{ "meta": { "name": "English (GB)" }, "strings": { "startMessage": "Hi!\nEnter your Jellyfin PIN code here to verify your account.", "languageMessage": "Note: See available languages with {command}, and set language with {command} <language code>.", "discordDMs": "Please check your DMs for a response.", "matrixStartMessage": "Hi\nEnter the below PIN in the Jellyfin sign-up page to verify your account.", "discordStartMessage": "Hi!\n Enter your PIN with `/pin <PIN>` to verify your account.", "invalidPIN": "That PIN was invalid, try again.", "pinSuccess": "Success! You can now return to the sign-up page.", "languageMessageDiscord": "Note: set your language with /lang <language name>.", "languageSet": "Language set to {language}." } }