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2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import time
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
class Error(Exception):
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
class Jellyfin:
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
Basic Jellyfin API client, providing account related function only.
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
class UserExistsError(Error):
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
Thrown if a user already exists with the same name
when creating an account.
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
class UserNotFoundError(Error):
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
"""Thrown if account with specified user ID/name does not exist."""
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
class AuthenticationError(Error):
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
"""Thrown if authentication with Jellyfin fails."""
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
class AuthenticationRequiredError(Error):
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
Thrown if privileged action is attempted without authentication.
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
class UnknownError(Error):
Thrown if i've been too lazy to figure out an error's meaning.
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
def __init__(self, server, client, version, device, deviceId):
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
Initializes the Jellyfin object. All parameters except server
have no effect on the client's capability.
:param server: Web address of the server to connect to.
:param client: Name of the client. Appears on Jellyfin
server dashboard.
:param version: Version of the client.
:param device: Name of the device the client is running on.
:param deviceId: ID of the device the client is running on.
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
self.server = server
self.client = client
self.version = version
self.device = device
self.deviceId = deviceId
self.timeout = 30 * 60
self.userCacheAge = time.time() - self.timeout - 1
self.userCachePublicAge = self.userCacheAge
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
self.useragent = f"{self.client}/{self.version}"
self.auth = "MediaBrowser "
self.auth += f"Client={self.client}, "
self.auth += f"Device={self.device}, "
self.auth += f"DeviceId={self.deviceId}, "
self.auth += f"Version={self.version}"
self.header = {
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"X-Application": f"{self.client}/{self.version}",
"Accept-Charset": "UTF-8,*",
"Accept-encoding": "gzip",
"User-Agent": self.useragent,
"X-Emby-Authorization": self.auth,
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
} = requests.get(self.server + "/System/Info/Public").json()
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
def getUsers(self, username: str = "all", userId: str = "all", public: bool = True):
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
Returns details on user(s), such as ID, Name, Policy.
:param username: (optional) Username to get info about.
Leave blank to get all users.
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
:param userId: (optional) User ID to get info about.
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
Leave blank to get all users.
:param public: True = Get publicly visible users only (no auth required),
False = Get all users (auth required).
if public is True:
if (time.time() - self.userCachePublicAge) >= self.timeout:
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
response = requests.get(self.server + "/emby/Users/Public").json()
self.userCachePublic = response
self.userCachePublicAge = time.time()
response = self.userCachePublic
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
elif (
public is False and hasattr(self, "username") and hasattr(self, "password")
if (time.time() - self.userCacheAge) >= self.timeout:
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
response = requests.get(
self.server + "/emby/Users",
params={"Username": self.username, "Pw": self.password},
if response.status_code == 200:
response = response.json()
self.userCache = response
self.userCacheAge = time.time()
self.authenticate(self.username, self.password)
return self.getUsers(username, userId, public)
except self.AuthenticationError:
raise self.AuthenticationRequiredError
response = self.userCache
raise self.AuthenticationRequiredError
if username == "all" and userId == "all":
return response
elif userId == "all":
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
match = False
for user in response:
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
if user["Name"] == username:
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
match = True
return user
if not match:
raise self.UserNotFoundError
match = False
for user in response:
if user["Id"] == userId:
match = True
return user
if not match:
raise self.UserNotFoundError
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
def authenticate(self, username: str, password: str):
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
Authenticates by name with Jellyfin.
:param username: Plaintext username.
:param password: Plaintext password.
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
self.username = username
self.password = password
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
response =
self.server + "/emby/Users/AuthenticateByName",
params={"Username": self.username, "Pw": self.password},
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
if response.status_code == 200:
json = response.json()
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
self.userId = json["User"]["Id"]
self.accessToken = json["AccessToken"]
self.auth = "MediaBrowser "
self.auth += f"Client={self.client}, "
self.auth += f"Device={self.device}, "
self.auth += f"DeviceId={self.deviceId}, "
self.auth += f"Version={self.version}"
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
self.auth += f", Token={self.accessToken}"
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
self.header["X-Emby-Authorization"] = self.auth = requests.get(
self.server + "/System/Info", headers=self.header
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
return True
raise self.AuthenticationError
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
def setPolicy(self, userId: str, policy: dict):
2020-05-24 14:19:39 +00:00
Sets a user's policy (Admin rights, Library Access, etc.) by user ID.
:param userId: ID of the user to modify.
:param policy: User policy in dictionary form.
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
self.server + "/Users/" + userId + "/Policy",
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
def newUser(self, username: str, password: str):
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
for user in self.getUsers():
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
if user["Name"] == username:
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
raise self.UserExistsError
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
response =
self.server + "/emby/Users/New",
params={"Name": username, "Password": password},
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
if response.status_code == 401:
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
if hasattr(self, "username") and hasattr(self, "password"):
self.authenticate(self.username, self.password)
return self.newUser(username, password)
raise self.AuthenticationRequiredError
2020-04-11 14:20:25 +00:00
return response
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
def getViewOrder(self, userId: str, public: bool = True):
if not public:
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
param = "?IncludeHidden=true"
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
param = ""
views = requests.get(
self.server + "/Users/" + userId + "/Views" + param, headers=self.header
orderedViews = []
for library in views:
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
return orderedViews
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
def setConfiguration(self, userId: str, configuration: dict):
Sets a user's configuration (Settings the user can change themselves).
:param userId: ID of the user to modify.
:param configuration: Configuration to write in dictionary form.
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
resp =
self.server + "/Users/" + userId + "/Configuration",
if resp.status_code == 200 or resp.status_code == 204:
return True
elif resp.status_code == 401:
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
if hasattr(self, "username") and hasattr(self, "password"):
self.authenticate(self.username, self.password)
return self.setConfiguration(userId, configuration)
raise self.AuthenticationRequiredError
raise self.UnknownError
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
def getConfiguration(self, username: str = "all", userId: str = "all"):
Gets a user's Configuration. This can also be found in getUsers if
public is set to False.
:param username: The user's username.
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
:param userId: The user's ID.
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
return self.getUsers(username=username, userId=userId, public=False)[
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
def getDisplayPreferences(self, userId: str):
Gets a user's Display Preferences (Home layout).
:param userId: The user's ID.
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
resp = requests.get(
+ "/DisplayPreferences/usersettings"
+ "?userId="
+ userId
+ "&client=emby"
if resp.status_code == 200:
return resp.json()
elif resp.status_code == 401:
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
if hasattr(self, "username") and hasattr(self, "password"):
self.authenticate(self.username, self.password)
return self.getDisplayPreferences(userId)
raise self.AuthenticationRequiredError
raise self.UnknownError
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
2020-06-21 19:21:33 +00:00
def setDisplayPreferences(self, userId: str, preferences: dict):
Sets a user's Display Preferences (Home layout).
:param userId: The user's ID.
:param preferences: The preferences to set.
tempheader = self.header
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
tempheader["Content-type"] = "application/json"
resp =
+ "/DisplayPreferences/usersettings"
+ "?userId="
+ userId
+ "&client=emby"
if resp.status_code == 200 or resp.status_code == 204:
return True
elif resp.status_code == 401:
2020-06-21 19:29:53 +00:00
if hasattr(self, "username") and hasattr(self, "password"):
self.authenticate(self.username, self.password)
return self.setDisplayPreferences(userId, preferences)
raise self.AuthenticationRequiredError
return resp