sections: - section: updates meta: name: Updates description: Settings for update notifications and release channel. settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled required: true requires_restart: true type: bool value: true description: Enable/disable updating notifications and downloading/applying updates. - setting: channel name: Release Channel required: true type: select options: - ["stable", "Stable"] - ["unstable", "Unstable"] description: Release channel for updates. - section: jellyfin meta: name: Jellyfin description: Settings for connecting to Jellyfin settings: - setting: username name: Jellyfin Username required: true requires_restart: true type: text value: username description: It is recommended to create a limited admin account for this program. - setting: password name: Jellyfin Password required: true requires_restart: true type: password value: password - setting: server name: Server address required: true requires_restart: true type: text value: http://jellyfin.local:8096 description: Jellyfin server address. Can be public, or local for security purposes. - setting: public_server name: Public address type: text value: description: Publicly accessible Jellyfin address for invite form. Leave blank to reuse the above address. - setting: client name: Client Name required: true requires_restart: true advanced: true type: text value: jfa-go description: The name of the client that will show up in the Jellyfin dashboard. - setting: cache_timeout name: User cache timeout (minutes) requires_restart: true advanced: true type: number value: 30 description: Timeout of user cache in minutes. Set to 0 to disable. - setting: type name: Server type requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["jellyfin", "Jellyfin"] - ["emby", "Emby"] value: jellyfin description: 'Note: Emby integration works but is missing some features, such as Password Resets.' - setting: substitute_jellyfin_strings name: Substitute occurrences of "Jellyfin" requires_restart: true type: text description: Optionally substitute occurrences of "Jellyfin" in the account creation form and emails with this. May result in bad grammar. - section: ui meta: name: General description: Settings related to the UI and program functionality. settings: - setting: language-form name: Default Form Language requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["en-us", "English (US)"] value: en-us description: Default Account Form Language. Visit if you'd like to translate. - setting: language-admin name: Default Admin Language requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["en-us", "English (US)"] value: en-us description: Default Admin page Language. Settings has not been translated. Visit if you'd like to translate. - setting: theme name: Default Look requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["Jellyfin (Dark)", "Jellyfin (Dark)"] - ["Default (Light)", "Default (Light)"] value: Jellyfin (Dark) description: Default appearance for all users. - setting: host name: Address required: true requires_restart: true type: text value: description: Set to run on localhost - setting: port name: Port required: true requires_restart: true type: number value: 8056 - setting: jellyfin_login name: Use Jellyfin for authentication requires_restart: true type: bool value: true description: Enable this to use Jellyfin users instead of the below username and pw. - setting: admin_only name: Allow admin users only on "Admin" pages requires_restart: true depends_true: jellyfin_login type: bool value: true description: Allows only admin users on Jellyfin to access the admin page. Doesn't apply to the "My Accounts" page. - setting: allow_all name: Allow all users to login to "Admin" pages requires_restart: true depends_true: jellyfin_login type: bool value: false description: Allow all Jellyfin users to access jfa-go. Not recommended, add individual users in the Accounts tab instead. Doesn't apply to the "My Accounts" page. - setting: username name: Web Username required: true requires_restart: true depends_false: jellyfin_login type: text value: your username description: Username for admin page (Leave blank if using jellyfin_login) - setting: password name: Web Password required: true requires_restart: true depends_false: jellyfin_login type: password value: your password description: Password for admin page (Leave blank if using jellyfin_login) - setting: email name: Admin email address depends_false: jellyfin_login type: text value: description: Address to send notifications to (Leave blank if using jellyfin_login) - setting: debug name: Debug logging requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Enables debug logging and exposes pprof as a route (Don't use in production!) - setting: contact_message name: Contact message type: text value: Need help? contact me. description: Displayed at bottom of all pages except admin - setting: help_message name: Help message type: text value: Enter your details to create an account. description: Displayed at top of invite form. - setting: success_message name: Success message type: text value: Your account has been created. Click below to continue to Jellyfin. description: Displayed when a user creates an account. Use the "post-signup card" in the Message editor for more control. - setting: url_base name: Reverse Proxy subfolder requires_restart: true type: text description: URL base for when running jfa-go with a reverse proxy in a subfolder. include preceding /, e.g "/accounts". - setting: jfa_url name: External jfa-go URL required: true depends_true: enabled type: text value: description: The URL at which the jfa-go root (admin page) is accessible, including the subfolder if you use one. This is necessary because using a reverse proxy means the program has no way of knowing the URL itself. - setting: redirect_url name: Form success redirect URL type: text advanced: true description: Set a different URL for the sign-up form to redirect the user to when they've signed up. Default to 'Public Server' or 'Server' in the Jellyfin tab. - setting: auto_redirect name: Auto redirect on success requires_restart: true type: bool value: false advanced: true description: Navigate directly to the above URL instead of needing the user to click "Continue". Overrides the post-signup card. - setting: login_appearance name: Login screen appearance type: select options: - ["clear", "Transparent"] - ["opaque", "Opaque"] value: clear description: Appearance of the Admin login screen. - section: advanced meta: name: Advanced description: Advanced settings. advanced: true settings: - setting: log_ips name: Log IPs accessing Admin Page requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Log IP addresses of admins and admin page requests in console and in activities. See notice below on legality. - setting: log_ips_users name: Log IPs accessing User Page requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Log IP addresses of users in console and in activities. See notice below on legality. - setting: ip_note name: 'Logging IPs:' type: note required: false description: Logging IP addresses through jfa-go may violate GDPR or other privacy regulations, as IPs are linked to account information. Enable at your own risk. - setting: tls name: TLS/HTTP2 requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Serve application over TLS, with HTTP2 preload. wiki_link: - setting: tls_port name: TLS Port depends_true: tls requires_restart: true type: number value: 8057 description: Port to run TLS server on - setting: tls_cert name: Path to TLS Certificate depends_true: tls requires_restart: true type: text description: Path to .crt file. See jfa-go wiki for more info. - setting: tls_key name: Path to TLS Key file depends_true: tls requires_restart: true type: text description: Path to .key file. See jfa-go wiki for more info. - setting: auth_retry_count name: Initial auth retry count requires_restart: true type: number value: 6 description: Number of times to retry initial connection to Jellyfin before failing. - setting: auth_retry_gap name: Initial auth retry gap (seconds) requires_restart: true type: number value: 10 description: Duration in seconds to wait between connection retries. - setting: proxy name: Use Proxy requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Whether or not to use a HTTP/SOCKS5 Proxy. - setting: proxy_protocol name: Proxy Protocol depends_true: proxy requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["http", "HTTP"] - ["socks", "SOCKS5"] value: http description: Protocol to use for proxy connection. - setting: proxy_address name: Proxy Address depends_true: proxy requires_restart: true type: text description: Proxy address, including port. - setting: proxy_user name: Proxy Username depends_true: proxy requires_restart: true type: text description: Leave blank for no Authentication. - setting: proxy_password name: Proxy Password depends_true: proxy requires_restart: true type: password description: Leave blank for no Authentication. - setting: debug_log_emails name: 'Debug Storage Logging: Emails' requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["none", "None"] - ["all", "All Writes"] - ["deletion", "Deletion Only*"] value: none description: 'Extra debug logging for writes to the database. *: Deletion also includes blanking out major fields, e.g. an email address.' - setting: debug_log_discord name: 'Debug Storage Logging: Discord' requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["none", "None"] - ["all", "All Writes"] - ["deletion", "Deletion Only*"] value: none description: 'Extra debug logging for writes to the database. *: Deletion also includes blanking out major fields, e.g. an email address.' - setting: debug_log_telegram name: 'Debug Storage Logging: Telegram' requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["none", "None"] - ["all", "All Writes"] - ["deletion", "Deletion Only*"] value: none description: 'Extra debug logging for writes to the database. *: Deletion also includes blanking out major fields, e.g. an email address.' - setting: debug_log_matrix name: 'Debug Storage Logging: Matrix' requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["none", "None"] - ["all", "All Writes"] - ["deletion", "Deletion Only*"] value: none description: 'Extra debug logging for writes to the database. *: Deletion also includes blanking out major fields, e.g. an email address.' - setting: debug_log_invites name: 'Debug Storage Logging: Invites' requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["none", "None"] - ["all", "All Writes"] - ["deletion", "Deletion Only*"] value: none description: 'Extra debug logging for writes to the database. *: Deletion also includes blanking out major fields, e.g. an email address.' - setting: debug_log_announcements name: 'Debug Storage Logging: Announcements' requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["none", "None"] - ["all", "All Writes"] - ["deletion", "Deletion Only*"] value: none description: 'Extra debug logging for writes to the database. *: Deletion also includes blanking out major fields, e.g. an email address.' - setting: debug_log_expiries name: 'Debug Storage Logging: User Expiries' requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["none", "None"] - ["all", "All Writes"] - ["deletion", "Deletion Only*"] value: none description: 'Extra debug logging for writes to the database. *: Deletion also includes blanking out major fields, e.g. an email address.' - setting: debug_log_profiles name: 'Debug Storage Logging: Profiles' requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["none", "None"] - ["all", "All Writes"] - ["deletion", "Deletion Only*"] value: none description: 'Extra debug logging for writes to the database. *: Deletion also includes blanking out major fields, e.g. an email address.' - setting: debug_log_custom_content name: 'Debug Storage Logging: Custom Message Content' requires_restart: true type: select options: - ["none", "None"] - ["all", "All Writes"] - ["deletion", "Deletion Only*"] value: none description: 'Extra debug logging for writes to the database. *: Deletion also includes blanking out major fields, e.g. an email address.' - section: activity_log meta: name: Activity Log description: Settings for data retention of the activity log. settings: - setting: keep_n_records name: Number of records to keep requires_restart: true type: number value: 1000 description: How many of the most recent activities to keep. Set to 0 to disable. - setting: delete_after_days name: 'Delete activities older than (days):' requires_restart: true type: number value: 90 description: If an activity was created this many days ago, it will be deleted. Set to 0 to disable. - section: captcha meta: name: Captcha description: Settings related to user creation CAPTCHAs. wiki_link: settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Enable a CAPTCHA on the account creation form. - setting: recaptcha name: Use Google reCAPTCHA requires_restart: true type: bool depends_true: enabled value: false description: More reliable, but requires some setup. See jfa-go wiki for more info. - setting: recaptcha_site_key name: reCAPTCHA Site Key requires_restart: true type: text depends_true: recaptcha description: Site Key, see jfa-go wiki for how to acquire one. - setting: recaptcha_secret_key name: reCAPTCHA Secret Key requires_restart: true type: text depends_true: recaptcha description: Secret Key, see jfa-go wiki for how to acquire one. - setting: recaptcha_hostname name: Hostname requires_restart: true type: text depends_true: recaptcha description: Public host-name of jfa-go, e.g. "". Don't include any subpaths. - section: user_page meta: name: User Page/"My Account" description: The User Page (My Account) allows users to access and modify info directly, such as changing/adding contact methods, seeing their expiry date, sending referrals or changing their password. Password resets can also be initiated from here, given a contact method or username. Access control settings set in "General" do not apply to this page, nor does "Access jfa-go" in the Accounts tab. depends_true: ui|jellyfin_login settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: true - setting: jellyfin_login_note name: 'Note:' type: note depends_true: enabled required: false description: Jellyfin Login must be enabled to use this feature, and password resets with a link must be enabled for self-service. style: critical - setting: edit_note name: 'Message Cards:' type: note depends_true: enabled required: false description: Click the edit icon next to the "User Page" Setting to add custom Markdown messages that will be shown to the user. Note message cards are not private, little effort is required for anyone to view them. - setting: show_link name: Show Link on Admin Login page depends_true: enabled type: bool value: true description: Whether or not to show a link to the "My Account" page on the admin login screen, to direct lost users. - setting: referrals name: User Referrals requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: bool value: true description: Users are given their own "invite" to send to others. - setting: referrals_note name: 'Using Referrals:' type: note depends_true: referrals required: false description: Create an invite with your desired settings, then either assign it to a user in the accounts tab, or to a profile in settings. - setting: allow_pwr_username name: Allow PWR with username requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: bool value: true description: Allow users to start a Password Reset by inputting their username. - setting: allow_pwr_email name: Allow PWR with email address requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: bool value: true description: Allow users to start a Password Reset by inputting their email address. - setting: allow_pwr_contact_method name: Allow PWR with Discord/Telegram/Matrix requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: bool value: true description: Allow users to start a Password Reset by inputting their Discord/Telegram/Matrix username/id. - setting: pwr_note name: 'PWR Methods:' type: note depends_true: enabled required: false description: Select at least one PWR initiation method. If none are selected, all will be enabled. - section: password_validation meta: name: Password Validation description: Password validation (minimum length, etc.) settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled type: bool value: true - setting: min_length name: Minimum Length depends_true: enabled type: text value: '8' - setting: upper name: Minimum uppercase characters depends_true: enabled type: text value: '1' - setting: lower name: Minimum lowercase characters depends_true: enabled type: text value: '0' - setting: number name: Minimum number count depends_true: enabled type: text value: '1' - setting: special name: Minimum number of special characters depends_true: enabled type: text value: '0' - section: messages meta: name: Messages/Notifications description: General settings for emails/messages. wiki_link: settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled required: true requires_restart: true type: bool value: true description: Enable the sending of emails/messages such as password resets, announcements, etc. - setting: use_24h name: Use 24h time depends_true: method type: bool value: true - setting: date_format name: Date format advanced: true depends_true: method type: text value: '%d/%m/%y' description: Date format used in emails. Follows datetime.strftime format. - setting: message name: Help message depends_true: method type: text value: Need help? contact me. description: Message displayed at bottom of emails. - setting: edit_note name: 'Customize Messages:' type: note depends_true: enabled required: false description: Click the edit icon next to the "Messages/Notifications" Setting to customize the messages sent to users with Markdown. - section: email meta: name: Email description: General email settings. depends_true: messages|enabled settings: - setting: language name: Email Language depends_true: method type: select options: - ["en-us", "English (US)"] value: en-us description: Default email language. Submit a PR on github if you'd like to translate. - setting: no_username name: Use email addresses as username depends_true: method type: bool value: false description: Use email address from invite form as username on Jellyfin. - setting: method name: Email method type: select options: - ["", "Disabled"] - ["smtp", "SMTP"] - ["mailgun", "Mailgun"] value: smtp description: Method of sending email to use. - setting: address name: Sent from (address) depends_true: method type: email value: description: Address to send emails from - setting: from name: Sent from (name) depends_true: method type: text value: Jellyfin description: The name of the sender - setting: plaintext name: Send emails as plain text advanced: true depends_true: method type: bool value: false description: Send emails as plain text instead of HTML. - setting: collect name: Collect on sign-up depends_true: method type: bool value: true description: Ask for an email address on the sign-up form. - setting: required name: Require on sign-up depends_true: collect type: bool value: false description: Require an email address on sign-up. - setting: require_unique name: Require unique address requires_restart: true depends_true: method type: bool value: false description: Disables using the same address on multiple accounts. - section: mailgun meta: name: Mailgun (Email) description: Mailgun API connection settings depends_true: email|method settings: - setting: api_url name: API URL type: text value: - setting: api_key name: API Key type: text value: your api key - section: smtp meta: name: SMTP (Email) description: SMTP Server connection settings. depends_true: email|method settings: - setting: username name: Username type: text description: Username for SMTP. Leave blank to user send from address as username. - setting: encryption name: Encryption Method type: select options: - ["ssl_tls", "SSL/TLS"] - ["starttls", "STARTTLS"] value: starttls description: Your email provider should provide different ports for each encryption method. Generally 465 for ssl_tls, 587 for starttls. - setting: server name: Server address type: text value: description: SMTP Server address. - setting: port name: Port type: number value: 465 - setting: password name: Password type: password value: smtp password - setting: hello_hostname name: HELLO Hostname advanced: true type: text value: localhost description: Hostname sent when sending HELLO to the SMTP server. Some servers don't like the default "localhost" value, such as - setting: ssl_cert name: Path to custom SSL certificate advanced: true type: text description: Use if your SMTP server's SSL Certificate is not trusted by the system. - setting: cert_validation name: Verify certificate advanced: true type: bool value: true description: Warning, disabling this makes you much more vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks - setting: auth_type name: Authentication type advanced: false type: select options: - ["0", "Plain"] - ["1", "Login"] - ["2", "CRAM-MD5"] - ["3", "None"] - ["4", "Auto"] value: 4 description: SMTP authentication method - section: discord meta: name: Discord description: Settings for Discord invites/signup/notifications wiki_link: settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: "Enable signup verification through Discord and the sending of notifications through it.\nSee the jfa-go wiki for setting up a bot." - setting: show_on_reg name: Show on user registration requires_restart: true type: bool depends_true: enabled value: true description: Allow users to link their Discord on the registration page. - setting: required name: Require on sign-up requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: bool value: false description: Require Discord connection on sign-up. See the jfa-go wiki for info on setting this up. - setting: require_unique name: Require unique user requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Disables using the same user on multiple Jellyfin accounts. - setting: token name: API Token requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Discord Bot API Token. - setting: start_command name: Start command requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: text value: start description: Command to start the user verification process. - setting: channel name: Channel to monitor requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Only listen to commands in specified channel. Leave blank to monitor all. - setting: provide_invite name: Provide server invite requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: bool value: false description: Generate a one-time discord server invite for the account creation form. Required Bot permission "Create instant invite", you may need to re-add the bot to your server after. - setting: invite_channel name: Invite channel requires_restart: true depends_true: provide_invite type: text description: Channel to invite new users to. - setting: apply_role name: Apply Role on connection requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: select options: - ["", "None"] description: Add the selected role to a user when they sign up. - setting: disable_enable_role name: Remove/add role on user enable/disable/deletion requires_restart: true depends_true: apply_role type: bool value: false description: When a user is disabled or deleted, remove the Discord role, and when re-enabled, add it back. - setting: language name: Language depends_true: enabled type: select options: - ["en-us", "English (US)"] value: en-us description: Default Discord message language. Visit weblate if you'd like to translate. - section: telegram meta: name: Telegram description: Settings for Telegram signup/notifications. See the jfa-go wiki for info on setting this up. wiki_link: settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: "Enable signup verification through Telegram and the sending of notifications through it.\nSee the jfa-go wiki for setting up a bot." - setting: show_on_reg name: Show on user registration requires_restart: true type: bool depends_true: enabled value: true description: Allow users to link their Telegram on the registration page. - setting: required name: Require on sign-up requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: bool value: false description: Require telegram connection on sign-up. - setting: require_unique name: Require unique user requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Disables using the same user on multiple Jellyfin accounts. - setting: token name: API Token requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Telegram Bot API Token. - setting: language name: Language depends_true: enabled type: select options: - ["en-us", "English (US)"] value: en-us description: Default telegram message language. Visit weblate if you'd like to translate. - section: matrix meta: name: Matrix description: Settings for Matrix invites/signup/notifications. See the jfa-go wiki for info on setting this up. wiki_link: settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: "Enable signup verification through Matrix and the sending of notifications through it.\nSee the jfa-go wiki for setting up a bot." - setting: show_on_reg name: Show on user registration requires_restart: true type: bool depends_true: enabled value: true description: Allow users to link their Matrix on the registration page. - setting: required name: Require on sign-up requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: bool value: false description: Require Matrix connection on sign-up. - setting: require_unique name: Require unique user requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Disables using the same user on multiple Jellyfin accounts. - setting: homeserver name: Home Server URL requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Matrix Home server URL. - setting: token name: Access Token requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Matrix Bot API Token. - setting: user_id name: Bot User ID requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: 'User ID of bot account (Example:' - setting: topic name: Chat topic requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: text value: Jellyfin notifications description: Topic of Matrix private chats. - setting: language name: Language depends_true: enabled type: select options: - ["en-us", "English (US)"] value: en-us description: Default Matrix message language. Visit weblate if you'd like to translate. - setting: encryption name: End-to-end encryption requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled advanced: false type: bool value: true description: Enable end-to-end encryption for messages. - setting: e2ee_note name: 'End-to-end encryption:' type: note depends_true: enabled required: false description: If the setting is not visible to you, your jfa-go version does not include the feature. See the wiki for more information. - section: password_resets meta: name: Password Resets description: Settings for the password reset handler. depends_true: messages|enabled wiki_link: settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: true description: Enable to store provided email addresses, monitor Jellyfin directory for pw-resets, and send reset pins - setting: pwr_note name: 'Setup:' type: note depends_true: enabled required: false description: There are multiple ways password resets can be set up. See the wiki page for more information. - setting: watch_directory name: Jellyfin directory requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: text value: /path/to/jellyfin description: Path to the folder Jellyfin puts password-reset files. - setting: link_reset name: Use reset link instead of PIN (Required for Ombi) requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: bool value: false description: Send users a link to reset their password instead of a PIN. Must be enabled to reset Ombi password at the same time as the Jellyfin password. - setting: set_password name: Set password through link requires_restart: true depends_true: link_reset type: bool value: false description: Instead of automatically setting the user's password to the PIN, allow them to set a new password through the reset link. - setting: url_base name: External jfa-go URL required: true depends_true: link_reset type: text value: description: The URL at which the jfa-go admin page is accessible, including the subfolder if you use one. You can leave this if you have one set in "Invite Emails". This is necessary because using a reverse proxy means the program has no way of knowing the URL itself. deprecated: true - setting: jfa_url name: 'Generating Reset Links:' type: note depends_true: link_reset required: false description: Set the "External jfa-go URL" in General so that links to jfa-go can be made. - setting: language name: Default reset link language requires_restart: true depends_true: link_reset type: select options: - ["en-us", "English (US)"] value: en-us description: Default language for password reset success screen. - setting: email_html name: Custom email (HTML) advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to custom email html - setting: email_text name: Custom email (plaintext) advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to custom email in plain text - setting: subject name: Email subject depends_true: enabled type: text description: Subject of password reset emails. - section: invite_emails meta: name: Invite emails description: Settings for sending invites directly to users. depends_true: email|method settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled type: bool value: true - setting: email_html name: Custom email (HTML) advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to custom email HTML - setting: email_text name: Custom email (plaintext) advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to custom email in plain text - setting: subject name: Email subject required: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Subject of invite emails. - setting: url_base name: External jfa-go URL required: true depends_true: enabled type: text value: description: The URL at which the jfa-go root (admin page) is accessible, including the subfolder if you use one. You can leave this if you have one set in "Invite Emails". This is necessary because using a reverse proxy means the program has no way of knowing the URL itself. deprecated: true - setting: jfa_url name: 'Generating Links:' type: note depends_true: enabled required: false description: Set the "External jfa-go URL" in General so that links to jfa-go can be made. - section: template_email meta: name: Custom email template description: Settings for the template used for announcements & custom messages. HTML should include {{ .text }}, Plaintext should include {{ .plaintext }}, and either can have {{ .message }} to include the contact message. advanced: true settings: - setting: email_html name: Custom template email (HTML) advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to custom email HTML template for announcements/custom messages. - setting: email_text name: Custom template email (plaintext) advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to custom email text template for announcements/custom messages. - section: notifications meta: name: Admin invite notifications description: Allows toggling "user created" and "invite expired" notifications to be sent to the admin per-invite. depends_true: messages|enabled settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled required: false requires_restart: true type: bool value: true description: Enabling adds optional toggles to invites to notify on expiry and user creation. - setting: expiry_html name: Expiry email (HTML) advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to expiry notification email HTML. - setting: expiry_text name: Expiry email (Plaintext) requires_restart: false advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to expiry notification email in plaintext. - setting: created_html name: User created email (HTML) advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to user creation notification email HTML. - setting: created_text name: User created email (Plaintext) advanced: true depends_true: enabled type: text description: Path to user creation notification email in plaintext. - section: ombi meta: name: Ombi Integration description: Connect to Ombi to automatically create both Ombi and Jellyfin accounts for new users. You'll need to add a ombi template to an existing User Profile for accounts to be created, which you can do by refreshing then checking Settings > User Profiles. To handle password resets for Ombi & Jellyfin, enable "Use reset link instead of PIN". wiki_link: settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Enable to create an Ombi account for new Jellyfin users - setting: server name: URL requires_restart: true type: text value: localhost:5000 depends_true: enabled description: Ombi server URL, including http(s)://. - setting: api_key name: API Key requires_restart: true type: text depends_true: enabled description: API Key. Get this from the first tab in Ombi settings. - section: jellyseerr meta: name: Jellyseerr Integration description: Connect to Jellyseerr to automatically trigger the import of users on account creation, and to automatically link contact methods (email, discord and telegram). A template must be added to a User Profile for accounts to be created. settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Enable the Jellyseerr integration. - setting: usertype_note name: 'Password Changes:' type: note depends_true: enabled required: false description: Ensure existing users on Jellyseerr are "Jellyfin User"s not "Local User"s, as password changes are not synced with Jellyseerr. - setting: server name: URL requires_restart: true type: text value: localhost:5000 depends_true: enabled description: Jellyseerr server URL. - setting: api_key name: API Key requires_restart: true type: text depends_true: enabled description: API Key. Get this from the first tab in Jellyseerr's settings. - setting: import_existing name: Import existing users to Jellyseerr requires_restart: true type: bool value: false depends_true: enabled description: Existing users (and those created outside jfa-go) will have their contact info imported to Jellyseerr. - setting: constraints_note name: 'Unique Emails:' type: note depends_true: import_existing required: false description: Jellyseerr requires email addresses to be unique. If this is not the case, you may see errors in jfa-go's logs. You can require unique addresses in Settings > Email. - section: backups meta: name: Backups description: Settings for database backups. Press the "Backups" button above to create, download and restore backups. wiki_link: settings: - setting: enabled name: Scheduled Backups requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Enable to generate database backups on a schedule. - setting: path name: Backup Path requires_restart: true type: text description: Path to directory to store backups in. defaults to /backups. - setting: every_n_minutes name: Backup frequency (Minutes) requires_restart: true depends_true: enabled type: number value: 1440 description: Backup after this many minutes has passed since the last. Resets every restart. - setting: keep_n_backups name: Number of backups to keep requires_restart: true type: number value: 20 description: Number of most recent backups to keep. Once this is hit, the oldest backup will be deleted before doing a new one. - section: welcome_email meta: name: Welcome Message description: Optionally send a welcome message to new users with the Jellyfin URL and their username. depends_true: messages|enabled settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: false description: Enable to send welcome emails to new users. - setting: subject name: Email subject type: text description: Subject of welcome emails. - setting: email_html name: Custom email (HTML) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email html - setting: email_text name: Custom email (plaintext) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email in plain text - section: email_confirmation meta: name: Email confirmation description: If enabled, a user will be sent an email confirmation link to ensure their password is right before they can make an account. depends_true: email|method settings: - setting: enabled name: Enabled requires_restart: true type: bool value: false - setting: subject name: Email subject type: text description: Subject of email confirmation emails. - setting: email_html name: Custom email (HTML) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email html - setting: email_text name: Custom email (plaintext) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email in plain text - section: user_expiry meta: name: User Expiry description: When set on an invite, users will be deleted or disabled a specified amount of time after they create their account. Expiries can also be set and extended for invididual users, optionally with a message why. settings: - setting: behaviour name: Behaviour type: select options: - ["delete_user", "Delete user"] - ["disable_user", "Disable user"] value: disable_user description: Whether to delete or disable users on expiry. - setting: delete_expired_after_days name: Delete expired accounts after (days) type: number value: 0 depends_true: behaviour description: When set, user accounts will be deleted this many days after expiring (if "Behaviour" is "Disable user"). Set to 0 to disable. - setting: send_email name: Send email type: bool value: true depends_true: messages|enabled description: Send an email when a user's account expires. - setting: subject name: Email subject depends_true: messages|enabled type: text description: Subject of user expiry emails. - setting: email_html name: Custom email (HTML) advanced: true depends_true: messages|enabled type: text description: Path to custom email html - setting: email_text name: Custom email (plaintext) advanced: true depends_true: messages|enabled type: text description: Path to custom email in plain text - setting: adjustment_subject name: 'Adjustment: email subject' depends_true: messages|enabled type: text description: Subject of adjustment emails, sent optionally when setting/extending an expiry. - setting: adjustment_email_html name: 'Adjustment: Custom email (HTML)' advanced: true depends_true: messages|enabled type: text description: Path to custom email html - setting: adjustment_email_text name: 'Adjustment: Custom email (plaintext)' advanced: true depends_true: messages|enabled type: text description: Path to custom email in plain text - section: disable_enable meta: name: Account Disabling/Enabling description: Subject/email files for account disabling/enabling emails. depends_true: messages|enabled settings: - setting: subject_disabled name: Email subject (Disabled) type: text description: Subject of account disabling emails. - setting: subject_enabled name: Email subject (Enabled) type: text description: Subject of account enabling emails. - setting: disabled_html name: Custom disabling email (HTML) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email html - setting: disabled_text name: Custom disabling email (plaintext) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email in plain text - setting: enabled_html name: Custom enabling email (HTML) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email html - setting: enabled_text name: Custom enabling email (plaintext) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email in plain text - section: deletion meta: name: Account Deletion description: Subject/email files for account deletion emails. depends_true: messages|enabled settings: - setting: subject name: Email subject type: text description: Subject of account deletion emails. - setting: email_html name: Custom email (HTML) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email html - setting: email_text name: Custom email (plaintext) advanced: true type: text description: Path to custom email in plain text - section: webhooks meta: name: Webhooks description: jfa-go will send a POST request to these URLs when an event occurs, with relevant information. Request information is logged when debug logging is enabled. wiki_link: settings: - setting: created name: User Created type: list description: URLs to hit when an account is created through jfa-go. Sends a `respUser` object. - section: files meta: name: File Storage description: Optional settings for changing storage locations. advanced: true settings: - setting: invites name: Invite Storage requires_restart: true type: text description: Location of stored invites (json). - setting: password_resets name: Password Resets requires_restart: true type: text description: Location of stored non-Jellyfin password resets (json). - setting: emails name: Email Addresses requires_restart: true type: text description: Location of stored email addresses (json). - setting: users name: User storage type: text description: Stores users temporarily when a user expiry is set. - setting: ombi_template name: Ombi user template type: text description: Location of stored Ombi user template. - setting: user_profiles name: User Profiles requires_restart: true type: text description: Location of stored user profiles (encompasses template and configuration and displayprefs) (json) - setting: html_templates name: Custom HTML Template Directory requires_restart: true type: text description: Path to directory containing custom versions of web ui pages. See wiki for more info. - setting: lang_files name: Custom language files directory requires_restart: true type: text description: The path to a directory which following the same form as the internal 'lang/' directory. See GitHub for more info. - setting: custom_emails name: Custom email content type: text description: JSON file generated by program in settings, different from email_html/email_text. See wiki for more info. - setting: custom_user_page_content name: Custom user page content type: text description: JSON file generated by program in settings, containing user page messages. See wiki for more info. - setting: telegram_users name: Telegram users type: text description: Stores telegram user IDs and language preferences. - setting: matrix_users name: Matrix users type: text description: Stores matrix user IDs and language preferences. - setting: matrix_sql name: Matrix encryption DB type: text description: Stores cryptographic material for Matrix end-to-end encryption. - setting: discord_users name: Discord users type: text description: Stores discord user IDs and language preferences. - setting: announcements name: Announcement templates type: text description: Stores custom announcement templates.