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2021-01-02 21:39:36 +00:00
import { _get } from "../modules/common.js";
interface settingsBoolEvent extends Event {
detail: boolean;
interface Profile {
Admin: boolean;
LibraryAccess: string;
FromUser: string;
interface Meta {
name: string;
description: string;
interface Setting {
name: string;
description: string;
required: boolean;
requires_restart: boolean;
type: string;
value: string | boolean | number;
depends_true?: Setting;
depends_false?: Setting;
asElement: () => HTMLElement;
update: (s: Setting) => void;
class DOMInput {
protected _input: HTMLInputElement;
private _container: HTMLDivElement;
private _tooltip: HTMLDivElement;
private _required: HTMLSpanElement;
private _restart: HTMLSpanElement;
get name(): string { return this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent; }
set name(n: string) { this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent = n; }
get description(): string { return this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content").textContent; }
set description(d: string) {
const content = this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content") as HTMLSpanElement;
content.textContent = d;
if (d == "") {
} else {
get required(): boolean { return this._required.classList.contains("badge"); }
set required(state: boolean) {
if (state) {
this._required.classList.add("badge", "~critical");
this._required.textContent = "*";
} else {
this._required.classList.remove("badge", "~critical");
this._required.textContent = "";
get requires_restart(): boolean { return this._restart.classList.contains("badge"); }
set requires_restart(state: boolean) {
if (state) {
this._restart.classList.add("badge", "~critical");
this._restart.textContent = "R";
} else {
this._restart.classList.remove("badge", "~critical");
this._restart.textContent = "";
constructor(inputType: string, setting: Setting, section: string) {
this._container = document.createElement("div");
this._container.innerHTML = `
<label class="label">
<span class="setting-label"></span> <span class="setting-required"></span> <span class="setting-restart"></span>
<div class="setting-tooltip tooltip right unfocused">
<i class="icon ri-information-line"></i>
<span class="content sm"></span>
<input type="${inputType}" class="input ~neutral !normal mt-half">
this._tooltip = this._container.querySelector("div.setting-tooltip") as HTMLDivElement;
this._required = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-required") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._restart = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-restart") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._input = this._container.querySelector("input[type=" + inputType + "]") as HTMLInputElement;
if (setting.depends_false || setting.depends_true) {
let dependant = setting.depends_true || setting.depends_false;
let state = true;
if (setting.depends_false) { state = false; }
document.addEventListener(`settings-${section}-${dependant}`, (event: settingsBoolEvent) => {
this._input.disabled = (event.detail !== state);
get value(): any { return this._input.value; }
set value(v: any) { this._input.value = v; }
update = (s: Setting) => {
this.name = s.name;
this.description = s.description;
this.required = s.required;
this.requires_restart = s.requires_restart;
this.value = s.value;
asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._container; }
interface SText extends Setting {
value: string;
class DOMText extends DOMInput implements SText {
constructor(setting: Setting, section: string) { super("text", setting, section); }
type: string = "text";
get value(): string { return this._input.value }
set value(v: string) { this._input.value = v; }
interface SPassword extends Setting {
value: string;
class DOMPassword extends DOMInput implements SPassword {
constructor(setting: Setting, section: string) { super("password", setting, section); }
type: string = "password";
get value(): string { return this._input.value }
set value(v: string) { this._input.value = v; }
interface SEmail extends Setting {
value: string;
class DOMEmail extends DOMInput implements SEmail {
constructor(setting: Setting, section: string) { super("email", setting, section); }
type: string = "email";
get value(): string { return this._input.value }
set value(v: string) { this._input.value = v; }
interface SNumber extends Setting {
value: number;
class DOMNumber extends DOMInput implements SNumber {
constructor(setting: Setting, section: string) { super("number", setting, section); }
type: string = "number";
get value(): number { return +this._input.value; }
set value(v: number) { this._input.value = ""+v; }
interface SBool extends Setting {
value: boolean;
class DOMBool implements SBool {
protected _input: HTMLInputElement;
private _container: HTMLDivElement;
private _tooltip: HTMLDivElement;
private _required: HTMLSpanElement;
private _restart: HTMLSpanElement;
type: string = "bool";
get name(): string { return this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent; }
set name(n: string) { this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent = n; }
get description(): string { return this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content").textContent; }
set description(d: string) {
const content = this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content") as HTMLSpanElement;
content.textContent = d;
if (d == "") {
} else {
get required(): boolean { return this._required.classList.contains("badge"); }
set required(state: boolean) {
if (state) {
this._required.classList.add("badge", "~critical");
this._required.textContent = "*";
} else {
this._required.classList.remove("badge", "~critical");
this._required.textContent = "";
get requires_restart(): boolean { return this._restart.classList.contains("badge"); }
set requires_restart(state: boolean) {
if (state) {
this._restart.classList.add("badge", "~critical");
this._restart.textContent = "R";
} else {
this._restart.classList.remove("badge", "~critical");
this._restart.textContent = "";
get value(): boolean { return this._input.checked; }
set value(state: boolean) { this._input.checked = state; }
constructor(setting: SBool, section: string, name: string) {
this._container = document.createElement("div");
this._container.innerHTML = `
<label class="switch">
<input type="checkbox">
<span class="setting-label"></span> <span class="setting-required"></span> <span class="setting-restart"></span>
<div class="setting-tooltip tooltip right unfocused">
<i class="icon ri-information-line"></i>
<span class="content sm"></span>
this._tooltip = this._container.querySelector("div.setting-tooltip") as HTMLDivElement;
this._required = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-required") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._restart = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-restart") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._input = this._container.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]") as HTMLInputElement;
const onValueChange = () => {
const event = new CustomEvent(`settings-${section}-${name}`, { "detail": this._input.checked })
this._input.onchange = onValueChange;
document.addEventListener(`settings-loaded`, onValueChange);
if (setting.depends_false || setting.depends_true) {
let dependant = setting.depends_true || setting.depends_false;
let state = true;
if (setting.depends_false) { state = false; }
document.addEventListener(`settings-${section}-${dependant}`, (event: settingsBoolEvent) => {
this._input.disabled = (event.detail !== state);
update = (s: SBool) => {
this.name = s.name;
this.description = s.description;
this.required = s.required;
this.requires_restart = s.requires_restart;
this.value = s.value;
asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._container; }
interface SSelect extends Setting {
options: string[];
value: string;
class DOMSelect implements SSelect {
protected _select: HTMLSelectElement;
private _container: HTMLDivElement;
private _tooltip: HTMLDivElement;
private _required: HTMLSpanElement;
private _restart: HTMLSpanElement;
private _options: string[];
type: string = "bool";
get name(): string { return this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent; }
set name(n: string) { this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent = n; }
get description(): string { return this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content").textContent; }
set description(d: string) {
const content = this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content") as HTMLSpanElement;
content.textContent = d;
if (d == "") {
} else {
get required(): boolean { return this._required.classList.contains("badge"); }
set required(state: boolean) {
if (state) {
this._required.classList.add("badge", "~critical");
this._required.textContent = "*";
} else {
this._required.classList.remove("badge", "~critical");
this._required.textContent = "";
get requires_restart(): boolean { return this._restart.classList.contains("badge"); }
set requires_restart(state: boolean) {
if (state) {
this._restart.classList.add("badge", "~critical");
this._restart.textContent = "R";
} else {
this._restart.classList.remove("badge", "~critical");
this._restart.textContent = "";
get value(): string { return this._select.value; }
set value(v: string) { this._select.value = v; }
get options(): string[] { return this._options; }
set options(opt: string[]) {
this._options = opt;
let innerHTML = "";
for (let option of this._options) {
innerHTML += `<option value="${option}">${option}</option>`;
this._select.innerHTML = innerHTML;
constructor(setting: SSelect, section: string) {
this._options = [];
this._container = document.createElement("div");
this._container.innerHTML = `
<label class="label">
<span class="setting-label"></span> <span class="setting-required"></span> <span class="setting-restart"></span>
<div class="setting-tooltip tooltip right unfocused">
<i class="icon ri-information-line"></i>
<span class="content sm"></span>
<div class="select ~neutral !normal mt-half">
<select class="settings-select"></select>
this._tooltip = this._container.querySelector("div.setting-tooltip") as HTMLDivElement;
this._required = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-required") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._restart = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-restart") as HTMLSpanElement;
this._select = this._container.querySelector("select.settings-select") as HTMLSelectElement;
if (setting.depends_false || setting.depends_true) {
let dependant = setting.depends_true || setting.depends_false;
let state = true;
if (setting.depends_false) { state = false; }
document.addEventListener(`settings-${section}-${dependant}`, (event: settingsBoolEvent) => {
this._input.disabled = (event.detail !== state);
update = (s: SSelect) => {
this.name = s.name;
this.description = s.description;
this.required = s.required;
this.requires_restart = s.requires_restart;
this.options = s.options;
this.value = s.value;
asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._container; }
interface Section {
meta: Meta;
order: string[];
settings: { [settingName: string]: Setting };
class sectionPanel {
private _section: HTMLDivElement;
private _settings: { [name: string]: Setting };
private _sectionName: string;
constructor(s: Section, sectionName: string) {
this._sectionName = sectionName;
this._settings = {};
this._section = document.createElement("div") as HTMLDivElement;
this._section.classList.add("settings-section", "unfocused");
this._section.innerHTML = `<p class="support lg mb-half">${s.meta.description}</p>`;
update = (s: Section) => {
for (let name of s.order) {
let setting: Setting = s.settings[name];
if (name in this._settings) {
} else {
switch (setting.type) {
case "text":
setting = new DOMText(setting, this._sectionName);
case "password":
setting = new DOMPassword(setting, this._sectionName);
case "email":
setting = new DOMEmail(setting, this._sectionName);
case "number":
setting = new DOMNumber(setting, this._sectionName);
case "bool":
setting = new DOMBool(setting as SBool, this._sectionName, name);
case "select":
setting = new DOMSelect(setting as SSelect, this._sectionName);
this._settings[name] = setting;
get visible(): boolean { return !this._section.classList.contains("unfocused"); }
set visible(s: boolean) {
if (s) {
} else {
asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._section; }
interface Settings {
order: string[];
sections: { [sectionName: string]: Section };
export class settingsList {
private _panel = document.getElementById("settings-panel") as HTMLDivElement;
private _sidebar = document.getElementById("settings-sidebar") as HTMLDivElement;
private _sections: { [name: string]: sectionPanel }
private _buttons: { [name: string]: HTMLSpanElement }
addSection = (name: string, s: Section) => {
const section = new sectionPanel(s, name);
this._sections[name] = section;
const button = document.createElement("span") as HTMLSpanElement;
button.classList.add("button", "~neutral", "!low", "settings-section-button", "mb-half");
button.textContent = s.meta.name;
button.onclick = () => { this._showPanel(name); };
this._buttons[name] = button;
private _showPanel = (name: string) => {
for (let n in this._sections) {
if (n == name) {
console.log("found", n);
this._sections[name].visible = true;
} else {
this._sections[n].visible = false;
constructor() {
this._sections = {};
this._buttons = {};
reload = () => _get("/config", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
if (req.status != 200) {
window.notifications.customError("settingsLoadError", "Failed to load settings.");
let settings = req.response as Settings;
for (let name of settings.order) {
if (name in this._sections) {
} else {
this.addSection(name, settings.sections[name]);
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("settings-loaded"));