package main import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/tls" "fmt" jEmail "" "" "" "html/template" "net/smtp" "strings" "time" ) type Emailer struct { smtpAuth smtp.Auth sendType, sendMethod, fromAddr, fromName string content Email mg *mailgun.MailgunImpl mime string host string } type Email struct { subject string html, text string } func (email *Emailer) formatExpiry(expiry time.Time, tzaware bool, datePattern, timePattern string) (d, t, expires_in string) { d, _ = strtime.Strftime(expiry, datePattern) t, _ = strtime.Strftime(expiry, timePattern) current_time := time.Now() if tzaware { current_time = current_time.UTC() } _, _, days, hours, minutes, _ := timeDiff(expiry, current_time) if days != 0 { expires_in += fmt.Sprintf("%dd ", days) } if hours != 0 { expires_in += fmt.Sprintf("%dh ", hours) } if minutes != 0 { expires_in += fmt.Sprintf("%dm ", minutes) } expires_in = strings.TrimSuffix(expires_in, " ") return } func (email *Emailer) init(ctx *appContext) { email.fromAddr = ctx.config.Section("email").Key("address").String() email.fromName = ctx.config.Section("email").Key("from").String() email.sendMethod = ctx.config.Section("email").Key("method").String() if email.sendMethod == "mailgun" { = mailgun.NewMailgun(strings.Split(email.fromAddr, "@")[1], ctx.config.Section("mailgun").Key("api_key").String()) api_url := ctx.config.Section("mailgun").Key("api_url").String() // Mailgun client takes the base url, so we need to trim off the end (e.g 'v3/messages' if strings.Contains(api_url, "messages") { api_url = api_url[0:strings.LastIndex(api_url, "/")] api_url = api_url[0:strings.LastIndex(api_url, "/")] } } else if email.sendMethod == "smtp" { = ctx.config.Section("smtp").Key("server").String() email.smtpAuth = smtp.PlainAuth("", email.fromAddr, ctx.config.Section("smtp").Key("password").String(), } } func (email *Emailer) constructInvite(code string, invite Invite, ctx *appContext) error { email.content.subject = ctx.config.Section("invite_emails").Key("subject").String() expiry := invite.ValidTill d, t, expires_in := email.formatExpiry(expiry, false, ctx.datePattern, ctx.timePattern) message := ctx.config.Section("email").Key("message").String() invite_link := ctx.config.Section("invite_emails").Key("url_base").String() invite_link = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", invite_link, code) for _, key := range []string{"html", "text"} { fpath := ctx.config.Section("invite_emails").Key("email_" + key).String() tpl, err := template.ParseFiles(fpath) if err != nil { return err } var tplData bytes.Buffer err = tpl.Execute(&tplData, map[string]string{ "expiry_date": d, "expiry_time": t, "expires_in": expires_in, "invite_link": invite_link, "message": message, }) if err != nil { return err } if key == "html" { email.content.html = tplData.String() } else { email.content.text = tplData.String() } } email.sendType = "invite" return nil } func (email *Emailer) constructExpiry(code string, invite Invite, ctx *appContext) error { email.content.subject = "Notice: Invite expired" expiry := ctx.formatDatetime(invite.ValidTill) for _, key := range []string{"html", "text"} { fpath := ctx.config.Section("notifications").Key("expiry_" + key).String() tpl, err := template.ParseFiles(fpath) if err != nil { return err } var tplData bytes.Buffer err = tpl.Execute(&tplData, map[string]string{ "code": code, "expiry": expiry, }) if err != nil { return err } if key == "html" { email.content.html = tplData.String() } else { email.content.text = tplData.String() } } email.sendType = "expiry" return nil } func (email *Emailer) constructCreated(code, username, address string, invite Invite, ctx *appContext) error { email.content.subject = "Notice: User created" created := ctx.formatDatetime(invite.Created) var tplAddress string if ctx.config.Section("email").Key("no_username").MustBool(false) { tplAddress = "n/a" } else { tplAddress = address } for _, key := range []string{"html", "text"} { fpath := ctx.config.Section("notifications").Key("created_" + key).String() tpl, err := template.ParseFiles(fpath) if err != nil { return err } var tplData bytes.Buffer err = tpl.Execute(&tplData, map[string]string{ "code": code, "username": username, "address": tplAddress, "time": created, }) if err != nil { return err } if key == "html" { email.content.html = tplData.String() } else { email.content.text = tplData.String() } } email.sendType = "created" return nil } func (email *Emailer) constructReset(pwr Pwr, ctx *appContext) error { email.content.subject = ctx.config.Section("password_resets").Key("subject").MustString("Password reset - Jellyfin") d, t, expires_in := email.formatExpiry(pwr.Expiry, true, ctx.datePattern, ctx.timePattern) message := ctx.config.Section("email").Key("message").String() for _, key := range []string{"html", "text"} { fpath := ctx.config.Section("password_resets").Key("email_" + key).String() tpl, err := template.ParseFiles(fpath) if err != nil { return err } var tplData bytes.Buffer err = tpl.Execute(&tplData, map[string]string{ "username": pwr.Username, "expiry_date": d, "expiry_time": t, "expires_in": expires_in, "pin": pwr.Pin, "message": message, }) if err != nil { return err } if key == "html" { email.content.html = tplData.String() } else { email.content.text = tplData.String() } } email.sendType = "reset" return nil } func (email *Emailer) send(address string, ctx *appContext) error { if email.sendMethod == "mailgun" { message := fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s>", email.fromName, email.fromAddr), email.content.subject, email.content.text, address) message.SetHtml(email.content.html) mgctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*30) defer cancel() _, _, err :=, message) if err != nil { return err } } else if email.sendMethod == "smtp" { e := jEmail.NewEmail() e.Subject = email.content.subject e.From = fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s>", email.fromName, email.fromAddr) e.To = []string{address} e.Text = []byte(email.content.text) e.HTML = []byte(email.content.html) smtpType := ctx.config.Section("smtp").Key("encryption").String() tlsConfig := &tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: false, ServerName:, } var err error if smtpType == "ssl_tls" { port := ctx.config.Section("smtp").Key("port").MustInt(465) server := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d",, port) err = e.SendWithTLS(server, email.smtpAuth, tlsConfig) } else if smtpType == "starttls" { port := ctx.config.Section("smtp").Key("port").MustInt(587) server := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d",, port) e.SendWithStartTLS(server, email.smtpAuth, tlsConfig) } return err } return nil }