## waybar-mpris a custom waybar component for displaying info from MPRIS2 players. It automatically focuses on currently playing music players, and can easily be customized. ## Install `go get github.com/hrfee/waybar-mpris` or just grab the binary from here. ## Usage When running, the program will pipe out json in waybar's format. Make a custom component in your configuration and set `return-type` to `json`, and `exec` to the path to the program. ``` Usage of ./waybar-mpris: --order string Element order. (default "SYMBOL:ARTIST:ALBUM:TITLE") --pause string Pause symbol/text to use. (default "") --play string Play symbol/text to use. (default "▶") --separator string Separator string to use between artist, album, and title. (default " - ") ``` * Modify the order of components with `--order`. `SYMBOL` is the play/paused icon or text, other options are self explanatory. * `--play/--pause` specify the symbols or text to display when music is paused/playing respectively. * --separator specifies a string to separate the artist, album and title text.