Updated Setup (markdown)

Harvey Tindall 2020-06-08 13:40:01 +01:00
parent 27b0c6da7b
commit 0dfd4ac647

@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ On your first run, accessing `<your ip>:8056` will bring you to the setup wizard
Before you start configuring, you should make sure that timezones are correct everywhere. If you're running bare metal, this shouldn't be an issue, but docker containers are another story. For linuxserver.io Jellyfin containers, you should be able to use `-e TZ=Europe/London` but if not, `-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro` usually works. Once you've added this run `docker exec -it <your container> bash` to enter its shell, then `date`. From there you can see if the time is correct.
## New account defaults
jf-accounts can store a users policy (library access, perms, etc.) and homescreen layout, and write them to all new users. Setting this up hasn't been implemented in the web UI setup yet, so you need to do this from the command line if you want it.
jf-accounts can store a users policy (library access, perms, etc.) and homescreen layout, and write them to all new users.
**Note: You can now do this in the web ui.**
If you're running on bare metal, run
`root@lab ~# jf-accounts --get_defaults`
@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ root@ed2244cc8ab4:/# jf-accounts -d /data --get_defaults
After that, follow through the prompts to store your defaults.
## Manual configuration
If you want to manually configure, or change anything after the first run, below are descriptions of each setting in `config.ini`.