(key.MustString(filepath.Join(app.dataPath, (key.Name() + ".json"))))
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ func (app *appContext) loadConfig() error {
app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("email_html").SetValue(app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("email_html").MustString("jfa-go:" + "welcome.html"))
app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("email_text").SetValue(app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("email_text").MustString("jfa-go:" + "welcome.txt"))
app.config.Section("announcement_email").Key("email_html").SetValue(app.config.Section("announcement_email").Key("email_html").MustString("jfa-go:" + "announcement.html"))
app.config.Section("announcement_email").Key("email_text").SetValue(app.config.Section("announcement_email").Key("email_text").MustString("jfa-go:" + "announcement.txt"))
app.config.Section("template_email").Key("email_html").SetValue(app.config.Section("template_email").Key("email_html").MustString("jfa-go:" + "template.html"))
app.config.Section("template_email").Key("email_text").SetValue(app.config.Section("template_email").Key("email_text").MustString("jfa-go:" + "template.txt"))
@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ func (app *appContext) loadConfig() error {
emailEnabled = true
app.storage.customEmails_path = app.config.Section("files").Key("custom_emails").String()
substituteStrings = app.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("substitute_jellyfin_strings").MustString("")
oldFormLang := app.config.Section("ui").Key("language").MustString("")

View File

@ -853,6 +853,14 @@
"type": "text",
"value": "",
"description": "The path to a directory which following the same form as the internal 'lang/' directory. See GitHub for more info."
"custom_emails": {
"name": "Custom email content",
"required": false,
"requires_restart": false,
"type": "text",
"value": "",
"description": "JSON file generated by program in settings, different from email_html/email_text. See wiki for more info."

View File

@ -212,22 +212,32 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) construct(app *appContext, section, keyFragment string,
func (emailer *Emailer) constructConfirmation(code, username, key string, app *appContext) (*Email, error) {
func (emailer *Emailer) constructConfirmation(code, username, key string, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
subject: app.config.Section("email_confirmation").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.EmailConfirmation.get("title")),
var err error
template := map[string]interface{}{
"clickBelow": emailer.lang.EmailConfirmation.get("clickBelow"),
"ifItWasNotYou": emailer.lang.Strings.get("ifItWasNotYou"),
"confirmEmail": emailer.lang.EmailConfirmation.get("confirmEmail"),
"message": "",
if noSub {
template["helloUser"] = emailer.lang.Strings.get("helloUser")
empty := []string{"confirmationURL"}
for _, v := range empty {
template[v] = "{" + v + "}"
} else {
message := app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
inviteLink := app.config.Section("invite_emails").Key("url_base").String()
inviteLink = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?key=%s", inviteLink, code, key)
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "email_confirmation", "email_", map[string]interface{}{
"helloUser": emailer.lang.Strings.template("helloUser", tmpl{"username": username}),
"clickBelow": emailer.lang.EmailConfirmation.get("clickBelow"),
"ifItWasNotYou": emailer.lang.Strings.get("ifItWasNotYou"),
"urlVal": inviteLink,
"confirmEmail": emailer.lang.EmailConfirmation.get("confirmEmail"),
"message": message,
template["helloUser"] = emailer.lang.Strings.template("helloUser", tmpl{"username": username})
template["confirmationURL"] = inviteLink
template["message"] = message
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "email_confirmation", "email_", template)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -241,7 +251,7 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructAnnouncement(subject, md string, app *appContex
text := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(stripmd.Strip(md), "</p>"), "<p>")
message := app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "announcement_email", "email_", map[string]interface{}{
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "template_email", "email_", map[string]interface{}{
"text": template.HTML(html),
"plaintext": text,
"message": message,
@ -252,7 +262,7 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructAnnouncement(subject, md string, app *appContex
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructInvite(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext) (*Email, error) {
func (emailer *Emailer) constructInvite(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
subject: app.config.Section("email_confirmation").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.InviteEmail.get("title")),
@ -261,43 +271,71 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructInvite(code string, invite Invite, app *appCont
message := app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
inviteLink := app.config.Section("invite_emails").Key("url_base").String()
inviteLink = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", inviteLink, code)
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "invite_emails", "email_", map[string]interface{}{
template := map[string]interface{}{
"hello": emailer.lang.InviteEmail.get("hello"),
"youHaveBeenInvited": emailer.lang.InviteEmail.get("youHaveBeenInvited"),
"toJoin": emailer.lang.InviteEmail.get("toJoin"),
"inviteExpiry": emailer.lang.InviteEmail.template("inviteExpiry", tmpl{"date": d, "time": t, "expiresInMinutes": expiresIn}),
"linkButton": emailer.lang.InviteEmail.get("linkButton"),
"invite_link": inviteLink,
"message": message,
"message": "",
if noSub {
template["inviteExpiry"] = emailer.lang.InviteEmail.get("inviteExpiry")
empty := []string{"inviteURL"}
for _, v := range empty {
template[v] = "{" + v + "}"
} else {
template["inviteExpiry"] = emailer.lang.InviteEmail.template("inviteExpiry", tmpl{"date": d, "time": t, "expiresInMinutes": expiresIn})
template["inviteURL"] = inviteLink
template["message"] = message
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "invite_emails", "email_", template)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructExpiry(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext) (*Email, error) {
func (emailer *Emailer) constructExpiry(code string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
subject: emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.get("title"),
expiry := app.formatDatetime(invite.ValidTill)
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "notifications", "expiry_", map[string]interface{}{
template := map[string]interface{}{
"inviteExpired": emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.get("inviteExpired"),
"expiredAt": emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.template("expiredAt", tmpl{"code": "\"" + code + "\"", "time": expiry}),
"notificationNotice": emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.get("notificationNotice"),
if noSub {
template["expiredAt"] = emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.get("expiredAt")
} else {
template["expiredAt"] = emailer.lang.InviteExpiry.template("expiredAt", tmpl{"code": "\"" + code + "\"", "time": expiry})
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "notifications", "expiry_", template)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructCreated(code, username, address string, invite Invite, app *appContext) (*Email, error) {
func (emailer *Emailer) constructCreated(code, username, address string, invite Invite, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
subject: emailer.lang.UserCreated.get("title"),
template := map[string]interface{}{
"nameString": emailer.lang.Strings.get("name"),
"addressString": emailer.lang.Strings.get("emailAddress"),
"timeString": emailer.lang.UserCreated.get("time"),
"notificationNotice": "",
if noSub {
template["aUserWasCreated"] = emailer.lang.UserCreated.get("aUserWasCreated")
empty := []string{"name", "address", "time"}
for _, v := range empty {
template[v] = "{" + v + "}"
} else {
created := app.formatDatetime(invite.Created)
var tplAddress string
if app.config.Section("email").Key("no_username").MustBool(false) {
@ -305,76 +343,103 @@ func (emailer *Emailer) constructCreated(code, username, address string, invite
} else {
tplAddress = address
template["aUserWasCreated"] = emailer.lang.UserCreated.template("aUserWasCreated", tmpl{"code": "\"" + code + "\""})
template["name"] = username
template["address"] = tplAddress
template["time"] = created
template["notificationNotice"] = emailer.lang.UserCreated.get("notificationNotice")
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "notifications", "created_", map[string]interface{}{
"aUserWasCreated": emailer.lang.UserCreated.template("aUserWasCreated", tmpl{"code": "\"" + code + "\""}),
"name": emailer.lang.Strings.get("name"),
"address": emailer.lang.Strings.get("emailAddress"),
"time": emailer.lang.UserCreated.get("time"),
"nameVal": username,
"addressVal": tplAddress,
"timeVal": created,
"notificationNotice": emailer.lang.UserCreated.get("notificationNotice"),
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "notifications", "created_", template)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructReset(pwr PasswordReset, app *appContext) (*Email, error) {
func (emailer *Emailer) constructReset(pwr PasswordReset, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
subject: app.config.Section("password_resets").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.PasswordReset.get("title")),
d, t, expiresIn := emailer.formatExpiry(pwr.Expiry, true, app.datePattern, app.timePattern)
message := app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "password_resets", "email_", map[string]interface{}{
"helloUser": emailer.lang.Strings.template("helloUser", tmpl{"username": pwr.Username}),
template := map[string]interface{}{
"someoneHasRequestedReset": emailer.lang.PasswordReset.get("someoneHasRequestedReset"),
"ifItWasYou": emailer.lang.PasswordReset.get("ifItWasYou"),
"codeExpiry": emailer.lang.PasswordReset.template("codeExpiry", tmpl{"date": d, "time": t, "expiresInMinutes": expiresIn}),
"ifItWasNotYou": emailer.lang.Strings.get("ifItWasNotYou"),
"pin": emailer.lang.PasswordReset.get("pin"),
"pinVal": pwr.Pin,
"message": message,
"pinString": emailer.lang.PasswordReset.get("pin"),
"message": "",
if noSub {
template["helloUser"] = emailer.lang.Strings.get("helloUser")
template["codeExpiry"] = emailer.lang.PasswordReset.get("codeExpiry")
empty := []string{"pin"}
for _, v := range empty {
template[v] = "{" + v + "}"
} else {
template["helloUser"] = emailer.lang.Strings.template("helloUser", tmpl{"username": pwr.Username})
template["codeExpiry"] = emailer.lang.PasswordReset.template("codeExpiry", tmpl{"date": d, "time": t, "expiresInMinutes": expiresIn})
template["pin"] = pwr.Pin
template["message"] = message
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "password_resets", "email_", template)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructDeleted(reason string, app *appContext) (*Email, error) {
func (emailer *Emailer) constructDeleted(reason string, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
subject: app.config.Section("deletion").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.UserDeleted.get("title")),
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "deletion", "email_", map[string]interface{}{
template := map[string]interface{}{
"yourAccountWasDeleted": emailer.lang.UserDeleted.get("yourAccountWasDeleted"),
"reason": emailer.lang.UserDeleted.get("reason"),
"reasonVal": reason,
"reasonString": emailer.lang.UserDeleted.get("reason"),
"message": "",
if noSub {
empty := []string{"reason"}
for _, v := range empty {
template[v] = "{" + v + "}"
} else {
template["reason"] = reason
template["message"] = app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "deletion", "email_", template)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return email, nil
func (emailer *Emailer) constructWelcome(username string, app *appContext) (*Email, error) {
func (emailer *Emailer) constructWelcome(username string, app *appContext, noSub bool) (*Email, error) {
email := &Email{
subject: app.config.Section("welcome_email").Key("subject").MustString(emailer.lang.WelcomeEmail.get("title")),
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "welcome_email", "email_", map[string]interface{}{
template := map[string]interface{}{
"welcome": emailer.lang.WelcomeEmail.get("welcome"),
"youCanLoginWith": emailer.lang.WelcomeEmail.get("youCanLoginWith"),
"jellyfinURL": emailer.lang.WelcomeEmail.get("jellyfinURL"),
"jellyfinURLVal": app.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("public_server").String(),
"username": emailer.lang.Strings.get("username"),
"usernameVal": username,
"message": app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String(),
"jellyfinURLString": emailer.lang.WelcomeEmail.get("jellyfinURL"),
"usernameString": emailer.lang.Strings.get("username"),
"message": "",
if noSub {
empty := []string{"jellyfinURL", "username"}
for _, v := range empty {
template[v] = "{" + v + "}"
} else {
template["jellyfinURL"] = app.config.Section("jellyfin").Key("public_server").String()
template["username"] = username
template["message"] = app.config.Section("email").Key("message").String()
var err error
email.html, email.text, err = emailer.construct(app, "welcome_email", "email_", template)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

View File

@ -7,18 +7,21 @@
"helloUser": "Hi {username},"
"userCreated": {
"name": "User creation",
"title": "Notice: User created",
"aUserWasCreated": "A user was created using code {code}.",
"time": "Time",
"notificationNotice": "Note: Notification emails can be toggled on the admin dashboard."
"inviteExpiry": {
"name": "Invite expiry",
"title": "Notice: Invite expired",
"inviteExpired": "Invite expired.",
"expiredAt": "Code {code} expired at {time}.",
"notificationNotice": "Note: Notification emails can be toggled on the admin dashboard."
"passwordReset": {
"name": "Password reset",
"title": "Password reset requested - Jellyfin",
"someoneHasRequestedReset": "Someone has recently requested a password reset on Jellyfin.",
"ifItWasYou": "If this was you, enter the pin below into the prompt.",
@ -26,11 +29,13 @@
"pin": "PIN"
"userDeleted": {
"name": "User deletion",
"title": "Your account was deleted - Jellyfin",
"yourAccountWasDeleted": "Your Jellyfin account was deleted.",
"reason": "Reason"
"inviteEmail": {
"name": "Invite email",
"title": "Invite - Jellyfin",
"hello": "Hi",
"youHaveBeenInvited": "You've been invited to Jellyfin.",
@ -39,12 +44,14 @@
"linkButton": "Setup your account"
"welcomeEmail": {
"name": "Welcome email",
"title": "Welcome to Jellyfin",
"welcome": "Welcome to Jellyfin!",
"youCanLoginWith": "You can login with the details below",
"jellyfinURL": "URL"
"emailConfirmation": {
"name": "Confirmation email",
"title": "Confirm your email - Jellyfin",
"clickBelow": "Click the link below to confirm your email address and start using Jellyfin.",
"confirmEmail": "Confirm Email"

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
<p>{{ .clickBelow }}</p>
<p>{{ .ifItWasNotYou }}</p>
<mj-button mj-class="blue bold" href="{{ .urlVal }}">{{ .confirmEmail }}</mj-button>
<mj-button mj-class="blue bold" href="{{ .confirmationURL }}">{{ .confirmEmail }}</mj-button>
<mj-section mj-class="bg2">

View File

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
{{ .clickBelow }}
{{ .ifItWasNotYou }}
{{ .urlVal }}
{{ .confirmationURL }}
{{ .message }}

View File

@ -64,14 +64,14 @@
<mj-table mj-class="text" container-background-color="#242424">
<tr style="text-align: left;">
<th>{{ .nameString }}</th>
<th>{{ .addressString }}</th>
<th>{{ .timeString }}</th>
<tr style="font-style: italic; text-align: left; color: rgb(153,153,153);">
<th>{{ .name }}</th>
<th>{{ .address }}</th>
<th>{{ .time }}</th>
<tr style="font-style: italic; text-align: left; color: rgb(153,153,153);">
<th>{{ .nameVal }}</th>
<th>{{ .addressVal }}</th>
<th>{{ .timeVal }}</th>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{{ .aUserWasCreated }}
{{ .name }}: {{ .nameVal }}
{{ .address }}: {{ .addressVal }}
{{ .time }}: {{ .timeVal }}
{{ .nameString }}: {{ .name }}
{{ .addressString }}: {{ .address }}
{{ .timeString }}: {{ .time }}
{{ .notificationNotice }}

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<mj-text mj-class="text" font-size="16px" font-family="Noto Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">
<h3>{{ .yourAccountWasDeleted }}</h3>
<p>{{ .reason }}: <i>{{ .reasonVal }}</i></p>
<p>{{ .reasonString }}: <i>{{ .reason }}</i></p>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{{ .yourAccountWasDeleted }}
{{ .reason }}: {{ .reasonVal }}
{{ .reasonString }}: {{ .reason }}
{{ .message }}

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<p>{{ .codeExpiry }}</p>
<p>{{ .ifItWasNotYou }}</p>
<mj-button mj-class="blue bold"><mj-raw>{{ .pinVal }}</mj-raw></mj-button>
<mj-button mj-class="blue bold"><mj-raw>{{ .pin }}</mj-raw></mj-button>
<mj-section mj-class="bg2">

View File

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
{{ .codeExpiry }}
{{ .ifItWasNotYou }}
{{ .pin }}: {{ .pinVal }}
{{ .pinString }}: {{ .pin }}
{{ .message }}

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<p>{{ .toJoin }}</p>
<p>{{ .inviteExpiry }}</p>
<mj-button mj-class="blue bold" href="{{ .invite_link }}">{{ .linkButton }}</mj-button>
<mj-button mj-class="blue bold" href="{{ .inviteURL }}">{{ .linkButton }}</mj-button>
<mj-section mj-class="bg2">

View File

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
{{ .toJoin }}
{{ .inviteExpiry }}
{{ .invite_link }}
{{ .inviteURL }}
{{ .message }}

View File

@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
<mj-text mj-class="text" font-size="16px" font-family="Noto Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">
<h3>{{ .welcome }}</h3>
<p>{{ .youCanLoginWith }}:</p>
{{ .jellyfinURL }}: <a href="{{ .jellyfinURLVal }}">{{ .jellyfinURLVal }}</a>
<p>{{ .username }}: <i>{{ .usernameVal }}</i></p>
{{ .jellyfinURLString }}: <a href="{{ .jellyfinURLVal }}">{{ .jellyfinURL }}</a>
<p>{{ .usernameString }}: <i>{{ .username }}</i></p>

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
{{ .youCanLoginWith }}:
{{ .jellyfinURL }}: {{ .jellyfinURLVal }}
{{ .username }}: {{ .usernameVal }}
{{ .jellyfinURLString }}: {{ .jellyfinURL }}
{{ .usernameString }}: {{ .username }}
{{ .message }}

View File

@ -174,3 +174,13 @@ type settings struct {
type langDTO map[string]string
type emailListDTO map[string]string
type emailDTO struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
Variables []string `json:"Variables"`
type emailSetDTO struct {
Content string `json:"content"`

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func pwrMonitor(app *appContext, watcher *fsnotify.Watcher) {
address = addr.(string)
msg, err := app.email.constructReset(pwr, app)
msg, err := app.email.constructReset(pwr, app, false)
if err != nil {
app.err.Printf("Failed to construct password reset email for %s", pwr.Username)
app.debug.Printf("%s: Error: %s", pwr.Username, err)

View File

@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ func (app *appContext) loadRoutes(router *gin.Engine) {
// api.POST(p + "/setDefaults", app.SetDefaults)
api.POST(p+"/users/settings", app.ApplySettings)
api.POST(p+"/users/announce", app.Announce)
api.GET(p+"/config/emails", app.GetEmails)
api.GET(p+"/config/emails/:id", app.GetEmail)
api.GET(p+"/config", app.GetConfig)
api.POST(p+"/config", app.ModifyConfig)
api.POST(p+"/restart", app.restart)

View File

@ -15,16 +15,27 @@ import (
type Storage struct {
timePattern string
invite_path, emails_path, policy_path, configuration_path, displayprefs_path, ombi_path, profiles_path string
invite_path, emails_path, policy_path, configuration_path, displayprefs_path, ombi_path, profiles_path, customEmails_path string
invites Invites
profiles map[string]Profile
defaultProfile string
emails, displayprefs, ombi_template map[string]interface{}
customEmails customEmails
policy mediabrowser.Policy
configuration mediabrowser.Configuration
lang Lang
type customEmails struct {
UserCreated string `json:"userCreated"`
InviteExpiry string `json:"inviteExpiry"`
PasswordReset string `json:"passwordReset"`
UserDeleted string `json:"userDeleted"`
InviteEmail string `json:"inviteEmail"`
WelcomeEmail string `json:"welcomeEmail"`
EmailConfirmation string `json:"emailConfirmation"`
// timePattern: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f
type Profile struct {
@ -394,6 +405,14 @@ func (st *Storage) storeEmails() error {
return storeJSON(st.emails_path, st.emails)
func (st *Storage) loadCustomEmails() error {
return loadJSON(st.customEmails_path, &st.customEmails)
func (st *Storage) storeCustomEmails() error {
return storeJSON(st.customEmails_path, st.customEmails)
func (st *Storage) loadPolicy() error {
return loadJSON(st.policy_path, &st.policy)