package main import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "time" ) const ( BACKUP_PREFIX = "jfa-go-db-" BACKUP_UPLOAD_PREFIX = "upload-" BACKUP_DATEFMT = "2006-01-02T15-04-05" BACKUP_SUFFIX = ".bak" ) type BackupList struct { files []os.DirEntry dates []time.Time count int } func (bl BackupList) Len() int { return len(bl.files) } func (bl BackupList) Swap(i, j int) { bl.files[i], bl.files[j] = bl.files[j], bl.files[i] bl.dates[i], bl.dates[j] = bl.dates[j], bl.dates[i] } func (bl BackupList) Less(i, j int) bool { // Push non-backup files to the end of the array, // Since they didn't have a date parsed. if bl.dates[i].IsZero() { return false } if bl.dates[j].IsZero() { return true } // Sort by oldest first return bl.dates[j].After(bl.dates[i]) } // Get human-readable file size from f.Size() result. // func fileSize(l int64) string { const unit = 1000 if l < unit { return fmt.Sprintf("%dB", l) } div, exp := int64(unit), 0 for n := l / unit; n >= unit; n /= unit { div *= unit exp++ } return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f%c", float64(l)/float64(div), "KMGTPE"[exp]) } func (app *appContext) getBackups() *BackupList { path := app.config.Section("backups").Key("path").String() err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0755) if err != nil { app.err.Printf("Failed to create backup directory \"%s\": %v\n", path, err) return nil } items, err := os.ReadDir(path) if err != nil { app.err.Printf("Failed to read backup directory \"%s\": %v\n", path, err) return nil } backups := &BackupList{} backups.files = items backups.dates = make([]time.Time, len(items)) backups.count = 0 for i, item := range items { if item.IsDir() || !(strings.HasSuffix(item.Name(), BACKUP_SUFFIX)) { continue } t, err := time.Parse(BACKUP_DATEFMT, strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(item.Name(), BACKUP_UPLOAD_PREFIX), BACKUP_PREFIX), BACKUP_SUFFIX)) if err != nil { app.debug.Printf("Failed to parse backup filename \"%s\": %v\n", item.Name(), err) continue } backups.dates[i] = t backups.count++ } return backups } func (app *appContext) makeBackup() (fileDetails CreateBackupDTO) { toKeep := app.config.Section("backups").Key("keep_n_backups").MustInt(20) fname := BACKUP_PREFIX + time.Now().Local().Format(BACKUP_DATEFMT) + BACKUP_SUFFIX path := app.config.Section("backups").Key("path").String() backups := app.getBackups() if backups == nil { return } toDelete := backups.count + 1 - toKeep // fmt.Printf("toDelete: %d, backCount: %d, keep: %d, length: %d\n", toDelete, backups.count, toKeep, len(backups.files)) if toDelete > 0 && toDelete <= backups.count { sort.Sort(backups) for _, item := range backups.files[:toDelete] { fullpath := filepath.Join(path, item.Name()) app.debug.Printf("Deleting old backup \"%s\"\n", item.Name()) err := os.Remove(fullpath) if err != nil { app.err.Printf("Failed to delete old backup \"%s\": %v\n", fullpath, err) return } } } fullpath := filepath.Join(path, fname) f, err := os.Create(fullpath) if err != nil { app.err.Printf("Failed to open backup file \"%s\": %v\n", fullpath, err) return } defer f.Close() _, err =, 0) if err != nil { app.err.Printf("Failed to create backup: %v\n", err) return } fstat, err := f.Stat() if err != nil { app.err.Printf("Failed to get info on new backup: %v\n", err) return } fileDetails.Size = fileSize(fstat.Size()) fileDetails.Name = fname fileDetails.Path = fullpath // fmt.Printf("Created backup %+v\n", fileDetails) return } func (app *appContext) loadPendingBackup() { if LOADBAK == "" { return } oldPath := filepath.Join(app.dataPath, "db-"+string(time.Now().Unix())+"-pre-"+filepath.Base(LOADBAK))"Moving existing database to \"%s\"\n", oldPath) err := os.Rename(, oldPath) if err != nil { app.err.Fatalf("Failed to move existing database: %v\n", err) } app.ConnectDB() defer f, err := os.Open(LOADBAK) if err != nil { app.err.Fatalf("Failed to open backup file \"%s\": %v\n", LOADBAK, err) } err =, 256) f.Close() if err != nil { app.err.Fatalf("Failed to restore backup file \"%s\": %v\n", LOADBAK, err) }"Restored backup \"%s\".", LOADBAK) LOADBAK = "" } func newBackupDaemon(app *appContext) *GenericDaemon { interval := time.Duration(app.config.Section("backups").Key("every_n_minutes").MustInt(1440)) * time.Minute d := NewGenericDaemon(interval, app, func(app *appContext) { app.debug.Println("Backups: Creating backup") app.makeBackup() }, ) return d }