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You'll need to do a few things to set up jfa-go. Press continue to get started.


Community translations are available for most parts of jfa-go. You can choose the default languages below, but users can still change it for themselves. If you want to help out, sign up here to start contributing!


To access the admin page, you need to login with a method below:


jfa-go needs admin access because API tokens don't allow user creation. You should create a separate account and check "Allow this user to manage the server". You can disable everything else. Once done, enter the credentials here.


jfa-go can send password reset PINs and various notifications. You can connect to an SMTP server, or use the Mailgun API.


If enabled, you can choose (per invite) to receive an email when an invite expires, or a user is created. If you didn't choose Jellyfin Authentication, make sure you provided an email address.

Password Resets

When a user tries to reset their password, Jellyfin creates a file named "passwordreset-*.json" which contains a PIN. jfa-go reads the file and sends the PIN to the user.

Invite Emails

If enabled, you can send invites directly to a user's email address. Because you might be using a reverse proxy, you need to provide the URL invites are accessed from. Write your URL Base and append "/invite".

Password Validation

If enabled, a set of password requirements will show on the create account page, such as minimum length, uppercase/lowercase characters, etc.

Help Messages

These messages will display in the account creation page and in emails.


There are more settings you can configure on the admin page. Click below to restart, then refresh the page.

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