mirror of https://github.com/hrfee/jfa-go.git synced 2024-09-28 23:30:10 +00:00

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Raw Normal View History

import { _post, toDateString } from "../modules/common.js";
export interface activity {
id: string;
type: string;
user_id: string;
source_type: string;
source: string;
invite_code: string;
value: string;
time: number;
username: string;
source_username: string;
var activityTypeMoods = {
"creation": 1,
"deletion": -1,
"disabled": -1,
"enabled": 1,
"contactLinked": 1,
"contactUnlinked": -1,
"changePassword": 0,
"resetPassword": 0,
"createInvite": 1,
"deleteInvite": -1
var moodColours = ["~warning", "~neutral", "~urge"];
export class Activity { // FIXME: Add "implements"
private _card: HTMLElement;
private _title: HTMLElement;
private _time: HTMLElement;
private _timeUnix: number;
private _sourceType: HTMLElement;
private _source: HTMLElement;
private _referrer: HTMLElement;
private _expiryTypeBadge: HTMLElement;
private _act: activity;
_genUserLink = (): string => {
return `<a class="font-medium hover:underline" href="/accounts/user/${this._act.user_id}">${this._act.username || this._act.user_id.substring(0, 5)}</a>`;
_genSrcUserLink = (): string => {
return `<a class="font-medium hover:underline" href="/accounts/user/${this._act.source}">${this._act.source_username || this._act.source.substring(0, 5)}</a>`;
private _renderInvText = (): string => { return `<span class="font-medium font-mono">${this.value || this.invite_code || "???"}</span>`; }
private _genInvLink = (): string => {
return `<a class="hover:underline" href="/accounts/invites/${this.invite_code}">${this._renderInvText()}</a>`;
get type(): string { return this._act.type; }
set type(v: string) {
this._act.type = v;
let mood = activityTypeMoods[v]; // 1 = positive, 0 = neutral, -1 = negative
if (mood == -1) {
} else if (mood == 0) {
} else if (mood == 1) {
/* for (let i = 0; i < moodColours.length; i++) {
if (i-1 == mood) this._card.classList.add(moodColours[i]);
else this._card.classList.remove(moodColours[i]);
} */
if (this.type == "changePassword" || this.type == "resetPassword") {
let innerHTML = ``;
if (this.type == "changePassword") innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountChangedPassword");
else innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountResetPassword");
innerHTML = innerHTML.replace("{user}", this._genUserLink());
this._title.innerHTML = innerHTML;
} else if (this.type == "contactLinked" || this.type == "contactUnlinked") {
let platform = this.value;
if (platform == "email") {
platform = window.lang.strings("emailAddress");
} else {
platform = platform.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + platform.slice(1);
let innerHTML = ``;
if (this.type == "contactLinked") innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountLinked");
else innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountUnlinked");
innerHTML = innerHTML.replace("{user}", this._genUserLink()).replace("{contactMethod}", platform);
this._title.innerHTML = innerHTML;
} else if (this.type == "creation") {
this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountCreated").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink());
if (this.source_type == "user") {
this._referrer.innerHTML = `<span class="supra mr-2">${window.lang.strings("referrer")}</span>${this._genSrcUserLink()}`;
} else {
this._referrer.textContent = ``;
} else if (this.type == "deletion") {
if (this.source_type == "daemon") {
this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountExpired").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink());
this._expiryTypeBadge.textContent = window.lang.strings("deleted");
} else {
this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountDeleted").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink());
} else if (this.type == "enabled") {
this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountReEnabled").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink());
} else if (this.type == "disabled") {
if (this.source_type == "daemon") {
this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountExpired").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink());
this._expiryTypeBadge.textContent = window.lang.strings("disabled");
} else {
this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("accountDisabled").replace("{user}", this._genUserLink());
} else if (this.type == "createInvite") {
this._title.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("inviteCreated").replace("{invite}", this._genInvLink());
} else if (this.type == "deleteInvite") {
let innerHTML = ``;
if (this.source_type == "daemon") {
innerHTML = window.lang.strings("inviteExpired");
} else {
innerHTML = window.lang.strings("inviteDeleted");
this._title.innerHTML = innerHTML.replace("{invite}", this._renderInvText());
/*} else if (this.source_type == "admin") {
// FIXME: Handle contactLinked/Unlinked, creation/deletion, enable/disable, createInvite/deleteInvite
} else if (this.source_type == "anon") {
this._referrer.innerHTML = ``;
} else if (this.source_type == "daemon") {
// FIXME: Handle deleteInvite, disabled, deletion
get time(): number { return this._timeUnix; }
set time(v: number) {
this._timeUnix = v;
this._time.textContent = toDateString(new Date(v*1000));
get source_type(): string { return this._act.source_type; }
set source_type(v: string) {
this._act.source_type = v;
get invite_code(): string { return this._act.invite_code; }
set invite_code(v: string) {
this._act.invite_code = v;
get value(): string { return this._act.value; }
set value(v: string) {
this._act.value = v;
get source(): string { return this._act.source; }
set source(v: string) {
this._act.source = v;
constructor(act: activity) {
this._card = document.createElement("div");
this._card.classList.add("card", "@low", "my-2");
this._card.innerHTML = `
<div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row justify-between mb-2">
<span class="heading truncate flex-initial md:text-2xl text-xl activity-title"></span>
<div class="flex flex-col flex-none ml-0 md:ml-2">
<span class="font-medium md:text-sm text-xs activity-time" aria-label="${window.lang.strings("date")}"></span>
<span class="activity-expiry-type badge self-start md:self-end mt-1"></span>
<div class="flex justify-between">
<span class="content supra mr-2 activity-source-type"></span><span class="activity-source"></span>
<span class="content activity-referrer"></span>
this._title = this._card.querySelector(".activity-title");
this._time = this._card.querySelector(".activity-time");
this._sourceType = this._card.querySelector(".activity-source-type");
this._source = this._card.querySelector(".activity-source");
this._referrer = this._card.querySelector(".activity-referrer");
this._expiryTypeBadge = this._card.querySelector(".activity-expiry-type");
document.addEventListener("timefmt-change", () => {
this.time = this.time;
update = (act: activity) => {
this._act = act;
this.source_type = act.source_type;
this.invite_code = act.invite_code;
this.time = act.time;
this.source = act.source;
this.value = act.value;
this.type = act.type;
asElement = () => { return this._card; };
interface ActivitiesDTO {
activities: activity[];
export class activityList {
private _activityList: HTMLElement;
reload = () => {
let send = {
"type": [],
"limit": 30,
"page": 0,
"ascending": false
_post("/activity", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
if (req.status != 200) {
window.notifications.customError("loadActivitiesError", window.lang.notif("errorLoadActivities"));
let resp = req.response as ActivitiesDTO;
this._activityList.textContent = ``;
for (let act of resp.activities) {
const activity = new Activity(act);
}, true);
constructor() {
this._activityList = document.getElementById("activity-card-list");