{ "meta": { "name": "English (US)" }, "strings": { "pageTitle": "Create Jellyfin Account", "createAccountHeader": "Create Account", "accountDetails": "Details", "emailAddress": "Email", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "reEnterPassword": "Re-enter Password", "reEnterPasswordInvalid": "Passwords are not the same.", "createAccountButton": "Create Account", "passwordRequirementsHeader": "Password Requirements", "successHeader": "Success!", "successContinueButton": "Continue", "confirmationRequired": "Email confirmation required", "confirmationRequiredMessage": "Please check your email inbox to verify your address.", "yourAccountIsValidUntil": "Your account will be valid until {date}.", "sendPIN": "Send the PIN below to the bot, then come back here to link your account.", "sendPINDiscord": "Type {command} in {server_channel} on Discord, then send the PIN below via DM to the bot." }, "notifications": { "errorUserExists": "User already exists.", "errorInvalidCode": "Invalid invite code.", "errorTelegramVerification": "Telegram verification required.", "errorDiscordVerification": "Discord verification required.", "errorInvalidPIN": "PIN is invalid.", "verified": "Account verified." }, "validationStrings": { "length": { "singular": "Must have at least {n} character", "plural": "Must have at least {n} characters" }, "uppercase": { "singular": "Must have at least {n} uppercase character", "plural": "Must have at least {n} uppercase characters" }, "lowercase": { "singular": "Must have at least {n} lowercase character", "plural": "Must have at least {n} lowercase characters" }, "number": { "singular": "Must have at least {n} number", "plural": "Must have at least {n} numbers" }, "special": { "singular": "Must have at least {n} special character", "plural": "Must have at least {n} special characters" } } }