import { _get, _post, _delete, toggleLoader } from "../modules/common.js"; interface Profile { admin: boolean; libraries: string; fromUser: string; ombi: boolean; jellyseerr: boolean; referrals_enabled: boolean; } class profile implements Profile { private _row: HTMLTableRowElement; private _name: HTMLElement; private _adminChip: HTMLSpanElement; private _libraries: HTMLTableDataCellElement; private _ombiButton: HTMLSpanElement; private _ombi: boolean; private _jellyseerrButton: HTMLSpanElement; private _jellyseerr: boolean; private _fromUser: HTMLTableDataCellElement; private _defaultRadio: HTMLInputElement; private _referralsButton: HTMLSpanElement; private _referralsEnabled: boolean; get name(): string { return this._name.textContent; } set name(v: string) { this._name.textContent = v; } get admin(): boolean { return this._adminChip.classList.contains("chip"); } set admin(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._adminChip.classList.add("chip", "~info", "ml-2"); this._adminChip.textContent = "Admin"; } else { this._adminChip.classList.remove("chip", "~info", "ml-2"); this._adminChip.textContent = ""; } } get libraries(): string { return this._libraries.textContent; } set libraries(v: string) { this._libraries.textContent = v; } get ombi(): boolean { return this._ombi; } set ombi(v: boolean) { if (!window.ombiEnabled) return; this._ombi = v; if (v) { this._ombiButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("delete"); this._ombiButton.classList.add("~critical"); this._ombiButton.classList.remove("~neutral"); } else { this._ombiButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("add"); this._ombiButton.classList.add("~neutral"); this._ombiButton.classList.remove("~critical"); } } get jellyseerr(): boolean { return this._jellyseerr; } set jellyseerr(v: boolean) { if (!window.jellyseerrEnabled) return; this._jellyseerr = v; if (v) { this._jellyseerrButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("delete"); this._jellyseerrButton.classList.add("~critical"); this._jellyseerrButton.classList.remove("~neutral"); } else { this._jellyseerrButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("add"); this._jellyseerrButton.classList.add("~neutral"); this._jellyseerrButton.classList.remove("~critical"); } } get fromUser(): string { return this._fromUser.textContent; } set fromUser(v: string) { this._fromUser.textContent = v; } get referrals_enabled(): boolean { return this._referralsEnabled; } set referrals_enabled(v: boolean) { if (!window.referralsEnabled) return; this._referralsEnabled = v; if (v) { this._referralsButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("delete"); this._referralsButton.classList.add("~critical"); this._referralsButton.classList.remove("~neutral"); } else { this._referralsButton.textContent = window.lang.strings("add"); this._referralsButton.classList.add("~neutral"); this._referralsButton.classList.remove("~critical"); } } get default(): boolean { return this._defaultRadio.checked; } set default(v: boolean) { this._defaultRadio.checked = v; } constructor(name: string, p: Profile) { this._row = document.createElement("tr") as HTMLTableRowElement; let innerHTML = ` `; if (window.ombiEnabled) innerHTML += ` `; if (window.jellyseerrEnabled) innerHTML += ` `; if (window.referralsEnabled) innerHTML += ` `; innerHTML += ` ${window.lang.strings("delete")} `; this._row.innerHTML = innerHTML; this._name = this._row.querySelector("b.profile-name"); this._adminChip = this._row.querySelector("span.profile-admin") as HTMLSpanElement; this._libraries = this._row.querySelector("td.profile-libraries") as HTMLTableDataCellElement; if (window.ombiEnabled) this._ombiButton = this._row.querySelector("span.profile-ombi") as HTMLSpanElement; if (window.jellyseerrEnabled) this._jellyseerrButton = this._row.querySelector("span.profile-jellyseerr") as HTMLSpanElement; if (window.referralsEnabled) this._referralsButton = this._row.querySelector("span.profile-referrals") as HTMLSpanElement; this._fromUser = this._row.querySelector("td.profile-from") as HTMLTableDataCellElement; this._defaultRadio = this._row.querySelector("input[type=radio]") as HTMLInputElement; this._defaultRadio.onclick = () => document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("profiles-default", { detail: })); (this._row.querySelector("span.\\~critical") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = this.delete; this.update(name, p); } update = (name: string, p: Profile) => { = name; this.admin = p.admin; this.fromUser = p.fromUser; this.libraries = p.libraries; this.ombi = p.ombi; this.jellyseerr = p.jellyseerr; this.referrals_enabled = p.referrals_enabled; } setOmbiFunc = (ombiFunc: (ombi: boolean) => void) => { this._ombiButton.onclick = () => ombiFunc(this._ombi); } setJellyseerrFunc = (jellyseerrFunc: (jellyseerr: boolean) => void) => { this._jellyseerrButton.onclick = () => jellyseerrFunc(this._jellyseerr); } setReferralFunc = (referralFunc: (enabled: boolean) => void) => { this._referralsButton.onclick = () => referralFunc(this._referralsEnabled); } remove = () => { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("profiles-delete", { detail: this._name })); this._row.remove(); } delete = () => _delete("/profiles", { "name": }, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) { this.remove(); } else { window.notifications.customError("profileDelete", window.lang.var("notifications", "errorDeleteProfile", `"${}"`)); } } }) asElement = (): HTMLTableRowElement => { return this._row; } } interface profileResp { default_profile: string; profiles: { [name: string]: Profile }; } export class ProfileEditor { private _table = document.getElementById("table-profiles") as HTMLTableElement; private _createButton = document.getElementById("button-profile-create") as HTMLSpanElement; private _profiles: { [name: string]: profile } = {}; private _default: string; private _ombiProfiles: ombiProfiles; private _jellyseerrProfiles: jellyseerrProfiles; private _createForm = document.getElementById("form-add-profile") as HTMLFormElement; private _profileName = document.getElementById("add-profile-name") as HTMLInputElement; private _userSelect = document.getElementById("add-profile-user") as HTMLSelectElement; private _storeHomescreen = document.getElementById("add-profile-homescreen") as HTMLInputElement; get empty(): boolean { return (Object.keys(this._table.children).length == 0) } set empty(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._table.innerHTML = `${window.lang.strings("inviteNoInvites")}` } else if (this._table.querySelector("td.empty")) { this._table.textContent = ``; } } get default(): string { return this._default; } set default(v: string) { this._default = v; if (v != "") { this._profiles[v].default = true; } for (let name in this._profiles) { if (name != v) { this._profiles[name].default = false; } } } load = () => _get("/profiles", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200) { let resp = req.response as profileResp; if (Object.keys(resp.profiles).length == 0) { this.empty = true; } else { this.empty = false; for (let name in resp.profiles) { if (name in this._profiles) { this._profiles[name].update(name, resp.profiles[name]); } else { this._profiles[name] = new profile(name, resp.profiles[name]); if (window.ombiEnabled) { this._profiles[name].setOmbiFunc((ombi: boolean) => { if (ombi) { this._ombiProfiles.delete(name, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status != 204) { window.notifications.customError("errorDeleteOmbi", window.lang.notif("errorUnknown")); return; } this._profiles[name].ombi = false; } }); } else { window.modals.profiles.close(); this._ombiProfiles.load(name); } }); } if (window.jellyseerrEnabled) { this._profiles[name].setJellyseerrFunc((jellyseerr: boolean) => { if (jellyseerr) { this._jellyseerrProfiles.delete(name, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status != 204) { window.notifications.customError("errorDeleteJellyseerr", window.lang.notif("errorUnknown")); return; } this._profiles[name].jellyseerr = false; } }); } else { window.modals.profiles.close(); this._jellyseerrProfiles.load(name); } }); } if (window.referralsEnabled) { this._profiles[name].setReferralFunc((enabled: boolean) => { if (enabled) { this.disableReferrals(name); } else { this.enableReferrals(name); } }); } this._table.appendChild(this._profiles[name].asElement()); } } } this.default = resp.default_profile;; } else { window.notifications.customError("profileEditor", window.lang.notif("errorLoadProfiles")); } } }) disableReferrals = (name: string) => _delete("/profiles/referral/" + name, null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState != 4) return; this.load(); }); enableReferrals = (name: string) => { const referralsInviteSelect = document.getElementById("enable-referrals-profile-invites") as HTMLSelectElement; const referralsExpiry = document.getElementById("enable-referrals-profile-expiry") as HTMLInputElement; _get("/invites", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status != 200) return; let innerHTML = ""; let invites = req.response["invites"] as Array; window.availableProfiles = req.response["profiles"]; if (invites) { for (let inv of invites) { let name = inv.code; if (inv.label) { name = `${inv.label} (${inv.code})`; } innerHTML += ``; } } else { innerHTML += ``; } referralsInviteSelect.innerHTML = innerHTML; }); const form = document.getElementById("form-enable-referrals-profile") as HTMLFormElement; const button = form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement; form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => { event.preventDefault(); toggleLoader(button); let send = { "profile": name, "invite": referralsInviteSelect.value }; _post("/profiles/referral/" + send["profile"] + "/" + send["invite"] + "/" + (referralsExpiry.checked ? "with-expiry" : "none"), send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { toggleLoader(button); if (req.status == 400) { window.notifications.customError("unknownError", window.lang.notif("errorUnknown")); } else if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) { window.notifications.customSuccess("enableReferralsSuccess", window.lang.notif("referralsEnabled")); } window.modals.enableReferralsProfile.close(); this.load(); } }); }; referralsExpiry.checked = false; window.modals.profiles.close();; }; constructor() { (document.getElementById('setting-profiles') as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = this.load; document.addEventListener("profiles-default", (event: CustomEvent) => { const prevDefault = this.default; const newDefault = event.detail; _post("/profiles/default", { "name": newDefault }, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) { this.default = newDefault; } else { this.default = prevDefault; window.notifications.customError("profileDefault", window.lang.notif("errorSetDefaultProfile")); } } }); }); document.addEventListener("profiles-delete", (event: CustomEvent) => { delete this._profiles[event.detail]; this.load(); }); if (window.ombiEnabled) this._ombiProfiles = new ombiProfiles(); if (window.jellyseerrEnabled) this._jellyseerrProfiles = new jellyseerrProfiles(); this._createButton.onclick = () => _get("/users", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) { let innerHTML = ``; for (let user of req.response["users"]) { innerHTML += ``; } this._userSelect.innerHTML = innerHTML; this._storeHomescreen.checked = true; window.modals.profiles.close();; } else { window.notifications.customError("loadUsers", window.lang.notif("errorLoadUsers")); } } }); this._createForm.onsubmit = (event: SubmitEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); const button = this._createForm.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement; toggleLoader(button); let send = { "homescreen": this._storeHomescreen.checked, "id": this._userSelect.value, "name": this._profileName.value } _post("/profiles", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { toggleLoader(button); window.modals.addProfile.close(); if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) { this.load(); window.notifications.customSuccess("createProfile", window.lang.var("notifications", "createProfile", `"${send['name']}"`)); } else { window.notifications.customError("createProfile", window.lang.var("notifications", "errorCreateProfile", `"${send['name']}"`)); }; } }) }; } } interface ombiUser { id: string; name: string; } export class ombiProfiles { private _form: HTMLFormElement; private _select: HTMLSelectElement; private _users: { [id: string]: string } = {}; private _currentProfile: string; constructor() { this._form = document.getElementById("form-ombi-defaults") as HTMLFormElement; this._form.onsubmit = this.send; this._select = this._form.querySelector("select") as HTMLSelectElement; } send = () => { const button = this._form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement; toggleLoader(button); let resp = {} as ombiUser; = this._select.value; = this._users[]; _post("/profiles/ombi/" + encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(this._currentProfile)), resp, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { toggleLoader(button); if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) { window.notifications.customSuccess("ombiDefaults", window.lang.notif("setOmbiProfile")); } else { window.notifications.customError("ombiDefaults", window.lang.notif("errorSetOmbiProfile")); } window.modals.ombiProfile.close(); } }); } delete = (profile: string, post?: (req: XMLHttpRequest) => void) => _delete("/profiles/ombi/" + encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(profile)), null, post); load = (profile: string) => { this._currentProfile = profile; _get("/ombi/users", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200 && "users" in req.response) { const users = req.response["users"] as ombiUser[]; let innerHTML = ""; for (let user of users) { this._users[] =; innerHTML += ``; } this._select.innerHTML = innerHTML;; } else { window.notifications.customError("ombiLoadError", window.lang.notif("errorLoadOmbiUsers")) } } }); } } export class jellyseerrProfiles { private _form: HTMLFormElement; private _select: HTMLSelectElement; private _users: { [id: string]: string } = {}; private _currentProfile: string; constructor() { this._form = document.getElementById("form-jellyseerr-defaults") as HTMLFormElement; this._form.onsubmit = this.send; this._select = this._form.querySelector("select") as HTMLSelectElement; } send = () => { const button = this._form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement; toggleLoader(button); let encodedProfile = encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(this._currentProfile)); _post("/profiles/jellyseerr/" + encodedProfile + "/" + this._select.value, null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { toggleLoader(button); if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) { window.notifications.customSuccess("jellyseerrDefaults", window.lang.notif("savedProfile")); } else { window.notifications.customError("jellyseerrDefaults", window.lang.notif("errorSavedProfile")); } window.modals.jellyseerrProfile.close(); } }); } delete = (profile: string, post?: (req: XMLHttpRequest) => void) => _delete("/profiles/jellyseerr/" + encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(profile)), null, post); load = (profile: string) => { this._currentProfile = profile; _get("/jellyseerr/users", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200 && "users" in req.response) { const users = req.response["users"] as ombiUser[]; let innerHTML = ""; for (let user of users) { this._users[] =; innerHTML += ``; } this._select.innerHTML = innerHTML;; } else { window.notifications.customError("jellyseerrLoadError", window.lang.notif("errorLoadUsers")) } } }); } }