GOESBUILD ?= off ifeq ($(GOESBUILD), on) ESBUILD := esbuild else ESBUILD := npx esbuild endif GOBINARY ?= go CSSVERSION ?= v3 VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --exact-match HEAD 2> /dev/null || echo vgit) VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/v//g') COMMIT ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD || echo unknown) BUILDTIME ?= $(shell date +%s) UPDATER ?= off LDFLAGS := -X main.version=$(VERSION) -X main.commit=$(COMMIT) -X main.cssVersion=$(CSSVERSION) -X main.buildTimeUnix=$(BUILDTIME) $(if $(BUILTBY),-X 'main.builtBy=$(BUILTBY)',) ifeq ($(UPDATER), on) LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -X main.updater=binary else ifneq ($(UPDATER), off) LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -X main.updater=$(UPDATER) endif INTERNAL ?= on TRAY ?= off E2EE ?= off TAGS := -tags " ifeq ($(INTERNAL), on) DATA := data else DATA := build/data TAGS := $(TAGS) external endif ifeq ($(TRAY), on) TAGS := $(TAGS) tray endif ifeq ($(E2EE), on) TAGS := $(TAGS) e2ee endif TAGS := $(TAGS)" OS := $(shell go env GOOS) ifeq ($(TRAY)$(OS), onwindows) LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -H=windowsgui endif DEBUG ?= off ifeq ($(DEBUG), on) SOURCEMAP := --sourcemap TYPECHECK := npx tsc -noEmit --project ts/tsconfig.json # jank COPYTS := rm -r $(DATA)/web/js/ts; cp -r tempts $(DATA)/web/js/ts UNCSS := cp $(DATA)/web/css/bundle.css $(DATA)/bundle.css # TAILWIND := --content "" else LDFLAGS := -s -w $(LDFLAGS) SOURCEMAP := COPYTS := TYPECHECK := UNCSS := npx tailwindcss -i $(DATA)/web/css/bundle.css -o $(DATA)/bundle.css --content "html/crash.html" # UNCSS := npx uncss $(DATA)/crash.html --csspath web/css --output $(DATA)/bundle.css TAILWIND := endif RACE ?= off ifeq ($(RACE), on) RACEDETECTOR := -race else RACEDETECTOR := endif ifeq (, $(shell which esbuild)) ESBUILDINSTALL := go install github.com/evanw/esbuild/cmd/esbuild@latest else ESBUILDINSTALL := endif ifeq ($(GOESBUILD), on) NPMIGNOREOPTIONAL := --no-optional NPMOPTS := $(NPMIGNOREOPTIONAL); $(ESBUILDINSTALL) else NPMOPTS := endif ifeq (, $(shell which swag)) SWAGINSTALL := $(GOBINARY) install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest else SWAGINSTALL := endif npm: $(info installing npm dependencies) npm install $(NPMOPTS) configuration: $(info Fixing config-base) -mkdir -p $(DATA) python3 scripts/enumerate_config.py -i config/config-base.json -o $(DATA)/config-base.json $(info Generating config-default.ini) python3 scripts/generate_ini.py -i config/config-base.json -o $(DATA)/config-default.ini email: $(info Generating email html) python3 scripts/compile_mjml.py -o $(DATA)/ typescript: $(TYPECHECK) $(adding dark variants to typescript) rm -rf tempts cp -r ts tempts scripts/dark-variant.sh tempts scripts/dark-variant.sh tempts/modules $(info compiling typescript) mkdir -p $(DATA)/web/js $(ESBUILD) --target=es6 --bundle tempts/admin.ts $(SOURCEMAP) --outfile=./$(DATA)/web/js/admin.js --minify $(ESBUILD) --target=es6 --bundle tempts/user.ts $(SOURCEMAP) --outfile=./$(DATA)/web/js/user.js --minify $(ESBUILD) --target=es6 --bundle tempts/pwr.ts $(SOURCEMAP) --outfile=./$(DATA)/web/js/pwr.js --minify $(ESBUILD) --target=es6 --bundle tempts/pwr-pin.ts $(SOURCEMAP) --outfile=./$(DATA)/web/js/pwr-pin.js --minify $(ESBUILD) --target=es6 --bundle tempts/form.ts $(SOURCEMAP) --outfile=./$(DATA)/web/js/form.js --minify $(ESBUILD) --target=es6 --bundle tempts/setup.ts $(SOURCEMAP) --outfile=./$(DATA)/web/js/setup.js --minify $(ESBUILD) --target=es6 --bundle tempts/crash.ts --outfile=./$(DATA)/crash.js --minify $(COPYTS) swagger: $(SWAGINSTALL) swag init -g main.go compile: $(info Downloading deps) $(GOBINARY) mod download $(info Building) mkdir -p build $(GOBINARY) build $(RACEDETECTOR) -ldflags="$(LDFLAGS)" $(TAGS) -o build/jfa-go compress: upx --lzma build/jfa-go bundle-css: mkdir -p $(DATA)/web/css $(info copying fonts) cp -r node_modules/remixicon/fonts/remixicon.css node_modules/remixicon/fonts/remixicon.woff2 $(DATA)/web/css/ $(info bundling css) $(ESBUILD) --bundle css/base.css --outfile=$(DATA)/web/css/bundle.css --external:remixicon.css --external:../fonts/hanken* --minify npx tailwindcss -i $(DATA)/web/css/bundle.css -o $(DATA)/web/css/bundle.css $(TAILWIND) # npx postcss -o $(DATA)/web/css/bundle.css $(DATA)/web/css/bundle.css inline-css: cp html/crash.html $(DATA)/crash.html $(UNCSS) node scripts/inline.js root $(DATA) $(DATA)/crash.html $(DATA)/crash.html rm $(DATA)/bundle.css variants-html: $(info copying html) cp -r html $(DATA)/ $(info adding dark variants to html) node scripts/missing-colors.js html $(DATA)/html copy: $(info copying crash page) mv $(DATA)/crash.html $(DATA)/html/ $(info copying static data) mkdir -p $(DATA)/web cp images/banner.svg static/banner.svg cp -r static/* $(DATA)/web/ $(info copying systemd service) cp jfa-go.service $(DATA)/ $(info copying language files) cp -r lang $(DATA)/ cp LICENSE $(DATA)/ mv $(DATA)/web/css/bundle.css $(DATA)/web/css/$(CSSVERSION)bundle.css # internal-files: # python3 scripts/embed.py internal # # external-files: # python3 scripts/embed.py external # -mkdir -p build # $(info copying internal data into build/) # cp -r data build/ install: cp -r build $(DESTDIR)/jfa-go clean: -rm -r $(DATA) -rm -r build -rm mail/*.html -rm docs/docs.go docs/swagger.json docs/swagger.yaml go clean quick: configuration typescript variants-html bundle-css inline-css copy compile all: configuration npm email typescript variants-html bundle-css inline-css swagger copy compile