var config: Object = {}; var modifiedConfig: Object = {}; function sendConfig(restart?: boolean): void { modifiedConfig["restart-program"] = restart; _post("/modifyConfig", modifiedConfig, function (): void { if (this.readyState == 4) { const save = document.getElementById("settingsSave") as HTMLButtonElement if (this.status == 200 || this.status == 204) { save.textContent = "Success"; addAttr(save, "btn-success"); rmAttr(save, "btn-primary"); setTimeout((): void => { save.textContent = "Save"; addAttr(save, "btn-primary"); rmAttr(save, "btn-success"); }, 1000); } else { save.textContent = "Save"; } if (restart) {; } } }); } (document.getElementById('openAbout') as HTMLButtonElement).onclick = (): void => {; }; const openSettings = (settingsList: HTMLElement, settingsContent: HTMLElement, callback?: () => void): void => _get("/getConfig", null, function (): void { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { settingsList.textContent = ''; config = this.response; for (const i in config["order"]) { const section: string = config["order"][i] const sectionCollapse = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; Unfocus(sectionCollapse); = section; const title: string = config[section]["meta"]["name"]; const description: string = config[section]["meta"]["description"]; const entryListID: string = `${section}_entryList`; // const footerID: string = `${section}_footer`; sectionCollapse.innerHTML = `
`; for (const x in config[section]["order"]) { const entry: string = config[section]["order"][x]; if (entry == "meta") { continue; } let entryName: string = config[section][entry]["name"]; let required = false; if (config[section][entry]["required"]) { entryName += ` *`; required = true; } if (config[section][entry]["requires_restart"]) { entryName += ` R`; } if ("description" in config[section][entry]) { entryName +=` `; } const entryValue: boolean | string = config[section][entry]["value"]; const entryType: string = config[section][entry]["type"]; const entryGroup = document.createElement('div'); if (entryType == "bool") { entryGroup.classList.add("form-check"); entryGroup.innerHTML = ` `; (entryGroup.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]') as HTMLInputElement).onclick = function (): void { const me = this as HTMLInputElement; for (const y in config["order"]) { const sect: string = config["order"][y]; for (const z in config[sect]["order"]) { const ent: string = config[sect]["order"][z]; if (`${sect}_${config[sect][ent]['depends_true']}` == { (document.getElementById(`${sect}_${ent}`) as HTMLInputElement).disabled = !(me.checked); } else if (`${sect}_${config[sect][ent]['depends_false']}` == { (document.getElementById(`${sect}_${ent}`) as HTMLInputElement).disabled = me.checked; } } } }; } else if ((entryType == 'text') || (entryType == 'email') || (entryType == 'password') || (entryType == 'number')) { entryGroup.classList.add("form-group"); entryGroup.innerHTML = ` `; } else if (entryType == 'select') { entryGroup.classList.add("form-group"); const entryOptions: Array = config[section][entry]["options"]; let innerGroup = ` `; entryGroup.innerHTML = innerGroup; } sectionCollapse.getElementsByClassName(entryListID)[0].appendChild(entryGroup); } settingsList.innerHTML += ` `; settingsContent.appendChild(sectionCollapse); } if (callback) { callback(); } } }); interface Profile { Admin: boolean; LibraryAccess: string; FromUser: string; } (document.getElementById('profiles_button') as HTMLButtonElement).onclick = (): void => showSetting("profiles", populateProfiles); const populateProfiles = (noTable?: boolean): void => _get("/getProfiles", null, function (): void { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { const profileList = document.getElementById('profileList'); profileList.textContent = ''; availableProfiles = []; for (let name in this.response) { availableProfiles.push(name); if (!noTable) { const profile: Profile = { Admin: this.response[name]["admin"], LibraryAccess: this.response[name]["libraries"], FromUser: this.response[name]["fromUser"] }; profileList.innerHTML += ` ${name} ${profile.FromUser} ${profile.Admin ? "Yes" : "No"} ${profile.LibraryAccess} `; } } } }); const deleteProfile = (name: string): void => _post("/deleteProfile", { "name": name }, function (): void { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { populateProfiles(); } }); const createProfile = (): void => _get("/getUsers", null, function (): void { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { jfUsers = this.response["users"]; populateRadios(); const submitButton = document.getElementById('storeDefaults') as HTMLButtonElement; submitButton.disabled = false; submitButton.textContent = 'Create'; addAttr(submitButton, "btn-primary"); rmAttr(submitButton, "btn-danger"); rmAttr(submitButton, "btn-success"); document.getElementById('defaultsTitle').textContent = `Create Profile`; document.getElementById('userDefaultsDescription').textContent = ` Create an account and configure it to your liking, then choose it from below to store the settings as a profile. Profiles can be specified per invite, so that any new user on that invite will have the settings applied.`; document.getElementById('storeHomescreenLabel').textContent = `Store homescreen layout`; (document.getElementById('defaultsSource') as HTMLSelectElement).value = 'fromUser'; document.getElementById('defaultsSourceSection').classList.add('unfocused'); (document.getElementById('storeDefaults') as HTMLButtonElement).onclick = storeProfile; Focus(document.getElementById('newProfileBox')); (document.getElementById('newProfileName') as HTMLInputElement).value = ''; Focus(document.getElementById('defaultUserRadios'));; } }); function storeProfile(): void { this.disabled = true; this.innerHTML = '' + 'Loading...'; const button = document.getElementById('storeDefaults') as HTMLButtonElement; const radio = document.querySelector('input[name=defaultRadios]:checked') as HTMLInputElement const name = (document.getElementById('newProfileName') as HTMLInputElement).value; let id ="default_", ""); let data = { "name": name, "id": id, "homescreen": false } if ((document.getElementById('storeDefaultHomescreen') as HTMLInputElement).checked) { data["homescreen"] = true; } _post("/createProfile", data, function (): void { if (this.readyState == 4) { if (this.status == 200 || this.status == 204) { button.textContent = "Success"; addAttr(button, "btn-success"); rmAttr(button, "btn-danger"); rmAttr(button, "btn-primary"); button.disabled = false; setTimeout((): void => { button.textContent = "Create"; addAttr(button, "btn-primary"); rmAttr(button, "btn-success"); button.disabled = false; populateProfiles(); userDefaultsModal.hide(); }, 1000); } else { if ("error" in this.response) { button.textContent = this.response["error"]; } else if (("policy" in this.response) || ("homescreen" in this.response)) { button.textContent = "Failed (check console)"; } else { button.textContent = "Failed"; } addAttr(button, "btn-danger"); rmAttr(button, "btn-primary"); setTimeout((): void => { button.textContent = "Create"; addAttr(button, "btn-primary"); rmAttr(button, "btn-danger"); button.disabled = false; }, 1000); } } }); } function showSetting(id: string, runBefore?: () => void): void { const els = document.getElementById('settingsLeft').querySelectorAll("button[type=button]:not(.static)") as NodeListOf; for (let i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { const el = els[i]; if ( != `${id}_button`) { rmAttr(el, "active"); } const sectEl = document.getElementById("_button", "")); if ( != id) { Unfocus(sectEl); } } addAttr(document.getElementById(`${id}_button`), "active"); const section = document.getElementById(id); if (runBefore) { runBefore(); } Focus(section); if (screen.width <= 1100) { // ugly setTimeout((): void => section.scrollIntoView({ block: "center", behavior: "smooth" }), 200); } } // (document.getElementById('openSettings') as HTMLButtonElement).onclick = (): void => openSettings(document.getElementById('settingsList'), document.getElementById('settingsList'), (): void =>; (document.getElementById('settingsSave') as HTMLButtonElement).onclick = function (): void { modifiedConfig = {}; const save = this as HTMLButtonElement; let restartSettingsChanged = false; let settingsChanged = false; for (const i in config["order"]) { const section = config["order"][i]; for (const x in config[section]["order"]) { const entry = config[section]["order"][x]; if (entry == "meta") { continue; } let val: string; const entryID = `${section}_${entry}`; const el = document.getElementById(entryID) as HTMLInputElement; if (el.type == "checkbox") { val = el.checked.toString(); } else { val = el.value.toString(); } if (val != config[section][entry]["value"].toString()) { if (!(section in modifiedConfig)) { modifiedConfig[section] = {}; } modifiedConfig[section][entry] = val; settingsChanged = true; if (config[section][entry]["requires_restart"]) { restartSettingsChanged = true; } } } } const spinnerHTML = ` Loading...`; if (restartSettingsChanged) { save.innerHTML = spinnerHTML; (document.getElementById('applyRestarts') as HTMLButtonElement).onclick = (): void => sendConfig(); const restartButton = document.getElementById('applyAndRestart') as HTMLButtonElement; if (restartButton) { restartButton.onclick = (): void => sendConfig(true); }; } else if (settingsChanged) { save.innerHTML = spinnerHTML; sendConfig(); } }; (document.getElementById('restartModalCancel') as HTMLButtonElement).onclick = (): void => { document.getElementById('settingsSave').textContent = "Save"; };