package main import ( "time" ) type stringResponse struct { Response string `json:"response" example:"message"` Error/*Text*/ string `json:"error" example:"No special symbols allowed."` // ErrorCode string `json:"error_code" example:"errorSpecialSymbols"` } type boolResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success" example:"false"` Error bool `json:"error" example:"true"` } type newUserDTO struct { Username string `json:"username" example:"jeff" binding:"required"` // User's username Password string `json:"password" example:"guest" binding:"required"` // User's password Email string `json:"email" example:""` // User's email address EmailContact bool `json:"email_contact"` // Whether or not to use email for notifications/pwrs Code string `json:"code" example:"abc0933jncjkcjj"` // Invite code (required on /newUser) TelegramPIN string `json:"telegram_pin" example:"A1-B2-3C"` // Telegram verification PIN (if used) TelegramContact bool `json:"telegram_contact"` // Whether or not to use telegram for notifications/pwrs DiscordPIN string `json:"discord_pin" example:"A1-B2-3C"` // Discord verification PIN (if used) DiscordContact bool `json:"discord_contact"` // Whether or not to use discord for notifications/pwrs MatrixPIN string `json:"matrix_pin" example:"A1-B2-3C"` // Matrix verification PIN (if used) MatrixContact bool `json:"matrix_contact"` // Whether or not to use matrix for notifications/pwrs CaptchaID string `json:"captcha_id"` // Captcha ID (if enabled) CaptchaText string `json:"captcha_text"` // Captcha text (if enabled) Profile string `json:"profile"` // Profile (for admins only) } type newUserResponse struct { User bool `json:"user" binding:"required"` // Whether user was created successfully Email bool `json:"email"` // Whether welcome email was successfully sent (always true if feature is disabled) Error string `json:"error"` // Optional error message. } type deleteUserDTO struct { Users []string `json:"users" binding:"required"` // List of usernames to delete Notify bool `json:"notify"` // Whether to notify users of deletion Reason string `json:"reason"` // Account deletion reason (for notification) } type enableDisableUserDTO struct { Users []string `json:"users" binding:"required"` // List of usernames to delete Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // True = enable users, False = disable. Notify bool `json:"notify"` // Whether to notify users of deletion Reason string `json:"reason"` // Account deletion reason (for notification) } type generateInviteDTO struct { Months int `json:"months" example:"0"` // Number of months Days int `json:"days" example:"1"` // Number of days Hours int `json:"hours" example:"2"` // Number of hours Minutes int `json:"minutes" example:"3"` // Number of minutes UserExpiry bool `json:"user-expiry"` // Whether or not user expiry is enabled UserMonths int `json:"user-months,omitempty" example:"1"` // Number of months till user expiry UserDays int `json:"user-days,omitempty" example:"1"` // Number of days till user expiry UserHours int `json:"user-hours,omitempty" example:"2"` // Number of hours till user expiry UserMinutes int `json:"user-minutes,omitempty" example:"3"` // Number of minutes till user expiry SendTo string `json:"send-to" example:""` // Send invite to this address or discord name MultipleUses bool `json:"multiple-uses" example:"true"` // Allow multiple uses NoLimit bool `json:"no-limit" example:"false"` // No invite use limit RemainingUses int `json:"remaining-uses" example:"5"` // Remaining invite uses Profile string `json:"profile" example:"DefaultProfile"` // Name of profile to apply on this invite Label string `json:"label" example:"For Friends"` // Optional label for the invite UserLabel string `json:"user_label,omitempty" example:"Friend"` // Label to apply to users created w/ this invite. } type inviteProfileDTO struct { Invite string `json:"invite" example:"slakdaslkdl2342"` // Invite to apply to Profile string `json:"profile" example:"DefaultProfile"` // Profile to use } type profileDTO struct { Admin bool `json:"admin" example:"false"` // Whether profile has admin rights or not LibraryAccess string `json:"libraries" example:"all"` // Number of libraries profile has access to FromUser string `json:"fromUser" example:"jeff"` // The user the profile is based on Ombi bool `json:"ombi"` // Whether or not Ombi settings are stored in this profile. Jellyseerr bool `json:"jellyseerr"` // Whether or not Jellyseerr settings are stored in this profile. ReferralsEnabled bool `json:"referrals_enabled" example:"true"` // Whether or not the profile has referrals enabled, and has a template invite stored. } type getProfilesDTO struct { Profiles map[string]profileDTO `json:"profiles"` DefaultProfile string `json:"default_profile"` } type getProfileNamesDTO struct { Profiles []string `json:"profiles"` // List of profiles (name only) } type profileChangeDTO struct { Name string `json:"name" example:"DefaultProfile" binding:"required"` // Name of the profile } type newProfileDTO struct { Name string `json:"name" example:"DefaultProfile" binding:"required"` // Name of the profile ID string `json:"id" example:"ZXhhbXBsZTEyMzQ1Njc4OQo" binding:"required"` // ID of user to source settings from Homescreen bool `json:"homescreen" example:"true"` // Whether to store homescreen layout or not OmbiID string `json:"ombi_id" example:"ZXhhbXBsZTEyMzQ1Njc4OQo"` // ID of Ombi user to source settings from (optional) } type inviteDTO struct { Code string `json:"code" example:"sajdlj23423j23"` // Invite code Months int `json:"months" example:"1"` // Number of months till expiry Days int `json:"days" example:"1"` // Number of days till expiry Hours int `json:"hours" example:"2"` // Number of hours till expiry Minutes int `json:"minutes" example:"3"` // Number of minutes till expiry UserExpiry bool `json:"user-expiry"` // Whether or not user expiry is enabled UserMonths int `json:"user-months,omitempty" example:"1"` // Number of months till user expiry UserDays int `json:"user-days,omitempty" example:"1"` // Number of days till user expiry UserHours int `json:"user-hours,omitempty" example:"2"` // Number of hours till user expiry UserMinutes int `json:"user-minutes,omitempty" example:"3"` // Number of minutes till user expiry Created int64 `json:"created" example:"1617737207510"` // Date of creation Profile string `json:"profile" example:"DefaultProfile"` // Profile used on this invite UsedBy map[string]int64 `json:"used-by,omitempty"` // Users who have used this invite mapped to their creation time in Epoch/Unix time NoLimit bool `json:"no-limit,omitempty"` // If true, invite can be used any number of times RemainingUses int `json:"remaining-uses,omitempty"` // Remaining number of uses (if applicable) SendTo string `json:"send_to,omitempty"` // Email/Discord username the invite was sent to (if applicable) NotifyExpiry bool `json:"notify-expiry,omitempty"` // Whether to notify the requesting user of expiry or not NotifyCreation bool `json:"notify-creation,omitempty"` // Whether to notify the requesting user of account creation or not Label string `json:"label,omitempty" example:"For Friends"` // Optional label for the invite UserLabel string `json:"user_label,omitempty" example:"Friend"` // Label to apply to users created w/ this invite. } type getInvitesDTO struct { Invites []inviteDTO `json:"invites"` // List of invites } // fake DTO, if i actually used this the code would be a lot longer type setNotifyValues map[string]struct { NotifyExpiry bool `json:"notify-expiry,omitempty"` // Whether to notify the requesting user of expiry or not NotifyCreation bool `json:"notify-creation,omitempty"` // Whether to notify the requesting user of account creation or not } type setNotifyDTO map[string]setNotifyValues type deleteInviteDTO struct { Code string `json:"code" example:"skjadajd43234s"` // Code of invite to delete } type respUser struct { ID string `json:"id" example:"fdgsdfg45534fa"` // userID of user Name string `json:"name" example:"jeff"` // Username of user Email string `json:"email,omitempty" example:""` // Email address of user (if available) NotifyThroughEmail bool `json:"notify_email"` LastActive int64 `json:"last_active" example:"1617737207510"` // Time of last activity on Jellyfin Admin bool `json:"admin" example:"false"` // Whether or not the user is Administrator Expiry int64 `json:"expiry" example:"1617737207510"` // Expiry time of user as Epoch/Unix time. Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` // Whether or not the user is disabled. Telegram string `json:"telegram"` // Telegram username (if known) NotifyThroughTelegram bool `json:"notify_telegram"` Discord string `json:"discord"` // Discord username (if known) DiscordID string `json:"discord_id"` // Discord user ID for creating links. NotifyThroughDiscord bool `json:"notify_discord"` Matrix string `json:"matrix"` // Matrix ID (if known) NotifyThroughMatrix bool `json:"notify_matrix"` Label string `json:"label"` // Label of user, shown next to their name. AccountsAdmin bool `json:"accounts_admin"` // Whether or not the user is a jfa-go admin. ReferralsEnabled bool `json:"referrals_enabled"` } type getUsersDTO struct { UserList []respUser `json:"users"` } type ombiUser struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty" example:"jeff"` // Name of Ombi user ID string `json:"id" example:"djgkjdg7dkjfsj8"` // userID of Ombi user } type ombiUsersDTO struct { Users []ombiUser `json:"users"` } type modifyEmailsDTO map[string]string type userSettingsDTO struct { From string `json:"from"` // Whether to apply from "user" or "profile" Profile string `json:"profile"` // Name of profile (if from = "profile") ApplyTo []string `json:"apply_to"` // Users to apply settings to ID string `json:"id"` // ID of user (if from = "user") // Note confusing name: "Configuration" on the admin UI just means it in the sense // of the account's settings. Policy bool `json:"configuration"` // Whether to apply jf policy not Homescreen bool `json:"homescreen"` // Whether to apply homescreen layout or not Ombi bool `json:"ombi"` // Whether to apply ombi profile or not Jellyseerr bool `json:"jellyseerr"` // Whether to apply jellyseerr profile or not } type announcementDTO struct { Users []string `json:"users"` // List of User IDs to send announcement to Subject string `json:"subject"` // Email subject Message string `json:"message"` // Email content (markdown supported) } type announcementTemplate struct { Name string `json:"name"` // Name of template Subject string `json:"subject"` // Email subject Message string `json:"message"` // Email content (markdown supported) } type getAnnouncementsDTO struct { Announcements []string `json:"announcements"` // list of announcement names. } type errorListDTO map[string]map[string]string type configDTO map[string]interface{} type langDTO map[string]string type emailListDTO map[string]emailListEl type emailListEl struct { Name string `json:"name"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Description string `json:"description"` } type emailSetDTO struct { Content string `json:"content"` } type emailTestDTO struct { Address string `json:"address"` } type customEmailDTO struct { Content string `json:"content"` Variables []string `json:"variables"` Conditionals []string `json:"conditionals"` Values map[string]interface{} `json:"values"` HTML string `json:"html"` Plaintext string `json:"plaintext"` } type extendExpiryDTO struct { Users []string `json:"users"` // List of user IDs to apply to. Months int `json:"months" example:"1"` // Number of months to add. Days int `json:"days" example:"1"` // Number of days to add. Hours int `json:"hours" example:"2"` // Number of hours to add. Minutes int `json:"minutes" example:"3"` // Number of minutes to add. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // Optional, exact time to expire at. Overrides other fields. Notify bool `json:"notify"` // Whether to message the user(s) about the change. Reason string `json:"reason" example:"i felt like it"` // Reason for adjustment. } type checkUpdateDTO struct { New bool `json:"new"` // Whether or not there's a new update. Update Update `json:"update"` } type telegramPinDTO struct { Token string `json:"token" example:"A1-B2-3C"` Username string `json:"username"` } type telegramSetDTO struct { Token string `json:"token" example:"A1-B2-3C"` ID string `json:"id"` // Jellyfin ID of user. } type SetContactMethodsDTO struct { ID string `json:"id"` Email bool `json:"email"` Discord bool `json:"discord"` Telegram bool `json:"telegram"` Matrix bool `json:"matrix"` } type DiscordUserDTO struct { Name string `json:"name"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` ID string `json:"id"` } type DiscordUsersDTO struct { Users []DiscordUserDTO `json:"users"` } type DiscordConnectUserDTO struct { JellyfinID string `json:"jf_id"` DiscordID string `json:"discord_id"` } type DiscordInviteDTO struct { InviteURL string `json:"invite"` IconURL string `json:"icon"` } type MatrixSendPINDTO struct { UserID string `json:"user_id"` } type MatrixCheckPINDTO struct { PIN string `json:"pin"` } type MatrixConnectUserDTO struct { JellyfinID string `json:"jf_id"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` } type MatrixLoginDTO struct { Homeserver string `json:"homeserver"` Username string `json:"username"` Password string `json:"password"` } type ResetPasswordDTO struct { PIN string `json:"pin"` Password string `json:"password"` CaptchaText string `json:"captcha_text"` } type AdminPasswordResetDTO struct { Users []string `json:"users"` // List of Jellyfin user IDs } type AdminPasswordResetRespDTO struct { Link string `json:"link"` // Only returned if one of the given users doesn't have a contact method set, or only one user was requested. Manual bool `json:"manual"` // Whether or not the admin has to send the link manually or not. } // InternalPWR stores a local version of a password reset PIN used for resets triggered by the admin when reset links are enabled. type InternalPWR struct { PIN string `json:"pin"` Username string `json:"username"` ID string `json:"id"` Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry"` } type LogDTO struct { Log string `json:"log"` } type setAccountsAdminDTO map[string]bool type genCaptchaDTO struct { ID string `json:"id"` } type forUserDTO struct { ID string `json:"id"` // Jellyfin ID } // ReCaptchaRequestDTO is sent to /api/siteverify, and includes the identifier of the CAPTCHA data is requested for. type ReCaptchaRequestDTO struct { Secret string `json:"secret"` Response string `json:"response"` } // ReCaptchaResponseDTO is returned upon POST to reCAPTCHA /api/siteverify, and gives details upon the use of a CAPTCHA. type ReCaptchaResponseDTO struct { Success bool `json:"success"` ChallengeTimestamp string `json:"challenge_ts"` // ISO yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ Hostname string `json:"hostname"` ErrorCodes []string `json:"error-codes"` } // MyDetailsDTO is sent to the user page to personalize it for the user. type MyDetailsDTO struct { Id string `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Expiry int64 `json:"expiry"` Admin bool `json:"admin"` AccountsAdmin bool `json:"accounts_admin"` Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` Email *MyDetailsContactMethodsDTO `json:"email,omitempty"` Discord *MyDetailsContactMethodsDTO `json:"discord,omitempty"` Telegram *MyDetailsContactMethodsDTO `json:"telegram,omitempty"` Matrix *MyDetailsContactMethodsDTO `json:"matrix,omitempty"` HasReferrals bool `json:"has_referrals,omitempty"` } type MyDetailsContactMethodsDTO struct { Value string `json:"value"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` } type ModifyMyEmailDTO struct { Email string `json:"email"` } type ConfirmationTarget int const ( UserEmailChange ConfirmationTarget = iota NoOp ) type GetMyPINDTO struct { PIN string `json:"pin"` } type ChangeMyPasswordDTO struct { Old string `json:"old"` New string `json:"new"` } type GetMyReferralRespDTO struct { Code string `json:"code"` RemainingUses int `json:"remaining_uses"` NoLimit bool `json:"no_limit"` Expiry int64 `json:"expiry"` // Come back after this time to get a new referral (if UseExpiry, a new one can't be made). UseExpiry bool `json:"use_expiry"` } type EnableDisableReferralDTO struct { Users []string `json:"users"` } type ActivityDTO struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` Username string `json:"username"` SourceType string `json:"source_type"` Source string `json:"source"` SourceUsername string `json:"source_username"` InviteCode string `json:"invite_code"` Value string `json:"value"` Time int64 `json:"time"` IP string `json:"ip"` } type GetActivitiesDTO struct { Type []string `json:"type"` // Types of activity to get. Leave blank for all. Limit int `json:"limit"` Page int `json:"page"` // zero-indexed Ascending bool `json:"ascending"` } type GetActivitiesRespDTO struct { Activities []ActivityDTO `json:"activities"` LastPage bool `json:"last_page"` } type GetActivityCountDTO struct { Count uint64 `json:"count"` } type CreateBackupDTO struct { Size string `json:"size"` Name string `json:"name"` Path string `json:"path"` Date int64 `json:"date"` } type GetBackupsDTO struct { Backups []CreateBackupDTO `json:"backups"` } type ConfirmationKey struct { newUserDTO completeContactMethods []ContactMethodKey } type ContactMethodKey struct { Verified bool PIN string User ContactMethodUser }