import { _get, _post, _delete, _download, toggleLoader, addLoader, removeLoader, insertText, toClipboard, toDateString } from "../modules/common.js"; import { Marked } from "@ts-stack/markdown"; import { stripMarkdown } from "../modules/stripmd.js"; interface BackupDTO { size: string; name: string; path: string; date: number; } interface settingsBoolEvent extends Event { detail: boolean; } interface Meta { name: string; description: string; advanced?: boolean; depends_true?: string; depends_false?: string; } interface Setting { name: string; description: string; required: boolean; requires_restart: boolean; advanced?: boolean; type: string; value: string | boolean | number; depends_true?: string; depends_false?: string; asElement: () => HTMLElement; update: (s: Setting) => void; } const splitDependant = (section: string, dep: string): string[] => { let parts = dep.split("|"); if (parts.length == 1) { parts = [section, dep]; } return parts }; class DOMInput { protected _input: HTMLInputElement; private _container: HTMLDivElement; private _tooltip: HTMLDivElement; private _required: HTMLSpanElement; private _restart: HTMLSpanElement; private _advanced: boolean; private _advancedListener = (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (!Boolean(event.detail)) { this._input.parentElement.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._input.parentElement.classList.remove("unfocused"); } } get advanced(): boolean { return this._advanced; } set advanced(advanced: boolean) { this._advanced = advanced; if (advanced) { document.addEventListener("settings-advancedState", this._advancedListener); } else { document.removeEventListener("settings-advancedState", this._advancedListener); } } get name(): string { return this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent; } set name(n: string) { this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent = n; } get description(): string { return this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content").textContent; } set description(d: string) { const content = this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content") as HTMLSpanElement; content.textContent = d; if (d == "") { this._tooltip.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._tooltip.classList.remove("unfocused"); } } get required(): boolean { return this._required.classList.contains("badge"); } set required(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._required.classList.add("badge", "~critical"); this._required.textContent = "*"; } else { this._required.classList.remove("badge", "~critical"); this._required.textContent = ""; } } get requires_restart(): boolean { return this._restart.classList.contains("badge"); } set requires_restart(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._restart.classList.add("badge", "~info", "dark:~d_warning"); this._restart.textContent = "R"; } else { this._restart.classList.remove("badge", "~info", "dark:~d_warning"); this._restart.textContent = ""; } } constructor(inputType: string, setting: Setting, section: string, name: string) { this._container = document.createElement("div"); this._container.classList.add("setting"); this._container.setAttribute("data-name", name) this._container.innerHTML = ` `; this._tooltip = this._container.querySelector("div.setting-tooltip") as HTMLDivElement; this._required = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-required") as HTMLSpanElement; this._restart = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-restart") as HTMLSpanElement; this._input = this._container.querySelector("input[type=" + inputType + "]") as HTMLInputElement; if (setting.depends_false || setting.depends_true) { let dependant = splitDependant(section, setting.depends_true || setting.depends_false); let state = true; if (setting.depends_false) { state = false; } document.addEventListener(`settings-${dependant[0]}-${dependant[1]}`, (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (Boolean(event.detail) !== state) { this._input.parentElement.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._input.parentElement.classList.remove("unfocused"); } }); } const onValueChange = () => { const event = new CustomEvent(`settings-${section}-${name}`, { "detail": this.value }) document.dispatchEvent(event); if (this.requires_restart) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("settings-requires-restart")); } }; this._input.onchange = onValueChange; this.update(setting); } get value(): any { return this._input.value; } set value(v: any) { this._input.value = v; } update = (s: Setting) => { =; this.description = s.description; this.required = s.required; this.requires_restart = s.requires_restart; this.value = s.value; this.advanced = s.advanced; } asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._container; } } interface SText extends Setting { value: string; } class DOMText extends DOMInput implements SText { constructor(setting: Setting, section: string, name: string) { super("text", setting, section, name); } type: string = "text"; get value(): string { return this._input.value } set value(v: string) { this._input.value = v; } } interface SPassword extends Setting { value: string; } class DOMPassword extends DOMInput implements SPassword { constructor(setting: Setting, section: string, name: string) { super("password", setting, section, name); } type: string = "password"; get value(): string { return this._input.value } set value(v: string) { this._input.value = v; } } interface SEmail extends Setting { value: string; } class DOMEmail extends DOMInput implements SEmail { constructor(setting: Setting, section: string, name: string) { super("email", setting, section, name); } type: string = "email"; get value(): string { return this._input.value } set value(v: string) { this._input.value = v; } } interface SNumber extends Setting { value: number; } class DOMNumber extends DOMInput implements SNumber { constructor(setting: Setting, section: string, name: string) { super("number", setting, section, name); } type: string = "number"; get value(): number { return +this._input.value; } set value(v: number) { this._input.value = ""+v; } } interface SBool extends Setting { value: boolean; } class DOMBool implements SBool { protected _input: HTMLInputElement; private _container: HTMLDivElement; private _tooltip: HTMLDivElement; private _required: HTMLSpanElement; private _restart: HTMLSpanElement; type: string = "bool"; private _advanced: boolean; private _advancedListener = (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (!Boolean(event.detail)) { this._input.parentElement.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._input.parentElement.classList.remove("unfocused"); } } get advanced(): boolean { return this._advanced; } set advanced(advanced: boolean) { this._advanced = advanced; if (advanced) { document.addEventListener("settings-advancedState", this._advancedListener); } else { document.removeEventListener("settings-advancedState", this._advancedListener); } } get name(): string { return this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent; } set name(n: string) { this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent = n; } get description(): string { return this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content").textContent; } set description(d: string) { const content = this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content") as HTMLSpanElement; content.textContent = d; if (d == "") { this._tooltip.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._tooltip.classList.remove("unfocused"); } } get required(): boolean { return this._required.classList.contains("badge"); } set required(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._required.classList.add("badge", "~critical"); this._required.textContent = "*"; } else { this._required.classList.remove("badge", "~critical"); this._required.textContent = ""; } } get requires_restart(): boolean { return this._restart.classList.contains("badge"); } set requires_restart(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._restart.classList.add("badge", "~info", "dark:~d_warning"); this._restart.textContent = "R"; } else { this._restart.classList.remove("badge", "~info", "dark:~d_warning"); this._restart.textContent = ""; } } get value(): boolean { return this._input.checked; } set value(state: boolean) { this._input.checked = state; } constructor(setting: SBool, section: string, name: string) { this._container = document.createElement("div"); this._container.classList.add("setting"); this._container.setAttribute("data-name", name) this._container.innerHTML = ` `; this._tooltip = this._container.querySelector("div.setting-tooltip") as HTMLDivElement; this._required = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-required") as HTMLSpanElement; this._restart = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-restart") as HTMLSpanElement; this._input = this._container.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]") as HTMLInputElement; const onValueChange = () => { const event = new CustomEvent(`settings-${section}-${name}`, { "detail": this.value }) document.dispatchEvent(event); }; this._input.onchange = () => { onValueChange(); if (this.requires_restart) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("settings-requires-restart")); } }; document.addEventListener(`settings-loaded`, onValueChange); if (setting.depends_false || setting.depends_true) { let dependant = splitDependant(section, setting.depends_true || setting.depends_false); let state = true; if (setting.depends_false) { state = false; } document.addEventListener(`settings-${dependant[0]}-${dependant[1]}`, (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (Boolean(event.detail) !== state) { this._input.parentElement.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._input.parentElement.classList.remove("unfocused"); } }); } this.update(setting); } update = (s: SBool) => { =; this.description = s.description; this.required = s.required; this.requires_restart = s.requires_restart; this.value = s.value; this.advanced = s.advanced; } asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._container; } } interface SSelect extends Setting { options: string[][]; value: string; } class DOMSelect implements SSelect { protected _select: HTMLSelectElement; private _container: HTMLDivElement; private _tooltip: HTMLDivElement; private _required: HTMLSpanElement; private _restart: HTMLSpanElement; private _options: string[][]; type: string = "bool"; private _advanced: boolean; private _advancedListener = (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (!Boolean(event.detail)) { this._container.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._container.classList.remove("unfocused"); } } get advanced(): boolean { return this._advanced; } set advanced(advanced: boolean) { this._advanced = advanced; if (advanced) { document.addEventListener("settings-advancedState", this._advancedListener); } else { document.removeEventListener("settings-advancedState", this._advancedListener); } } get name(): string { return this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent; } set name(n: string) { this._container.querySelector("span.setting-label").textContent = n; } get description(): string { return this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content").textContent; } set description(d: string) { const content = this._tooltip.querySelector("span.content") as HTMLSpanElement; content.textContent = d; if (d == "") { this._tooltip.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._tooltip.classList.remove("unfocused"); } } get required(): boolean { return this._required.classList.contains("badge"); } set required(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._required.classList.add("badge", "~critical"); this._required.textContent = "*"; } else { this._required.classList.remove("badge", "~critical"); this._required.textContent = ""; } } get requires_restart(): boolean { return this._restart.classList.contains("badge"); } set requires_restart(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._restart.classList.add("badge", "~info", "dark:~d_warning"); this._restart.textContent = "R"; } else { this._restart.classList.remove("badge", "~info", "dark:~d_warning"); this._restart.textContent = ""; } } get value(): string { return this._select.value; } set value(v: string) { this._select.value = v; } get options(): string[][] { return this._options; } set options(opt: string[][]) { this._options = opt; let innerHTML = ""; for (let option of this._options) { innerHTML += ``; } this._select.innerHTML = innerHTML; } constructor(setting: SSelect, section: string, name: string) { this._options = []; this._container = document.createElement("div"); this._container.classList.add("setting"); this._container.setAttribute("data-name", name) this._container.innerHTML = ` `; this._tooltip = this._container.querySelector("div.setting-tooltip") as HTMLDivElement; this._required = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-required") as HTMLSpanElement; this._restart = this._container.querySelector("span.setting-restart") as HTMLSpanElement; this._select = this._container.querySelector("select.settings-select") as HTMLSelectElement; if (setting.depends_false || setting.depends_true) { let dependant = splitDependant(section, setting.depends_true || setting.depends_false); let state = true; if (setting.depends_false) { state = false; } document.addEventListener(`settings-${dependant[0]}-${dependant[1]}`, (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (Boolean(event.detail) !== state) { this._container.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._container.classList.remove("unfocused"); } }); } const onValueChange = () => { const event = new CustomEvent(`settings-${section}-${name}`, { "detail": this.value }) document.dispatchEvent(event); if (this.requires_restart) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("settings-requires-restart")); } }; this._select.onchange = onValueChange; document.addEventListener(`settings-loaded`, onValueChange); const message = document.getElementById("settings-message") as HTMLElement; message.innerHTML = window.lang.var("strings", "settingsRequiredOrRestartMessage", `*`, `R` ); this.update(setting); } update = (s: SSelect) => { =; this.description = s.description; this.required = s.required; this.requires_restart = s.requires_restart; this.options = s.options; this.value = s.value; } asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._container; } } interface SNote extends Setting { value: string; style?: string; } class DOMNote implements SNote { private _container: HTMLDivElement; private _aside: HTMLElement; private _name: HTMLElement; private _description: HTMLElement; type: string = "note"; private _style: string; get name(): string { return this._name.textContent; } set name(n: string) { this._name.textContent = n; } get description(): string { return this._description.textContent; } set description(d: string) { this._description.innerHTML = d; } get value(): string { return ""; } set value(v: string) { return; } get required(): boolean { return false; } set required(v: boolean) { return; } get requires_restart(): boolean { return false; } set requires_restart(v: boolean) { return; } get style(): string { return this._style; } set style(s: string) { this._aside.classList.remove("~" + this._style); this._style = s; this._aside.classList.add("~" + this._style); } constructor(setting: SNote, section: string) { this._container = document.createElement("div"); this._container.classList.add("setting"); this._container.innerHTML = ` `; this._name = this._container.querySelector(".setting-name"); this._description = this._container.querySelector(".setting-description"); this._aside = this._container.querySelector("aside"); if (setting.depends_false || setting.depends_true) { let dependant = splitDependant(section, setting.depends_true || setting.depends_false); let state = true; if (setting.depends_false) { state = false; } document.addEventListener(`settings-${dependant[0]}-${dependant[1]}`, (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (Boolean(event.detail) !== state) { this._container.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { this._container.classList.remove("unfocused"); } }); } this.update(setting); } update = (s: SNote) => { =; this.description = s.description; = ("style" in s && ? : "info"; }; asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._container; } } interface Section { meta: Meta; order: string[]; settings: { [settingName: string]: Setting }; } class sectionPanel { private _section: HTMLDivElement; private _settings: { [name: string]: Setting }; private _sectionName: string; values: { [field: string]: string } = {}; constructor(s: Section, sectionName: string) { this._sectionName = sectionName; this._settings = {}; this._section = document.createElement("div") as HTMLDivElement; this._section.classList.add("settings-section", "unfocused"); this._section.setAttribute("data-section", sectionName); this._section.innerHTML = ` ${}


`; this.update(s); } update = (s: Section) => { for (let name of s.order) { let setting: Setting = s.settings[name]; if (name in this._settings) { this._settings[name].update(setting); } else { switch (setting.type) { case "text": setting = new DOMText(setting, this._sectionName, name); break; case "password": setting = new DOMPassword(setting, this._sectionName, name); break; case "email": setting = new DOMEmail(setting, this._sectionName, name); break; case "number": setting = new DOMNumber(setting, this._sectionName, name); break; case "bool": setting = new DOMBool(setting as SBool, this._sectionName, name); break; case "select": setting = new DOMSelect(setting as SSelect, this._sectionName, name); break; case "note": setting = new DOMNote(setting as SNote, this._sectionName); break; } if (setting.type != "note") { this.values[name] = ""+setting.value; document.addEventListener(`settings-${this._sectionName}-${name}`, (event: CustomEvent) => { // const oldValue = this.values[name]; this.values[name] = ""+event.detail; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("settings-section-changed")); }); } this._section.appendChild(setting.asElement()); this._settings[name] = setting; } } } get visible(): boolean { return !this._section.classList.contains("unfocused"); } set visible(s: boolean) { if (s) { this._section.classList.remove("unfocused"); } else { this._section.classList.add("unfocused"); } } asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._section; } } interface Settings { order: string[]; sections: { [sectionName: string]: Section }; } export class settingsList { private _saveButton = document.getElementById("settings-save") as HTMLSpanElement; private _saveNoRestart = document.getElementById("settings-apply-no-restart") as HTMLSpanElement; private _saveRestart = document.getElementById("settings-apply-restart") as HTMLSpanElement; private _panel = document.getElementById("settings-panel") as HTMLDivElement; private _sidebar = document.getElementById("settings-sidebar") as HTMLDivElement; private _visibleSection: string; private _sections: { [name: string]: sectionPanel } private _buttons: { [name: string]: HTMLSpanElement } private _needsRestart: boolean = false; private _messageEditor = new MessageEditor(); private _settings: Settings; private _advanced: boolean = false; private _searchbox: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("settings-search") as HTMLInputElement; private _clearSearchboxButtons: Array = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("settings-search-clear")) as Array; private _noResultsPanel: HTMLElement = document.getElementById("settings-not-found"); private _backupSortDirection = document.getElementById("settings-backups-sort-direction") as HTMLButtonElement; private _backupSortAscending = true; addSection = (name: string, s: Section, subButton?: HTMLElement) => { const section = new sectionPanel(s, name); this._sections[name] = section; this._panel.appendChild(this._sections[name].asElement()); const button = document.createElement("span") as HTMLSpanElement; button.classList.add("button", "~neutral", "@low", "settings-section-button", "justify-between", "mb-2"); button.textContent =; if (subButton) { button.appendChild(subButton); } button.onclick = () => { this._showPanel(name); }; if (s.meta.depends_true || s.meta.depends_false) { let dependant = splitDependant(name, s.meta.depends_true || s.meta.depends_false); let state = true; if (s.meta.depends_false) { state = false; } document.addEventListener(`settings-${dependant[0]}-${dependant[1]}`, (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (Boolean(event.detail) !== state) { button.classList.add("unfocused"); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(`settings-${name}`, { detail: false })); } else { button.classList.remove("unfocused"); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(`settings-${name}`, { detail: true })); } }); document.addEventListener(`settings-${dependant[0]}`, (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (Boolean(event.detail) !== state) { button.classList.add("unfocused"); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(`settings-${name}`, { detail: false })); } }); } if (s.meta.advanced) { document.addEventListener("settings-advancedState", (event: settingsBoolEvent) => { if (!Boolean(event.detail)) { button.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { button.classList.remove("unfocused"); } this._searchbox.oninput(null); }); } this._buttons[name] = button; this._sidebar.appendChild(this._buttons[name]); } private _showPanel = (name: string) => { for (let n in this._sections) { if (n == name) { this._sections[name].visible = true; this._visibleSection = name; this._buttons[name].classList.add("selected"); } else { this._sections[n].visible = false; this._buttons[n].classList.remove("selected"); } } } private _save = () => { let config = {}; for (let name in this._sections) { config[name] = this._sections[name].values; } if (this._needsRestart) { this._saveRestart.onclick = () => { config["restart-program"] = true; this._send(config, () => { window.modals.settingsRestart.close();; }); }; this._saveNoRestart.onclick = () => { config["restart-program"] = false; this._send(config, window.modals.settingsRestart.close); }; } else { this._send(config); } // console.log(config); } private _send = (config: Object, run?: () => void) => _post("/config", config, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) { window.notifications.customSuccess("settingsSaved", window.lang.notif("saveSettings")); } else { window.notifications.customError("settingsSaved", window.lang.notif("errorSaveSettings")); } this.reload(); if (run) { run(); } } }); private _showLogs = () => _get("/logs", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) { (document.getElementById("log-area") as HTMLPreElement).textContent = req.response["log"] as string;; } }); setBackupSort = (ascending: boolean) => { this._backupSortAscending = ascending; this._backupSortDirection.innerHTML = `${window.lang.strings("sortDirection")} `; this._getBackups(); }; private _backup = () => _post("/backups", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200) return; const backupDTO = req.response as BackupDTO; if (backupDTO.path == "") { window.notifications.customError("backupError", window.lang.strings("errorFailureCheckLogs")); return; } const location = document.getElementById("settings-backed-up-location"); const download = document.getElementById("settings-backed-up-download"); location.innerHTML = window.lang.strings("backupCanBeFound").replace("{filepath}", `"`+backupDTO.path+`"`); download.innerHTML = ` ${window.lang.strings("download")} ${backupDTO.size} `; download.parentElement.onclick = () => _download("/backups/" +,;; }, true); private _getBackups = () => _get("/backups", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200) return; const backups = req.response["backups"] as BackupDTO[]; const table = document.getElementById("backups-list"); table.textContent = ``; if (!this._backupSortAscending) { backups.reverse(); } for (let b of backups) { const tr = document.createElement("tr") as HTMLTableRowElement; tr.innerHTML = ` ${} ${toDateString(new Date(*1000))} ${b.size} `; tr.querySelector(".backup-copy").addEventListener("click", () => { toClipboard(b.path); window.notifications.customPositive("pathCopied", "", window.lang.notif("pathCopied")); }); tr.querySelector(".backup-download").addEventListener("click", () => _download("/backups/" +,; tr.querySelector(".backup-restore").addEventListener("click", () => { _post("/backups/restore/", null, () => {}); window.modals.backups.close(); window.modals.settingsRefresh.modal.querySelector("span.heading").textContent = window.lang.strings("settingsRestarting");; }); table.appendChild(tr); } }); constructor() { this._sections = {}; this._buttons = {}; document.addEventListener("settings-section-changed", () => this._saveButton.classList.remove("unfocused")); document.getElementById("settings-restart").onclick = () => { _post("/restart", null, () => {}); window.modals.settingsRefresh.modal.querySelector("span.heading").textContent = window.lang.strings("settingsRestarting");; }; this._saveButton.onclick = this._save; document.addEventListener("settings-requires-restart", () => { this._needsRestart = true; }); document.getElementById("settings-logs").onclick = this._showLogs; document.getElementById("settings-backups-backup").onclick = () => { window.modals.backups.close(); this._backup(); }; document.getElementById("settings-backups").onclick = () => { this.setBackupSort(this._backupSortAscending);; }; this._backupSortDirection.onclick = () => this.setBackupSort(!(this._backupSortAscending)); const advancedEnableToggle = document.getElementById("settings-advanced-enabled") as HTMLInputElement; advancedEnableToggle.onchange = () => { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("settings-advancedState", { detail: advancedEnableToggle.checked })); const parent = advancedEnableToggle.parentElement; this._advanced = advancedEnableToggle.checked; if (this._advanced) { parent.classList.add("~urge"); parent.classList.remove("~neutral"); } else { parent.classList.add("~neutral"); parent.classList.remove("~urge"); } this._searchbox.oninput(null); }; advancedEnableToggle.checked = false; this._searchbox.oninput = () => {; }; for (let b of this._clearSearchboxButtons) { b.onclick = () => { this._searchbox.value = ""; this._searchbox.oninput(null); }; }; } private _addMatrix = () => { // Modify the login modal, why not const modal = document.getElementById("form-matrix") as HTMLFormElement; modal.onsubmit = (event: Event) => { event.preventDefault(); const button = modal.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement; addLoader(button); let send = { homeserver: (document.getElementById("matrix-homeserver") as HTMLInputElement).value, username: (document.getElementById("matrix-user") as HTMLInputElement).value, password: (document.getElementById("matrix-password") as HTMLInputElement).value } _post("/matrix/login", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { removeLoader(button); if (req.status == 400) { window.notifications.customError("errorUnknown", window.lang.notif(req.response["error"] as string)); return; } else if (req.status == 401) { window.notifications.customError("errorUnauthorized", req.response["error"] as string); return; } else if (req.status == 500) { window.notifications.customError("errorAddMatrix", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs")); return; } window.modals.matrix.close(); _post("/restart", null, () => {}); window.location.reload(); } }, true); };; } reload = () => _get("/config", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status != 200) { window.notifications.customError("settingsLoadError", window.lang.notif("errorLoadSettings")); return; } this._settings = req.response as Settings; for (let name of this._settings.order) { if (name in this._sections) { this._sections[name].update(this._settings.sections[name]); } else { if (name == "messages" || name == "user_page") { const editButton = document.createElement("div"); editButton.classList.add("tooltip", "left"); editButton.innerHTML = ` ${window.lang.get("strings", "customizeMessages")} `; (editButton.querySelector("span.button") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = () => { this._messageEditor.showList(name == "messages" ? "email" : "user"); }; this.addSection(name, this._settings.sections[name], editButton); } else if (name == "updates") { const icon = document.createElement("span") as HTMLSpanElement; if (window.updater.updateAvailable) { icon.classList.add("button", "~urge"); icon.innerHTML = ``; icon.onclick = () => window.updater.checkForUpdates(; } this.addSection(name, this._settings.sections[name], icon); } else if (name == "matrix" && !window.matrixEnabled) { const addButton = document.createElement("div"); addButton.classList.add("tooltip", "left"); addButton.innerHTML = ` + ${window.lang.strings("linkMatrix")} `; (addButton.querySelector("span.button") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = this._addMatrix; this.addSection(name, this._settings.sections[name], addButton); } else { this.addSection(name, this._settings.sections[name]); } } } this._showPanel(this._settings.order[0]); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("settings-loaded")); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("settings-advancedState", { detail: false })); this._saveButton.classList.add("unfocused"); this._needsRestart = false; } }) // FIXME: Search "About" & "User profiles", pseudo-search "User profiles" for things like "Ombi", "Referrals", etc. search = (query: string) => { query = query.toLowerCase().trim(); // Make sure a blank search is detected when there's just whitespace. if (query.replace(/\s+/g, "") == "") query = ""; let firstVisibleSection = ""; for (let section of this._settings.order) { let dependencyCard = this._sections[section].asElement().querySelector(".settings-dependency-message"); if (dependencyCard) dependencyCard.remove(); dependencyCard = null; let dependencyList = null; // hide button, unhide if matched this._buttons[section].classList.add("unfocused"); let matchedSection = false; if (section.toLowerCase().includes(query) || this._settings.sections[section] || this._settings.sections[section].meta.description.toLowerCase().includes(query)) { if ((this._settings.sections[section].meta.advanced && this._advanced) || !(this._settings.sections[section].meta.advanced)) { this._buttons[section].classList.remove("unfocused"); firstVisibleSection = firstVisibleSection || section; matchedSection = true; } } const sectionElement = this._sections[section].asElement(); for (let setting of this._settings.sections[section].order) { if (this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].type == "note") continue; const element = sectionElement.querySelector(`div[data-name="${setting}"]`) as HTMLElement; // If we match the whole section, don't bother searching settings. if (matchedSection) { element.classList.remove("opacity-50", "pointer-events-none"); element.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false"); continue; } // element.classList.remove("-mx-2", "my-2", "p-2", "aside", "~neutral", "@low"); element.classList.add("opacity-50", "pointer-events-none"); element.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); if (setting.toLowerCase().includes(query) || this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].name.toLowerCase().includes(query) || this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].description.toLowerCase().includes(query) || String(this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].value).toLowerCase().includes(query)) { if ((this._settings.sections[section].meta.advanced && this._advanced) || !(this._settings.sections[section].meta.advanced)) { this._buttons[section].classList.remove("unfocused"); firstVisibleSection = firstVisibleSection || section; } const shouldShow = (query != "" && ((this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].advanced && this._advanced) || !(this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].advanced))); if (shouldShow || query == "") { // element.classList.add("-mx-2", "my-2", "p-2", "aside", "~neutral", "@low"); element.classList.remove("opacity-50", "pointer-events-none"); element.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false"); } if (query != "" && ((shouldShow && element.querySelector("label").classList.contains("unfocused")) || (!shouldShow))) { // Add a note explaining why the setting is hidden if (!dependencyCard) { dependencyCard = document.createElement("aside"); dependencyCard.classList.add("aside", "my-2", "~warning", "settings-dependency-message"); dependencyCard.innerHTML = `
    `; dependencyList = dependencyCard.querySelector(".settings-dependency-list") as HTMLUListElement; // Insert it right after the description this._sections[section].asElement().insertBefore(dependencyCard, this._sections[section].asElement().querySelector(".settings-section-description").nextElementSibling); } const li = document.createElement("li"); if (shouldShow) { const depCode = this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].depends_true || this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].depends_false; const dep = splitDependant(section, depCode); let depName = this._settings.sections[dep[0]].settings[dep[1]].name; if (dep[0] != section) { depName = this._settings.sections[dep[0]] + " > " + depName; } li.textContent = window.lang.strings("settingsDependsOn").replace("{setting}", `"`+this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].name+`"`).replace("{dependency}", `"`+depName+`"`); } else { li.textContent = window.lang.strings("settingsAdvancedMode").replace("{setting}", `"`+this._settings.sections[section].settings[setting].name+`"`); } dependencyList.appendChild(li); } } } } if (firstVisibleSection && (query != "" || this._visibleSection == "")) { this._buttons[firstVisibleSection].onclick(null); this._noResultsPanel.classList.add("unfocused"); } else if (query != "") { this._noResultsPanel.classList.remove("unfocused"); if (this._visibleSection) { this._sections[this._visibleSection].visible = false; this._buttons[this._visibleSection].classList.remove("selected"); this._visibleSection = ""; } } } } export interface templateEmail { content: string; variables: string[]; conditionals: string[]; values: { [key: string]: string }; html: string; plaintext: string; } interface emailListEl { name: string; enabled: boolean; } class MessageEditor { private _currentID: string; private _names: { [id: string]: emailListEl }; private _content: string; private _templ: templateEmail; private _form = document.getElementById("form-editor") as HTMLFormElement; private _header = document.getElementById("header-editor") as HTMLSpanElement; private _variables = document.getElementById("editor-variables") as HTMLDivElement; private _variablesLabel = document.getElementById("label-editor-variables") as HTMLElement; private _conditionals = document.getElementById("editor-conditionals") as HTMLDivElement; private _conditionalsLabel = document.getElementById("label-editor-conditionals") as HTMLElement; private _textArea = document.getElementById("textarea-editor") as HTMLTextAreaElement; private _preview = document.getElementById("editor-preview") as HTMLDivElement; private _previewContent: HTMLElement; // private _timeout: number; // private _finishInterval = 200; loadEditor = (id: string) => { this._currentID = id; _get("/config/emails/" + id, null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status != 200) { window.notifications.customError("loadTemplateError", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs")); return; } if (this._names[id] !== undefined) { this._header.textContent = this._names[id].name; } this._templ = req.response as templateEmail; this._textArea.value = this._templ.content; if (this._templ.html == "") { this._preview.innerHTML = `
                    } else {
                        this._preview.innerHTML = this._templ.html;
                    this._previewContent = this._preview.getElementsByClassName("preview-content")[0] as HTMLElement;
                    this._content = this._templ.content;
                    const colors = ["info", "urge", "positive", "neutral"];
                    let innerHTML = '';
                    for (let i = 0; i < this._templ.variables.length; i++) {
                        let ci = i % colors.length;
                        innerHTML += ''
                    if (this._templ.variables.length == 0) {
                    } else {
                    this._variables.innerHTML = innerHTML
                    let buttons = this._variables.querySelectorAll("span.button") as NodeListOf;
                    for (let i = 0; i < this._templ.variables.length; i++) {
                        buttons[i].innerHTML = `` + this._templ.variables[i] + ``;
                        buttons[i].onclick = () => {
                            insertText(this._textArea, this._templ.variables[i]);
                            // this._timeout = setTimeout(this.loadPreview, this._finishInterval);
                    innerHTML = '';
                    if (this._templ.conditionals == null || this._templ.conditionals.length == 0) {
                    } else {
                        for (let i = this._templ.conditionals.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            let ci = i % colors.length;
                            innerHTML += ''
                        this._conditionals.innerHTML = innerHTML
                        buttons = this._conditionals.querySelectorAll("span.button") as NodeListOf;
                        for (let i = 0; i < this._templ.conditionals.length; i++) {
                            buttons[i].innerHTML = `{if ` + this._templ.conditionals[i].slice(1) + ``;
                            buttons[i].onclick = () => {
                                insertText(this._textArea, "{if " + this._templ.conditionals[i].slice(1) + "{endif}");
                                // this._timeout = setTimeout(this.loadPreview, this._finishInterval);
        loadPreview = () => {
            let content = this._textArea.value;
            if (this._templ.variables) {
                for (let variable of this._templ.variables) {
                    let value = this._templ.values[variable.slice(1, -1)];
                    if (value === undefined) { value = variable; }
                    content = content.replace(new RegExp(variable, "g"), value);
            if (this._templ.html == "") {
                content = stripMarkdown(content);
                this._previewContent.textContent = content;
            } else {
                content = Marked.parse(content);
                this._previewContent.innerHTML = content;
            // _post("/config/emails/" + this._currentID + "/test", { "content": this._textArea.value }, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
            //     if (req.readyState == 4) {
            //         if (req.status != 200) {
            //             window.notifications.customError("loadTemplateError", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs"));
            //             return;
            //         }
            //         this._preview.innerHTML = (req.response as Email).html;
            //     }
            // }, true);
        showList = (filter?: string) => {
            _get("/config/emails?lang=" + window.language + (filter ? "&filter=" + filter : ""), null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
                if (req.readyState == 4) {
                    if (req.status != 200) {
                        window.notifications.customError("loadTemplateError", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs"));
                    this._names = req.response;
                    const list = document.getElementById("customize-list") as HTMLDivElement;
                    list.textContent = '';
                    for (let id in this._names) {
                        const tr = document.createElement("tr") as HTMLTableRowElement;
                        let resetButton = ``;
                        if (this._names[id].enabled) {
                            resetButton = ``;
                        tr.innerHTML = `
                        (tr.querySelector("span.button") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = () => {
                        if (this._names[id].enabled) {
                            const rb = tr.querySelector("span.customize-reset") as HTMLElement;
                            rb.onclick = () => _post("/config/emails/" + id + "/state/disable", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
                                if (req.readyState == 4) {
                                    if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 204) {
                                        window.notifications.customError("setEmailStateError", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs"));
        constructor() {
            this._textArea.onkeyup = () => {
                // clearTimeout(this._timeout);
                // this._timeout = setTimeout(this.loadPreview, this._finishInterval);
            // this._textArea.onkeydown = () => {
            //     clearTimeout(this._timeout);
            // };
            this._form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => {
                if (this._textArea.value == this._content && this._names[this._currentID].enabled) {
                _post("/config/emails/" + this._currentID, { "content": this._textArea.value }, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
                    if (req.readyState == 4) {
                        if (req.status != 200) {
                            window.notifications.customError("saveEmailError", window.lang.notif("errorSaveEmail"));
                        window.notifications.customSuccess("saveEmail", window.lang.notif("saveEmail"));