import { checkCheckboxes, populateUsers, populateRadios } from "./modules/accounts.js"; import { _post, _get, _delete, rmAttr, addAttr } from "./modules/common.js"; import { populateProfiles } from "./modules/settings.js"; import { Focus, Unfocus, createEl, storeDefaults } from "./modules/admin.js"; interface aWindow extends Window { changeEmail(icon: HTMLElement, id: string): void; } declare var window: aWindow; const validateEmail = (email: string): boolean => /\S+@\S+\.\S+/.test(email); window.changeEmail = (icon: HTMLElement, id: string): void => { const iconContent = icon.outerHTML; icon.setAttribute('class', ''); const entry = icon.nextElementSibling as HTMLInputElement; const ogEmail = entry.value; entry.readOnly = false; entry.classList.remove('form-control-plaintext'); entry.classList.add('form-control'); if (ogEmail == "") { entry.placeholder = 'Address'; } const tick = createEl(` `); tick.onclick = (): void => { const newEmail = entry.value; if (!validateEmail(newEmail) || newEmail == ogEmail) { return; } cross.remove(); const spinner = createEl(`
`); tick.replaceWith(spinner); let send = {}; send[id] = newEmail; _post("/users/emails", send, function (): void { if (this.readyState == 4) { if (this.status == 200 || this.status == 204) { entry.nextElementSibling.remove(); } else { entry.value = ogEmail; } } }); icon.outerHTML = iconContent; entry.readOnly = true; entry.classList.remove('form-control'); entry.classList.add('form-control-plaintext'); entry.placeholder = ''; }; const cross = createEl(` `); cross.onclick = (): void => { tick.remove(); cross.remove(); icon.outerHTML = iconContent; entry.readOnly = true; entry.classList.remove('form-control'); entry.classList.add('form-control-plaintext'); entry.placeholder = ''; entry.value = ogEmail; }; icon.parentNode.appendChild(tick); icon.parentNode.appendChild(cross); }; console.log("bruh"); (document.getElementById('selectAll')).onclick = function (): void { const checkboxes: NodeListOf = document.getElementById('accountsList').querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]'); for (let i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { checkboxes[i].checked = (this).checked; } checkCheckboxes(); }; (document.getElementById('deleteModalNotify')).onclick = function (): void { const textbox: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('deleteModalReasonBox'); if ((this).checked) { Focus(textbox); } else { Unfocus(textbox); } }; (document.getElementById('accountsTabDelete')).onclick = function (): void { const deleteButton = this as HTMLButtonElement; const checkboxes: NodeListOf = document.getElementById('accountsList').querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]:checked'); let selected: Array = new Array(checkboxes.length); for (let i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { selected[i] = checkboxes[i].id.replace("select_", ""); } let title = " user"; let msg = "Notify user"; if (selected.length > 1) { title += "s"; msg += "s"; } title = `Delete ${selected.length} ${title}`; msg += " of account deletion"; document.getElementById('deleteModalTitle').textContent = title; const dmNotify = document.getElementById('deleteModalNotify') as HTMLInputElement; dmNotify.checked = false; document.getElementById('deleteModalNotifyLabel').textContent = msg; const dmReason = document.getElementById('deleteModalReason') as HTMLTextAreaElement; dmReason.value = ''; Unfocus(document.getElementById('deleteModalReasonBox')); const dmSend = document.getElementById('deleteModalSend') as HTMLButtonElement; dmSend.textContent = 'Delete'; dmSend.onclick = function (): void { const button = this as HTMLButtonElement; const send = { 'users': selected, 'notify': dmNotify.checked, 'reason': dmReason.value }; _delete("/users", send, function (): void { if (this.readyState == 4) { if (this.status == 500) { if ("error" in this.reponse) { button.textContent = 'Failed'; } else { button.textContent = 'Partial fail (check console)'; console.log(this.response); } setTimeout((): void => { Unfocus(deleteButton); window.Modals.delete.hide(); }, 4000); } else { Unfocus(deleteButton); window.Modals.delete.hide() } populateUsers(); checkCheckboxes(); } }); };; }; (document.getElementById('selectAll')).checked = false; (document.getElementById('accountsTabSetDefaults')).onclick = function (): void { const checkboxes: NodeListOf = document.getElementById('accountsList').querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]:checked'); let userIDs: Array = new Array(checkboxes.length); for (let i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++){ userIDs[i] = checkboxes[i].id.replace("select_", ""); } if (userIDs.length == 0) { return; } populateRadios(); let userString = 'user'; if (userIDs.length > 1) { userString += "s"; } populateProfiles(true); const profileSelect = document.getElementById('profileSelect') as HTMLSelectElement; profileSelect.textContent = ''; for (let i = 0; i < window.availableProfiles.length; i++) { profileSelect.innerHTML += ` `; } document.getElementById('defaultsTitle').textContent = `Apply settings to ${userIDs.length} ${userString}`; document.getElementById('userDefaultsDescription').textContent = ` Apply settings from an existing profile or source settings from a user. `; document.getElementById('storeHomescreenLabel').textContent = `Apply homescreen layout`; Focus(document.getElementById('defaultsSourceSection')); (document.getElementById('defaultsSource')).value = 'profile'; Focus(document.getElementById('profileSelectBox')); Unfocus(document.getElementById('defaultUserRadiosBox')); Unfocus(document.getElementById('newProfileBox')); document.getElementById('storeDefaults').onclick = (): void => storeDefaults(userIDs);; }; (document.getElementById('defaultsSource')).addEventListener('change', function (): void { const radios = document.getElementById('defaultUserRadiosBox'); const profileBox = document.getElementById('profileSelectBox'); if (this.value == 'profile') { Unfocus(radios); Focus(profileBox); } else { Unfocus(profileBox); Focus(radios); } }); (document.getElementById('newUserCreate')).onclick = function (): void { const button = this as HTMLButtonElement; const ogText = button.textContent; button.innerHTML = ` Creating... `; const email: string = (document.getElementById('newUserEmail')).value; var username: string = email; if (document.getElementById('newUserName') != null) { username = (document.getElementById('newUserName')).value; } const password: string = (document.getElementById('newUserPassword')).value; if (!validateEmail(email) && email != "") { return; } const send = { 'username': username, 'password': password, 'email': email }; _post("/users", send, function (): void { if (this.readyState == 4) { rmAttr(button, 'btn-primary'); if (this.status == 200) { addAttr(button, 'btn-success'); button.textContent = 'Success'; setTimeout((): void => { rmAttr(button, 'btn-success'); addAttr(button, 'btn-primary'); button.textContent = ogText; window.Modals.newUser.hide(); }, 1000); populateUsers(); } else { addAttr(button, 'btn-danger'); if ("error" in this.response) { button.textContent = this.response["error"]; } else { button.textContent = 'Failed'; } setTimeout((): void => { rmAttr(button, 'btn-danger'); addAttr(button, 'btn-primary'); button.textContent = ogText; }, 2000); populateUsers(); } } }); }; (document.getElementById('accountsTabAddUser')).onclick = function (): void { (document.getElementById('newUserEmail')).value = ''; (document.getElementById('newUserPassword')).value = ''; if (document.getElementById('newUserName') != null) { (document.getElementById('newUserName')).value = ''; }; };