import { ThemeManager } from "./modules/theme.js"; import { lang, LangFile, loadLangSelector } from "./modules/lang.js"; import { Modal } from "./modules/modal.js"; import { _get, _post, notificationBox, whichAnimationEvent, toDateString } from "./modules/common.js"; import { Login } from "./modules/login.js"; interface userWindow extends Window { jellyfinID: string; username: string; } declare var window: userWindow; const theme = new ThemeManager(document.getElementById("button-theme")); window.lang = new lang(window.langFile as LangFile); loadLangSelector("user"); window.animationEvent = whichAnimationEvent(); window.token = ""; window.modals = {} as Modals; (() => { window.modals.login = new Modal(document.getElementById("modal-login"), true); })(); window.notifications = new notificationBox(document.getElementById('notification-box') as HTMLDivElement, 5); var rootCard = document.getElementById("card-user"); var contactCard = document.getElementById("card-contact"); var statusCard = document.getElementById("card-status"); interface MyDetailsContactMethod { value: string; enabled: boolean; } interface MyDetails { id: string; username: string; expiry: number; admin: boolean; disabled: boolean; email?: MyDetailsContactMethod; discord?: MyDetailsContactMethod; telegram?: MyDetailsContactMethod; matrix?: MyDetailsContactMethod; } interface ContactDTO { email?: boolean; discord?: boolean; telegram?: boolean; matrix?: boolean; } class ContactMethods { private _card: HTMLElement; private _content: HTMLElement; private _buttons: { [name: string]: { element: HTMLElement, details: MyDetailsContactMethod } }; constructor (card: HTMLElement) { this._card = card; this._content = this._card.querySelector(".content"); this._buttons = {}; } clear = () => { this._content.textContent = ""; this._buttons = {}; } append = (name: string, details: MyDetailsContactMethod, icon: string) => { const row = document.createElement("div"); row.classList.add("row", "flex-expand", "my-2"); row.innerHTML = `
${icon} ${(details.value == "") ? window.lang.strings("notSet") : details.value}
`; this._buttons[name] = { element: row, details: details }; const button = row.querySelector(".user-contact-enabled-disabled") as HTMLButtonElement; const checkbox = button.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]") as HTMLInputElement; const setButtonAppearance = () => { if (checkbox.checked) { button.classList.add("~info"); button.classList.remove("~neutral"); } else { button.classList.add("~neutral"); button.classList.remove("~info"); } }; const onPress = () => { this._buttons[name].details.enabled = checkbox.checked; setButtonAppearance(); this._save(); }; checkbox.onchange = onPress; button.onclick = () => { checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked; onPress(); }; checkbox.checked = details.enabled; setButtonAppearance(); this._content.appendChild(row); }; private _save = () => { let data: ContactDTO = {}; for (let method of Object.keys(this._buttons)) { data[method] = this._buttons[method].details.enabled; } _post("/my/contact", data, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status != 200) { window.notifications.customError("errorSetNotify", window.lang.notif("errorSaveSettings")); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload")); } } }); }; } class ExpiryCard { private _card: HTMLElement; private _expiry: Date; private _aside: HTMLElement; private _countdown: HTMLElement; private _interval: number = null; constructor(card: HTMLElement) { this._card = card; this._aside = this._card.querySelector(".user-expiry") as HTMLElement; this._countdown = this._card.querySelector(".user-expiry-countdown") as HTMLElement; } private _drawCountdown = () => { let now = new Date(); // Years, Months, Days let ymd = [0, 0, 0]; while (now.getFullYear() != this._expiry.getFullYear()) { ymd[0] += 1; now.setFullYear(now.getFullYear()+1); } if (now.getMonth() > this._expiry.getMonth()) { ymd[0] -=1; now.setFullYear(now.getFullYear()-1); } while (now.getMonth() != this._expiry.getMonth()) { ymd[1] += 1; now.setMonth(now.getMonth() + 1); } if (now.getDate() > this._expiry.getDate()) { ymd[1] -=1; now.setMonth(now.getMonth()-1); } while (now.getDate() != this._expiry.getDate()) { ymd[2] += 1; now.setDate(now.getDate() + 1); } const langKeys = ["year", "month", "day"]; let innerHTML = ``; for (let i = 0; i < langKeys.length; i++) { if (ymd[i] == 0) continue; const words = window.lang.quantity(langKeys[i], ymd[i]).split(" "); innerHTML += `
${words[0]} ${words[1]}
`; } this._countdown.innerHTML = innerHTML; }; get expiry(): Date { return this._expiry; }; set expiry(expiryUnix: number) { if (this._interval !== null) { window.clearInterval(this._interval); this._interval = null; } if (expiryUnix == 0) return; this._expiry = new Date(expiryUnix * 1000); this._aside.textContent = window.lang.strings("yourAccountIsValidUntil").replace("{date}", toDateString(this._expiry)); this._card.classList.remove("unfocused"); this._interval = window.setInterval(this._drawCountdown, 60*1000); this._drawCountdown(); } } var expiryCard = new ExpiryCard(statusCard); var contactMethodList = new ContactMethods(contactCard); document.addEventListener("details-reload", () => { _get("/my/details", null, (req: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status != 200) { window.notifications.customError("myDetailsError", req.response["error"]); return; } const details: MyDetails = req.response as MyDetails; window.jellyfinID =; window.username = details.username; let innerHTML = ` ${window.lang.strings("welcomeUser").replace("{user}", window.username)} `; if (details.admin) { innerHTML += `${window.lang.strings("admin")}`; } if (details.disabled) { innerHTML += `${window.lang.strings("disabled")}`; } rootCard.querySelector(".heading").innerHTML = innerHTML; contactMethodList.clear(); const contactMethods = [ ["email", ``], ["discord", ``], ["telegram", ``], ["matrix", `[m]`] ]; for (let method of contactMethods) { if (method[0] in details) { contactMethodList.append(method[0], details[method[0]], method[1]); } } expiryCard.expiry = details.expiry; } }); }); const login = new Login(window.modals.login as Modal, "/my/"); login.onLogin = () => { console.log("Logged in."); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("details-reload")); }; login.bindLogout(document.getElementById("logout-button")); login.login("", "");