import { _get, _post, _delete, toClipboard } from "../modules/common.js"; export class DOMInvite implements Invite { updateNotify = (checkbox: HTMLInputElement) => { let state: { [code: string]: { [type: string]: boolean } } = {}; let revertChanges: () => void; if (checkbox.classList.contains("inv-notify-expiry")) { revertChanges = () => { this.notifyExpiry = !this.notifyExpiry }; state[this.code] = { "notify-expiry": this.notifyExpiry }; } else { revertChanges = () => { this.notifyCreation = !this.notifyCreation }; state[this.code] = { "notify-creation": this.notifyCreation }; } _post("/invites/notify", state, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4 && !(req.status == 200 || req.status == 204)) { revertChanges(); } }); } delete = () => { _delete("/invites", { "code": this.code }, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4 && (req.status == 200 || req.status == 204)) { this.remove(); } }); } private _code: string = "None"; get code(): string { return this._code; } set code(code: string) { this._code = code; this._codeLink = window.location.href.split("#")[0] + "invite/" + code; const linkEl = this._codeArea.querySelector("a") as HTMLAnchorElement; linkEl.textContent = code.replace(/-/g, '-'); linkEl.href = this._codeLink; } private _codeLink: string; private _expiresIn: string; get expiresIn(): string { return this._expiresIn } set expiresIn(expiry: string) { this._expiresIn = expiry; this._infoArea.querySelector("span.inv-expiry").textContent = expiry; } private _remainingUses: string = "1"; get remainingUses(): string { return this._remainingUses; } set remainingUses(remaining: string) { this._remainingUses = remaining; this._middle.querySelector("strong.inv-remaining").textContent = remaining; } private _email: string = ""; get email(): string { return this._email }; set email(address: string) { this._email = address; const icon = this._infoArea.querySelector(".tooltip i"); const chip = this._infoArea.querySelector(".tooltip span.inv-email-chip"); const tooltip = this._infoArea.querySelector(".tooltip span.content") as HTMLSpanElement; if (address == "") { icon.classList.remove("ri-mail-line"); icon.classList.remove("ri-mail-close-line"); chip.classList.remove("~neutral"); chip.classList.remove("~critical"); chip.classList.remove("chip"); } else { chip.classList.add("chip"); if (address.includes("Failed to send to")) { icon.classList.remove("ri-mail-line"); icon.classList.add("ri-mail-close-line"); chip.classList.remove("~neutral"); chip.classList.add("~critical"); } else { address = "Sent to " + address; icon.classList.remove("ri-mail-close-line"); icon.classList.add("ri-mail-line"); chip.classList.remove("~critical"); chip.classList.add("~neutral"); } } tooltip.textContent = address; } private _usedBy: string[][]; get usedBy(): string[][] { return this._usedBy; } set usedBy(uB: string[][]) { // ub[i][0]: username, ub[i][1]: date this._usedBy = uB; if (uB.length == 0) { this._right.classList.add("empty"); this._userTable.innerHTML = `

None yet!

`; return; } this._right.classList.remove("empty"); let innerHTML = ` `; for (let user of uB) { innerHTML += ` `; } innerHTML += `
Name Date
${user[0]} ${user[1]}
`; this._userTable.innerHTML = innerHTML; } private _created: string; get created(): string { return this._created; } set created(created: string) { this._created = created; this._middle.querySelector("strong.inv-created").textContent = created; } private _notifyExpiry: boolean = false; get notifyExpiry(): boolean { return this._notifyExpiry } set notifyExpiry(state: boolean) { this._notifyExpiry = state; (this._left.querySelector("input.inv-notify-expiry") as HTMLInputElement).checked = state; } private _notifyCreation: boolean = false; get notifyCreation(): boolean { return this._notifyCreation } set notifyCreation(state: boolean) { this._notifyCreation = state; (this._left.querySelector("input.inv-notify-creation") as HTMLInputElement).checked = state; } private _profile: string; get profile(): string { return this._profile; } set profile(profile: string) { this.loadProfiles(profile); } loadProfiles = (selected?: string) => { const select = this._left.querySelector("select") as HTMLSelectElement; let noProfile = false; if (selected === "") { noProfile = true; } else { selected = selected || select.value; } let innerHTML = ``; for (let profile of window.availableProfiles) { innerHTML += ``; } select.innerHTML = innerHTML; }; private _container: HTMLDivElement; private _header: HTMLDivElement; private _codeArea: HTMLDivElement; private _infoArea: HTMLDivElement; private _details: HTMLDivElement; private _left: HTMLDivElement; private _middle: HTMLDivElement; private _right: HTMLDivElement; private _userTable: HTMLDivElement; // whether the details card is expanded. get expanded(): boolean { return this._details.classList.contains("focused"); } set expanded(state: boolean) { const toggle = (this._infoArea.querySelector("input.inv-toggle-details") as HTMLInputElement); if (state) { this._details.classList.remove("unfocused"); this._details.classList.add("focused"); toggle.previousElementSibling.classList.add("rotated"); toggle.previousElementSibling.classList.remove("not-rotated"); } else { this._details.classList.add("unfocused"); this._details.classList.remove("focused"); toggle.previousElementSibling.classList.remove("rotated"); toggle.previousElementSibling.classList.add("not-rotated"); } } constructor(invite: Invite) { // first create the invite structure, then use our setter methods to fill in the data. this._container = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; this._container.classList.add("inv"); this._header = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; this._container.appendChild(this._header); this._header.classList.add("card", "~neutral", "!normal", "inv-header", "flex-expand", "mt-half", "overflow"); this._codeArea = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; this._header.appendChild(this._codeArea); this._codeArea.classList.add("inv-codearea"); this._codeArea.innerHTML = ` `; (this._codeArea.querySelector("span.button") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = () => { toClipboard(this._codeLink); }; this._infoArea = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; this._header.appendChild(this._infoArea); this._infoArea.classList.add("inv-infoarea"); this._infoArea.innerHTML = `
Delete `; (this._infoArea.querySelector(".inv-delete") as HTMLSpanElement).onclick = this.delete; const toggle = (this._infoArea.querySelector("input.inv-toggle-details") as HTMLInputElement); toggle.onchange = () => { this.expanded = !this.expanded; }; this._details = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; this._container.appendChild(this._details); this._details.classList.add("card", "~neutral", "!normal", "mt-half", "inv-details"); const detailsInner = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; this._details.appendChild(detailsInner); detailsInner.classList.add("inv-row", "flex-expand", "align-top"); this._left = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; detailsInner.appendChild(this._left); this._left.classList.add("inv-profilearea"); this._left.innerHTML = `


Notify on:

`; const notifyExpiry = this._left.querySelector("input.inv-notify-expiry") as HTMLInputElement; notifyExpiry.onchange = () => { this._notifyExpiry = notifyExpiry.checked; this.updateNotify(notifyExpiry); }; const notifyCreation = this._left.querySelector("input.inv-notify-creation") as HTMLInputElement; notifyCreation.onchange = () => { this._notifyCreation = notifyCreation.checked; this.updateNotify(notifyCreation); }; this._middle = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; detailsInner.appendChild(this._middle); this._middle.classList.add("block"); this._middle.innerHTML = `


Remaining uses

`; this._right = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; detailsInner.appendChild(this._right); this._right.classList.add("card", "~neutral", "!low", "inv-created-users"); this._right.innerHTML = `Created users`; this._userTable = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; this._right.appendChild(this._userTable); this.expanded = false; this.update(invite); } update = (invite: Invite) => { this.code = invite.code; this.created = invite.created; =; this.expiresIn = invite.expiresIn; this.notifyCreation = invite.notifyCreation; this.notifyExpiry = invite.notifyExpiry; this.profile = invite.profile; this.remainingUses = invite.remainingUses; this.usedBy = invite.usedBy; } asElement = (): HTMLDivElement => { return this._container; } remove = () => { this._container.remove(); } } // TODO: // implement inviteList as a class // inviteList has empty boolean value, set true adds an emptyInvite export class inviteList implements inviteList { private _list: HTMLDivElement; private _empty: boolean; invites: { [code: string]: DOMInvite }; constructor() { this._list = document.getElementById('invites') as HTMLDivElement; this.empty = true; this.invites = {}; } get empty(): boolean { return this._empty; } set empty(state: boolean) { this._empty = state; if (state) { this.invites = {}; this._list.classList.add("empty"); this._list.innerHTML = `
`; } else { this._list.classList.remove("empty"); if (this._list.querySelector(".inv-empty")) { this._list.textContent = ''; } } } add = (invite: Invite) => { let domInv = new DOMInvite(invite); this.invites[invite.code] = domInv; if (this.empty) { this.empty = false; } this._list.appendChild(domInv.asElement()); } reload = () => { _get("/invites", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { let data = req.response; window.availableProfiles = data["profiles"]; for (let code in this.invites) { this.invites[code].loadProfiles(); } if (data["invites"] === undefined || data["invites"].length == 0) { this.empty = true; return; } // get a list of all current inv codes on dom // every time we find a match in resp, delete from list // at end delete all remaining in list from dom let invitesOnDOM: { [code: string]: boolean } = {}; for (let code in this.invites) { invitesOnDOM[code] = true; } for (let inv of (data["invites"] as Array)) { const invite = parseInvite(inv); if (invite.code in this.invites) { this.invites[invite.code].update(invite); delete invitesOnDOM[invite.code]; } else { this.add(invite); } } for (let code in invitesOnDOM) { this.invites[code].remove(); delete this.invites[code]; } } }) } } function parseInvite(invite: { [f: string]: string | number | string[][] | boolean }): Invite { let parsed: Invite = {}; parsed.code = invite["code"] as string; = invite["email"] as string || ""; let time = ""; const fields = ["days", "hours", "minutes"]; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (invite[fields[i]] != 0) { time += `${invite[fields[i]]}${fields[i][0]} `; } } parsed.expiresIn = `Expires in ${time.slice(0, -1)}`; parsed.remainingUses = invite["no-limit"] ? "∞" : String(invite["remaining-uses"]) parsed.usedBy = invite["used-by"] as string[][] || []; parsed.created = invite["created"] as string || "Unknown"; parsed.profile = invite["profile"] as string || ""; parsed.notifyExpiry = invite["notify-expiry"] as boolean || false; parsed.notifyCreation = invite["notify-creation"] as boolean || false; return parsed; } /* function addInvite(invite: Invite): void { const list = document.getElementById('invites') as HTMLDivElement; const container = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; container.classList.add("inv"); = "invite-" + invite.code; // invite header const header = document.createElement("div") as HTMLDivElement; (() => { header.classList.add("card", "~neutral", "!normal", "inv-header", "flex-expand", "mt-half"); // code area (code, copy button, "sent to" message) const codeArea = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; (() => { codeArea.classList.add('inv-codearea'); if (invite.empty) { codeArea.innerHTML = ` None `; return; } const link = window.location.href.split("#")[0] + "invite/" + invite.code; let innerHTML = ` ${invite.code.replace(/-/g, '-')} `; if ( { let email =; if (!"Failed to send to")) { email = "Sent to " + email; } innerHTML += ` ${email} `; } codeArea.innerHTML = innerHTML; })(); header.appendChild(codeArea); // info area (expiry, delete, dropdown button) const infoArea = document.createElement('div') as HTMLDivElement; (() => { infoArea.classList.add("inv-infoarea"); infoArea.innerHTML = ` ${invite.expiresIn} Delete