import { _get, _post, _delete, toggleLoader, addLoader, removeLoader, toDateString } from "../modules/common.js"; import { templateEmail } from "../modules/settings.js"; import { Marked } from "@ts-stack/markdown"; import { stripMarkdown } from "../modules/stripmd.js"; import { DiscordUser, newDiscordSearch } from "../modules/discord.js"; interface User { id: string; name: string; email: string | undefined; notify_email: boolean; last_active: number; admin: boolean; disabled: boolean; expiry: number; telegram: string; notify_telegram: boolean; discord: string; notify_discord: boolean; discord_id: string; } interface getPinResponse { token: string; username: string; } var addDiscord: (passData: string) => void; class user implements User { private _row: HTMLTableRowElement; private _check: HTMLInputElement; private _username: HTMLSpanElement; private _admin: HTMLSpanElement; private _disabled: HTMLSpanElement; private _email: HTMLInputElement; private _notifyEmail: boolean; private _emailAddress: string; private _emailEditButton: HTMLElement; private _telegram: HTMLTableDataCellElement; private _telegramUsername: string; private _notifyTelegram: boolean; private _discord: HTMLTableDataCellElement; private _discordUsername: string; private _discordID: string; private _notifyDiscord: boolean; private _expiry: HTMLTableDataCellElement; private _expiryUnix: number; private _lastActive: HTMLTableDataCellElement; private _lastActiveUnix: number; id = ""; private _selected: boolean; get selected(): boolean { return this._selected; } set selected(state: boolean) { this._selected = state; this._check.checked = state; state ? document.dispatchEvent(this._checkEvent) : document.dispatchEvent(this._uncheckEvent); } get name(): string { return this._username.textContent; } set name(value: string) { this._username.textContent = value; } get admin(): boolean { return this._admin.classList.contains("chip"); } set admin(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._admin.classList.add("chip", "~info", "ml-1"); this._admin.textContent = window.lang.strings("admin"); } else { this._admin.classList.remove("chip", "~info", "ml-1"); this._admin.textContent = ""; } } get disabled(): boolean { return this._disabled.classList.contains("chip"); } set disabled(state: boolean) { if (state) { this._disabled.classList.add("chip", "~warning", "ml-1"); this._disabled.textContent = window.lang.strings("disabled"); } else { this._disabled.classList.remove("chip", "~warning", "ml-1"); this._disabled.textContent = ""; } } get email(): string { return this._emailAddress; } set email(value: string) { this._emailAddress = value; const input = this._email.querySelector("input"); if (input) { input.value = value; } else { this._email.textContent = value; } } get notify_email(): boolean { return this._notifyEmail; } set notify_email(s: boolean) { this._notifyEmail = s; if (window.telegramEnabled && this._telegramUsername != "") { const email = this._telegram.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-email")[0] as HTMLInputElement; if (email) { email.checked = s; } } if (window.discordEnabled && this._discordUsername) { const email = this._discord.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-email")[0] as HTMLInputElement; email.checked = s; } } get telegram(): string { return this._telegramUsername; } set telegram(u: string) { if (!window.telegramEnabled) return; this._telegramUsername = u; if (u == "") { this._telegram.innerHTML = `Add`; (this._telegram.querySelector("span") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = this._addTelegram; } else { let innerHTML = `
@${u} `; if (!window.discordEnabled || !this._discordUsername) { innerHTML += ` `; } innerHTML += "
"; this._telegram.innerHTML = innerHTML; if (!window.discordEnabled || !this._discordUsername) { // Javascript is necessary as including the button inside the dropdown would make it too wide to display next to the username. const button = this._telegram.querySelector("i"); const dropdown = this._telegram.querySelector("div.dropdown") as HTMLDivElement; const checks = this._telegram.querySelectorAll("input") as NodeListOf; for (let i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) { checks[i].onclick = () => this._setNotifyMethod("telegram"); } button.onclick = () => { dropdown.classList.add("selected"); document.addEventListener("click", outerClickListener); }; const outerClickListener = (event: Event) => { if (!( instanceof HTMLElement && (this._telegram.contains( || button.contains( { dropdown.classList.remove("selected"); document.removeEventListener("click", outerClickListener); } }; } } } get notify_telegram(): boolean { return this._notifyTelegram; } set notify_telegram(s: boolean) { if (!window.telegramEnabled || !this._telegramUsername) return; this._notifyTelegram = s; const telegram = this._telegram.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-telegram")[0] as HTMLInputElement; if (telegram) { telegram.checked = s; } if (window.discordEnabled && this._discordUsername) { const telegram = this._discord.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-telegram")[0] as HTMLInputElement; telegram.checked = s; } } private _setNotifyMethod = (mode: string = "telegram") => { let el: HTMLElement; if (mode == "telegram") { el = this._telegram } else if (mode == "discord") { el = this._discord } const email = el.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-email")[0] as HTMLInputElement; let send = { id:, email: email.checked } if (window.telegramEnabled && this._telegramUsername) { const telegram = el.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-telegram")[0] as HTMLInputElement; send["telegram"] = telegram.checked; } if (window.discordEnabled && this._discordUsername) { const discord = el.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-discord")[0] as HTMLInputElement; send["discord"] = discord.checked; } _post("/users/contact", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status != 200) { window.notifications.customError("errorSetNotify", window.lang.notif("errorSaveSettings")); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("accounts-reload")); return; } } }, false, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.status == 0) { window.notifications.connectionError(); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("accounts-reload")); return; } else if (req.status == 401) { window.notifications.customError("401Error", window.lang.notif("error401Unauthorized")); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("accounts-reload")); } }); } get discord(): string { return this._discordUsername; } set discord(u: string) { if (!window.discordEnabled) return; this._discordUsername = u; if (u == "") { this._discord.innerHTML = `Add`; (this._discord.querySelector("span") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = () => addDiscord(; } else { let innerHTML = `
`; this._discord.innerHTML = innerHTML; // Javascript is necessary as including the button inside the dropdown would make it too wide to display next to the username. const button = this._discord.querySelector("i"); const dropdown = this._discord.querySelector("div.dropdown") as HTMLDivElement; const checks = this._discord.querySelectorAll("input") as NodeListOf; for (let i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) { checks[i].onclick = () => this._setNotifyMethod("discord"); } button.onclick = () => { dropdown.classList.add("selected"); document.addEventListener("click", outerClickListener); }; const outerClickListener = (event: Event) => { if (!( instanceof HTMLElement && (this._discord.contains( || button.contains( { dropdown.classList.remove("selected"); document.removeEventListener("click", outerClickListener); } }; } } get discord_id(): string { return this._discordID; } set discord_id(id: string) { if (!window.discordEnabled || this._discordUsername == "") return; this._discordID = id; const link = this._discord.getElementsByClassName("discord-link")[0] as HTMLAnchorElement; link.href = `${id}`; } get notify_discord(): boolean { return this._notifyDiscord; } set notify_discord(s: boolean) { if (!window.discordEnabled || !this._discordUsername) return; this._notifyDiscord = s; const discord = this._discord.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-discord")[0] as HTMLInputElement; discord.checked = s; if (window.telegramEnabled && this._telegramUsername != "") { const discord = this._discord.getElementsByClassName("accounts-contact-discord")[0] as HTMLInputElement; discord.checked = s; } } get expiry(): number { return this._expiryUnix; } set expiry(unix: number) { this._expiryUnix = unix; if (unix == 0) { this._expiry.textContent = ""; } else { this._expiry.textContent = toDateString(new Date(unix*1000)); } } get last_active(): number { return this._lastActiveUnix; } set last_active(unix: number) { this._lastActiveUnix = unix; if (unix == 0) { this._lastActive.textContent == "n/a"; } else { this._lastActive.textContent = toDateString(new Date(unix*1000)); } } private _checkEvent = new CustomEvent("accountCheckEvent"); private _uncheckEvent = new CustomEvent("accountUncheckEvent"); constructor(user: User) { this._row = document.createElement("tr") as HTMLTableRowElement; let innerHTML = `
`; if (window.telegramEnabled) { innerHTML += ` `; } if (window.discordEnabled) { innerHTML += ` `; } innerHTML += ` `; this._row.innerHTML = innerHTML; const emailEditor = ``; this._check = this._row.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]") as HTMLInputElement; this._username = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-username") as HTMLSpanElement; this._admin = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-admin") as HTMLSpanElement; this._disabled = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-disabled") as HTMLSpanElement; this._email = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-email-container") as HTMLInputElement; this._emailEditButton = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-email-edit") as HTMLElement; this._telegram = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-telegram") as HTMLTableDataCellElement; this._discord = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-discord") as HTMLTableDataCellElement; this._expiry = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-expiry") as HTMLTableDataCellElement; this._lastActive = this._row.querySelector(".accounts-last-active") as HTMLTableDataCellElement; this._check.onchange = () => { this.selected = this._check.checked; } const toggleStealthInput = () => { if (this._emailEditButton.classList.contains("ri-edit-line")) { this._email.innerHTML = emailEditor; this._email.querySelector("input").value = this._emailAddress; this._email.classList.remove("ml-half"); } else { this._email.textContent = this._emailAddress; this._email.classList.add("ml-half"); } this._emailEditButton.classList.toggle("ri-check-line"); this._emailEditButton.classList.toggle("ri-edit-line"); }; const outerClickListener = (event: Event) => { if (!( instanceof HTMLElement && (this._email.contains( || this._emailEditButton.contains( { toggleStealthInput(); =; document.removeEventListener("click", outerClickListener); } }; this._emailEditButton.onclick = () => { if (this._emailEditButton.classList.contains("ri-edit-line")) { document.addEventListener('click', outerClickListener); } else { this._updateEmail(); document.removeEventListener('click', outerClickListener); } toggleStealthInput(); }; this.update(user); document.addEventListener("timefmt-change", () => { this.expiry = this.expiry; this.last_active = this.last_active; }); } private _updateEmail = () => { let oldEmail =; = this._email.querySelector("input").value; let send = {}; send[] =; _post("/users/emails", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200) { window.notifications.customSuccess("emailChanged", window.lang.var("notifications", "changedEmailAddress", `"${}"`)); } else { = oldEmail; window.notifications.customError("emailChanged", window.lang.var("notifications", "errorChangedEmailAddress", `"${}"`)); } } }); } private _addTelegram = () => _get("/telegram/pin", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) { const pin = document.getElementById("telegram-pin"); const link = document.getElementById("telegram-link") as HTMLAnchorElement; const username = document.getElementById("telegram-username") as HTMLSpanElement; const waiting = document.getElementById("telegram-waiting") as HTMLSpanElement; let resp = req.response as getPinResponse; pin.textContent = resp.token; link.href = "" + resp.username; username.textContent = resp.username; addLoader(waiting); let modalClosed = false; window.modals.telegram.onclose = () => { modalClosed = true; removeLoader(waiting); } let send = { token: resp.token, id: }; const checkVerified = () => _post("/users/telegram", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200 && req.response["success"] as boolean) { removeLoader(waiting); waiting.classList.add("~positive"); waiting.classList.remove("~info"); window.notifications.customSuccess("telegramVerified", window.lang.notif("telegramVerified")); setTimeout(() => { window.modals.telegram.close(); waiting.classList.add("~info"); waiting.classList.remove("~positive"); }, 2000); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("accounts-reload")); } else if (!modalClosed) { setTimeout(checkVerified, 1500); } } }, true);; checkVerified(); } }); update = (user: User) => { =; =; = || ""; this.discord = user.discord; this.telegram = user.telegram; this.last_active = user.last_active; this.admin = user.admin; this.disabled = user.disabled; this.expiry = user.expiry; this.notify_discord = user.notify_discord; this.notify_telegram = user.notify_telegram; this.notify_email = user.notify_email; this.discord_id = user.discord_id; } asElement = (): HTMLTableRowElement => { return this._row; } remove = () => { if (this.selected) { document.dispatchEvent(this._uncheckEvent); } this._row.remove(); } } export class accountsList { private _table = document.getElementById("accounts-list") as HTMLTableSectionElement; private _addUserButton = document.getElementById("accounts-add-user") as HTMLSpanElement; private _announceButton = document.getElementById("accounts-announce") as HTMLSpanElement; private _announcePreview: HTMLElement; private _previewLoaded = false; private _announceTextarea = document.getElementById("textarea-announce") as HTMLTextAreaElement; private _deleteUser = document.getElementById("accounts-delete-user") as HTMLSpanElement; private _disableEnable = document.getElementById("accounts-disable-enable") as HTMLSpanElement; private _deleteNotify = document.getElementById("delete-user-notify") as HTMLInputElement; private _deleteReason = document.getElementById("textarea-delete-user") as HTMLTextAreaElement; private _extendExpiry = document.getElementById("accounts-extend-expiry") as HTMLSpanElement; private _modifySettings = document.getElementById("accounts-modify-user") as HTMLSpanElement; private _modifySettingsProfile = document.getElementById("radio-use-profile") as HTMLInputElement; private _modifySettingsUser = document.getElementById("radio-use-user") as HTMLInputElement; private _profileSelect = document.getElementById("modify-user-profiles") as HTMLSelectElement; private _userSelect = document.getElementById("modify-user-users") as HTMLSelectElement; private _search = document.getElementById("accounts-search") as HTMLInputElement; private _selectAll = document.getElementById("accounts-select-all") as HTMLInputElement; private _users: { [id: string]: user }; private _sortedByName: string[] = []; private _checkCount: number = 0; private _inSearch = false; // Whether the enable/disable button should enable or not. private _shouldEnable = false; private _addUserForm = document.getElementById("form-add-user") as HTMLFormElement; private _addUserName = this._addUserForm.querySelector("input[type=text]") as HTMLInputElement; private _addUserEmail = this._addUserForm.querySelector("input[type=email]") as HTMLInputElement; private _addUserPassword = this._addUserForm.querySelector("input[type=password]") as HTMLInputElement; private _count = 30; private _populateNumbers = () => { const fieldIDs = ["months", "days", "hours", "minutes"]; const prefixes = ["extend-expiry-"]; for (let i = 0; i < fieldIDs.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < prefixes.length; j++) { const field = document.getElementById(prefixes[j] + fieldIDs[i]); field.textContent = ''; for (let n = 0; n <= this._count; n++) { const opt = document.createElement("option") as HTMLOptionElement; opt.textContent = ""+n; opt.value = ""+n; field.appendChild(opt); } } } } search = (query: string): string[] => { query = query.toLowerCase() let result: string[] = []; if (query.includes(":")) { // Support admin: and disabled: const words = query.split(" "); query = ""; for (let word of words) { if (word.includes(":")) { const querySplit = word.split(":") let state = false; if (querySplit[1] == "true") { state = true; } for (let id in this._users) { const user = this._users[id]; let attrib: boolean; if (querySplit[0] == "admin") { attrib = user.admin; } else if (querySplit[0] == "disabled") { attrib = user.disabled; } if (attrib == state) { result.push(id); } } } else { query += word + " "; } } } if (query == "") { return result; } for (let id in this._users) { const user = this._users[id]; if ( { result.push(id); } else if ( { result.push(id); } } return result; } get selectAll(): boolean { return this._selectAll.checked; } set selectAll(state: boolean) { let count = 0; for (let id in this._users) { if (this._table.contains(this._users[id].asElement())) { // Only select visible elements this._users[id].selected = state; count++; } } this._selectAll.checked = state; this._selectAll.indeterminate = false; state ? this._checkCount = count : 0; } add = (u: User) => { let domAccount = new user(u); this._users[] = domAccount; this.unhide(; } unhide = (id: string) => { const keys = Object.keys(this._users); if (keys.length == 0) { this._table.appendChild(this._users[id].asElement()); return; } this._sortedByName = keys.sort((a, b) => this._users[a].name.localeCompare(this._users[b].name)); let index = this._sortedByName.indexOf(id)+1; if (index == this._sortedByName.length-1) { this._table.appendChild(this._users[id].asElement()); return; } while (index < this._sortedByName.length) { if (this._table.contains(this._users[this._sortedByName[index]].asElement())) { this._table.insertBefore(this._users[id].asElement(), this._users[this._sortedByName[index]].asElement()); return; } index++; } this._table.appendChild(this._users[id].asElement()); } hide = (id: string) => { const el = this._users[id].asElement(); if (this._table.contains(el)) { this._table.removeChild(this._users[id].asElement()); } } private _checkCheckCount = () => { const list = this._collectUsers(); this._checkCount = list.length; if (this._checkCount == 0) { this._selectAll.indeterminate = false; this._selectAll.checked = false; this._modifySettings.classList.add("unfocused"); this._deleteUser.classList.add("unfocused"); if (window.emailEnabled || window.telegramEnabled) { this._announceButton.classList.add("unfocused"); } this._extendExpiry.classList.add("unfocused"); this._disableEnable.classList.add("unfocused"); } else { let visibleCount = 0; for (let id in this._users) { if (this._table.contains(this._users[id].asElement())) { visibleCount++; } } if (this._checkCount == visibleCount) { this._selectAll.checked = true; this._selectAll.indeterminate = false; } else { this._selectAll.checked = false; this._selectAll.indeterminate = true; } this._modifySettings.classList.remove("unfocused"); this._deleteUser.classList.remove("unfocused"); this._deleteUser.textContent = window.lang.quantity("deleteUser", list.length); if (window.emailEnabled || window.telegramEnabled) { this._announceButton.classList.remove("unfocused"); } let anyNonExpiries = list.length == 0 ? true : false; // Only show enable/disable button if all selected have the same state. this._shouldEnable = this._users[list[0]].disabled let showDisableEnable = true; for (let id of list) { if (!anyNonExpiries && !this._users[id].expiry) { anyNonExpiries = true; this._extendExpiry.classList.add("unfocused"); } if (showDisableEnable && this._users[id].disabled != this._shouldEnable) { showDisableEnable = false; this._disableEnable.classList.add("unfocused"); } if (!showDisableEnable && anyNonExpiries) { break; } } if (!anyNonExpiries) { this._extendExpiry.classList.remove("unfocused"); } if (showDisableEnable) { let message: string; if (this._shouldEnable) { message = window.lang.strings("reEnable"); this._disableEnable.classList.add("~positive"); this._disableEnable.classList.remove("~warning"); } else { message = window.lang.strings("disable"); this._disableEnable.classList.add("~warning"); this._disableEnable.classList.remove("~positive"); } this._disableEnable.classList.remove("unfocused"); this._disableEnable.textContent = message; } } } private _collectUsers = (): string[] => { let list: string[] = []; for (let id in this._users) { if (this._table.contains(this._users[id].asElement()) && this._users[id].selected) { list.push(id); } } return list; } private _addUser = (event: Event) => { event.preventDefault(); const button = this._addUserForm.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement; const send = { "username": this._addUserName.value, "email": this._addUserEmail.value, "password": this._addUserPassword.value }; for (let field in send) { if (!send[field]) { window.notifications.customError("addUserBlankField", window.lang.notif("errorBlankFields")); return; } } toggleLoader(button); _post("/users", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { toggleLoader(button); if (req.status == 200 || (req.response["user"] as boolean)) { window.notifications.customSuccess("addUser", window.lang.var("notifications", "userCreated", `"${send['username']}"`)); if (!req.response["email"]) { window.notifications.customError("sendWelcome", window.lang.notif("errorSendWelcomeEmail")); console.log("User created, but welcome email failed"); } } else { window.notifications.customError("addUser", window.lang.var("notifications", "errorUserCreated", `"${send['username']}"`)); } if (req.response["error"] as String) { console.log(req.response["error"]); } this.reload(); window.modals.addUser.close(); } }, true); } loadPreview = () => { let content = this._announceTextarea.value; if (!this._previewLoaded) { content = stripMarkdown(content); this._announcePreview.textContent = content; } else { content = Marked.parse(content); this._announcePreview.innerHTML = content; } } announce = () => { const modalHeader = document.getElementById("header-announce"); modalHeader.textContent = window.lang.quantity("announceTo", this._collectUsers().length); const form = document.getElementById("form-announce") as HTMLFormElement; let list = this._collectUsers(); const button = form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement; const subject = document.getElementById("announce-subject") as HTMLInputElement; subject.value = ""; this._announceTextarea.value = ""; form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => { event.preventDefault(); toggleLoader(button); let send = { "users": list, "subject": subject.value, "message": this._announceTextarea.value } _post("/users/announce", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { toggleLoader(button); window.modals.announce.close(); if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 204) { window.notifications.customError("announcementError", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs")); } else { window.notifications.customSuccess("announcementSuccess", window.lang.notif("sentAnnouncement")); } } }); }; _get("/config/emails/Announcement", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { const preview = document.getElementById("announce-preview") as HTMLDivElement; if (req.status != 200) { preview.innerHTML = `
                    this._previewLoaded = false;
                let templ = req.response as templateEmail;
                if (!templ.html) {
                    preview.innerHTML = `
                    this._previewLoaded = false;
                } else {
                    preview.innerHTML = templ.html;
                    this._previewLoaded = true;
                this._announcePreview = preview.getElementsByClassName("preview-content")[0] as HTMLElement;
    enableDisableUsers = () => {
        // We can share the delete modal for this
        const modalHeader = document.getElementById("header-delete-user");
        const form = document.getElementById("form-delete-user") as HTMLFormElement;
        const button = form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement;
        let list = this._collectUsers();
        if (this._shouldEnable) {
            modalHeader.textContent = window.lang.quantity("reEnableUsers", list.length);
            button.textContent = window.lang.strings("reEnable");
        } else {
            modalHeader.textContent = window.lang.quantity("disableUsers", list.length);
            button.textContent = window.lang.strings("disable");
        this._deleteNotify.checked = false;
        this._deleteReason.value = "";
        form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => {
            let send = {
                "users": list,
                "enabled": this._shouldEnable,
                "notify": this._deleteNotify.checked,
                "reason": this._deleteNotify ? this._deleteReason.value : ""
            _post("/users/enable", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
                if (req.readyState == 4) {
                    if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 204) {
                        let errorMsg = window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs");
                        if (!("error" in req.response)) {
                            errorMsg = window.lang.notif("errorPartialFailureCheckLogs");
                        window.notifications.customError("deleteUserError", errorMsg);
                    } else if (this._shouldEnable) {
                        window.notifications.customSuccess("enableUserSuccess", window.lang.quantity("enabledUser", list.length));
                    } else {
                        window.notifications.customSuccess("disableUserSuccess", window.lang.quantity("disabledUser", list.length));
            }, true);

    deleteUsers = () => {
        const modalHeader = document.getElementById("header-delete-user");
        let list = this._collectUsers();
        modalHeader.textContent = window.lang.quantity("deleteNUsers", list.length);
        const form = document.getElementById("form-delete-user") as HTMLFormElement;
        const button = form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement;
        button.textContent = window.lang.strings("delete");
        this._deleteNotify.checked = false;
        this._deleteReason.value = "";
        form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => {
            let send = {
                "users": list,
                "notify": this._deleteNotify.checked,
                "reason": this._deleteNotify ? this._deleteReason.value : ""
            _delete("/users", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
                if (req.readyState == 4) {
                    if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 204) {
                        let errorMsg = window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs");
                        if (!("error" in req.response)) {
                            errorMsg = window.lang.notif("errorPartialFailureCheckLogs");
                        window.notifications.customError("deleteUserError", errorMsg);
                    } else {
                        window.notifications.customSuccess("deleteUserSuccess", window.lang.quantity("deletedUser", list.length));

    modifyUsers = () => {
        const modalHeader = document.getElementById("header-modify-user");
        modalHeader.textContent = window.lang.quantity("modifySettingsFor", this._collectUsers().length)
        let list = this._collectUsers();
        (() => {
            let innerHTML = "";
            for (const profile of window.availableProfiles) {
                innerHTML += ``;
            this._profileSelect.innerHTML = innerHTML;

        (() => {
            let innerHTML = "";
            for (let id in this._users) {
                innerHTML += ``;
            this._userSelect.innerHTML = innerHTML;

        const form = document.getElementById("form-modify-user") as HTMLFormElement;
        const button = form.querySelector("span.submit") as HTMLSpanElement;
        this._modifySettingsProfile.checked = true;
        this._modifySettingsUser.checked = false;
        form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => {
            let send = {
                "apply_to": list,
                "homescreen": (document.getElementById("modify-user-homescreen") as HTMLInputElement).checked
            if (this._modifySettingsProfile.checked && !this._modifySettingsUser.checked) { 
                send["from"] = "profile";
                send["profile"] = this._profileSelect.value;
            } else if (this._modifySettingsUser.checked && !this._modifySettingsProfile.checked) {
                send["from"] = "user";
                send["id"] = this._userSelect.value;
            _post("/users/settings", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
                if (req.readyState == 4) {
                    if (req.status == 500) {
                        let response = JSON.parse(req.response);
                        let errorMsg = "";
                        if ("homescreen" in response && "policy" in response) {
                            const homescreen = Object.keys(response["homescreen"]).length;
                            const policy = Object.keys(response["policy"]).length;
                            if (homescreen != 0 && policy == 0) {
                                errorMsg = window.lang.notif("errorSettingsAppliedNoHomescreenLayout");
                            } else if (policy != 0 && homescreen == 0) {
                                errorMsg = window.lang.notif("errorHomescreenAppliedNoSettings");
                            } else if (policy != 0 && homescreen != 0) {
                                errorMsg = window.lang.notif("errorSettingsFailed");
                        } else if ("error" in response) {
                            errorMsg = response["error"];
                        window.notifications.customError("modifySettingsError", errorMsg);
                    } else if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204) {
                        window.notifications.customSuccess("modifySettingsSuccess", window.lang.quantity("appliedSettings", this._collectUsers().length));

    extendExpiry = () => {
        const list = this._collectUsers();
        let applyList: string[] = [];
        for (let id of list) {
            if (this._users[id].expiry) {
        document.getElementById("header-extend-expiry").textContent = window.lang.quantity("extendExpiry", applyList.length);
        const form = document.getElementById("form-extend-expiry") as HTMLFormElement;
        form.onsubmit = (event: Event) => {
            let send = { "users": applyList }
            for (let field of ["months", "days", "hours", "minutes"]) {
                send[field] = +(document.getElementById("extend-expiry-"+field) as HTMLSelectElement).value;
            _post("/users/extend", send, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
                if (req.readyState == 4) {
                    if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 204) {
                        window.notifications.customError("extendExpiryError", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs"));
                    } else {
                        window.notifications.customSuccess("extendExpiry", window.lang.quantity("extendedExpiry", applyList.length));

    constructor() {
        this._users = {};
        this._selectAll.checked = false;
        this._selectAll.onchange = () => {
            this.selectAll = this._selectAll.checked;
        document.addEventListener("accounts-reload", this.reload);
        document.addEventListener("accountCheckEvent", () => { this._checkCount++; this._checkCheckCount(); });
        document.addEventListener("accountUncheckEvent", () => { this._checkCount--; this._checkCheckCount(); });
        this._addUserButton.onclick = window.modals.addUser.toggle;
        this._addUserForm.addEventListener("submit", this._addUser);

        this._deleteNotify.onchange = () => {
            if (this._deleteNotify.checked) {
            } else {
        this._modifySettings.onclick = this.modifyUsers;
        const checkSource = () => {
            const profileSpan = this._modifySettingsProfile.nextElementSibling as HTMLSpanElement;
            const userSpan = this._modifySettingsUser.nextElementSibling as HTMLSpanElement;
            if (this._modifySettingsProfile.checked) {
            } else {
        this._modifySettingsProfile.onchange = checkSource;
        this._modifySettingsUser.onchange = checkSource;

        this._deleteUser.onclick = this.deleteUsers;

        this._announceButton.onclick = this.announce;

        this._extendExpiry.onclick = this.extendExpiry;

        this._disableEnable.onclick = this.enableDisableUsers;

        if (!window.usernameEnabled) {
            this._addUserName = this._addUserEmail;
        /*if (!window.emailEnabled) {
            this._deleteNotify.checked = false;

        const setVisibility = (users: string[], visible: boolean) => {
            for (let id in this._users) {
                if (users.indexOf(id) != -1) {
                    if (visible) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    if (visible) {
                    } else {

        this._search.oninput = () => {
            const query = this._search.value;
            if (!query) {
                setVisibility(Object.keys(this._users), true);
                this._inSearch = false;
            } else {
                this._inSearch = true;
                setVisibility(, true);

        this._announceTextarea.onkeyup = this.loadPreview;
        addDiscord = newDiscordSearch(window.lang.strings("linkDiscord"), window.lang.strings("searchDiscordUser"), window.lang.strings("add"), (user: DiscordUser, id: string) => { 
            _post("/users/discord", {jf_id: id, discord_id:}, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
                if (req.readyState == 4) {
                    document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("accounts-reload"));
                    if (req.status != 200) {
                        window.notifications.customError("errorConnectDiscord", window.lang.notif("errorFailureCheckLogs"));
                    window.notifications.customSuccess("discordConnected", window.lang.notif("accountConnected"));

    reload = () => _get("/users", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => {
        if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {
            // same method as inviteList.reload()
            let accountsOnDOM: { [id: string]: boolean } = {};
            for (let id in this._users) { accountsOnDOM[id] = true; }
            for (let u of (req.response["users"] as User[])) {
                if ( in this._users) {
                    delete accountsOnDOM[];
                } else {
            for (let id in accountsOnDOM) {
                delete this._users[id];