mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 15:50:11 +00:00
Matrix: Show matrix on accounts page
This commit is contained in:
@ -1277,10 +1277,14 @@ func (app *appContext) GetUsers(gc *gin.Context) {
user.Telegram = tgUser.Username
user.NotifyThroughTelegram = tgUser.Contact
if dc, ok := app.storage.discord[jfUser.ID]; ok {
user.Discord = dc.Username + "#" + dc.Discriminator
user.DiscordID = dc.ID
user.NotifyThroughDiscord = dc.Contact
if mxUser, ok := app.storage.matrix[jfUser.ID]; ok {
user.Matrix = mxUser.UserID
user.NotifyThroughMatrix = mxUser.Contact
if dcUser, ok := app.storage.discord[jfUser.ID]; ok {
user.Discord = dcUser.Username + "#" + dcUser.Discriminator
user.DiscordID = dcUser.ID
user.NotifyThroughDiscord = dcUser.Contact
resp.UserList[i] = user
@ -2127,6 +2131,7 @@ func (app *appContext) SetContactMethods(gc *gin.Context) {
if tgUser, ok := app.storage.telegram[req.ID]; ok {
change := tgUser.Contact != req.Telegram
tgUser.Contact = req.Telegram
app.storage.telegram[req.ID] = tgUser
if err := app.storage.storeTelegramUsers(); err != nil {
@ -2134,13 +2139,16 @@ func (app *appContext) SetContactMethods(gc *gin.Context) {
app.err.Printf("Telegram: Failed to store users: %v", err)
msg := ""
if !req.Telegram {
msg = " not"
if change {
msg := ""
if !req.Telegram {
msg = " not"
app.debug.Printf("Telegram: User \"%s\" will%s be notified through Telegram.", tgUser.Username, msg)
app.debug.Printf("Telegram: User \"%s\" will%s be notified through Telegram.", tgUser.Username, msg)
if dcUser, ok := app.storage.discord[req.ID]; ok {
change := dcUser.Contact != req.Discord
dcUser.Contact = req.Discord
app.storage.discord[req.ID] = dcUser
if err := app.storage.storeDiscordUsers(); err != nil {
@ -2148,13 +2156,33 @@ func (app *appContext) SetContactMethods(gc *gin.Context) {
app.err.Printf("Discord: Failed to store users: %v", err)
msg := ""
if !req.Discord {
msg = " not"
if change {
msg := ""
if !req.Discord {
msg = " not"
app.debug.Printf("Discord: User \"%s\" will%s be notified through Discord.", dcUser.Username, msg)
if mxUser, ok := app.storage.matrix[req.ID]; ok {
change := mxUser.Contact != req.Matrix
mxUser.Contact = req.Matrix
app.storage.matrix[req.ID] = mxUser
if err := app.storage.storeMatrixUsers(); err != nil {
respondBool(500, false, gc)
app.err.Printf("Matrix: Failed to store users: %v", err)
if change {
msg := ""
if !req.Matrix {
msg = " not"
app.debug.Printf("Matrix: User \"%s\" will%s be notified through Matrix.", mxUser.UserID, msg)
app.debug.Printf("Discord: User \"%s\" will%s be notified through Discord.", dcUser.Username, msg)
if email, ok := app.storage.emails[req.ID]; ok {
change := email.Contact != req.Email
email.Contact = req.Email
app.storage.emails[req.ID] = email
if err := app.storage.storeEmails(); err != nil {
@ -2162,11 +2190,13 @@ func (app *appContext) SetContactMethods(gc *gin.Context) {
app.err.Printf("Failed to store emails: %v", err)
msg := ""
if !req.Email {
msg = " not"
if change {
msg := ""
if !req.Email {
msg = " not"
app.debug.Printf("\"%s\" will%s be notified via Email.", email.Addr, msg)
app.debug.Printf("\"%s\" will%s be notified via Email.", email.Addr, msg)
respondBool(200, true, gc)
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
window.emailEnabled = {{ .email_enabled }};
window.telegramEnabled = {{ .telegram_enabled }};
window.discordEnabled = {{ .discord_enabled }};
window.matrixEnabled = {{ .matrix_enabled }};
window.ombiEnabled = {{ .ombiEnabled }};
window.usernameEnabled = {{ .username }};
window.langFile = JSON.parse({{ .language }});
@ -545,6 +546,9 @@
{{ if .telegram_enabled }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .matrix_enabled }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .discord_enabled }}
{{ end }}
@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ type respUser struct {
Discord string `json:"discord"` // Discord username (if known)
DiscordID string `json:"discord_id"` // Discord user ID for creating links.
NotifyThroughDiscord bool `json:"notify_discord"`
Matrix string `json:"matrix"` // Matrix ID (if known)
NotifyThroughMatrix bool `json:"notify_matrix"`
type getUsersDTO struct {
@ -262,6 +264,7 @@ type SetContactMethodsDTO struct {
Email bool `json:"email"`
Discord bool `json:"discord"`
Telegram bool `json:"telegram"`
Matrix bool `json:"matrix"`
type DiscordUserDTO struct {
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ interface User {
discord: string;
notify_discord: boolean;
discord_id: string;
matrix: string;
notify_matrix: boolean;
interface getPinResponse {
@ -44,13 +46,27 @@ class user implements User {
private _discordUsername: string;
private _discordID: string;
private _notifyDiscord: boolean;
private _matrix: HTMLTableDataCellElement;
private _matrixID: string;
private _notifyMatrix: boolean;
private _expiry: HTMLTableDataCellElement;
private _expiryUnix: number;
private _lastActive: HTMLTableDataCellElement;
private _lastActiveUnix: number;
private _notifyDropdown: HTMLDivElement;
id = "";
private _selected: boolean;
private _lastNotifyMethod = (): string => {
// Telegram, Matrix, Discord
const telegram = this._telegramUsername && this._telegramUsername != "";
const discord = this._discordUsername && this._discordUsername != "";
const matrix = this._matrixID && this._matrixID != "";
if (discord) return "discord";
if (matrix) return "matrix";
if (telegram) return "telegram";
get selected(): boolean { return this._selected; }
set selected(state: boolean) {
this._selected = state;
@ -96,105 +112,146 @@ class user implements User {
get notify_email(): boolean { return this._notifyEmail; }
set notify_email(s: boolean) {
this._notifyEmail = s;
if (window.telegramEnabled && this._telegramUsername != "") {
const email = this._telegram.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-email")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
if (email) {
email.checked = s;
if (this._notifyDropdown) {
(this._notifyDropdown.querySelector(".accounts-contact-email") as HTMLInputElement).checked = s;
private _constructDropdown = (): HTMLDivElement => {
const el = document.createElement("div") as HTMLDivElement;
const telegram = this._telegramUsername != "";
const discord = this._discordUsername != "";
const matrix = this._matrixID != "";
if (!telegram && !discord && !matrix) return;
let innerHTML = `
<i class="icon ri-settings-2-line ml-half dropdown-button"></i>
<div class="dropdown manual">
<div class="dropdown-display lg">
<div class="card ~neutral !low">
<span class="supra sm">${window.lang.strings("contactThrough")}</span>
<label class="row switch pb-1 mt-half">
<input type="checkbox" name="accounts-contact-${this.id}" class="accounts-contact-email">
<div class="accounts-area-telegram">
<label class="row switch pb-1">
<input type="checkbox" name="accounts-contact-${this.id}" class="accounts-contact-telegram">
<div class="accounts-area-discord">
<label class="row switch pb-1">
<input type="checkbox" name="accounts-contact-${this.id}" class="accounts-contact-discord">
<div class="accounts-area-matrix">
<label class="row switch pb-1">
<input type="checkbox" name="accounts-contact-${this.id}" class="accounts-contact-matrix">
el.innerHTML = innerHTML;
const button = el.querySelector("i");
const dropdown = el.querySelector("div.dropdown") as HTMLDivElement;
const checks = el.querySelectorAll("input") as NodeListOf<HTMLInputElement>;
for (let i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) {
checks[i].onclick = () => this._setNotifyMethod();
button.onclick = () => {
document.addEventListener("click", outerClickListener);
const outerClickListener = (event: Event) => {
if (!(event.target instanceof HTMLElement && (el.contains(event.target) || button.contains(event.target)))) {
document.removeEventListener("click", outerClickListener);
return el;
get matrix(): string { return this._matrixID; }
set matrix(u: string) {
if (!window.matrixEnabled) {
const lastNotifyMethod = this._lastNotifyMethod() == "matrix";
this._matrixID = u;
if (!u) {
this._matrix.innerHTML = `<span class="chip btn !low">${window.lang.strings("add")}</span>`;
// (this._matrix.querySelector("span") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = this._addMatrix;
} else {
this._matrix.innerHTML = `
<div class="table-inline">
if (lastNotifyMethod) {
(this._matrix.querySelector(".table-inline") as HTMLDivElement).appendChild(this._notifyDropdown);
if (window.discordEnabled && this._discordUsername) {
const email = this._discord.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-email")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
email.checked = s;
get notify_matrix(): boolean { return this._notifyMatrix; }
set notify_matrix(s: boolean) {
if (this._notifyDropdown) {
(this._notifyDropdown.querySelector(".accounts-contact-matrix") as HTMLInputElement).checked = s;
get telegram(): string { return this._telegramUsername; }
set telegram(u: string) {
if (!window.telegramEnabled) return;
if (!window.telegramEnabled) {
const lastNotifyMethod = this._lastNotifyMethod() == "telegram";
this._telegramUsername = u;
if (u == "") {
this._telegram.innerHTML = `<span class="chip btn !low">Add</span>`;
if (!u) {
this._telegram.innerHTML = `<span class="chip btn !low">${window.lang.strings("add")}</span>`;
(this._telegram.querySelector("span") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = this._addTelegram;
} else {
let innerHTML = `
this._telegram.innerHTML = `
<div class="table-inline">
<a href="https://t.me/${u}" target="_blank">@${u}</a>
if (!window.discordEnabled || !this._discordUsername) {
innerHTML += `
<i class="icon ri-settings-2-line ml-half dropdown-button"></i>
<div class="dropdown manual">
<div class="dropdown-display lg">
<div class="card ~neutral !low">
<span class="supra sm">${window.lang.strings("contactThrough")}</span>
<label class="row switch pb-1 mt-half">
<input type="checkbox" name="accounts-contact-${this.id}" class="accounts-contact-email">
<label class="row switch pb-1">
<input type="checkbox" name="accounts-contact-${this.id}" class="accounts-contact-telegram">
innerHTML += "</div>";
this._telegram.innerHTML = innerHTML;
if (!window.discordEnabled || !this._discordUsername) {
// Javascript is necessary as including the button inside the dropdown would make it too wide to display next to the username.
const button = this._telegram.querySelector("i");
const dropdown = this._telegram.querySelector("div.dropdown") as HTMLDivElement;
const checks = this._telegram.querySelectorAll("input") as NodeListOf<HTMLInputElement>;
for (let i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) {
checks[i].onclick = () => this._setNotifyMethod("telegram");
button.onclick = () => {
document.addEventListener("click", outerClickListener);
const outerClickListener = (event: Event) => {
if (!(event.target instanceof HTMLElement && (this._telegram.contains(event.target) || button.contains(event.target)))) {
document.removeEventListener("click", outerClickListener);
if (lastNotifyMethod) {
(this._telegram.querySelector(".table-inline") as HTMLDivElement).appendChild(this._notifyDropdown);
get notify_telegram(): boolean { return this._notifyTelegram; }
set notify_telegram(s: boolean) {
if (!window.telegramEnabled || !this._telegramUsername) return;
this._notifyTelegram = s;
const telegram = this._telegram.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-telegram")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
if (telegram) {
telegram.checked = s;
if (window.discordEnabled && this._discordUsername) {
const telegram = this._discord.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-telegram")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
telegram.checked = s;
if (this._notifyDropdown) {
(this._notifyDropdown.querySelector(".accounts-contact-telegram") as HTMLInputElement).checked = s;
private _setNotifyMethod = (mode: string = "telegram") => {
let el: HTMLElement;
if (mode == "telegram") { el = this._telegram }
else if (mode == "discord") { el = this._discord }
const email = el.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-email")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
private _setNotifyMethod = () => {
const email = this._notifyDropdown.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-email")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
let send = {
id: this.id,
email: email.checked
if (window.telegramEnabled && this._telegramUsername) {
const telegram = el.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-telegram")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
const telegram = this._notifyDropdown.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-telegram")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
send["telegram"] = telegram.checked;
if (window.discordEnabled && this._discordUsername) {
const discord = el.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-discord")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
const discord = this._notifyDropdown.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-discord")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
send["discord"] = discord.checked;
_post("/users/contact", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
@ -219,62 +276,26 @@ class user implements User {
get discord(): string { return this._discordUsername; }
set discord(u: string) {
if (!window.discordEnabled) return;
if (!window.discordEnabled) {
const lastNotifyMethod = this._lastNotifyMethod() == "discord";
this._discordUsername = u;
if (u == "") {
if (!u) {
this._discord.innerHTML = `<span class="chip btn !low">Add</span>`;
(this._discord.querySelector("span") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = () => addDiscord(this.id);
} else {
let innerHTML = `
this._discord.innerHTML = `
<div class="table-inline">
<a href="https://discord.com/users/${this._discordID}" class="discord-link" target="_blank">${u}</a>
<i class="icon ri-settings-2-line ml-half dropdown-button"></i>
<div class="dropdown manual">
<div class="dropdown-display lg">
<div class="card ~neutral !low">
<span class="supra sm">${window.lang.strings("contactThrough")}</span>
<label class="row switch pb-1 mt-half">
<input type="checkbox" name="accounts-contact-${this.id}" class="accounts-contact-email">
<label class="row switch pb-1">
<input type="checkbox" name="accounts-contact-${this.id}" class="accounts-contact-discord">
if (window.telegramEnabled && this._telegramUsername != "") {
innerHTML += `
<label class="row switch pb-1">
<input type="checkbox" name="accounts-contact-${this.id}" class="accounts-contact-telegram">
innerHTML += `
this._discord.innerHTML = innerHTML;
// Javascript is necessary as including the button inside the dropdown would make it too wide to display next to the username.
const button = this._discord.querySelector("i");
const dropdown = this._discord.querySelector("div.dropdown") as HTMLDivElement;
const checks = this._discord.querySelectorAll("input") as NodeListOf<HTMLInputElement>;
for (let i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) {
checks[i].onclick = () => this._setNotifyMethod("discord");
if (lastNotifyMethod) {
(this._discord.querySelector(".table-inline") as HTMLDivElement).appendChild(this._notifyDropdown);
button.onclick = () => {
document.addEventListener("click", outerClickListener);
const outerClickListener = (event: Event) => {
if (!(event.target instanceof HTMLElement && (this._discord.contains(event.target) || button.contains(event.target)))) {
document.removeEventListener("click", outerClickListener);
@ -288,13 +309,8 @@ class user implements User {
get notify_discord(): boolean { return this._notifyDiscord; }
set notify_discord(s: boolean) {
if (!window.discordEnabled || !this._discordUsername) return;
this._notifyDiscord = s;
const discord = this._discord.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-discord")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
discord.checked = s;
if (window.telegramEnabled && this._telegramUsername != "") {
const discord = this._discord.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-discord")[0] as HTMLInputElement;
discord.checked = s;
if (this._notifyDropdown) {
(this._notifyDropdown.querySelector(".accounts-contact-discord") as HTMLInputElement).checked = s;
@ -333,6 +349,11 @@ class user implements User {
<td class="accounts-telegram"></td>
if (window.matrixEnabled) {
innerHTML += `
<td class="accounts-matrix"></td>
if (window.discordEnabled) {
innerHTML += `
<td class="accounts-discord"></td>
@ -352,10 +373,13 @@ class user implements User {
this._emailEditButton = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-email-edit") as HTMLElement;
this._telegram = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-telegram") as HTMLTableDataCellElement;
this._discord = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-discord") as HTMLTableDataCellElement;
this._matrix = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-matrix") as HTMLTableDataCellElement;
this._expiry = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-expiry") as HTMLTableDataCellElement;
this._lastActive = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-last-active") as HTMLTableDataCellElement;
this._check.onchange = () => { this.selected = this._check.checked; }
this._notifyDropdown = this._constructDropdown();
const toggleStealthInput = () => {
if (this._emailEditButton.classList.contains("ri-edit-line")) {
this._email.innerHTML = emailEditor;
@ -458,14 +482,20 @@ class user implements User {
this.id = user.id;
this.name = user.name;
this.email = user.email || "";
// Little hack to get settings cogs to appear on first load
this._discordUsername = user.discord;
this._telegramUsername = user.telegram;
this._matrixID = user.matrix;
this.discord = user.discord;
this.telegram = user.telegram;
this.matrix = user.matrix;
this.last_active = user.last_active;
this.admin = user.admin;
this.disabled = user.disabled;
this.expiry = user.expiry;
this.notify_discord = user.notify_discord;
this.notify_telegram = user.notify_telegram;
this.notify_matrix = user.notify_matrix;
this.notify_email = user.notify_email;
this.discord_id = user.discord_id;
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ func (app *appContext) AdminPage(gc *gin.Context) {
"email_enabled": emailEnabled,
"telegram_enabled": telegramEnabled,
"discord_enabled": discordEnabled,
"matrix_enabled": matrixEnabled,
"notifications": notificationsEnabled,
"version": version,
"commit": commit,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user