package main import ( "fmt" "net/url" "strings" "" "" lm "" "" "" ) func (app *appContext) getOmbiUser(jfID string) (map[string]interface{}, error) { jfUser, err := app.jf.UserByID(jfID, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } username := jfUser.Name email := "" if e, ok :=; ok { email = e.Addr } user, err := app.ombi.getUser(username, email) return user, err } func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) getUser(username string, email string) (map[string]interface{}, error) { ombiUsers, err := ombi.GetUsers() if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, ombiUser := range ombiUsers { ombiAddr := "" if a, ok := ombiUser["emailAddress"]; ok && a != nil { ombiAddr = a.(string) } if ombiUser["userName"].(string) == username || (ombiAddr == email && email != "") { return ombiUser, err } } // Gets a generic "not found" type error return nil, common.GenericErr(404, err) } // Returns a user with the given name who has been imported from Jellyfin/Emby by Ombi func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) getImportedUser(name string) (map[string]interface{}, error) { // Ombi User Types: 3/4 = Emby, 5 = Jellyfin ombiUsers, err := ombi.GetUsers() if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, ombiUser := range ombiUsers { if ombiUser["userName"].(string) == name { uType, ok := ombiUser["userType"].(int) if !ok { // Don't know if Ombi somehow allows duplicate usernames continue } if serverType == mediabrowser.JellyfinServer && uType != 5 { // Jellyfin continue } else if uType != 3 && uType != 4 { // Emby continue } return ombiUser, err } } // Gets a generic "not found" type error return nil, common.GenericErr(404, err) } // @Summary Get a list of Ombi users. // @Produce json // @Success 200 {object} ombiUsersDTO // @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse // @Router /ombi/users [get] // @Security Bearer // @tags Ombi func (app *appContext) OmbiUsers(gc *gin.Context) { users, err := app.ombi.GetUsers() if err != nil { app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetUsers, lm.Ombi, err) respond(500, "Couldn't get users", gc) return } userlist := make([]ombiUser, len(users)) for i, data := range users { userlist[i] = ombiUser{ Name: data["userName"].(string), ID: data["id"].(string), } } gc.JSON(200, ombiUsersDTO{Users: userlist}) } // @Summary Store Ombi user template in an existing profile. // @Produce json // @Param ombiUser body ombiUser true "User to source settings from" // @Param profile path string true "Name of profile to store in" // @Success 200 {object} boolResponse // @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse // @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse // @Router /profiles/ombi/{profile} [post] // @Security Bearer // @tags Ombi func (app *appContext) SetOmbiProfile(gc *gin.Context) { var req ombiUser gc.BindJSON(&req) escapedProfileName := gc.Param("profile") profileName, _ := url.QueryUnescape(escapedProfileName) profile, ok := if !ok { respondBool(400, false, gc) return } template, err := app.ombi.TemplateByID(req.ID) if err != nil || len(template) == 0 { app.err.Printf(lm.FailedGetUsers, lm.Ombi, err) respond(500, "Couldn't get user", gc) return } profile.Ombi = template, profile) respondBool(204, true, gc) } // @Summary Remove ombi user template from a profile. // @Produce json // @Param profile path string true "Name of profile to store in" // @Success 200 {object} boolResponse // @Failure 400 {object} boolResponse // @Failure 500 {object} stringResponse // @Router /profiles/ombi/{profile} [delete] // @Security Bearer // @tags Ombi func (app *appContext) DeleteOmbiProfile(gc *gin.Context) { escapedProfileName := gc.Param("profile") profileName, _ := url.QueryUnescape(escapedProfileName) profile, ok := if !ok { respondBool(400, false, gc) return } profile.Ombi = nil, profile) respondBool(204, true, gc) } type OmbiWrapper struct { *ombi.Ombi } func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) applyProfile(user map[string]interface{}, profile map[string]interface{}) (err error) { for k, v := range profile { switch v.(type) { case map[string]interface{}, []interface{}: user[k] = v default: if v != user[k] { user[k] = v } } } err = ombi.ModifyUser(user) return } func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) ImportUser(jellyfinID string, req newUserDTO, profile Profile) (err error, ok bool) { errors, err := ombi.NewUser(req.Username, req.Password, req.Email, profile.Ombi) var ombiUser map[string]interface{} if err != nil { // Check if on the off chance, Ombi's user importer has already added the account. ombiUser, err = ombi.getImportedUser(req.Username) if err == nil { // + " " + lm.UserExists) profile.Ombi["password"] = req.Password err = ombi.applyProfile(ombiUser, profile.Ombi) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf(lm.FailedApplyProfile, lm.Ombi, req.Username, err) } } else { if len(errors) != 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("%v, %s", err, strings.Join(errors, ", ")) } return } } ok = true return } func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) AddContactMethods(jellyfinID string, req newUserDTO, discord *DiscordUser, telegram *TelegramUser) (err error) { var ombiUser map[string]interface{} ombiUser, err = ombi.getUser(req.Username, req.Email) if err != nil { return } if discordEnabled || telegramEnabled { dID := "" tUser := "" if discord != nil { dID = discord.ID } if telegram != nil { tUser = telegram.Username } var resp string resp, err = ombi.SetNotificationPrefs(ombiUser, dID, tUser) if err != nil { if resp != "" { err = fmt.Errorf("%v, %s", err, resp) } return } } return } func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) Name() string { return lm.Ombi } func (ombi *OmbiWrapper) Enabled(app *appContext, profile *Profile) bool { return profile != nil && profile.Ombi != nil && len(profile.Ombi) != 0 && app.config.Section("ombi").Key("enabled").MustBool(false) }